BCH- There is a thread on the legends forum. It is titled Swamp Gold. It was started Sept 2005. It has 871 replies. It has 31,826 views. I have read it all. The guy was trying to get info on any gold that might be in the Everglades. After almost 7 years he still is not convinced if it even exists. I read post after post that seemed to confirm that the gold could definitly be in the Everglades. I even put way more of my own story on this thread than I should have about the possible gold being there. This guy had super duper researchers spending tons of time trying to help him to no avail.
BCH-When you find yourself in a hole you may want to quit digging.
One thing BCH's SWAMP GOLD thread has,that this thread of yours lacks,are dates,names,places,history of the CONFEDERATE TREASURY,history of UNION & CONFEDERATE activity in south Florida during the WAR of NORTHERN AGRESSION.We are disecting the legend to discover that grain of truth contained in it.
Now your story,BDD,was :A Native American shaman held a ritual on a hammock in the Everglades,therefore a 1/2 ton of Confederate gold is there; Ovid dowsed the EXACT spot and said gold is there;2 guys used a magical LRL on the EXACT spot and said gold was there;a local came running from across the field,saying you were on "CLOUD MOUNTAIN",therefore gold is buried there.Take away the shaman,and it sounds a lot like your Rocky Bluff treasure chest story.
BCH has always given you the benefit of the doubt,even when your substandard evidence lack all substantiation.
Now giving advise about hole digging,you are the expert,proving it time and again on this thread.
Remember,if it gets too deep,even a flame shooting guitar won't jet you out.