Odyssey Marine Article...

Jeff K said:
Ossy... Odyssey was ready to go back to the wreck site when Spain illegally stopped their ships. Maybe they would have brought up some cannon or other artifacts that would have identified the ship. Cannon are not a good way to identify a wreck, because most ships carried cannon from many countries.

"Cannon are very useful in establishing the size, type, and approximate date of the ship, but not always the nationality, because cannon manufactured in many different countries might be found on a single ship. During the second half of the sixteenth century the majority of the cannon carried on Spanish ships were made in England and Holland, and during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries a large percentage were of foreign manufacture. A Spanish merchant ship sailing to Veracruz in 1616 had three English, one Italian, three Dutch, two Portuguese, five French, and three Spanish cannon as her armament. In 1623 the flotas and treasure galleons were unable to sail for the New World because of a grave shortage of cannon due to the fact that all the ships that had gone to the New World the previous year had not returned to Spain. To arm the ships, thirty were bought from Portugal, two hundred from Denmark and three hundred from England. Many of the ships of other European nations also carried cannon of foreign manufacture, most of which were obtained by capturing ships of other nations."

P.S. My mother's parents came from Palermo, Sicily, and my father's parents came from Kiev, Ukraine. That makes me an American.

Jeff, your statement is not correct. For Spanish ships up to 1700 is possible to get artillery details. This example of the galleon San Roque 1605 is explanatory. The same details can be consulted for other galleons of this fleet and for many more than I found, Spanish and Portuguese. It is necessary patience and time, but yes, there are wide details for cannons.

This document here assistant allows to know:
- the weight of the cannon
- the metal
- the king's name that reigned when the cannon was fused
- the name caster
- the year of foundry
- distinction marks (as royal marks)
- other kind of details as "averia" etc.

For later at 1700,s Spanish artillery is easier, because exist lists of them.


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Hola Vox: The canon list was fascinating reading, however I am a bit weak out of hand on some of the words I will work them out. More?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s.Remember it has been proven that genetically, we are no further apart than 22,nd cousins, so relax, what does idividual present nationality have to do with ships? We are all related, smoochie (((Vox Jef)))

oh yes ((( LYN))), sigh.one can dream no?

Claudio, correct me if I'm wrong, but all Spanish galleon's and other ships didn't they have a register
which was authorized by the State, when not only the guns but quantity of powder had to be listed.
And Jeff didn't Mel Fisher also look for this list when finding the Atocha ?
PS my Parents where born, One in Leon and one from Castile and I only a stone throw from the Atocha Area
( Madrid ) We are all from the same Island we call Earth !
Cheers Ossy :icon_sunny:

Don Jose de La Mancha

:love4: Back at ya!

Hey, if we were all alike in our opinions, we would not have anything to say...and it would be a boring world

Merry Christmas guys
:icon_santa: DL

diverlynn said:
Don Jose de La Mancha

:love4: Back at ya!

Hey, if we were all alike in our opinions, we would not have anything to say...and it would be a boring world

Merry Christmas guys
:icon_santa: DL
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Merry Christmas to all

Claudio, correct me if I'm wrong, but all Spanish galleon's and other ships didn't they have a register
which was authorized by the State, when not only the guns but quantity of powder had to be listed.
And Jeff didn't Mel Fisher also look for this list when finding the Atocha ?
PS my Parents where born, One in Leon and one from Castile and I only a stone throw from the Atocha Area
( Madrid ) We are all from the same Island we call Earth !
Cheers Ossy :icon_sunny:

Ossy, Spain didn't have a royal navy to Indies until the arrival of the Borbones. For the time 1503-1700 there are armada documents that reflect the expenses to prepare the whole fleet year per year in certain occasions. For 1700 from now on and for Spanish ships there are documents in several archives.
But many galleons were of property of the crown (king), that is to say, of the state. It is the case of the San Roque, missing in 1605.

I guess they changed their mind somewhere along the way...

Samuel de Champlain 1567-1635


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Guy In Back said:
I guess they changed their mind somewhere along the way...

Samuel de Champlain 1567-1635

Guy ...., anyone that has studied the history of the world economy knows perfectly that behind the big conquests there was and there are big economic interests. The gold and the silver that the Spanish galleons transported finished in the boxes of all the bankers from Europe. Today it happens the same thing with the oil. It happens the same thing with raw materials (minerals, technology, computer science, etc.). Anything has changed from 1492. Are all lucrative interests.


Be discreet with the some spanish shipwreck information that you post here. You never know who is the guy behind the keyboard reading and writing here in this Forum. It's just an advice!!

Architecad :thumbsup:

architeclad: Relax, anyone with access to deep sea salvage abilities already has their contacts and data. I doubt what is posted here will add or subtract from this to any degree..

Don ?what's his name?

p.s Now I remembe,r Don Jose de La Mancha. it is just that getting a smooch from Lyn so flustered me that--------- :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[

architeclad: Relax, anyone with access to deep sea salvage abilities already has their contacts and data. I doubt what is posted here will add or subtract from this to any degree..


I don't worry about it, I just advice, and..



;D ;D ;D

good aftenoon Archi--: Blame Lyn for that, she flustered me sigh :icon_sunny:.Twas wonderful sigh.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I am infamous for my typos sniff, but my statement still holds full validity...

Blame Lyn for that, she flustered me sigh

Did you say "She"?

I don't believe it.

is she a youngirl? or grand mom?
Architecad :wink:

Advice is cheap when walking in long grass carry a big stick


I never have seen a woman detecting in a beach, only guys with some company.


Archi--- Lyn is one sexy, prime, beautiful broad. A top diver and researcher. extremely intelligent, and has exquisite taste, witness --> "Back at ya!" sigh

Don Jose de La Mancha

Me and Diverlynn at the subcontractors meeting earlier this year.


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S E E ? After looking at that barnacle encrusted thing next to her, perhaps I may have to retract my "Exquisite tate " remark heheheheheheheha

Apol scuba salvor

Don Jose de la Mancha

God Bless both


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