Odyssey Explorer seized in Limassol

You have the opportunity to buy OMEX at 22 cents. You can get 20 shares for the price of a Big Mac. Good luck

Share price is largely an operational irrelevance to a company, other than having to fend off awkward questions from the larger shareholders.

Companies get the money when they issue the origional share capital, what happens afterwards between the share holding gamblers does not effect the company.

Even delisting from NASDAQ is not a major issue.

Many shareholders prefer to buy low share price stock as the % rises can often be a much larger proportion of the share price. A one cent share that goes to two cents is a 100% increase, so if you held enough you profit is much better that a ninety cent share that rises to ninety five.

Its just bad news for the guys who bought high.

Wow, really? READ your own post, where you refuted my post, then READ my response.

Comprehension, well.

You have the opportunity to buy OMEX at 22 cents. You can get 20 shares for the price of a Big Mac. Good luck.

So you're not willing to tell me ?

I don't give a rats arse what OMEX stock price is, but I do like to make money.

Are you telling me to buy OMEX?

But please don't let this distract you from answering my first question.

Share price is largely an operational irrelevance to a company,

Shareprice and market cap are very relevant to a companies ability to secure credit and raise cash. The company has the ability to raise more direct cash with offerings. Odyssey currently has the ability to go to a max of 150 million shares, and currently has floated around 85 million shares. Odyssey raised significant cash selling preferred shares, but that was the old days when there was some sort of perceived value.
This of course, dilutes the value accordingly, as they would have more cash, but the shareprice would be 10 cents.

AU drreamer, do I really have to spell it out for you?

I stated this:

The EEZ of Cyprus and Lebanon abut. The site is not in international waters, and the theory that the shipwreck was exactly on the line, and therefore in international waters is laughable. .

You stated this, in reply

It isn't that laughable, it's a simple matter of "law". For any country that doesn't recognize the horrific laws the U.N. forces upon countries, such as "Convention on the Law of the Sea" there is no EEZ therefore it IS INTERNATIONAL WATERS!!!

My response was that you were making this up, as both Cyprus and Lebanon support and enforce their respective EEZ, and collaborate on the issues. Are you saying that if a Country doesn't care about UN laws, they are free to violate the EEZ of another Country?

There is no link as it was a press release sent to "relevant" press, and as your beloved blogs are not relevant you won't see a link. But some relevant press got it as you will see here http://www.cyprusnewsreport.com/2015...-of-smuggling/
You added press release to the excerpt from the article, that is a false claim on your part.. You state this was a press release? ONE statement on an obscure blog, by a 'spokeswoman' is a press release? Odysseys only asset, the OE has been detained, and a recovery seized. There are allegations of illegal treasure hunting. Interesting that you are very selective about which blog is relevant.

Are you telling me to buy OMEX?

If you believe so strongly about Odyssey, then you should buy shares. I was putting the current shareprice in context for you.

You added press release to the excerpt from the article, that is a false claim on your part.. You state this was a press release? ONE statement on an obscure blog, by a 'spokeswoman' is a press release? Odysseys only asset, the OE has been detained, and a recovery seized. There are allegations of illegal treasure hunting. Interesting that you are very selective about which blog is relevant.


I have not added any words to anything, just because you make things up don't accuse others of doing the same.

I believe in finding out fact not fiction like your totally unsubstainciated claim about the Lebanese Government asking Cyprus to seize the ship.

Historians need factual accounts not stories when looking back on incidents like this.

PS: OE might be free to sail very soon.

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I believe in finding out fact not fiction like your totally unsubstainciated claim about the Lebanese Government asking Cyprus to seize the ship.

I provided the link to where this came from, yet you claim it is just a blog.

You added press release to the post. That is false and misleading. It is an excerpt from an obscure blog that is not even credited to Odyssey, just an un-named spokewoman. False and misleading. Where does this say, or meet the definition of a press release?

Odyssey Treasure Hunters Acted Legally, Under Contract - Spokeswoman - CyprusNewsReport.Com

Odyssey has not issued a press release on the subject, and it is a material event for a public company.

“…the Republic of Cyprus does not wish to make any further comments besides those made yesterday by the foreign minister (https://in.news.yahoo.com/cyprus-seeks-lebanese-help-seized-163326721.html). Additional statements may be made at a later stage.”

