Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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Whatever, I think this thread has no legs but if it suits your fancy keep feeding the fire. You can remember when we discussed real and
semi-real caches on this forum. You gave me a lead one time that read legit. But then I had to go through hundreds of issues to find the
initial lead. No harm done, you had it and just posted Nevada.

We've always had dreamers and yarns, but we had a few worth checking out. Not lately though, I may have to dig out a bunch of oldies
but goodies to post. Beats going round and round on this merry-go-round.

KK, pm the skinny and I'll give you any help I can.

Well Golleee!!! I was out working on a project of mine and missed all the fun. There was a time in the past that I was posting on BCH's Swamp Gold thread. I was serious and thought I had a good story to tell about it. It involved a first-hand experience I had years ago on Akkigator Alley. I was more or less ridiculed by other posters and I soon grew tired of it. I posted that I was done with the thread and have not posted since. It did not bother me that much as to how I was treated. It just got tiresome. I think this has something to do with his attitude.

I started this thread to share my story about the possible Rocky Bluff pirate treasure. At the time I was hoping to get permission to dig. If I had it would have been over with one way or another a month or so ago. Until I reach a conclusion on this particular site I will continue to post on this thread. Feel free to comment or ask me questions about this site or just about anything else treasure related.

This thread was not started for the purpose of convincing anyone of anything. I only wanted to share my story. Obviously there are some very opinionated people on TN just as there are everywhere. I stated from the beginining of when I joined TN that I did not expect anybody to believe my story just because I say it is true. I have taken an awful lot of critisim and been about as nice as I can be about it.

I don't know about anyone reading all this but I am sick and tired of the bickering. I think that BCH may mean well but I would prefer that he posts elsewhere. TN has lots and lots of threads to choose from. Why he feels that he even needs to bring up the subject of trying to have this thread moved is beyond my understanding. BCH- If you read this please just let it go and move on as you have said you would. Did you notice that I kept my vow to stay off of your thread. I occasionally read it but I will no longer post on it. Please do the same for me.

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Ahh , anything else treasure related. Thanks Bigdogdad. Followed your thread even before signing on. Like fishing i don,t care what you use or how you use it. You produce or don,t. You live with the results. Every chase on this site gets its critics,proofs in the pudding but some folks can,t wait i guess. a few years ago i wouldn,t stand to read of someone else's attempts. now i do. Get me in the swamp and you could keep the metal,might regret it in my last days but hey,rich in beauty for awhile. i,ll take wealth,but only so far. adventure counts. What gets me is the only support diggers are gonna get is from other diggers. Ain,t workin is it? I,ll shut up but thanks for sharing.

Thanks releventchair-Some understand the adventure of the hunt some don't. Like me I think you've done there, been that. I've been rode wet and put away hard. If I was obsessed with money, I would have some. Life is a big adventure made up by a bunch of small adventures. I start the day with a plan but I might go the way the breeze is flowing. You never know where it might take you.

I tell people more than I should but then they tell me more than they should. You can learn a lot by listening. There are treasures waiting to found all around us. I've been a dumpster diver since I was a kid. One man's trash is another man's treasure. When your looking for the big cache you got to dig a little deeper. People give up to easily. The closer you get the harder success is to achieve. The first big treasure is the hardest to find.

When I went after my first big treasure I was like the young bull. I wanted to run down the hill and get me one. I blew it. Big time. I decided to take it slow and let the stories accumulate. I figured when I was worthy the treasure gods would allow me to succeed. They are all-powerful. The blood of many men has been spilled over treasure. Their spirits protect the riches from the weak and non-believers. I am now the old bull. Not ancient, just old. If I had known it would take this long I might have taken better care of myself. I want to find the treasures just for the finding. I can't take them with me.

