Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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If you really don't know, I'll name a few:

pirate map would be good
Jose Gaspar's diary would be great
Ship log or manifest
Reference to site from other documents of the period
authenticated physical evidence found on site

Again, good luck as I don't have much else to offer.
Vor,BDD claims this is a well documented pirate campsite,but he NEVER CITES the documentation.
When asked for a direct answer that doesn't involve LRLs,dowsing,"been told by someone",he ALWAYS reverts to ridicule to avoid a real answer.
BDD has done time and time again,and will do it again and again-he has no real evidence of a pirate chest of silver at this I-75 site.

Ok You all have finally convinced me. There is no silver at Rocky Bluff. In fact there never was. There is no pirate treasure in Englewood. Pirates are just a fantasy. The state will never let me dig anywhere because they think I am a BOZO. There is no gold in the Everglades. Never was. There are not pots of gold in North Carolina. Made up story. In fact there is no treasure left to be found. I am full of crap. It's all a hoax. I have been scamming everyone because I am starved for attention. No one will ever read my book. My dreams are shattered. My life has been a waste. I am considering ending it all to put myself and everyone else out of my misery. Goodbye cruel Treasurenet forum. The Rebel voted and has declared this thread done. ECS take your documentation and use it to wipe where the sun don't shine. All of the negatitive posters on here need to reevaluate your own life and seek mental health therapy.

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I stand corrected

I do have more to comment.

I did not say there was no silver at the site. I said that you will not get a permit.

Nor did I say this is a hoax (refer to lion's tree thread for that).

Sometimes you need to step back and look at this from a different perspective to see what the rest of us see.

Vor, you are right about looking at a different perspective, and looking at what others see. That bug of yours, that keeps circling around is kinda like whats going on here, some cannot find the their way out of the box, that they have put themselves in. Jumping up and down and saying "no one loves me", will not get any officials attention, except in a negative way.

I was very surprised at the Lion Tree thread, and how many people jumped on to it, but then people like puzzles, and this was a good distraction.

Ok You all have finally convinced me. There is no silver at Rocky Bluff. In fact there never was. There is no pirate treasure in Englewood. Pirates are just a fantasy. The state will never let me dig anywhere because they think I am a BOZO. There is no gold in the Everglades. Never was. There are not pots of gold in North Carolina. Made up story. In fact there is no treasure left to be found. I am full of crap. It's all a hoax. I have been scamming everyone because I am starved for attention. No one will ever read my book. My dreams are shattered. My life has been a waste. I am considering ending it all to put myself and everyone else out of my misery. Goodbye cruel Treasurenet forum. The Rebel voted and has declared this thread done. ECS take your documentation and use it to wipe where the sun don't shine. All of the negatitive posters on here need to reevaluate your own life and seek mental health therapy.
Hey,we gave you the attention you wanted,its not our fault you don't like what you got.
No one called you a fraud,that is only just your interpretation based on questions that were asked of you.
You have stated on many posts on this thread,the you would answer all questions asked,but you always avoided the source and documentation questions concerning this site.

The thread that refuses to die. I thought it was toast a couple of pages back. This thread has a life of its own. I rarely read this kinda stuff but I had a personal interest in the outcome.

Im going to go try and find the Lions Tree thread. Is it as good as this?

I just read all the posts and I kinda feel bad at the ending but maybe something good will come out of it. I know how it feels when people appear to be ganging up on you but I think we were all just trying to be honest. Here is wishing BDD success in any future project. All anybody can do is keep trying in what they believe. Sometimes success is closer than we think and many a failure turns about had we stuck it out.

We could always go read about the microwave guys. I think they are posting here somewhere.

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BDD says the article written by a Prize Winning Reporter will run this weekend, and he has promised to provide it on
this thread. So I'll wait to see if that happens before commenting further.

Im going to go try and find the Lions Tree thread. Is it as good as this?

Warning: Put on your best waders before entering the Lion's Tree. Its about to a point where you will have to swim out.


(excuse the hijack BDD)

Is this the area you are trying to get permission to dig?
I dowsed the map posted by Denniss. Guess what I get a strong and I mean S-T-R-O-N-G pull in the center. I also have possibilities to the right. (Marked by X)

Am I correct? I think I have hidden dowsing skills. I need to vertify with an LRL and then we can present my findings to the County..

