Odyssey Explorer seized in Limassol

Many people have accused Odyssey of many things but stupidity has never been one of them.

I for one cannot see why "if" they were doing something illegal they didn't " get out of dodge" as soon as possible.

That vessel has a huge range and would still be steaming West if it had pillaged artifacts on it?

This would not be a big problem for Odyssey Marine. From Gibraltar they arranged custom papers for 17 tonnes of coins arrived, later, by plane to Tampa.

I have tried to follow this story, (here and from other sources). While I hear everyone wondering about "artifacts" and "stolen treasures", I have YET heard anyone question, where is the crew?

From my last recollections, we have tnet members and/or friends, who work on that ship.
Where are they? Back home? Confined to the ship? Sitting in some Dog awful jail/prison?
I may have missed something somewhere...... Does anyone have info on where and what happened to the crew?

I have tried to follow this story, (here and from other sources). While I hear everyone wondering about "artifacts" and "stolen treasures", I have YET heard anyone question, where is the crew?

From my last recollections, we have tnet members and/or friends, who work on that ship.
Where are they? Back home? Confined to the ship? Sitting in some Dog awful jail/prison?
I may have missed something somewhere...... Does anyone have info on where and what happened to the crew?

The ship is still docked at the port of Limassol ..... crew ???

Now just admit that you just repeated crap you read (or posted) on Yahoo Message Board and not in any embedded links in the trash ridden site The Pipeline.

I suggest that rather than blather on, make accusations with juvenile name calling, you take the time to READ the subsequent answers to your repetitive posts.

READ post #90.

With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon, full of porcelain bowls?

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I suggest that rather than blather on, make accusations with juvenile name calling, you take the time to READ the subsequent answers to your repetitive posts.

READ post #90.

Firstly I have not made any allegations other than you not being able to show any evidence that the Lebanese Government requested the seizure, other than a spurious statement in a Yahoo message board.

Your post 90 clearly states "Acting on information provided anonymously to both the Transport and Foreign Ministries of the Cypriot authorities, police on Wednesday secured a seizure warrant for the cargo of the ‘Odyssey Explorer", So the "Some have stated" reference is total nonsensical in the same blog, as they would not do that anonymously.

So please show where your actual reference to the Lebanese requesting the seizure came from.

And as for childish names "Twerp" means "a silly or annoying person" that precisely describes the person it is referring too.

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With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon, full of porcelain bowls?

Has anyone expressed that they wanted to identify the shipwreck?

Doesn't Odyssey claim their project is early to mid-17th century not 18th century?

Who the heck is the author of this blog?

"Reports suggest"
"Some have stated"
"Some believe"

That's some twerpy journalism, oh wait it's just a "blog" a place to write on the Internet whatever you want and that ANYONE with an Internet connection can do!

I'm sorry I clicked the link to give it more traffic.

BUT isn't this over? Hasn't the govt denounced that it's Cypriot artifacts?:laughing7:

Has anyone expressed that they wanted to identify the shipwreck?

Doesn't Odyssey claim their project is early to mid-17th century not 18th century?

Where is this claim, or any statement by Odyssey on the event?

BUT isn't this over? Hasn't the govt denounced that it's Cypriot artifacts?

It has been over a week since the ship was detained and the recovery seized. IF there was a permit, what hasn't this been sorted out?

Here is a blast form the past, or at least the last recovery:

Press release: Odyssey website.
Court Approves Odyssey Marine Exploration Contract for Gold Cargo Recovery From SS Central America Shipwreck
TAMPA, Fla., March 6, 2014

"The SS Central America project builds upon our pipeline of existing shipwreck recovery contracts, where our compensation rights are secured and legal issues resolved prior to cargo recovery," added Gordon."

March 6th, the legal issues were resolved prior to recovery? In March, CADG still had a valid Admiralty Arrest on the wreck.

TAMPA, Fla., May 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (Nasdaq:OMEX), a pioneer in the field of deep-ocean exploration, recovered nearly 1,000 ounces of gold during the first reconnaissance dive to the SS Central America shipwreck site on April 15,2014.