Do I really think that there is a huge pile of silver waiting to be found at Rocky Bluff? Yes. In fact I think there are at least a half dozen caches of a good size. Rocky Bluff is over a half mile of riverfront. There is lots more in the river. This is what the officials are afraid of. It will be like opening Pandora's Box to them. They picture a mad rush of would be treasure seekers descending upon the site. This could easily happen. I am what they don't want. I want to share the treasures with the world. There are thousands of treasure caches within our county. Some big, some small. Can you find their locations by looking in a book or by "googling"? Maybe. But sooner or later you have to dig. You have to dig deep into the right spot. How do you know where to dig? That's for you to find out. That's the adventure. Gold, silver and jewels are waiting to be found. You don't have to dive to the bottom of the ocean.

Technology is constantly advancing. There is equipment available that the old-timers could only dream about in the past. I will use any and all legal methods to find the locations of as much treasure that I can. I have traveled from as far south as Alligator Alley to as far north as Pennsylvania to try to gain as many locations to dig as I could. I was shown many locations by a little old man. Skeptics do not believe. That is understandable. As I have said, I know what I know and saw what I saw.

The Rocky Bluff location was a small blip on the radar. But it was a good one. The odds are against me digging. The odds are against finding treasure. I like it when the odds are not in my favor. It makes for a better challenge. So far in my life I have beat the odds in all my quests except treasure. Is it now time for success?

Whatever is at the bridge site will be dug up. I hope I am lucky enough to be in on the dig. We will see. Stay tuned to this thread. It will take time. One must be patient. Overnight success can sometimes take 25 years.

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Bigdogdad's confession-I am egotistical. I have a BIG MOUTH. I am opinionated. I am a control freak. I am hard-headed. I am loud. I am cocky. I am my own worst enemy. I don't always listen to good advice. I piss people off. I am arrogant. I could go on but you get the picture.

Bigdogdaddy did you forget to take your Prozac today again?

Fisheye-I also don't use drugs, don't drink, don't smoke, don't gamble, but I do have issues to deal with and you have shown some of them again for everyone in your quote. I listed some of them so you might better understand my failure to deliver the treasure goods. I figured I would pre-empt anyone else that might want to point out these shortcomings of mine. Full disclosure is part of my therapy for myself. Is it working? No. Yes it is. No it isn't. Is. Isn't. IS! IS NOT!!! MOM!!! I'M BEING MEAN TO MYSELF!!! TELL ME TO STOP!!!

They are not going to give you a permit, go take some cores and see what is there. Dowsing, LRL and the one eyed gypsy woman will not tell you whether anything is there or not, cores will.

I also don't use drugs, don't drink, don't smoke, don't gamble,

BDD-All THing ventures are gambles, and pretty big ones at that. Not that it is a bad thing just as long as you know the odds going into it. Sometimes it is best to fold and wait for the next deal.

OK Denniss- I go take some cores, silver comes up, then what? I take a GPR unit there and it shows silver bars, then what? Knowing for a FACT that it is there and not being able to dig would drive me crazy, and I don't need that because I am already there. Would proving to the state it is there get me a permit? Would being able to prove it was there get me in trouble? If I drilled and used a GPR unit and nothing showed up would my dream be over? Maybe I should find out. I am in uncharted waters here. It is easier to decide what to do when you don't have to be the one to do it. Thanks for the advice.

I talked to my bulldog style lawyer this morning. I filled him in on the basics. He asked me what I wanted him to do. He likes the idea of the attention this case could draw to him. He also wants a cut of any treasure found. I told him I will see what happens after the newspaper article comes out. I do plan on contacting the TV news organizations in my area shortly thereafter.

The first version of my book is completely done. We tried getting it into the proper pdf form so that someone can download it from my website. We had some trouble. My wife will figure it out. My website is through godaddy.com. I wrote this book with a young audience in mind. I don't really expect too many TN members to want to read it. There are about 75 pictures with it. I will have an audio version that you can download to CD. I think most people would find my story pretty interesting.

I met the old dowser this morning. His health is failing. I thought about taking him to the bridge site but I don't see how any good could come out of it and decided against it.

VOR-I have another project in North Carolina that I plan on setting into motion. Perhaps you have heard about it? It involves confederate cooking pots filled with gold coins. I really think they exist. I have dug in the past but I think I was digging in the wrong spot. I have now concluded where to dig. I think I know the location of 3-4 of these pots. I have written permission to dig. In fact the property owner will help dig just as he did in the past.

