Odyssey Marine Article...

Second, and this goes to Ossy. If I were you I'd be careful about the moral aspects of this issue. There are, at least, three or four points that show that some spanish people involved in the Black Swan case weren't as moral as you (and me) wish. They were directly involved on it and, at the present day, they are not anymore in their respective jobs because their dubious behaviours. I'm not an OME or Spain supporter. I just want to have the elements enough to elaborate my own opinion based in truly facts and events. And the deeper one go in this case, the harder it is to see clearly what is going on.

any particular name on these people involved or are just rumors?

No rumors at all. Names and second names. And you know them, VV. I'm not going to name them here anyway. This information was given to me to keep it off the line. It was really embarrassing to me to know that some guys in Spain with responsibilities about the underwater heritage are almost plane looters. So let's talk about facts and keep morality in a box or in another forum.

trinidad said:
No rumors at all. Names and second names. And you know them, VV. I'm not going to name them here anyway. This information was given to me to keep it off the line. It was really embarrassing to me to know that some guys in Spain with responsibilities about the underwater heritage are almost plane looters. So let's talk about facts and keep morality in a box or in another forum.

Trinidad, you throw the stone and hide your hand!
Facts, evidence and documents. No only rumors! You agreed?

trinidad said:
No rumors at all. Names and second names. And you know them, VV. I'm not going to name them here anyway. This information was given to me to keep it off the line. It was really embarrassing to me to know that some guys in Spain with responsibilities about the underwater heritage are almost plane looters. So let's talk about facts and keep morality in a box or in another forum.

I almost forgot: the worst thing is that in Spain, an institution that had nothing to do with Culture grant a permit. This permission was denied by the cultural authorities few days later. This is a fact, not a rumor!

VV, you're talking about the Sussex permits and what you say it's just a part of the facts and has been explained till the extenuation. By the way, VV, let's try not to convert this in a dialogue beetween you and me. I didn't spread rumors. I did say that some guys that were directly involved in the treatment of the Black Swan case, here in Spain, from the Administration (not media) are not in their (significant) jobs anymore. This is public information. If you want names, just read the BOE. The reasons, the actual reasons because they were removed I'm not going to tell then here because I was asked for it. But with a little investigation I'm sure you can find the clue. And the OME lawyer too. What it's strange to me is that the two or three spanish journalists (and sarmientos) that cover this story didn't say anything about it. That in the case they do journalism. I understand they ignore this other side of the story if they do cheap nationalism. And please and respectfully, VV, don't ask me about this question anymore. It's much interesting Panfilo´s and Jeff readings than you and me arguing.

trinidad said:
VV, you're talking about the Sussex permits and what you say it's just a part of the facts and has been explained till the extenuation. By the way, VV, let's try not to convert this in a dialogue beetween you and me. I didn't spread rumors. I did say that some guys that were directly involved in the treatment of the Black Swan case, here in Spain, from the Administration (not media) are not in their (significant) jobs anymore. This is public information. If you want names, just read the BOE. The reasons, the actual reasons because they were removed I'm not going to tell then here because I was asked for it. But with a little investigation I'm sure you can find the clue. And the OME lawyer too. What it's strange to me is that the two or three spanish journalists (and sarmientos) that cover this story didn't say anything about it. That in the case they do journalism. I understand they ignore this other side of the story if they do cheap nationalism. And please and respectfully, VV, don't ask me about this question anymore. It's much interesting Panfilo´s and Jeff readings than you and me arguing.

Trinidad, if it is public information and notorious (it is enough to investigate on BOE) why so many problems to make them known?
This is not a matter between you and me, is a matter of shipwrecks and treasures.

Here are the pics that didn't survive the TN crash. Courtesy of PirateDiver.


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trinidad said:
No rumors at all. Names and second names. And you know them, VV. I'm not going to name them here anyway. This information was given to me to keep it off the line. It was really embarrassing to me to know that some guys in Spain with responsibilities about the underwater heritage are almost plane looters. So let's talk about facts and keep morality in a box or in another forum.
So True trinidad, I feel the same way.

