Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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BCH- Your research skills are amazing. Seriously. If you could make money at it, you would have some. Let's see, you compare my story to a 10 year old toy piece, a kid finding a piece of a tool, and a guy finding a Tarot card. Now I can see where some of you on here could cause those stories to be drug out for years. Do those stories have any resembalance to mine? I don't think so. You say you and others posting on here would not be interested in my book. Well your darn sure interested in my thread. You can't seem to get enough of it. As far as your suggestion to move my thread your way off base. My story is about possible caches of treasure. Maybe you need to go to the armchair treasure hunters forum. You better back off BCH before I hurt your feelings. As far as your dowsing the location of the silver, since a lot of you seem convinced it does not exist, how have you located this non-existent treasure. What makes you so sure you have located the right spot/spots?

ECS- I never said the reporter was a pulitizer prize winner. I said he would be in the future. Keep working on those comprehension skills. This reporter just so happened to do research and was part of a story about a families search for their father's fatal plane crash location. Many people that had been to it years before could not find it for them. Guess how it was found? A dowser located it on a map. It was EXACTLY where he said it would be. Amazing, huh?

BCH-cute video. Thanks for sharing. Garbage truck sounds in the background. Hah hah, I get it, your so clever. The book is in at least two parts. I can do it any way I want to. Please don't buy it. I am sure you would post parts of it on here and violate my copyright and then I would have to contact my lawyer and then you could be banned from TN and then you would not know what to do. Get it?

Regarding the longevity of this thread, I shall quote Churchill: " Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning."
Good luck BDD!

BCH- Since you have not read my yet to be released book titled Mytreasurestory I find it amusing that you are claiming it is based completely on dowsing and LRL's. To be able to make this claim (which is not true) you must think you have paranormal powers. Maybe you need to try to claim the "Amazing Randi's" prize which is currently $1,283,250.01. All you have to do is prove your own amazing abilities. For the record, this prize being offered has nothing to do with LRL's. If somone can prove paranormal, supernatural, or occult type powers to their satisfaction, the prize is waiting. Yeah I know someone will say that I need to go for it. Who knows, that day may come.

Move my thread to seek more attention? I think this thread is doing pretty well right where it's at. For the record BCH I do take a lot of what you say as an insult. But being a grownup I will not cry any tears about it.

As far as whether you dowsed the "correct" location, use your own abilities to decide. If you really thought it was the correct location/s why did you put it on this thread for all to see instead of asking me in a PM? Not to cool on your part. Think about it.

I will ask my old LRL friend if the Moreland prize was the one that they attempted to go after years back when the guy was attempting to scam them.

Wow- I just looked up some of Amazing Randi's videos on youtube. Pretty interesting stuff for anybody that's interested at all in the paranormal!


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In the beginning of this thread I was skeptical and sarcastic about BDDs treasure hunt. He won me over with his tenacity, not unlike the Britsh getting the Hell knocked out of them with the Nazi bombing of London, but their resolve never wavered!

BCH- There is a thread on the legends forum. It is titled Swamp Gold. It was started Sept 2005. It has 871 replies. It has 31,826 views. I have read it all. The guy was trying to get info on any gold that might be in the Everglades. After almost 7 years he still is not convinced if it even exists. I read post after post that seemed to confirm that the gold could definitly be in the Everglades. I even put way more of my own story on this thread than I should have about the possible gold being there. This guy had super duper researchers spending tons of time trying to help him to no avail. I got tired of the thread and no longer post on it because of all the negativity being directed at me. I definitly agree with your assesment that the number of replies has no relevancy to the quality of a thread. This guy does not seem to be very successful but yet he seems to want to give me advice on how to succeed.

Keep in mind if you want to keep harping about my thread that I started it in the middle of May about two MONTHS ago.

BCH-When you find yourself in a hole you may want to quit digging.

BCH- There is a thread on the legends forum. It is titled Swamp Gold. It was started Sept 2005. It has 871 replies. It has 31,826 views. I have read it all. The guy was trying to get info on any gold that might be in the Everglades. After almost 7 years he still is not convinced if it even exists. I read post after post that seemed to confirm that the gold could definitly be in the Everglades. I even put way more of my own story on this thread than I should have about the possible gold being there. This guy had super duper researchers spending tons of time trying to help him to no avail. I got tired of the thread and no longer post on it because of all the negativity being directed at me. I definitly agree with your assesment that the number of replies has no relevancy to the quality of a thread. This guy does not seem to be very successful but yet he seems to want to give me advice on how to succeed.

