Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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I can always count on ECS for his positive thoughts. Let's see, I know where the septic system is, I know where the pig stye/manure is, I'm taking a chance there may be a dead dog. I am willing to dig which is more than I can say about a lot of people. ECS-... why do you feel the need to make fun of me? I thought you would at least ask about the Fowler's Bluff trip.
Don't take it so seriously,BDD! You have admitted that many of your treasure quests have gone sideways,just injecting a spot of humour.
So,what did you think about the Fowler's Bluff operation?

ECS-You know I can handle it. I rode in the backseat of someone's car to Fowler's Bluff. I did not know where we were going till we were heading down the road. The person driving did not really know anything about the supposed chests and had not seen the news articles. He had a one-of-a-kind hybrid LRL. Once we were a couple of miles from Fowler's Bluff he got out and used it. Without going into details he led us to a house on the river and pointed to the front yard. I talked to the people and it was the same location as in the 2006 article. He felt the chest was in a different location than the one previously dug, but that it was now gone. I wish the guys digging at the resturaunt luck. They are digging right next to the water. My guy said there was nothing there. Who knows? It was an interesting trip. I doubt I will go back although I considered taking the second LRL group there. It is about a 3+ hour drive each way.

Hey Tim,
I guess you know why I haven't posted here. It's like I said when Pete and I were at your place a couple months ago. But you couldn't keep your big mouth shut could you? We told you that you would never get a permit, but you just wouldn't listen to those with experience. I just wanted to let you know that since you've gone ahead and told the whole world where the supposed treasure is and also let the powers that be guard the place, that plan "B' is now off the board. Good Luck!

aquanut-I knew about this exact location for over 25 years before I met you and Pete. My first mistake was telling you all about it. Although I do have a big mouth (which I told you from the start) there are others that have a bigger mouth than mine. If there really is a treasure there (which Pete has done his best to convince me otherwise) I have done everyone in this group a big favor by doing what I did as far as coming out with it or guarding it. If anyone had attempted plan B and initially got away with it, the truth would have come out because of others (not mine) big mouths and anyone involved in any illegal digging and recovering would have eventually got themselves in trouble. You may not agree with any of this but I consider you a good guy and don't want you or anyone else to get in serious trouble.

The truth is whatever may be there is still there. This story is not over. No one has dug down to whatever metal is there. The odds are in favor of it being nothing but a bunch of junk. By the way, who told the "Backhoe Boyz" or Jeffpro where to dig? Not me. Got any ideas on this? Hey maybe there is a plan "C" in the works. IF THERE IS DON'T TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! Good luck!

Another loyalty issue against someone who tries to stand with you?

Everyone involved knew that I was going to contact the FDOT on this to try to get permission. I have done nothing underhanded and have not attempted to stab anyone in the back. I have been upfront with everyone and made it very clear to everyone and anyone involved how I think and feel on all treasure related issues. This was "my" treasure location from the start. Only one person showed me where it is and that was because I went and picked him up from North Carolina and took him to the site. He died 20 years ago.

KK-you took some things said in the past in the wrong way and I tried my best to work it out with you. You seem to have had issues with others on here and you thought I took their side. As far as my relationship with Aquanut I have met him in person and really like him. I knew he would not be happy with the way things have gone but that is just the way it worked out so far and it is really between him and I. We all talk to much on here and in real life.

KK-you took some things said in the past in the wrong way and I tried my best to work it out with you. You seem to have had issues with others on here and you thought I took their side. As far as my relationship with Aquanut I have met him in person and really like him. I knew he would not be happy with the way things have gone but that is just the way it worked out so far and it is really between him and I. We all talk to much on here and in real life.

Yeah, it was all just in my head. Whatever.

We dug behind the barn Saturday using shovels. We did not find or detect anything. We dug again this morning with a backhoe. We did not find or detect anything. At least we tried. We dug at another location behind a house. We did not find anything. I am rethinking the whole process to come up with a new plan. The silver/junk is still at the bridge site. I have not tried lately to contact anyone about it. Maybe I will go by one day and the pirates will have dug it up. GO PIRATES!!!

We dug behind the barn Saturday using shovels. We did not find or detect anything. We dug again this morning with a backhoe. We did not find or detect anything. At least we tried. We dug at another location behind a house. We did not find anything. I am rethinking the whole process to come up with a new plan. The silver/junk is still at the bridge site. I have not tried lately to contact anyone about it. Maybe I will go by one day and the pirates will have dug it up. GO PIRATES!!!
I have a feeling that the Pirates as you call them, are not interested in digging under the bridge. I think all you will find there is the same thing you dug behind the barn. Nothing.