When was the NEW Admiralty Arrest filed again?

The Wrecked and Abandoned Vessel S.S. Central America
Plaintiff: Recovery Limited Partnership
Claimant: Columbus America Discovery Group, Inc.
Case Number: 2:2014cv00160
Filed: April 17, 2014

When was the Admiralty Arrest decided?

All outstanding motions in the cases ae now resolved, and the matter shall proceed forward in Case No. 2:87cv363, with RLP as the real party in interest and the salvor-in-possession of the S.S. Central America. Signed by Chief District Judge Rebecca Beach Smith on July 9, 2014

Actively worked the SSCA site, on the previous Admiralty Arrest by Tommy Thompson, from April 15 (even prior to the new arrest filing) to July 9.

Odyssey saying "we have a permit" is the same as "where our compensation rights are secured and legal issues resolved prior to cargo recovery," ?

Where is this claim, or any statement by Odyssey on the event?

Press Release

Odyssey Marine Exploration has been conducting a deep -ocean archaeological project in the Eastern Mediterranean under contract. The project has been conducted legally and Odyssey has not conducted any operations in Cypriot waters. Any statements to the contrary are false. The shipwreck on which the company has been conducting an archaeological operation appears to be a cargo vessel dating to the early to mid-17th century (1600-1650) with a primary cargo of agricultural goods, porcelain, glazed pottery and other trade cargo. The site is not identifiable by name nor country of origin. The project design anticipates full publication of the results of the operation and exhibit of the recovered artifacts.

We understand the actions taken by the local authorities were based on a false report. Odyssey is fully cooperating and the company is confident the authorities will quickly confirm that Odyssey was neither working in Cypriot waters nor recovering ancient artefacts.

On this project, Odyssey is subject to a non-disclosure agreement under the contract and cannot provide further details.

Funny Nav post of the week

With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon, full of porcelain bowls?


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Press Release

Odyssey Marine Exploration has been conducting a deep -ocean archaeological project in the Eastern Mediterranean under contract. The project has been conducted legally and Odyssey has not conducted any operations in Cypriot waters. Any statements to the contrary are false. The shipwreck on which the company has been conducting an archaeological operation appears to be a cargo vessel dating to the early to mid-17th century (1600-1650) with a primary cargo of agricultural goods, porcelain, glazed pottery and other trade cargo. The site is not identifiable by name nor country of origin. The project design anticipates full publication of the results of the operation and exhibit of the recovered artifacts.

We understand the actions taken by the local authorities were based on a false report. Odyssey is fully cooperating and the company is confident the authorities will quickly confirm that Odyssey was neither working in Cypriot waters nor recovering ancient artefacts.

On this project, Odyssey is subject to a non-disclosure agreement under the contract and cannot provide further details.

Funny Nav post of the week

With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon, full of porcelain bowls?

I rest my case.

Press Release

Odyssey Marine Exploration has been conducting a deep -ocean archaeological project in the Eastern Mediterranean under contract. The project has been conducted legally and Odyssey has not conducted any operations in Cypriot waters. Any statements to the contrary are false. The shipwreck on which the company has been conducting an archaeological operation appears to be a cargo vessel dating to the early to mid-17th century (1600-1650) with a primary cargo of agricultural goods, porcelain, glazed pottery and other trade cargo. The site is not identifiable by name nor country of origin. The project design anticipates full publication of the results of the operation and exhibit of the recovered artifacts.

We understand the actions taken by the local authorities were based on a false report. Odyssey is fully cooperating and the company is confident the authorities will quickly confirm that Odyssey was neither working in Cypriot waters nor recovering ancient artefacts.

On this project, Odyssey is subject to a non-disclosure agreement under the contract and cannot provide further details.

Funny Nav post of the week

With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon, full of porcelain bowls?


These statements are not new by Odyssey and go according to the style of work of Odyssey Marine. Black Swan was identical, but .....