Yes it is all a gamble. No need to fold on one if I can play two games at the same time.

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I deleted most of my posts here but its too time consuming to finish right now but I wanted to make a comment about my Swamp Gold thread. Do you think for one minute that if I believed I knew the vicinity of the gold, I would start a thread online? I doubt the treasure even exists at all and that is why I created the thread because I wanted to be sure. . I have some extremely good tips and locations from an 70s archeaologist's helper on real treasure but there is no way I would post them here. Just saying. I am thru with trying constructive critism toward BDD, He is writing a book that is much different. How do I know the book will not sell? I dont. I havent any idea. Adios.

I think it would help if KK removed some of his bickering as well because it clutters the thread and is annoying for readers but its just a suggestion.

ADDED message: Dont get all bent out of shape KK, it was just a suggestion.

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I deleted most of my posts here but its too time consuming to finish right now but I wanted to make a comment about my Swamp Gold thread. Do you think for one minute that if I believed I knew the vicinity of the gold, I would start a thread online? I doubt the treasure even exists at all and that is why I created the thread because I wanted to be sure. . I have some extremely good tips and locations from an 70s archeaologist's helper on real treasure but there is no way I would post them here. Just saying. I am thru with trying constructive critism toward BDD, He is writing a book that is much different. How do I know the book will not sell? I dont. I havent any idea. Adios.

I think it would help if KK removed some of his bickering as well because it clutters the thread and is annoying for readers but its just a suggestion.

So this is really the end? After quitting the game you are taking your toys/posts with you? Bye, bye.

So this is really the end? After quitting the game you are taking your toys/posts with you? Bye, bye.
What game? What toys? I am admitting that I may be wrong online about your book not selling, I deleted anything that may have offended you or might possibly would hurt your book sales. I am offering you an olive branch but you continue be a jerk. Unbelievable.

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When I was on the swamp gold thread I was starting to wonder about the intent of the thread starter. I at first thought they were trying to figure out if there was gold to be found and where it might be located. I asked if they were trying to prove if the gold could be there or if the gold could not be there. The question was not taken very well. I was trying to help by telling a story about a possible gold location. I got nothing but negativity. In fact at this time I am still convinced it could be there. Proving there is no gold in the Everglades is IMPOSSIBLE. Just because you can't find a written record of any event from the past does not mean it did not happen.

Back to Rocky Bluff. I have been asked repeatedly by people on this thread to show documentation that this silver exists. I have shown that there is a distinct possibilty that it could. With close to a possible 400 plus years of activity in the area it is very likely that there is plenty of hidden caches left to be found. The only true proof is to dig it up.

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I am going to share some more of my story. My story is about the hunt. But the driving force that caused all this was "The Submarine". This was no ordinary sub. This was Hitler's personal submarine. Hitler did not make it out of Germany aboard this sub, but his treasure did. This is the basis for my story and my book. Everything else treasure just kind of came along because of my researching and digging into the story.

The submarine went by the official number U-853. The sinking of it was the basis for numerous books. It is laying on the bottom of the Atlantic in 125 feet of water. It is between Block Island and Montauk Point near the tip of Long Island. The story that I know is better than most Hollywood movies. It was during the research of this sub treasure that I became involved in dowsing and all the other treasures. My story with this sub has NOTHING to do with dowsing.

Twelve very large German 88mm brass tank shells were loaded aboard the sub before it left Germany. The subs mission was to bury these shells on American soil. The mission was accomplished on May 5, the day WWII ended. The sub was destroyed on May 6. The men that buried the treasure did not make it back to the sub.

The 88mm shells were buried beside the parking lot near the lighthouse. They were recovered by an American serviceman and some were reburied in the park. Some of it was taken to New Jersey. I believe I know the EXACT location of these treasures. I have had a rollercoaster ride of mixed emotions about this for the last 25 years. I sometimes think I should try to forget it all. But I can't. I have not been able to decide if knowing all this is a blessing or a curse.

