Pirate Chest: When to give up

... I started this thread and I think that entitles me to post things I think relate to my story or me. That photo was taken about the same time I got involved with the German sub treasure and Ovid. Ovid then showed me where he thought a treasure chest was located. I have not given up on the pirate chests and I have not given up on my dream of making a highly successful movie...
My mistake, BDD, I didn't realize you were using this thread as a platform to promote your life story, the thread title is a bit misleading on that point.

My mistake, BDD, I didn't realize you were using this thread as a platform to promote your life story, the thread title is a bit misleading on that point.

You are right ECS, I am on here to promote myself. So what! I wrote a book titled "MY Treasure Story". Guess what it is about. I am not trying to sell the book at this time but I am getting ready to make and promote a movie starring myself, my brothers and my friends. It actually has nothing to do with treasure. I am not shy about this or anything else. In fact I am downright arrogant and proud of it. You or your friends don't like it, too bad, I don't care. A lesson I have learned in life is that I like people that like me, everybody else can go away.

As far as the thread title goes, I will never give up on finding a treasure chest or anything else I decide to take on. I had another thread but you and a few other members caused it to get locked. You probably want this one to get locked also. If it did it will be no loss to me. I am probably wasting my time posting on here anyway.

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I believe your insults and negative comments also contributed to that happening.

I was giving back what I was getting and you know it. You have NEVER posted anything about me that was not a negative comment or insult.

Wow! No BDD it was not drug money and I can assure you it was nothing illegal or unethical.

I actually posted the story here a year or 2 ago looking for help on how to use a probe. Sorry I dont like to brag and Im a private person. Im beginning to wish I never posted the story.

Let it go BCH... I know it's probably hard to do when somebody downgrades your findings and efforts toward it though.

Let it go BCH... I know it's probably hard to do when somebody downgrades your findings and efforts toward it though.

Downgrades his findings and efforts? Give us a break, what are you talking about? He somehow or another (we have to guess) knew about the location of some (money?) buried in the swamp. He seemed (I guess) to know it was marked by a brick/pipe and was inside a PVC pipe. He did not find it thru research (he told us so) and it took him a couple of years to find it. I congratulated him as soon as he posted it on this (my) thread. He could have posted it on his own thread or finds of the day etc. In no way was I trying to downgrade his find or efforts. This stash of money? could have been hidden by anybody other than something drug-related but what difference does it make? Limitool-Climb down off of your high horse and quit trying to lecture or school me. Who do you think you are?

Downgrades his findings and efforts? Give us a break, what are you talking about? He somehow or another (we have to guess) knew about the location of some (money?) buried in the swamp. He seemed (I guess) to know it was marked by a brick/pipe and was inside a PVC pipe. He did not find it thru research (he told us so) and it took him a couple of years to find it. I congratulated him as soon as he posted it on this (my) thread. He could have posted it on his own thread or finds of the day etc. In no way was I trying to downgrade his find or efforts. This stash of money? could have been hidden by anybody other than something drug-related but what difference does it make? Limitool-Climb down off of your high horse and quit trying to lecture or school me. Who do you think you are?
I actually posted the photo to show one of the empty holes I was digging for a couple years, to show how frustrating it can be, because you thought you were the only person digging empty holes. I drove home soaking wet, cold and Im still sick and maybe I didnt think it out carefully before posting here.. My intention was to delete my photos in a few days and I can delete it for you if you request it BDD. It was not my intention to rain on your parade.. I realize you are trying to promote yourself on this thread. But I was proud of myself for doing what needed to be done, to retrieve this lost cache and the owner is happy... I dont know what I was thinking when I decided to share.

