Pirate Treasure-Trying to get a permit to dig up

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And it wouldn't be with kindness!

Denniss-I am not going to disagree on here with what you have said. Your methods make work well fo you. I know how I am and if I had STOLEN this silver from the taxpayers that own it I would have somewhere along the way told the wrong people and would have long ago gotten into trouble over it. I chose 25 years ago to leave it alone. A spur of the moment decision made recently caused the story to be brought out into the open. The dogs now out of the house (cat out of the bag) so I am trying to deal with the situation.

lastleg-Yes the Nazi's were evil people. They were clever but their overall plan failed because they underestimated the US and other nations. Press the wrong buttons and we come out fighting. As far as the Jewish action fronts, I would be glad to work with the proper representatives on this treasure. I do not want it. I would like to see some of it go to the family of the man who recovered it, and they just happen to be Jewish.

To anyone that reads my posts and does not believe me when I say I may not want a particular treasure for myself, this does not mean I do not care what happens to it. Part of my deal will always be to help see that it goes to a good cause. I also don't want anybody thinking that I have it. This would cause some people to want to rob me and then I would have to kill them for trying.

This guy has everything but gun turrets and he has talked about getting those!

I am going to share some more of my story. My story is about the hunt. But the driving force that caused all this was "The Submarine". This was no ordinary sub. This was Hitler's personal submarine. Hitler did not make it out of Germany aboard this sub, but his treasure did. This is the basis for my story and my book. Everything else treasure just kind of came along because of my researching and digging into the story.

The submarine went by the official number U-853. The sinking of it was the basis for numerous books. It is laying on the bottom of the Atlantic in 125 feet of water. It is between Block Island and Montauk Point near the tip of Long Island. The story that I know is better than most Hollywood movies. It was during the research of this sub treasure that I became involved in dowsing and all the other treasures. My story with this sub has NOTHING to do with dowsing.

Twelve very large German 88mm brass tank shells were loaded aboard the sub before it left Germany. The subs mission was to bury these shells on American soil. The mission was accomplished on May 5, the day WWII ended. The sub was destroyed on May 6. The men that buried the treasure did not make it back to the sub.

The 88mm shells were buried beside the parking lot near the lighthouse. They were recovered by an American serviceman and some were reburied in the park. Some of it was taken to New Jersey. I believe I know the EXACT location of these treasures.

These 88mm shells were stuffed with diamonds, gold and paper money. Mostly diamonds. I believe a lot of these diamonds were taken from Jewish prisoners before they were put into the gas chambers. These diamonds are haunted by the souls of the people that died. They are cursed. Whether or not they should remain hidden forever is my dilemma. I honestly don't know.

The man who rehid these diamonds showed only one person some of them and where he buried them. He also told him the story of the sub. Shortly thereafter he died in a plane crash. This was in the sixties. The person that was shown the diamonds and their location was a childhood friend of mine.

Go ahead and look up the story of the U-853. If you dig deep enough a treasure will be mentioned. All the written history will say that the treasure went down with the sub. It didn't. I have all the details about this. It is the heart and soul of mytreasurestory.com.
There is no evidence that U-853 "DER SEILTANZER" was Hiltler's "personal submarine",or that it ever carried diamonds or any other treasure.
A official US NAVY account :
Also photos of U-853 dive site:

Your link to the njscuba site is corrupted. You are missing the ending from the address.

I have a INCREDIBLE hard pic of the 853 laying on the bottom. I was hoping it was on that link but it's not there.

Hmm, maybe Hitler was on that sub and used a stand-in behind to take the heat. What if he bought a brownstone on Park Ave,
shaved his moustache and got a new hairdo and attended the ticker tape parade at war's end. And then he retired to a life of
raising doberman pinchers and showing them at the Westminster Kennel Club events. Maybe he even won a grand prize over the
champion mastiff which was heavily favored. What irony.

BTW I'm saving that for a future book about "Dogs That I Have Loved And Lost."

There is no evidence that U-853 "DER SEILTANZER" was Hiltler's "personal submarine",or that it ever carried diamonds or any other treasure.