Dorado Ocean Resources Announces Results of First 100 Days of Exploration in South Pacific
High Grade Gold, Silver, Zinc and Lead Deposits Discovered

Press Release Source: Dorado Ocean Resources On Monday December 6, 2010, 8:00 am EST
EXCELSIOR, Minn., Dec. 6, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dorado Ocean Resources ("Dorado") today announced results from its first 100 days of ocean-floor exploration for precious and base metals in the South Pacific. The Company recently launched a reconnaissance tour of a small portion of its properties aboard the Dorado Discovery, a 100 meter state-of-the-art exploration vessel operated by Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. This expedition has produced numerous samples from multiple locations with exceptionally high grades of gold, silver, zinc and lead. Further, discussions about a joint venture and/or investment in Dorado with a number of the world's largest mining companies and other strategic investors are underway.
Operational highlights of Dorado's first 100 days of exploration, which began in August 2010, include:
• Mobilization of the 100-meter Dorado Discovery, the most advanced seafloor mineral exploration vessel mobilized for operations in the South Pacific, which serves as the work platform for multiple technical and operational crews and is equipped with a variety of highly specialized equipment;
• Validation of Dorado Discovery's exploration method and approach;
• Creation of high-resolution seafloor maps of approximately 5% of our tenements;
• Recovery of numerous rock samples, including sulfide samples, to the deck of the Dorado Discovery;
• New mineral discoveries in the waters surrounding the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu.
Mineral discovery highlights of Dorado's first 100 days of exploration include:
• Assay results on samples recovered from multiple locations include high grades of gold, silver, zinc and lead;
• One of several Seafloor Massive Sulphide (SMS) discoveries on this tour has assay results averaging 10.9 grams/tonne of gold, 550 grams/tonne of silver, and 15% zinc and lead (combined);
• Another target yielded zinc in excess of 43% and Silver at 395 grams/metric tonne;
• Nine prospects have been advanced as discoveries or high priority targets and 24 additional prospects recently visited remain of significant interest;
• Exploration of an Epithermal Gold Deposit with previously sampled average grades of 24.7 grams/tonne of gold.
"The results of Dorado's first exploration project have exceeded our expectations and proven our theory that we can systematically identify valuable ocean mineral deposits. Our close collaboration with Odyssey Marine Exploration has leveraged the land-package and geo-science expertise of Dorado with the unparalleled deep-ocean exploration capabilities of Odyssey," said Mark A. Cohn, Dorado's Chief Executive Officer. "I believe that this combination sets us apart in this emerging industry and sets the stage for continued success in the discovery and commercialization of high-value ocean mineral deposits."
"We are confident that the cost to mine, process and transport ore from these deposits will be less than US $150 per tonne. With the metal value, at current prices, of samples reaching $1,200 or more per tonne -- and sizes of SMS deposits expected to reach several million tonnes or more, the economic potential of these deposits is significant," commented Dr. Henry J. "Rick" Sandri, mineral economist and Chief Operating Officer of Dorado.
The reconnaissance tour is scheduled to continue eastward and investigate highly prospective sites surrounding Tonga during the coming months.
"Our plan for 2011 is to select and drill the most prospective targets and develop resource estimates for up to two or three projects," said Dr. Tim McConachy, Dorado's Senior Vice President of Exploration. "The speed of discovery and evaluation of various targets has been unprecedented and we're ready to move toward commercializing mineral deposits from the ocean floor."
About Dorado Ocean Resources
Dorado Ocean Resources is a Hong Kong company which was formed to discover and commercialize high-value mineral deposits from the ocean floor. The privately-held company combines the deep-ocean survey and exploration expertise of Odyssey Marine Exploration, the off-shore drilling and mining engineering expertise of Robert Gooden the Chairman of Subsea Minerals, with the exclusive licenses held by Bluewater Metals and the unique skills of world renowned geologist Dr. Timothy McConachy.
Dorado controls tenements, or mineral exploration areas, covering approximately 175,000 square kilometers (about the size of the state of Florida) on the ocean floor in the South Pacific "Ring of Fire", where new mineral deposits are being formed. Dorado is committed to socially and environmentally responsible ocean exploration and mining.
About Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc.
Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (Nasdaq:OMEX - News) is engaged in the exploration of the deep-ocean and uses innovative methods and state-of-the-art technology to conduct extensive search and archaeological recovery operations around the world. Odyssey has discovered some of the most historically significant shipwrecks and deep-ocean sites including the SS Republic, "Black Swan" site, and Balchin's HMS Victory.
Odyssey currently owns 40.8% of Dorado Ocean Resources Ltd. and provides proprietary expertise and equipment to the entity under contract. Odyssey dedicates certain marine assets, including a ship and related marine exploration technology to the endeavor which explores for polymetallic ocean floor deposits in areas covered by exploration permits currently held by Dorado Ocean Resources through its local subsidiary companies.