Keep in mind if you want to keep harping about my thread that I started it in the middle of May about two MONTHS ago.

BCH-When you find yourself in a hole you may want to quit digging.

I was wondering when someone was gonna bring that up to him. I didn't have the heart.:laughing7:

Meanwhile, back at the Pirate Treasure thread...

Do you have ADD (attention deficit disorder)?

Hmmm, my mistake. I thought the Pirate treasure was located using an LRL and dowsing?

BDD, thats a pretty funny funny post from someone who never quits digging.... even when there's nothing there. Perhaps you should go into the swimming pool business and make some money that way. At least the efforts you've put in would garner a little cash. Just a thought to help you raise a little capitol. :hello:

Hmmm, my mistake. I thought the Pirate treasure was located using an LRL and dowsing?

Yes, it IS your mistake. It had nothing to do with Randi and his "amazing intelligence." Tell me, do you believe EVERYTHING that guy says?

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Oh, I don't think you need to worry about that.:laughing7:
ha ha I hope not because I cant remove the map. The last thing I wanted to do was reveal a treasure location online.


BCH, don't answer if it's uncomfortable, OK? I'm wondering how a guy like you could go broke. You are younger than me and the
thought that smart people are losing it all is unsetteling. Makes me wonder how many of our TNet friends are in the same boat.

Thanks BCH. I know many professionals are on the brink. They eventually have to take low level jobs to eat. This brings up the
crisis in store for university students who will incur large student loan debt and may not land the jobs they expect. Like you said
we do not manufcture enough to provide ordinary young people a steady job. Won't go into a rant even though I'd like to.


ECS- I never said the reporter was a pulitizer prize winner. I said he would be in the future. Keep working on those comprehension skills.
BDD,that was a responce to lastleg,who made a humourous "Pulitzer"reporter remark on a previous post on your world famous thread.
I never attributed that comment to you,or anyone else for that matter.
Another false assumption on your part,BDD.
Now about the future,does your psychic abilities tell you that Michael Kruse will win a Pulitzer?
Will it be for your story?
Enquiring minds what to know!

BCH- There is a thread on the legends forum. It is titled Swamp Gold. It was started Sept 2005. It has 871 replies. It has 31,826 views. I have read it all. The guy was trying to get info on any gold that might be in the Everglades. After almost 7 years he still is not convinced if it even exists. I read post after post that seemed to confirm that the gold could definitly be in the Everglades. I even put way more of my own story on this thread than I should have about the possible gold being there. This guy had super duper researchers spending tons of time trying to help him to no avail.

BCH-When you find yourself in a hole you may want to quit digging.
One thing BCH's SWAMP GOLD thread has,that this thread of yours lacks,are dates,names,places,history of the CONFEDERATE TREASURY,history of UNION & CONFEDERATE activity in south Florida during the WAR of NORTHERN AGRESSION.We are disecting the legend to discover that grain of truth contained in it.
Now your story,BDD,was :A Native American shaman held a ritual on a hammock in the Everglades,therefore a 1/2 ton of Confederate gold is there; Ovid dowsed the EXACT spot and said gold is there;2 guys used a magical LRL on the EXACT spot and said gold was there;a local came running from across the field,saying you were on "CLOUD MOUNTAIN",therefore gold is buried there.Take away the shaman,and it sounds a lot like your Rocky Bluff treasure chest story.
BCH has always given you the benefit of the doubt,even when your substandard evidence lack all substantiation.
Now giving advise about hole digging,you are the expert,proving it time and again on this thread.
Remember,if it gets too deep,even a flame shooting guitar won't jet you out.

A little tongue-in-cheek keeps this thread palatable.

Tomorrow is the big day! BDD's exclusive runs in tomorrow's edition!

In my world just about anything is possible. I have a very OPEN mind. If you keep your mind open more thoughts and info can enter it. My story is kind of tame compared to some peoples that I have met. I am going to do a chronological list of events for the place referred to as "Rocky Bluff".

1500's-Early travelers to the New World came to this area with the most famous one being Hernando Desoto.

For the next 400 plus years thousands upon thousands of ships passed by or stopped in the Tampa Bay area.