These 88mm shells were stuffed with diamonds, gold and paper money. Mostly diamonds. I believe a lot of these diamonds were taken from Jewish prisoners before they were put into the gas chambers. These diamonds are haunted by the souls of the people that died. They are cursed. Whether or not they should remain hidden forever is my dilemma. I honestly don't know.

The man who rehid these diamonds showed only one person some of them and where he buried them. He also told him the story of the sub. Shortly thereafter he died in a plane crash. This was in the sixties. The person that was shown the diamonds and their location was a childhood friend of mine.

I have written my book with the hopes that something good can come out of all this. Sure, I would like to have money. Fame, what the heck, I"ll give it a try. But there is more to it. There will be naysayers and skeptics that will try to make this out to be a fantasy of mine. Maybe they will claim I am making this up. I assure you that it is all true. This is only part of the story.

Go ahead and look up the story of the U-853. If you dig deep enough a treasure will be mentioned. All the written history will say that the treasure went down with the sub. It didn't. I have all the details about this. It is the heart and soul of mytreasurestory.com.

This is not a publicity stunt of mine. I absolutely guarantee it is all a true story. I go into great detail in my book how this all came about. I am sharing it with the TN readers of this thread. I do believe that all the other treasures that came about because of the sub are all waiting to be dug up. I believe it is a part of my destiny to find them. This is why I take all this so seriously.

I did not come here to upset anybody. I know I am a smart-alec a lot of the time. It is just that I have put a lot of pressure on myself and I now think the time has come to bring the whole story to light.

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Oy vey...

Several books written about U-853 by well respected authors and historians. But you have the scoop, eh?

Why does my brain hurt so much hearing this?

Oy vey...

Several books written about U-853 by well respected authors and historians. But you have the scoop, eh?

Why does my brain hurt so much hearing this?

Jeffro- Feel free to contact these authors and tell them what I have said. I am sure they will find it very interesting. As far as your brain, take two aspirin and PM me in the morning.

OK Denniss- I go take some cores, silver comes up, then what? I take a GPR unit there and it shows silver bars, then what? Knowing for a FACT that it is there and not being able to dig would drive me crazy, and I don't need that because I am already there. Would proving to the state it is there get me a permit? Would being able to prove it was there get me in trouble? If I drilled and used a GPR unit and nothing showed up would my dream be over? Maybe I should find out. I am in uncharted waters here. It is easier to decide what to do when you don't have to be the one to do it. Thanks for the advice.

If there is silver there, you act on it. You determine what that action is.

If there is nothing there you move on.

If it were me, I know what my decisions would be. I would act on it. I would have already cored it and decided whether I was wasting my time or not. If there was silver there, I would not be posting about it. I would be deciding how to remove it.

If I believed there was lots of silver there, I would not have told anyone. I would have recovered it by now.

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BDD, I will go along with KK and try to avoid nit-picking. The nazis were evil people but extremely clever. The loot they took
overseas was plunder from the Jewish people and any attempt to recover, if publicized, would result into a major furor from
the Jewish action fronts.

But I suspect the return of such items would be met with major press coverage, maybe fame and fortune.

Denniss-I am not going to disagree on here with what you have said. Your methods make work well fo you. I know how I am and if I had STOLEN this silver from the taxpayers that own it I would have somewhere along the way told the wrong people and would have long ago gotten into trouble over it. I chose 25 years ago to leave it alone. A spur of the moment decision made recently caused the story to be brought out into the open. The dogs now out of the house (cat out of the bag) so I am trying to deal with the situation.

lastleg-Yes the Nazi's were evil people. They were clever but their overall plan failed because they underestimated the US and other nations. Press the wrong buttons and we come out fighting. As far as the Jewish action fronts, I would be glad to work with the proper representatives on this treasure. I do not want it. I would like to see some of it go to the family of the man who recovered it, and they just happen to be Jewish.

To anyone that reads my posts and does not believe me when I say I may not want a particular treasure for myself, this does not mean I do not care what happens to it. Part of my deal will always be to help see that it goes to a good cause. I also don't want anybody thinking that I have it. This would cause some people to want to rob me and then I would have to kill them for trying.

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