I plan on taking a shovel and "pudd'n" some "holes" in some of my cache stories. I've got one lined up for the end of the week behind a barn. Both LRL search and survey's ended up at the exact same spot, said it was silver, and drew out the same square on the ground. They were one week apart and had no knowledge of what the other did until I told them. As a matter of fact I had drawn a circle on a GE photo of the spot on the ground that the first LRL guy said was silver. I let the next group lead themselves to this site and when they showed me the same spot I gave them the sealed envelope to show that I already knew about it. I did this on numerous sites. When you witness these kind of things with your own eyes you start to believe and as I have stated that I have witnessed LRL's 22 years ago the proofs in the "pudd'n"... There is only one way to find out. We are going to do a thorough search at this spot so that we don't miss anything. When it is over I will probably tell exactly what method/s we used.
The pudd'n' proof seems to be what many here have stated about LRL's!!!

Grumpy old man-There is something buried at the bridge and I don't give a rat's rectum anymore about what you, the pirates, or anyone else on here thinks about anything I have said or done.

ECS-At least I actually go out with a shovel and dig holes in the ground. It's called "cache hunting".

At least I actually go out with a shovel and dig holes in the ground. It's called "cache hunting".[/QUOTE]

That right there say it all . I bet 90% of the people that set around here causing trouble on the forum never gets off the couch long enough to find anything but a few wore out pennies . If you don't go out and give it a shot your never going to find nothing. I'm not singling nobody out it just seems there is a lot of that going on .

I agree 100%. If you dont go out and do it, you are never going to know what is there. If you just sit there and say its not there from your computer, you will never, ever know. He went out and found out there is nothing there. But, if there was anything there, he would have found it. 100% of the stuff you just sit there and scoff at, and dont check out, you wont find. Never. Because if you dont look for it, you wont find it. There have been many things and places that were shown and people just scoffed it, and never went. Crazy. You have to check the things out.

Thanks for the support. stevemc-I tried pm'ing you with my contact info. Did you get my messages? If you want to contact me send a pm.

Thanks for posting your results. Most people don't care to post their failed attempts.
The law of probability dictates that its about your turn to hit something. Keep at it and good luck.

Agree with Vor, and stand by earlier post ,not to be taken as literal. Sometimes you have to turn over a lot of rocks when looking for crawdads.

The Florida laws SUCK, but that doesn't change the fact that you will be arrested and everything confiscated, have a criminal record, and your life will be ruined. The laws are there, on the books. Florida claims anything that is 50 years or older(!!!) on land belonging to the state. That's anything, and everything. They tried to write it up as anywhere in Florida at all, but Metal Detectorists have a lobby, of sorts, in Tallahassee, and we got that changed to state lands. Now, counties like the one I live in (Clay County, Florida) Are following the state's example of greed and claiming anything on county property is the counties. FLORIDA TREASURE LAWS SUCK. THE WORST IN THE WORLD!!

ECS-At least I actually go out with a shovel and dig holes in the ground. It's called "cache hunting".
BDD,I did not disparage your digging acumen,it is obvious that you can shovel it with the best of 'em!

I agree 100%. If you dont go out and do it, you are never going to know what is there. If you just sit there and say its not there from your computer, you will never, ever know. He went out and found out there is nothing there. But, if there was anything there, he would have found it. 100% of the stuff you just sit there and scoff at, and dont check out, you wont find. Never. Because if you dont look for it, you wont find it. There have been many things and places that were shown and people just scoffed it, and never went. Crazy. You have to check the things out.

Steve, I don't disagree with you. I give credit to anyone that follows his dreams and gets out there and gives it his/her all. What I don't agree with is the way BDD went about his adventure. He basically told the whole world where he was looking. Makes no sense to me, unless all he wanted to do was sell a book. Not every adventure is successful. Most aren't. However, some people just don't know when to keep quiet about their project until it is over. One way or the other. Am I an arm chair adventurer?
No, I've been working on a project all summer and it still isn't over. Am I on here telling the whole world about it or where it is? No. Some of the people you know have been involved in the project. Have they told the whole world about it? No.:blackbeard:

Old Man, I wasnt saying anything about you, I know you are as you said. Bigdogdad said he went and looked for the supposed treasure and it wasnt there. Most of these folks wont get up and go look for a possible treasure. I also agree with Old man about the keep quiet part, that was imparted to me from my dad when I was quiet young, and I still hold that same feeling, keep your mouth shut, and no one will know.

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