Has anyone expressed that they wanted to identify the shipwreck?
Doesn't Odyssey claim their project is early to mid-17th century not 18th century?
Where is this claim, or any statement by Odyssey on the event?
BUT isn't this over? Hasn't the govt denounced that it's Cypriot artifacts?
It has been over a week since the ship was detained and the recovery seized. IF there was a permit, what hasn't this been sorted out?
Here is a blast form the past, or at least the last recovery:
Press release: Odyssey website.
Court Approves Odyssey Marine Exploration Contract for Gold Cargo Recovery From SS Central America Shipwreck
TAMPA, Fla.,
March 6, 2014
"The SS Central America project builds upon our pipeline of existing shipwreck recovery contracts, where our compensation rights are secured and legal issues resolved prior to cargo recovery," added Gordon."
March 6th, the legal issues were resolved prior to recovery? In March, CADG still had a valid Admiralty Arrest on the wreck.
TAMPA, Fla.,
May 5, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Odyssey Marine Exploration, Inc. (Nasdaq:OMEX), a pioneer in the field of deep-ocean exploration, recovered nearly 1,000 ounces of gold during the first reconnaissance dive to the SS Central America shipwreck site on
April 15,2014.
When was the NEW Admiralty Arrest filed again?
The Wrecked and Abandoned Vessel S.S. Central America
Plaintiff: Recovery Limited Partnership
Claimant: Columbus America Discovery Group, Inc.
Case Number: 2:2014cv00160
April 17, 2014
When was the Admiralty Arrest decided?
All outstanding motions in the cases ae now resolved, and the matter shall proceed forward in Case No. 2:87cv363, with RLP as the real party in interest and the salvor-in-possession of the S.S. Central America. Signed by Chief District Judge Rebecca Beach Smith on
July 9, 2014
Actively worked the SSCA site, on the previous Admiralty Arrest by Tommy Thompson, from April 15 (even prior to the new arrest filing) to July 9.
Odyssey saying "we have a permit" is the same as "where our compensation rights are secured and legal issues resolved prior to cargo recovery," ?