I've translated the following excerpt.
The association Velazquez for Seville yesterday sought to exert more control in the transmission of the information obtained from the Archiveo de Indias,
located in the Hispalense capital ( Seville ), with the aim of protecting Spanish subaquatic patrimony.
The spoke person for this group, Jose Guillermo Caballero, suggested that, with the current legislation, " it is not a crime to sell to third parties " the data
obtained in the Archiveo de Indias, all this without " any type of control " on the use of that information.
According to Caballero the illicit use of that information constitutes a crime against Spanish patrimony. Whoever accesses the Archiveo de Indias must assume a commitment to
not transmit the information obtained to companies with a history of theft of the patrimony.
This has already been denounced by academics of the Real Academy of History, and Velazquez for Seville supports this approach.
Caballero further stated that " it is not the same to sell to someone from Mexico a number of hours of investigation to find out his genealogy as to investigate the location and
the details of the cargo of a ship wreck" Caballero assures that " he personally knows that information from the Archiveo de Indias has been used by Odyssey to sack
the frigate Our Lady of the Mercedes"
Caballero stated that " It should be born in mind that in the Gulf of Cadiz alone there is at least 720 documented ship wrecks between the years 1500 and 1820 "
170 ship wrecks loaded with treasure could be found between Tarifa and Huelva. The value of which could reach 24,000 million euros " For example, the San Antonio sunk
in the Guadalquivir river in 1561 ...."