Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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A little humor never hurts. No the CSI unit is busy with other things. I will tell you this much. I drive by the location multiple times a day. It is five minutes from my house. Whatever may be buried there is still there. That's all that matters to me. I am making a point with the map. Just about any old information you can find on buried land treasures in Florida will be irrelevant. With all the development and hurricanes everything has changed so much that most markers will be gone.

The research freaks are hoping to find that "Holy Grail" of information that will "prove" to them that a treasure exists and where to dig for it. I am afraid they are being unrealistic. Of course their plan may be that because they can't find this info they will never need to commit to putting a shovel in the ground and actually doing a treasure dig. It is much easier with this approach and that is the way most guys look at things "what is the easiest way".

I don't know why it matters to them why I choose to dig and where I choose to dig. mytreasurestory.com really seems to bother some of these guys. I know exactly why that is. It is very simple. Of course they will never admit it. They are just jealous. PERIOD.

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BDD, I hope that wasn't the picture the Pilsner Award Winning Reporter is using in the paper today.

The reporter had to devote his efforts to writng a story about the RNC ( Republican National Convention). He called and told me the treasure article was mostly written and would be out soon. Timing is everything. lastleg-What's wrong with the picture? I am in it. You just have to use your imagination.

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If you won't core to find out if there is anything there, why not use ground penetrating radar. It won't tell you if its gold or silver, but it will llet you know if there is something there

Denniss-Although I have been turned down when I applied for a field survey permit I have been told by law enforcement that this is a public area and they see no problem with certain activities. I think your suggestion is one of the better ones I have seen on this thread. Thanks. I may look into this idea. I don't currently have a GPR in my arsenal but I think I know someone that can get their hands on a unit. Whoever runs it needs to know what they are doing. GPR units do not work nearly as well as portayed on TV. High water tables(especially with a lot of salt content) will affect them. I would have to be willing to share the location of the supposed treasure. I have a local dowser that has asked me to take him to the site. He also has money from his successful dowsing ventures. Maybe I will contact him tommorow. Thanks again.

:laughing7: your thread, do as you please, but humor was a bout due! Would like you to get some diggin in. Curse of being born a couple hundred years late worth fighting when you can prove the spot within the spot. Nothing looks easy to recover there,good luck.

BCH-So many questions. I will try to reply to them in the order asked.

second dowser-I have worked with this dowser in the past. I am always interested in seeing the results that any dowser comes up with. If I am able to dig up a dowsed location it helps to see if they were correct in what they said. Depth, content, etc. The way to learn is through experience. Do I need convincing for myself? This whole thread is about me trying to dig. I have gone to a lot of trouble. Do I have any doubts that there is silver buried there? Of course I do. But it is not enough to stop me. As far as the county goes, it is not up to the county it is up to the State. They want no digging done, PERIOD.

As far as someone offering their GPR, invitations to help are welcome.

As far as my relationship with Salvor 6, that's really none of your business. Where did it appear that I "threw him under the bus"? Where did I ever imply that he "set out to steal"? I liked him from the moment we met. Nothing has gone the way either of us would have preferred. For the record I have no hard feelings whatsoever.

Your method of questioniong is really more suited for PM's (personal messages) Get it? Personal?

You were asked to delete posts because you put information on here that you were told in confidence and asked not to share.

"It ain't over till the fat guy digs."

releventchair- I can dig what your saying. Too many rules today. Nothing great is easily accomplished.