Anybody that thought I was quitting my quest to dig up buried treasures has completely underestimated me. Some critisism from a few faceless detractors does not faze me in the least. The negative posters are about the same as the bug in the box above this post. They are trapped in their own little world and going nowhere. I will waste no more time on this. I will just state the facts as I seem them.

I am convinced enough that there may be something worth digging up at the bridge at Rocky Bluff. I don't have to justify why to ANYBODY on this forum.

If anybody reading this wants to know the history of pirates at Rocky Bluff then look it up yourself. I am not asking anything of anybody on here.

Nobody in my real life tells me what to do. The members of TN definitly don't tell me what to do.

I believe in dowsing. I believe in LRL's. I believe in Remote Sensing. I believe in pirate treasure. I believe I could care less what everybody else believes about anything.

I am not going to give up my quest to find out what is at the specific location at Rocky Bluff.

Someone joked about the Supreme Court. Lesser things have made it that far.

I also believe there are many treasures at the Englewood pirate camp site. I have tried to dig them up twice. I WILL try again.

I beleive there are pots of gold near the railroad tracks in North Carolina. I have dug three times and am preparing to dig again.

I believe there is gold buried near Alligator Alley. Members of the tribe have contacted me to arrange for us to dig. Don't ask me about it.

A TN member with a very expensive LRL has contacted me and wants to come to Florida to help me locate more treasures.

He has asked for nothing but the opportunity to help and a share of anything we dig up. This does not sound like a scam.

I have had people contact me through PM's with their own locations of treasures asking for my help and wanting to give me a share.

I have had multiple investors wanting to help me financially to dig for treasure.

I have had multiple people contact me about a treasure reality show.

I have had multiple people contact me through PM's wanting to help me with the FDOT and anything else that I may need.

The newspaper article has been delayed because the journalist has been assigned to do a story about the RNC (Republican National Convention) in Tampa.

This does not bother me in the least as it gives me more time to prepare.

The Top Deputy cannot help me but does support me. I won't share the advice he has given me.

My lawyer is concerned that I may do something rash and he is not a criminal law lawyer. I assured him there is no need to worry.

I have a pitbull type lawyer friend that is chomping at the bit to get involved in something like this as he would love the notoriety. I may take him up on it.

There is way more to my story than what I am willing to put on this thread. Whenever I have been underestimated I ALWAYS come through.

All the negative posters on here that think they are making me look bad are only making themselves appear small and irrelevant.

I am on here for my own entertainment.

My gloves are now off. I will not put up with some of what I have in the past. It is obvious that a select few can say what they want with impunity.

I looked through a lot of other forums. With 48 likes and counting, close to 500 posts, and going on 15,000 views there must be a lot of people that enjoy this thread.

I am not going to single out anyone posting on here on this post. From here on out I am not going to hold back.

I would rather dig 100 empty holes hoping to find treasure than sit on my butt waiting for some majical information to fall into my lap that proves without a doubt the exact spot to dig.

I am not afraid of being wrong. I will eventually dig deep enough in the right spot. How many on this thread are actually digging for caches of treasure?

Go ahead punks, make my night.

Im right aint I? I dowsed the treasure site myself. I am so impressed with my talents.

KK-I have seen it all along. BCH- When are we digging? Congratulations I am the 500th poster. I win!!!

I do have more to comment.

I did not say there was no silver at the site. I said that you will not get a permit.

Nor did I say this is a hoax (refer to lion's tree thread for that).

Sometimes you need to step back and look at this from a different perspective to see what the rest of us see.

Best post I have seen in awhile.

BDD you should go back and reread the intent of most of the "negative detractor's" posts..... I think you will find we are pointing out the obvious, playing devils advocate. Several of us have made very good points, which you brush off or reply to smartassedly. Fine, no big deal. I haven't lost my cool over your beliefs or KKKoolaids either.

Looking at things from a different perspective may give you insight if you take the time to truly understand where all these "negative detractors" are coming from. :occasion14:

Interesting story about a man that brought a silver brick into the detector shop. The Treasure Beaches Report 7/12/2012 The Treasure Beaches Report From Florida's Treasure Coast. Metal Detecting For You.: 7/12/12 Report - Cache Hunting & More

Talking about caches -

Well, one day I was sitting in a local detector shop shooting the breeze and waiting for the tide to change, and in came this fellow. I'll call him Bill.