Yes I had information on its approximate location. My information was "15 steps from the oak tree" Did I have the correct oak tree? and in what direction? Was it already found? Did the Mexican that scraped the area with his backhoe uncover it? Well it turned out to be 6 feet (from an oak tree). Go figure. I knew about the PVC pipe but I didnt know about the brick. I also want to say that I had permission from the landowner to camp, dig, retrieve said pipe, and carry a firearm because of the remote location. Why didnt I post in Todays Finds? I thought this was a better place to post a photo of an empty hole... ha ha..

Thanks Limitool for coming to my defense. I appreciate it. Drug related money..... sounds too slanderous on a public forum and my first thought was an intent to cause harm. If there was a drug connection, I would not have been involved in this. Drug dealers are not the only people burying valuables in PVC pipes for a possible future emergency. Just google preppers. And its not hard to forget where its buried.

I think I have been more than cordial and I will continue to be nice. I made a promise to myself.. ...and good luck with your future endeavors BDD. Honestly I wish you luck and success.

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Have ya'll ever heard that "there is more than one way to skin a cat"???Maybe ya'll are going at it all wrong...What ya'll need is a cocaine detecting dog...Haven't ya'll heard that most of the money the US has in circulation has traces of cocaine on it???

Just a thought...

Ed T:)hehehe

Now theres an idea for you BDD. You like unorthodox methods. Didnt you say that you once knew someone that stashed drug money in PVC pipes? Are you referring to paper money BDD?

I was giving back what I was getting and you know it. You have NEVER posted anything about me that was not a negative comment or insult.
I am not the only TN member who has expressed a difference of opinion concerning some of your statements, nor am I the only one that you have directed insults or negative comments,five other TN members come to mind one that was very vitriolic on your part.
Carry on.

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Gentlemen ALL will post by TN rules or not post at all.

I personally requested BDD return at our last picinic. Mods expect all members to treat each other with respect and be courtesies, disagreeing or not!

you thought you were the only person digging empty holes. I can delete it for you if you request it BDD. It was not my intention to rain on your parade.. I realize you are trying to promote yourself on this thread. I thought this was a better place to post a photo of an empty hole... ha ha..

Drug related money..... sounds too slanderous on a public forum and my first thought was an intent to cause harm.

You are wrong as I know I am not the only one digging empty holes. I don't care whether you delete anything. You did not rain on my parade. I am not just on here to promote myself. Yea this is a great place to post empty holes as that is all I ever post. Really, you think I am trying to cause you harm? You like bringing up slander don't you? I think it would be best to drop the whole subject on here or else start a thread of your own. You could call it "Swamp Money".

I am not the only TN member who has expressed a difference of opinion concerning some of your statements, nor am I the only one that you have directed insults or negative comments,five other TN members come to mind one that was very vitriolic on your part.
Carry on.

I can't help it as I am a mean, nasty SOB.

Now theres an idea for you BDD. You like unorthodox methods. Didnt you say that you once knew someone that stashed drug money in PVC pipes? Are you referring to paper money BDD?

It is just rumors, stories, legend and lore.

Hey Bigdog...

I heard a rumor/legend...

There is a massive treasure buried in ECS's front yard.

And the best time to dig is at 2 in the morning.

Lots of people... and lots a machinery and a very large backhoe and dump truck will be needed.


Hey Bigdog...

I heard a rumor/legend...

There is a massive treasure buried in ECS's front yard.

And the best time to dig is at 2 in the morning.

Lots of people... and lots a machinery and a very large backhoe and dump truck will be needed.


I had a dream about it but in my dream it is under his bedroom floor beneath the slab, directly under his bed.

I finally got a "like" from ECS. All I had to do was insult myself.

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Downgrades his findings and efforts? Give us a break, what are you talking about? He somehow or another (we have to guess) knew about the location of some (money?) buried in the swamp. He seemed (I guess) to know it was marked by a brick/pipe and was inside a PVC pipe. He did not find it thru research (he told us so) and it took him a couple of years to find it. I congratulated him as soon as he posted it on this (my) thread. He could have posted it on his own thread or finds of the day etc. In no way was I trying to downgrade his find or efforts. This stash of money? could have been hidden by anybody other than something drug-related but what difference does it make? Limitool-Climb down off of your high horse and quit trying to lecture or school me. Who do you think you are?