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Thats why you dont have a lot of creditably, with your silly games. If you were 16, it would be understandable. No, no one is trying to make you look bad, you are doing such a great job, without anyone's help. Has the CSI apprehended the criminal gang that dug the 10 in hole yet?

maipenrai, I was just checking TNET after being gone for awhile. I can't believe that people are still responding to this guys thread. He sounds like he's egotistical and is just looking for attention. He's proved there is nothing there. I believe in following your dreams, but it's time for him to move onto another dream in my opinion. Posters are just fueling his Big Ego. :occasion14: I wish him and everyone else luck in their adventures, but enough is enough

old man- I can't believe you are still responding to my thread. But being as I am very egotistical and seeking attention, thanks for your continued patronage. If there was proof there was nothing there at the bridge I must have missed it. Maybe I was dreaming when it happened. Your pal Bigcypresshunter likes what you have to say. Maybe you two need to get together for oldtimer's sake. Share some stories about all the treasure caches the two of you have dug up.

My "Big Ego" does not need fueling. It runs on hot air. As that's all I am apparently made of in some of your opinions, I am a perpetual motion windbag.

Bigdogdad's confession-I am egotistical. I have a BIG MOUTH. I am opinionated. I am a control freak. I am hard-headed. I am loud. I am cocky. I am my own worst enemy. I don't always listen to good advice. I piss people off. I am arrogant. I could go on but you get the picture.

When my friend's need anything, they call me and I'm there. I help strangers out whenever I can. There are probably a half dozen guys that consider me their best friend. I have a heart of gold. I wear my emotions on my sleeve. I am not perfect and have met no one that is.

If anyone reading this thread is bothered by what is put on it, I suggest you stay away and read the thousands of other threads available on TN. It is not neccesary to come onto this thread to share your dislikes of it or me. But as I have said, if it makes you feel better, go ahead and vent your frustrations out here.

I have put more personal information available on TN than anyone else and probably more than I should. I have invited anyone on here to my home. That invitation is about to expire. In my book I share the trials and tribulations of trying to succeed while having my obvious faults to deal with.

If I were you, i would go at night and dig it up, then try to destroy the evidence :P

Wait fellas! BCH and Old Man, we have to see if BDD was truthful when he said the Award Winning Reporter was going to print
his story. This is the second week that has not happened. This time the "special" reporter had to work on the Republican National
Convention and didn't have time to do both. He must be awful 'special' if the editor makes him work on important issues instead
of treasure stories. Like how long does it take to sum up what the Republicans spout - BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.

Now if BDD went down and talked to the Editor-in Chief himself maybe we wouldn't have to wait week after week for results. It
would be great if the story ran on Page One but that might be to much to ask for in the absence of proof that Pirate Silver is
actually where BDD says.

BCH-You complain about my thread but you can't seem to stay away. What is your problem? Are YOU the one seeking attention? I will readily admit my shortcomings. I could easily diagnose yours but I would be reprimanded for hurting your feelings. You have posted on this thread more than anyone else. If you don't like it, me, the subject matter, dowsing, LRL's, or anything else on this thread please do yourself a favor and go somewhere else. Petition to have it moved? The is the Cache hunting forum. I am trying to dig up a cache of silver. The different methods that were used to decide if and where to dig are irrelevant. BCH- I will not listen to reason? Do you mean that I will not listen to you? I am replying to all your blathering as I am trying to be polite.

BCH-that was a real heartwarming story about Treasurenet. I am sorry things are not the same as in the "old days". I have a couple of questions. Do you actually go out and hunt for caches of treasure? Why are you on this forum and this thread? Are you really trying to help me or are you just a troublemaker as you seem to appear? For the record you blew your chances of being involved in my Swamp Gold dig. Thanks for showing your true colors ahead of time.

lastleg-Please feel free to contact the reporter and ask him anything about me or the upcoming article. Please let the readers know what he says. If ANYTHING I have said to him or on here is not accurate please REPORT IT ASAP.

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ECS- You found volumes of stories of possible gold in Florida. Since you are the one so concerned about written evidence of the possibility of pirate gold and silver in this area, I asked you to try to research and find some. Are you going to tell me that you could find none? It is there to be found. If you want it, find it, otherwise please SHUT UP about it. I have all the evidence I need to proceed... I will take the chance. Only I risk looking like a fool...
One thing we have all learned from your thread,BDD,is that all buried treasure in Florida can be found next to I-75 if one has a dowser and two LRL guys.That is all the "evidence" one needs.No reason to search historical records when one has local lore to support belief.
Oh,I forgot,if theres a "cloud mountain",theres a pot of gold buried beneath it.