ECS- Your not nearly as good at researching as you purport yourself to be. You have never found evidence of silver bars being found at Rocky Bluff when my wife was able to find it in five minutes on her smart phone. Now you make the claim above which pretty much is your way of either saying I don't know what I am talking about or that I am lying. "There is no evidence" according to who? You? Are you some sort of expert? Would you be willing to stake your "reputation" on your claim? Try digging just a little deeper. I know you can do it if you want. Get your parents to take the parental controls off your computer so you can get serious and join us grownups.

ECS- You have doubted, mocked, made fun of, or implied I am lying about everything I have put on TN from the very beginining. Should I tell everyone about your careless misquoting of one of my posts that caused me to question your "research" skills from the time of your first post about my story on the Swamp Gold thread? You obviously have a problem.

There is no evidence that U-853 "DER SEILTANZER" was Hiltler's "personal submarine",or that it ever carried diamonds or any other treasure.
A official US NAVY account :
Also photos of U-853 dive site:

ECS- The first link would not work. The second link opened. Guess what? Read the article and it tells about a rumor of 88mm shells and diamonds being aboard this sub. Do you have a problem with your reading skills? I really think you do. Get your parents to hire a tutor.

ECS- The first link would not work. The second link opened. Guess what? Read the article and it tells about a rumor of 88mm shells and diamonds being aboard this sub. Do you have a problem with your reading skills? I really think you do.
The key word there is "RUMOR".I realize in BDD's DICTIONARY,rumor is defined as truth,proof,evidence.
If you read the US NAVY's official account,they dispelled that rumor.
Now for a real U-boat story.
The U-234,departed Germany in March,1945.Aboard the sub were two Japanese officers,reels of microfilm on supersecret German weaponry,an entire disassembled ME-262 jet fighter,German scientists and ten barrels of URANIUM 235.
Germany officially surrendered on May 8,1945 and the U-234 surrendered to the USS SUTTON off the eastern coast of the US.
The rumor part of this story is the the URANIUM 235 from this U-boat was used in the two atomic bombs dropped on JAPAN.

ECS, thanks for the links, but neither are working!
They work for me ???
Maybe try a google serach for those site.
The US NAVY account is is detailed and the NJ SCUBA site has great underwater photos of the U-BOAT,inside and out.

ECS-You really are having a problem with this. I am going to type very slow so that maybe you can understand. How did the U.S.Navy dispell the rumor? By diving on the sub and looking for the 88mm shells and not finding them? Think that thru. People are diving on it to this day trying to find them. THEY ARE NOT ON THE SUB. Four guys came ashore in a rubber raft and buried them. I already told you all this will not be in a book. It was a SECRET MISSION. The rumors were started because some of the people that put the shells on the sub while it was in Germany let the secret out after the war. My friend's dad had the diamonds. My friend was shown them. I have done tons of reasearch on all this and have traveled thousands of miles. Do not imply that I am making this up.

What does the U-234 have to do with my story?

ECS- Your not nearly as good at researching as you purport yourself to be. Now you make the claim above which pretty much is your way of either saying I don't know what I am talking about or that I am lying. "There is no evidence" according to who? You? Are you some sort of expert? Would you be willing to stake your "reputation" on your claim?

ECS- You have doubted, mocked, made fun of, or implied I am lying about everything I have put on TN from the very beginining. Should I tell everyone about your careless misquoting of one of my posts that caused me to question your "research" skills from the time of your first post about my story on the Swamp Gold thread?
I didn't know I had a reputation! Thanks for the compliment!
Yes,tell them about my misquote about 1000ft deep as opposed to 1000ft from I-75.It was a mistake after reading all that LRL,dowsing,shamen,"cloud mountain" drivel you spouted ad nauseum.
In REICHSADMIRAL KARL DONITZ's NUREMBURG transcripts and surrendered papers and records,it was stated that HITLER had no personal U-BOAT for escape.
Do I need to tell you the history of ODESSA and DER SPINE escape routes,and OPERATION PAPERCLIP,and the 30 boxcars of German patents the US took from Berlin?
How anout the German sub base at NEUSCHWABENLAND in Antartica with its thermal heated ponds that never freeze over,or Admiral Byrds armed encounter there in 1946,or why 3 atomic bombs were detonated in Antartica during the INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR in the 1950's.