Hi Vox Veritas. I have a question for you. I´d just read an interview with you in buceoXXI and you say that you were negotiating with Cultura and Portugal the recovery of La Mercedes (in 2005). When you say Cultura you mean the Ministry of Culture of Spain? And were you in person who lead this negotiation?

trinidad said:
Hi Vox Veritas. I have a question for you. I´d just read an interview with you in buceoXXI and you say that you were negotiating with Cultura and Portugal the recovery of La Mercedes (in 2005). When you say Cultura you mean the Ministry of Culture of Spain? And were you in person who lead this negotiation?

Trinidad, and so, because this article says literally that: it was negotiating (se estaba negociando). What is your question? There are documents in the preliminary of "Operacion Bahia 2" assert it by recorded telephone conversations with officials from the Ministry of Culture.
About who carried on negotiations, the important thing is to know that were being managed by the legal channels, as opposed to others or other company.
Cheers VV

Vox, sorry if I bothered you with my questions. And thanks for answered them.

trinidad said:
Vox, sorry if I bothered you with my questions. And thanks for answered them.

Well, this forum is, by the way, democratic and open to dialogue. All questions have their consistent responses.

One more thing, Vox. If the Ministry of Culture was negotiating with "your team" the recovery of La Mercedes, that implies that the Ministry accepts your version about the place where La Mercedes lies, close to Portugal's shore. So: if Spain knows the location in Portugal of La Mercedes in 2005 how comes that Spain try to convince everybody (media, citizenship, US courts) that what OME recovered from the bottom, far away of your declared point, is La Mercedes. Do you believe that it was possible to OME to work secretly so close to the Portugal's shore, recover the coins and then put them again in the bottom, at 1200 meters deep to tape them? If you don't believe it, what do you think? Is Spain consciously lying about the identity of the shipwreck where the coins come from?

trinidad said:
One more thing, Vox. If the Ministry of Culture was negotiating with "your team" the recovery of La Mercedes, that implies that the Ministry accepts your version about the place where La Mercedes lies, close to Portugal's shore. So: if Spain knows the location in Portugal of La Mercedes in 2005 how comes that Spain try to convince everybody (media, citizenship, US courts) that what OME recovered from the bottom, far away of your declared point, is La Mercedes. Do you believe that it was possible to OME to work secretly so close to the Portugal's shore, recover the coins and then put them again in the bottom, at 1200 meters deep to tape them? If you don't believe it, what do you think? Is Spain consciously lying about the identity of the shipwreck where the coins come from?

In 1993, with the new Portuguese Legislation (for territorial waters shipwrecks), I think Stenuit requested a proposal to recover the Mercedes with the company COMEX. In fact I have a proposal dated 1990 from COMEX to recover the cargo. If it were true that Comex submitted a proposal in 1993, this show actually is (as is) in Portuguese territorial waters. I do not know why Spain claims it is in international waters (actually will be of the EEZ).
I have lived almost a year at Faro Beach (Santa Maria cape) and I proceeded to sea many times from near and far from the coast, and the only way to "have all the cape coast in sight" (as Diego Alvear says) is from 12-14 miles.
So ...... ? Who lies and for what? Time will tell!
Cheers VV

Vox, excuse me but I have to insist. Do you think that the Gov. of Spain is aware that the Black Swan's coins could not be from La Mercedes? Or do you think that OME did the recovery inside of this 24 miles area with no intervention of the portuguese Navy and then fake the tape records to show that the recovery was more than a houndred miles away from the "real" site and convinced Spain with this trick?

As I recall, Alvear wrote the account of the battle some 30 years after the fact, so his memory may not be accurate. (Panfilo may be able to verify when he wrote the account.) Odyssey found the coins outside of the Portuguese contiguous zone, and there is no doubt about that. Spain may have sent a ship out to the site in 2007 to verify this, according to the Portuguese article that Alexandre posted. I'm not sure if they did, but they have the exact location where the coins were found. An inspection of the site will show this, because there are many more artifacts still there.

Well, if it is right what you, Jeff, and Spain say, that the site was in international waters, how comes that officials from the spanish Ministry of Culture were about planning a research and recovery of La Mercedes in the point that Vox soustain La Mercedes lies, really close to the shore? Or the site is close or it's far but it's impossible to be close and far at the same time. So, if the recovered material belongs to La Mercedes, the theory of Vox is not exact. But if there is not a definitive prove that the material recovered comes from La Mercedes, maybe the proves that Vox´s team has about the place where La Mercedes lies and that were convincing enough to the Ministry of Culture to be about of organising an expedition to the site gives a new dimension to this issue. I´m not sure I´ve explained my self too clearly. Sorry.

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