He had a large silver bar with him. And I do mean large. I could see the Spanish markings on it. When he saw me, he tried to tell me that it was lead. I knew better.

After I got to know him better he eventually confessed that it was silver and that it was one of several that he found in a large cache. The one I saw that day when he came into the shop, he brought to sell.

That was not the only large cache that he had found. He took his detecting to the next level.

When you target and recover large caches (plural), that takes detecting to an entirely different level. When these guys go out and detect like most of us, picking up one coin or ring at a time, they are doing it to fill time or seek additional clues to a specific cache, but they are always on the trail of one or more specific caches. Like, I said, that is a completely different ball game. To me it is much more difficult than simply detecting the beach or shallow water, no matter how well, and being fortunate enough to pick up a few particularly valuable finds. Cache hunters target big ticket caches. It takes a lot of research, focus, commitment and patience.

Bill wasn't the only successful cache hunter that I've known. You will seldom know about these types of guys. They aren't seeking publicity. They don't have their picture on web sites. They don't want to call attention to themselves. They just go about their work. They are too busy for all the other stuff.

Bill left South Florida after a few weeks. I think he moved on to the Gulf Coast next. I haven't seen him since, and that was quite a few years ago.

If you want to take your hunting to the next level, you might want to target a large cache. It isn't easy. It's not for everyone. In fact it is for very very few. There is no guarantee of success, and most of us simply enjoy going out on a beach for some leisurely detecting. And it is possible for anyone to stumble upon a large cache, even though that seems to be becoming more and more unlikely, but that is a totally different ballgame from being a "cache" hunter

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you need to go get that **** lol stop talking about it damn it . and do something laws are for dumb ppl . well thats what a cop said to me lol :dontknow:

Jeffro-I have stepped back to see what others see. They see a guy who knows what he believes and is not afraid to take a chance on being wrong, and that seems to bother them a lot. I am used to it. I am still interested in the information on that million dollar reward you have talked about for proof that an LRL works. Can you get me that or do you not know what your talking about?

silversurfer1111-Laws are for dumb ppl? I am sure your an expert. What does **** mean? I looked in my dictionary and could not find it.

BCH-Good story. What lesson should I learn from it? Why would this guy bring a silver bar into a detecting shop and claim it was lead while knowing it was silver?

Some people shun publicity others love it. Is there a right or wrong about this? No, do what ever you want.

Someone "jokingly" refered to me as the "Geraldo of treasure hunting" Hmm lets see...Geraldo gets his own talk show (I love to talk). Geraldo becomes famous all over the world. (I want to try that) Geraldo becomes a multimillionaire (How awful).

Someome put up a link about a guy digging for gold in his yard. He had a 60 foot deep hole. The county stopped him. They made him fill it in. Was there gold there? Who knows? It also mentioned that he was asked to appear on the David Letterman show. Did I mention that the county forced me to stop the second Englewood pirate chest dig. I was digging a well and they decided I should not be digging in the area of a septic system. They made me bust up the well and fill it in. I was going to leave it as a wishing well. The business is now hooked to the county sewer system and the septic system is irrelevant.

KK- Thanks for the help. Rebel started a thread and is not getting much attention. I feel sorry for him. Maybe we should help him feel like he matters.

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Jeffro-I have stepped back to see what others see. They see a guy who knows what he believes and is not afraid to take a chance on being wrong, and that seems to bother them a lot. I am used to it. I am still interested in the information on that million dollar reward you have talked about for proof that an LRL works. Can you get me that or do you not know what your talking about?

Swing and a miss, for the umpteenth time. It's really too bad.

You're the little guy who accuses other posters of trying to take threads off topic. Jeffro, have you ever wondered why people don't talk to you much on these threads? Or had you noticed?

I really hadn't noticed..... nor do I care. :)

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BDD says the article written by a Prize Winning Reporter will run this weekend, and he has promised to provide it on
this thread. So I'll wait to see if that happens before commenting further.
When and if this story of THE TREASURE AT ROCKY BLUFF by Michael Kruse sees print it can be found at:
Michael Kruse - Tampa Bay Times
It includes all articles TAMPA BAY TIMES reporter,Michael Kruse,age 34,and a bio,which never mentions recieving the PULITZER PRIZE,but mentions other awards this reporter has recieved.

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Found this convincing evidence on utube. You may want to turn up the volume.


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