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Guess this sub thing is a bit off track, but anyway. No, this story probably wont be found in a book, but the number one thing Germans were good at, and still are, is book keeping, and recording things. No one just grabbed up some diamonds and threw them into a sub. It this operation took place, it was definitely recorded, and probably in triplet and in several places. Of course the records could have been destroyed, but thats flim evidence, that something was probably destroyed, so now it is fact. Where did they get the diamonds, and who signed off for them? There should be some kind of paper trail if this happened. Thats what got the Nazi's in hot water, their attention for details.

Sure, your friends dad had the diamonds, and he was a great guy, but that doesnt make it fact. Yes, if there were diamonds, they could have been Jewish, but dont forget, the Nazi's stole from everyone, French, Dutch, Russian, Greek...........................So now you already know the owner and will return them to that owner? How did you get the information there there were four guys on the raft? Sounds more like you have started with a rumor and filled in the blanks, to make a good story, and of course a good story needs a hero, so returning them to the "owner" will fill in that need.

To whom it may concern--I am about done. I can answer most all of these questions but now choose not to. I will let some of you think you have won because that is very important to you. When I joined TN I certainly did not expect everyone to just automatically believe everything I say. I mentioned my time in the Army and was doubted. I sent copies of all my info to show proof. I mentioned some other stories and had TN members come to my house. I took them to a treasure location and they convinced themselves it was there. I tried to tell on another thread of my experiences near Alligator Alley and was mocked. I have now mentioned a story that will not be found in any book. I have evidence that I will not share. I have repeatedly said that I will not put EVERYTHING about my different stories on here.

If this is the way I will be treated, I have no use for Treasurenet. If cyberpunk bully wanabee's are allowed to try to trash someone for whatever reason they want, then this is no different then a lot of the "clubs" out there. A few people actually doing something and then a bad apple group tries to put down and make fun of the doers. These bad apples spoiling the bunch, really don't have a clue about what I have done, what is real and where this will all lead.

I need to hear on this thread from a few people who will tell me that they enjoy reading this thread and are actually reserving their decision to decide what is the real truth. I am tired of defending myself against a group that thinks that because they can't find the information that I have found, then it must not be true. As I have repeatedly said, apparently a lot of you think I am making things up. I feel sorry for you as you probably have a sad life.

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I didn't know I had a reputation! Thanks for the compliment!
Yes,tell them about my misquote about 1000ft deep as opposed to 1000ft from I-75.It was a mistake after reading all that LRL,dowsing,shamen,"cloud mountain" drivel you spouted ad nauseum.
In REICHSADMIRAL KARL DONITZ's NUREMBURG transcripts and surrendered papers and records,it was stated that HITLER had no personal U-BOAT for escape.
Do I need to tell you the history of ODESSA and DER SPINE escape routes,and OPERATION PAPERCLIP,and the 30 boxcars of German patents the US took from Berlin?
How anout the German sub base at NEUSCHWABENLAND in Antartica with its thermal heated ponds that never freeze over,or Admiral Byrds armed encounter there in 1946,or why 3 atomic bobs were detonated in Antartica during the INTERNATIONAL GEOPHYSICAL YEAR in the 1950's.

I will bet the atomic "bobs" were something. So much impressive info you were able to "google". And you did it all while sitting at your computer. WOW! What does it have to do with a submarine coming to the US with a hidden, secret stash of diamonds. Yes four men came ashore in a raft. The sub was destroyed before they could get back to it. Read deeply into the stories in the books. Our navy never understood why the sub would not leave the shallow water. The commander of the sub was under orders not to leave until the four sailors were back on the sub. Two died and two of them made it back to Germany and told their story. There were people from the U.S. that talked to them. They told them where they buried the 88mm shells next to the parking lot. My friends dad found them. He showed his son some of the diamonds, told him the story and showed him where they were buried. It's the true facts, get over it. This was also Hitler's submarine. Read deeper into the books. There are some things you will only find in one book. It is called MYTREASURESTORY

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Bdd has the cojones to put his RL info out for all to see. He is steadfast in his beliefs and is acting on his dreams. Things alot of us wish we could do.
I am sure we would all miss his posts if he left.
Lets tone it down and enjoy.

