Still we won't see them retract all the crap they have been posting everywhere since before Christmas.
The "usual suspects" were dead wrong again. LOL
What is there to retract, and who was dead wrong? The vessel WAS detained, and the recovery was confiscated, correct? Currently, the vessel has been cleared, but the recovery has not.
Its all about DD (JM, that doesn't mean diet and dental), due diligence means researching the news briefs, known facts, other information, and a logical conclusion. Had Odyssey decided to actually put out a press release, perhaps this would have been avoided, alas, they did not, simply reliant on the obscure media to send out their message through an unnamed 'spokeswoman'. Again, just as with all of their other mishaps, the 'secrecy', coupled with all of the legal history that has not been in their favor, allows all sides of the fence to run rampant with speculation.
Looking through the list of projects, the Victory is virtually dead, and they have been working on the MMO permit for what, 2 years now, without success. What happened to the "confidant permission will be coming shortly"?
The Gairsoppa contract has been closed, meaning no going back for the 4 million ounces Odyssey reported. The investigation of the $4.5M overpayment is still ongoing. The Mantola is still valid.
The Sussex contract is about to, or has expired, looking at the years of inactivity specified in the contract.
Several sources has stated the exclusive recovery contract for the Central America has also been closed. Too bad that Odyssey did not have the capability to remove the steel superstructure and paddle wheels, where most of the gold was likely to have been stored. That leaves yet another chapter in the Central America saga yet to unfold.
Speaking of Central America sagas, the ownership of the recovery has yet to be determined. It is a brand new arrest, so the provisions of the last one are no longer valid. When the dust settles, look for Odyssey to get a negotiated day rate, and little else.
Odyssey was forced to sell of the shipwreck database to pay off debts, leaving them with a day rate plus 20% of net. If the database was so valuable, why haven't they been working wrecks for years, simply working for day rates?
It appears that the OE is back out, doing what who knows, because they are driving around, perhaps they didnt write down where the wrecksite was. I think it humorous that the crew posts 'not under command' on the ais, likely meaning OMEX, not the vessel.
I can't wait to see the "looted" porcelain.
Have you enjoyed watching the recent recovery, the bottom mosaics, and the images of the artifacts?
Oh yes, the plates should provide simply amazing images. You can always go to the facebook page, and read all about the Republic recovery from 13 years ago, and attempt to live that dream....
Slap yourselves on the back on this one, the ship got away for now. Then slap each other when your realize they sold off everything. what is that old saying, "even a blind pig roots up an acorn in the mud every now and then..."
Good luck.