Odyssey Explorer seized in Limassol

"My response was that you were making this up, as both Cyprus and Lebanon support and enforce their respective EEZ, and collaborate on the issues. Are you saying that if a Country doesn't care about UN laws, they are free to violate the EEZ of another Country?"

AYEP, it happens every day.
Declaration of EEZ is over stepping authority. Just like violating law of salvage and law of finds by the UN with their Nancy panties conventions.

AARC I read all your post! :icon_thumright:

Not one scrap of evidence from you that Odyssey has been CHARGED and PROSECUTED

Really? Odyssey has never been charged?!?!?!
Odyssey has never been prosecuted?!?!?!

Declaration of EEZ is over stepping authority

An EEZ oversteps authority?!?!?!

According to you, is a Country allowed to have a border, or does that overstep your version of the law?

I would work for them for free...
just to have another chance to be a part of something out there in the recovery biz...

umm, well, that about sums up the crew...now, about the recovery part, you should think about that possibility, however remote.

Most people just bought shares in the treasure hunting company, that is now gone as well...

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Do not reduce this thread to name calling. If you do you will loose posting privileges on this site.

VOC, do you READ your own posts?

never to my knowledge been charged OR prosecuted for a criminal offence,.."
emphasis added post #127

to which I provided several cases where Odyssey has been charged, and has been prosecuted....

now it is..

Not one scrap of evidence from you that Odyssey has been CHARGED and PROSECUTED and CONVICTED (successfully)
Post #139

Odyssey was CONVICTED of Contempt of Court.

Odyssey Explorer has left Cyprus and is in route to Lebanon. (Source: AIS Ship Tracker).

It appears that "some people"were wrong...

I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from certain quarters...

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There is nothing conclusive about being released. The vessel is enroute to Beirut, perhaps at the 'request' of the Lebanese government?

Out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Keep wailing and gnashing, the shareprice is 22 cents on the news.

All share prices are tanked... Not just Odysseys.

There is nothing conclusive about being released. The vessel is enroute to Beirut, perhaps at the 'request' of the Lebanese government?

Out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Cyprus is embarrassed and had to trump up a smoke screen reason (not recovery related) for impounding the vessel after they realised they totally messed up.

She is sailing totally freely to Lebanon

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You have some sort of proof of this, or are you just guessing?

Given there has been no news, nor any information from the company, logic dictates something otherwise.

The project was based out of Limassol....what is the status of the recovery, and/or the project?

The vessel was detained for weeks, and now they are sailing to Beirut, for what, a lovely port of call?

All share prices are tanked... Not just Odysseys.
Is the market worth one fifth of what it was a year ago?

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You have some sort of proof of this, or are you just guessing?

Yes, funny how anti-OMEX logic always comes up with completely different scenarios than the actuality.

I didn't know Beruit was " West" of Cyprus???

Good point...oops sorry.

Maybe they " will" actually sail East, I wouldn't!!

SADS...where is there any reference to sailing west to Beirut?

Yes, funny how anti-OMEX logic always comes up with completely different scenarios than the actuality.

Yet the pro OMEX provides an alternate reality, not based on logic or fact, but that is okay?

They are 'free' to sail to Beirut. Why not the project site?

I seem to recall you feel Odyssey has never been charged....

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VOC said, she is totally free and sailing to Beriut, I am sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick.

It's British and it's called sarcasm....for example, my imagination is that they were given permission to sail East to Beriut but headed West out of the Med " real quick"....as lots of us would

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The suggestion that the Lebanese government can compel a foreign flagged commercial vessel to sail to Beruit from Limassol against that vessel's wishes reveals a complete ignorance of maritime law.

my imagination is that they were given permission to sail East to Beriut but headed West out of the Med " real quick"....as lots of us would

Concur. Why sail to Beirut, that is the question. Resume project, no..sail to Beirut...really?

The suggestion that the Lebanese government can compel a foreign flagged commercial vessel to sail to Beruit from Limassol against that vessel's wishes reveals a complete ignorance of maritime law.

I seem to remember the Guardia Civil detaining the Alert/Explorer, crew, and confiscating equipment. Vorus was detained and put on probation. Who said the trip was against Odyssey 'wishes'? Odyssey has stated they are complying with the authorities. There are plenty of ways to compel one to comply with something.

Do you still feel that the Explorer was not detained in Cyprus, and the cargo confiscated? Was that in line with their wishes?

It it all conjecture..so everyone has an opinion, and all of them are valid. Perhaps you should refrain from 'wailing and gnashing', you don't have a lot of teeth left to play with.

(BTW it is Beirut, not Beruit (which is an Inuit term for wailing and gnashing)

EDIT: Perhaps one can consider that the ship has been confiscated, and is being driven to Beirut by the Lebanese? Just as valid as any other hypothesis..

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The Lebanese never sent anyone to Cyprus, so there is no reason whatsoever to suggest they want the ship detained.

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