Press Release

Odyssey Marine Exploration has been conducting a deep -ocean archaeological project in the Eastern Mediterranean under contract. The project has been conducted legally and Odyssey has not conducted any operations in Cypriot waters. Any statements to the contrary are false. The shipwreck on which the company has been conducting an archaeological operation appears to be a cargo vessel dating to the early to mid-17th century (1600-1650) with a primary cargo of agricultural goods, porcelain, glazed pottery and other trade cargo. The site is not identifiable by name nor country of origin. The project design anticipates full publication of the results of the operation and exhibit of the recovered artifacts.

We understand the actions taken by the local authorities were based on a false report. Odyssey is fully cooperating and the company is confident the authorities will quickly confirm that Odyssey was neither working in Cypriot waters nor recovering ancient artefacts.

On this project, Odyssey is subject to a non-disclosure agreement under the contract and cannot provide further details.

Funny Nav post of the week

With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon, full of porcelain bowls?

These statements are not new by Odyssey and go according to the style of work of Odyssey Marine. Black Swan was identical, but .....[/QUOTE]

But ....


AGI, Seville, Spain

VOC, provide the link to your 'press release'. The only reference like this was from an unnamed spokeswoman on an obscure blog.

It has been over a week since the vessel was detained, and the recovery seized. Still no news from Odyssey.

MPH, not going to be baited. There is an ADS-3000, which can go to 3000 feet. Good luck.

back to relevance....

Funny Nav post of the week

With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon, full of porcelain bowls?

no ideas, just humour for you?

I see that the wonderkind OMEX hit 24 cents today.

Ya know...
What still puzzles me about this whole thing is... WHY ?
Why is it that you ASSUME Odyssey is a criminal ?

Why would Odyssey risk loosing another "find" through any technicality... ?
The loss of the 500 mil would have taught anyone a lesson in not taking any risks again.

Oh wait... are you saying...
Once a mistake... always a mistake.

Do you really think a company that is in such a spotlight... would break any law that could jeopardize all the hard work and money put out ?

VOC, provide the link to your 'press release'. The only reference like this was from an unnamed spokeswoman on an obscure blog.

It has been over a week since the vessel was detained, and the recovery seized. Still no news from Odyssey.

no ideas, just humour for you?


There is no link as it was a press release sent to "relevant" press, and as your beloved blogs are not relevant you won't see a link. But some relevant press got it as you will see here http://www.cyprusnewsreport.com/201...iscate-antiquities-on-suspicion-of-smuggling/

You will notice there is no "new" news coming from Cyprus either (that should tell you something - news embargo by both sides).

I have lots of ideas and humour just chose not to share my ideas with you. :-)

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The EEZ of Cyprus and Lebanon abut. The site is not in international waters, and the theory that the shipwreck was exactly on the line, and therefore in international waters is laughable. .

That is not where the information is from, it is from the press. Read the pipeline articles on the issue.

It isn't that laughable, it's a simple matter of "law". For any country that doesn't recognize the horrific laws the U.N. forces upon countries, such as "Convention on the Law of the Sea" there is no EEZ therefore it IS INTERNATIONAL WATERS!!!

Now you are just making things up.

While UNCLOS allows passage of surface and subsurface vessels, therefore does not recognize the EEZ to allow for free passage, shipwrecks are considered a cultural resource, and are included in many countries EEZ claims as a resource. Cyprus and Lebanon are included in this group, as well as many others.

An extensive paper on the issue was written by Bederman, so Odyssey is well aware.

Since UNESCO has been implacably hostile against historic shipwreck salvors, one would not expect them to back off a countries claim to a historic shipwreck within its EEZ.

In addition, Lebanon HAS signed the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage.

No news from Odyssey and no release yet....nothing suspect of course.

Very interesting is the case of boarding this ship which remains docked in Spain after nearly 10 years:


This case is very interesting. Apparently it is well true the proverb: who hurts by sword, dies by the sword!

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