Wait fellas! BCH and Old Man, we have to see if BDD was truthful when he said the Award Winning Reporter was going to print
his story. This is the second week that has not happened. This time the "special" reporter had to work on the Republican National
Convention and didn't have time to do both. He must be awful 'special' if the editor makes him work on important issues instead
of treasure stories. Like how long does it take to sum up what the Republicans spout - BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH.

Now if BDD went down and talked to the Editor-in Chief himself maybe we wouldn't have to wait week after week for results. It
would be great if the story ran on Page One but that might be to much to ask for in the absence of proof that Pirate Silver is
actually where BDD says.
Lastleg,maybe we should all email the TAMPA BAY TIMES and ask when are they going to print BDD's treasure story of the century!I know BDD would appreciate our help in this matter.
I am ECS and I approve this message.

I dont like reading...i will wait for the movie

Have you actually verified this target with your own equipment or did you just take some guy's word for it? If you have verified this with at least a pulse induction and a non ferrus detecting MD or GPR then the words "night vision goggles" come to mind. The state of FL will never let you dig up this cache and if you tell them where it is they will dig it up and you will never even get a finder's fee.

My fiancee' has been going around with a western state for 10 years. They want him to just tell them where it is for the glory of history. He has held two face to face meetings with the officials of a city in another state over the location of a massive cache. They still won't agree to a split. If you can't do it on a sneak just move on to something that is recoverable without permission.

Even if you cut a deal with Fl the Feds will get wind of it and swoop in to trump all of you and likely take the whole thing.

BCH-Please read more carefully. At no time did I ever say or imply that Salvor 6 attempted to steal anything. I was refering to a "friend" of his. In fact if Salvor 6 wanted to go after the treasure on his own I would not blame him.

ECS-You're so funny. Yeah that darned FDOT building I-75 right through the middle of the Rocky Bluff pirate camp. What were they thinking? Then they go and build right through the heart of the Everglades. Kind of conveinent though. Why don't you go ahead and E-mail the Tampa Bay Times. Wouldn't bother me or the reporter in the least. There is not much better research for a specific treasure area than the local lore. Anything written is only as good as the person writing it. Just because it is written does not make it true.

dustytrails123-I will have an audio version of mytreasurestory for those that don't like to read.

BCH- Wow your not going to have my thread moved? How kind of you. Many, many thanks. What kind of person do you think I am, you ask? I told you I don't want to hurt your feelings. The majority disagrees with me? Let me clue you in BCH. The majority sit back and read these threads without posting on them. Do you think you know what they think? Don't even begin to tell me how to write or end my book. As far as the Everglades dig, I do not need your help. No, we could never work together. But thanks anyway. What threat did I direct at you?

Dixiegal-A target was verified by pulse induction and non-ferrous detecting. Other types of detectors were used in the distant past. Read my past posts about my own thoughts on doing an illegal dig. It is also against TN rules to give advice to do something illegal. I would be willing to show them the location even if there was a chance that they may keep it all. I know that may not make sense to some people. Move on to something that is recoverable "without permission"? Do you mean to go steal a treasure from someone elses property? My next dig will probably be in North Carolina where I do have permission and the owner's help.

KK-I have belonged to "clubs" in the past. TN seems to function as a club. Certain people are allowed to do as they please and it is OK to gang up on some members. It really doesn't bother me that much. If some of these posters knew how bad it made them look they would probably stay away. I like giving them rope in which to hang themselves. Cruel? Maybe. We are all grownups (I think) There may be a few 13 year olds posing/posting as men.

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KK I'm surprised at your last comment . . . oh, well maybe not so much.

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