Odyssey Marine Article...

Does anyone know if there were any other ships that shared the name "Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes" at that time and if they were operating in the same area ?


Yes Peerless, in 1804 there were several "Mercedes" sailing the seas at the same time. I came across one in the Montevideo archives but it had a different captain and crew. Then there are two others I came across in the Peru archives, one was privately owned the other was called Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes y Las Animas. This is just in American waters Peerless, I’m sure in Spain there must have been several others.

Here is a picture of a woman from Bolivia
who is not to happy with Spain's claim..


  • 17 Old woman.webp
    17 Old woman.webp
    29.1 KB · Views: 345
Hmmm....Vox, maybe your group of patriots has an spy inside. Think about it. Everytime you and your group are just about to do something about the salvation of the spanish underwater heritage and the renewal of the spanish museums...zas! Odyssey suddenly appears from the dark and spoils your well intentioned plans...jesus! That cant be a coincidence...it must be a masterplan, yes, sure, a masterplan from the dark side of the force...Vox...I'm your father...

I like the hat, once bought one from Bates Hat Shop in London, could use another do you have her number Dom?

trinidad said:
Hmmm....Vox, maybe your group of patriots has an spy inside. Think about it. Everytime you and your group are just about to do something about the salvation of the spanish underwater heritage and the renewal of the spanish museums...zas! Odyssey suddenly appears from the dark and spoils your well intentioned plans...jesus! That cant be a coincidence...it must be a masterplan, yes, sure, a masterplan from the dark side of the force...Vox...I'm your father...

as I said! I do not believe in coincidences, but there are always some "bird" ready to sing. This "bird" has already begun to sing.
Cheers VV

Here are the unhappy ones from Peru! :boxing: :boxing:

Note the mean looking one on the right -

The one on the left, with the apparently
itchy nipples! ::) ::) is the happy go lucky leg breaker... :nono:

Their beginning to organize - notice the hat again!

Look out spain... their on to you....


  • 23 Teanager Quechuas.webp
    23 Teanager Quechuas.webp
    61.2 KB · Views: 302

The germans had a ship called the The Mercedes too.Heres a pic of thier newest ship.


  • MercedesShip.webp
    45.2 KB · Views: 290
Capt Dom, As I can see the humor in your posts, You should not do it at the expense of the people of Bolivia :dontknow:
Instead of pointing the finger at Spain, you should be asking what Odyssey will do for these beautiful people if they win
the court case??

Instead of pointing the finger at Spain, you should be asking what Odyssey will do for these beautiful people if they win the court case??

Ossy... I'm sure it would be a hell of a lot more than what Spain would do. First, they would make sure the descendants got something, and second, they would donate coins to the museums in Peru.

Jeff K said:
Instead of pointing the finger at Spain, you should be asking what Odyssey will do for these beautiful people if they win the court case??

Ossy... I'm sure it would be a hell of a lot more than what Spain would do. First, they would make sure the descendants got something, and second, they would donate coins to the museums in Peru.
We will see Jeff, And you might be surprised by what Spain will do ! Let hope the People of Bolivia get a share, no mater
who gets it !

DELETED – Forum Rules Violation (Wreckdiver1715)
done for the people of Bolivia, :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:
DELETED – Forum Rules Violation (Wreckdiver1715)
the big guy and his dad..... :spam4: :spam4: :spam4:
come on now....
enough of the bull crap....

The COURT CASE is more a bunch of bull crap!

It is theater!

Pure and simple! More money is being made in legal fees and stock swings
during the years of back and forth publicity being generated
than will ever be made in the sale the coins and artifacts recovered!

Governments continue to be organized crime....
And the guys within the government continue to attempt
to be the rats guarding the cheese all while
under the guise of
"protecting the public trust"

and privateers continue to be privateers.... :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I agree Jeff. I imagine there is a heck of a lot of Spain's cultural heritage, treasure and monies that belongs to Central and South American countries that no matter what, they'll never see. I guess what really pisses me off is that Spain in all their arrogance simply won't admit that its all about money and greed. They are still trying to steal what they stole 500 years ago. Now, I know someone who sympathizes with Spain is about to ask me about my motivation. I'm not ashamed to say it's the treasure. As far as I'm concerned, all artifacts can go to the country of origin. If there is enough to go around, I'd even help out those countries in need. All I need is enough to not have to worry about the mortgage company foreclosing on my house and to continue the search. Gee, sounds kind of saintly doesn't it? St. John Aquanut. Now doesn't that have a nice ring to it? church bells....heavenly choirs...angel wings...


I am not quite sure this thread is ready for either me, my comments
or some honesty!

Correct me if I am wrong! :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:

[mod]LOL, while I may agree with most of your sentiments on this subject Dom, You are not wrong... (Wreckdiver1715)[/mod]

capt dom said:
I am not quite sure this thread is ready for either me, my comments
or some honesty!

Correct me if I am wrong! :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:
[mod]DELETED – Forum Rules Violation (Wreckdiver1715)[/mod]

aquanut said:
I agree Jeff. I imagine there is a heck of a lot of Spain's cultural heritage, treasure and monies that belongs to Central and South American countries that no matter what, they'll never see. I guess what really pisses me off is that Spain in all their arrogance simply won't admit that its all about money and greed. They are still trying to steal what they stole 500 years ago. Now, I know someone who sympathizes with Spain is about to ask me about my motivation. I'm not ashamed to say it's the treasure. As far as I'm concerned, all artifacts can go to the country of origin. If there is enough to go around, I'd even help out those countries in need. All I need is enough to not have to worry about the mortgage company foreclosing on my house and to continue the search. Gee, sounds kind of saintly doesn't it? St. John Aquanut. Now doesn't that have a nice ring to it? church bells....heavenly choirs...angel wings...

Did you say Money and greed? Yes the root of all evil ! Thank you, O Holy one :notworthy: :notworthy:
St John of Aquanut, Good luck with your Divine search

OSSY, Gosh what made me think you might respond to my post.

Dom, bring it on! Some people here have been begging to hear from the likes of you.


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