Rocky Bluff is located on the Manatee River which is in the southern part of Tampa Bay.

Because of the steady need for fresh water and food, encampments were set up all over the area.

As ships would pass by, pirates would go out, attack, rob, and plunder the valuables carried aboard.

These valuables-guns, cannons, gold, silver, jewels, etc would be hidden so as not to be re-stolen.

Many treasures were buried in the ground for safekeeping.

As it was a dangerous world people were sometimes killed or died from diseases before they could recover their loot.

As a result many treasures are waiting to be found throughout this region.

The Rocky Bluff site had a fresh water creek flowing through it.

There was an area downstream that jutted out into the river where lookouts could see all the way to the Gulf of Mexico.

There are locals whose families go back hundreds of years in this area.

There have been stories passed down and around of many pirate related items being found in this area.

Guns, swords, cannons, chests, silver etc have been reported to have been found as recently as when the I-75 bridge was built.

My father almost traded for some property located right in the middle of Rocky Bluff. I was about 14-15 at the time.

I have heard these stories from the locals for the past 42 years as I am now 56.

I have been interested in buried treasure all my life.

In 1987 I got a chance to bring an 87 year old highly experienced dowser to this site.

He picked up a signal for valuable metal from over a half mile away.

He led me to a spot and drew out a square on the ground that he said gave him a reading for silver.

In 1990 I met two guys who had developed their own metal detectors and used them at this site as I watched.

The first detector was able to pick up the signal from about 100 feet away.

They used another detector on the spot and claimed that it was a large pile of silver.

This was the exact spot that the original dowser pinpointed.

In 2006 I contacted the FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) as this spot is controlled by them.

They were interested in letting me dig but I did not follow through with this at the time.

In March of 2012 I joined Treasurenet. I shared some of my story.

A couple of members of TN used multiple high powered detectors at this spot and claimed it was a large pile of silver.

They claimed that they had never had a reading as powerful as the one they got on all their equipment that day.

They claimed there was only non-ferrous metal and no ferrous metal.

I again contacted the FDOT. They were now under new leadership and were no longer willing to let me dig.

I had several dowsers I found through TN dowse a GE (google earth photo) of Rocky Bluff.

One of them who claims to have won contests against the other dowsers pinponted this same spot.

He claimed that it gave him a reading for pirate silver. This was with no prompting from me.

I have contacted ther Division Of Historical Resources in Tallahassee to try to do a field survey of this site.

I have been repeatedly turned down as they claim they do not issue permits for treasure hunting or excavation.

I contacted a local newspaper to try to gain public support for allowing this dig to proceed.

I am prepared to go through all channels as neccesary to achieve my goal of finding out what is located at Rocky Bluff.

Two attempts have been made by illegal looters to dig at this site.

One using a backhoe and the other using a shovel got down to a depth of less than a foot and stopped.

The one digging by hand found a three foot piece of phone cord and a beer can.

He claimed that his metal detector did not detect any more metal.

The estimated depth for the silver is at least five feet.

The area is made up of a solid limestone surtface, hence the name Rocky Bluff.

I will not give up in my quest. I will take this as high in the system as it needs to go.

This thread is about this subject. Going off topic is occasioinally OK.

This story is only a small part of one chapter in a book that I have written about mytreasurestory starting from my earliest memories at 5 years old.

I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far. Sorry for all the bickering. Hopefully it can be kept to a minimum.

ECS- You found volumes of stories of possible gold in Florida. Since you are the one so concerned about written evidence of the possibility of pirate gold and silver in this area, I asked you to try to research and find some. Are you going to tell me that you could find none? It is there to be found. If you want it, find it, otherwise please SHUT UP about it. I have all the evidence I need to proceed. Why do you care so much? Is your goal to try to make me look bad? I have repeatedly claimed that there may be nothing of value to be found at this site. I will take the chance. Only I risk looking like a fool. Keep it up on here and you will look like a fool.

I am so excited!!! I was looking in the attic for my Dad's old files and I found it!!! I finally found what ECS and BCH and VOR and all the other research fanatics have been looking for. I found an honest to God pirate's map. It shows right where the treasure is. Now I know where to dig. I am going out tonight. Here is a picture of me showing the map to my pals.

View attachment 653962

I am the fifth guy from the left.

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