Thanks VOR. But I have to admit your posts are the ones that "bug" me. Get it? I have spent an hour or two watching "Reality TV". I had an opportunity to have a reality show based on my treasure story about two years ago. It was not going to work out. They wanted to fake everything. I told them if the real deal was not good enough than I was not their man. I was ready then to dig for the cameras.

About 8 to 10 years ago I tried out for a Treasure Hunting show. They wanted teams. I got two of my Englewood pirate treasure dig pals to try out with me. The auditions were in Tampa. They seemed to like us. Each team had to have a name. They came up with a name for us. They called us the "Real Deal". This was partly because they felt we looked and acted like guys that would really dig for treasure. We passed the first audition and were given a callback. They asked us a lot of questions about ourselves and had each of us give their opinions of each other. I have some really good friends. This is partly because I am a good friend to others. I asked these auditioners about the show. They were from NBC. I had told my friends that if it was going to be some stupid pretend treasure hunt that I was not interested. That is what it was. I probably blew our audition by being to honest. The show came out and it was pretty silly. I watched a part of one episode and that was all I could take.

maipenrai-As far as who the diamonds were taken from all I said was what I was told. Jewish people being gassed in the chambers. There are Jewish people in all countries. I think the Nazi's tried to kill all Jews. Someone in a prior post said that if the diamonds were found and were from where I said, that some Jewish organization would want to claim them. I stated that as far as I was concerned they could have them. Nothing to do with being a hero, I just don't want them. Your statement that "someone just grabbed up some diamonds and threw them into a sub" is kind of lame. When did I ever imply or state such a thing.
This was probably a very well planned out mission. According to the story I was told was that the diamonds were to be buried so that when the high-ranking officers of the German Army escaped they would come to America to recover the diamonds. No, I am not making all this up. A paper trail for these diamonds? Give me a break. It was a covert, secret mission. You and ECS need to get together and compare notes. The people on these threads that keep insisting that without documentation that they can find, there must not be a treasure,are really begining to irritate me. Some of you need to step back and read your posts to see how shallow you appear.

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So much impressive info you were able to "google". And you did it all while sitting at your computer. WOW! What does it have to do with a submarine coming to the US with a hidden, secret stash of diamonds. Yes four men came ashore in a raft. The sub was destroyed before they could get back to it. Read deeply into the stories in the books. Our navy never understood why the sub would not leave the shallow water. The commander of the sub was under orders not to leave until the four sailors were back on the sub. Two died and two of them made it back to Germany and told their story. There were people from the U.S. that talked to them. They told them where they buried the 88mm shells next to the parking lot. My friends dad found them. He showed his son some of the diamonds, told him the story and showed him where they were buried. It's the true facts, get over it. This was also Hitler's submarine. Read deeper into the books. There are some things you will only find in one book. It is called MYTREASURESTORY
The commander of the U-boat was ordered by DONITZ,on May 5,1945 to cease all hostilities,not to wait for 4 sailors on a rubber raft.The U-853 was commanded by OBERLEUFNANT HELMUT FROMSDORF,a hardcore ayran Nazi,who had recently sunk a merchant marine ship.
He was hiding in 110ft of water with snorkel up because he was being pursued by the US NAVY and COAST GUARD.
The U-853 was sunk,May 6,1945,will all 55 hands onboard.
May 8,1945,Germany surrendered.
The U-234 story illustrates the fact that Germany wanted its technology sent to Japan,it was not concerned with shipping and hiding treasures,or aiding escaping Nazis.That came later with ODESSA and der Spinne.
Where do you come up with this nonsense?Maybe YOU need to learn how to do real research.
It is also interesting that this "diamond treasure " is in a parking lot,like your chest of pirate silver.
Is it also next to an INTERSTATE or the Jersey Turnpike?

BDD,high ranking German officers coming to the US,New Jersey ? You must own an alternative history book.
They went to SOUTH AMERICA,Argentina,Chile,and Boliva.Many of their decendents still live there today.

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