"Give us a break".... Who's the "us" you refer too?

1. "Downgrades his findings and efforts? Give us a break, what are you talking about?" you ask? … YOU! Look in the mirror guy. And then you proceed to question his knowledgeable info, found stash, procedures and other random thoughts. Why?

Tim… if you thought about it you do EXACTLY to others what they hold you accountable for. Except you take offense when someone questions ANYTHING you say, do or plan to do as not helpful. You "judge" them as we do you. If you had a track record of accomplishments and not just wants, wish's and desires maybe you'd get more respect from folks who follow your postings. But you are so quick, thinned skinned or egoistical to "attack" anything that even remotely offends or questions you. WHY?

2. " Limitool-Climb down off of your high horse and quit trying to lecture or school me. Who do you think you are?" you ask? … Tim I'm just a guy 5 months your senior and share all your goals of findings from dropped items from coins up to including a cache horde - large / small. (treasure). Most of us here on T-net would enjoy to hear about those who do or are willing / can share their large finds. That's why we're here… for the most part. Tim… I'm not on a "high horse", I'm not trying to "lecture" and/or "school" you as you state. No threads started by original OP would get shut down because of others… it's the OP and their responses / mentality mainly. "Other's" are dealt with by T-Net. Please just show a positive response to your endeavors seeking a pirates treasure chest. And I didn't mean this post AS A PUT DOWN TO YOU…. but as a helpful call to you and your enquiry for positive help.

Tim… Your wishy washy from post to post saying you don't tell "everything" … you don't share "all information" … "We" don't know everything and when your questioned you immediately go on the defensive instead of building your thread upon positive postings (while ignoring negativity from your so called "small group" post #459) instead of letting your large group review and build upon it. BCH is an example of what YOU do but take offense when done to you. Hell… your more entertaining on tearing others down because of your mentally. IF "we" don't know "everything" or we don't have your "information" or you don't want to tell us then quit attacking whose who question you (please). Or you… questioning those who do make a find. If I treated those who responded to my threads with disrespect I bet I'd have been much more "entertaining". But I'm not looking for that kind of attention nor do most of us want or seek it on our threads…!

3. "This stash of money? could have been hidden by anybody other than something drug-related but "what difference does it make?" … "You ask" I'm not going political… NOT.

POST 459 : "As Treasurehunter will be glad to remind us the thread belongs to Treasurenet. I am the original poster/thread starter. Sure I could post pictures of my digs and LRL testing but all I would get is grief from the usual small group. You all bore me".(!)…

Well damn… if this is true just pay attention to all your large loyal followers and not attack "the small group"… it's easy. We all want to hear / help you and see your accomplishments guy… not your negative comments on rebuttals of those who "bore you". Just let it go….?

Post 464: You say "I am on here to promote myself. So what! …but I am getting ready to make and promote a movie starring myself, my brothers and my friends. It actually has nothing to do with treasure…."

Then post 473: you say you're not here to promote yourself.

Further Post 464: "A lesson I have learned in life is that I like people that like me, everybody else can go away."

Hell guy … I (and most) left that mentality at childhood! But with that said… at our age you, we, I and all should be way past this thought or been seeking help on why we feel this way.

Tim… Please focus on the positive aspects that you can obtain from your thread and not all the negative. I point out your negative's only as small examples of what I'm talking about. If you truly want help and positive help then draw from positive responses and let the negative one's go. Just don't address them if you feel there're not helpful. But don't attack folks because if you continue to do the same thing.... you'll get the same thing.

I sincerely mean and wish you the best Tim…. Brad

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this is a great place to post empty holes as that is all I ever post.

Actually, no. I have seen a couple of photos of sewer lines down the hole.

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