This is typical for ongoing investigations, and one can be certain that Odyssey was squealing like the proverbial pig when the pipeline broke the news... http://thepipeline.info/blog/2015/1...ched-by-cypriot-authorities-and-cargo-seized/

PS: OE might be free to sail very soon.

Is this a guess, or do you have inside information?

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Recent Falsehoods

1. The latest news from Cyprus is that the Lebanese Authorities requested the seizure. (No evidence whatsoever and totally false)
2. With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon (Actually 17th Century as had been widely publicised before this daft statement)

3. You added press release to the excerpt from the article (Never added any words to anything, only copied and pasted complete text from elsewhere)
4. When the pipeline broke the news (News first broke in Cyprus Media not the Pipeline)

Its very sad when people carry out personal vendettas against a company that has acted legally (never to my knowledge been charged or prosecuted for a criminal offence, including the Mercedes). Some on outdated Ideology, some short sellers doing it for financial reasons and one because he was rejected for employment by OMEX

This nonsensical and vindictive behaviour cost investors real money and hard working and dedicated people their jobs.


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Its very sad when people carry out personal vendettas against a company that has acted legally (never to my knowledge been charged or prosecuted for a criminal offence, including the Mercedes).

You are kidding, correct? What do you think Contempt of Court is? Odyssey was fined $1.2 Million Dollars for Contempt.
Charged and found guilty of Contempt.

"Odyssey went where it went because it knew full well where to go; Odyssey found what it found because it knew full well what it was looking for; Odyssey withheld and deceived and deflected with respect to what it found because Odyssey knew full well why Spain was asking and knew full well the adverse consequence to Odyssey’s financial aspirations if Spain discovered the answer. To come to court and deny the truth of these facts is, as stated earlier, an unacceptable enormity propounded and maintained in bad faith and for an improper purpose."

Don't forget the SEC charges on the Tortugas debaucle. Charged and prosecuted for securities fraud.

The Mercedes, criminal charges in Court of Linea in Spain, investigation still pending.

The Gairsoppa, Investigation pending for overcharging $4.5 million. pending investigation.

MMO. Charged and found guilty of working the Victory site without a permit. Deferred sentencing. MMO permit still pending.

Earnesto Tapanas, charged and convicted of insider trading in OMEX, Currently still working for Odyssey.
Odyssey Explorer and Ocean Alert detained when leaving Gib on criminal charges, Vorus arrested.

You are correct, never charged or arrested, and certainly no convictions....

1. The latest news from Cyprus is that the Lebanese Authorities requested the seizure. (No evidence whatsoever and totally false)
Not true, there is evidence in the press. The article has been posted several times, but as it does not suit your purpose, it is false.

2. With all of your alleged experience, as well as others, I am surprised that none of you have been able to determine the potential identity shipwreck. I mean really, 18th century wreck, off the Coast of Lebanon (Actually 17th Century as had been widely publicised before this daft statement)

Where did you, or any others, provide even a shred of evidence to the identity of the wreck that Odyssey is accused of looting?

3. You added press release to the excerpt from the article (Never added any words to anything, only copied and pasted complete text from elsewhere)

You are not telling the truth, YOU provided the link, and no where did it mention press release. I have provided proof it did not say press release. Provide proof it did.

4. When the pipeline broke the news (News first broke in Cyprus Media not the Pipeline)

Since you claim inability to access the pipeline, how do you know they did not?

EEZ issues...

Speaking after the cabinet meeting at the presidential residence in Troodos, Kasoulides explained that temporarily confiscating the boat was the correct procedure regardless of whether the artefacts were found in Cyprus’ or Lebanon’s exclusive economic zone (EEZ), a fact that is still not clear. He said Cyprus had the obligation to investigate a ship with such a cargo, before granting it permission to depart.
“Whether in one EEZ or the other, the process of the temporary seizure of the ship and its contents will be the same. The Lebanese will come to air their views, we will hear from foreign experts as to where such cargo comes from and what its destination was,” he said.
Asked whether the ship may be handed over to the Lebanese authorities, Kasoulides replied “these are issues that we will have to see because they are preceded by a series of other tests. Depending on the findings, we will act according to the recommendation of the attorney-general.”

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Being ordered to pay "66%" of your opponents legal fees for being in contempt by acting in poor faith, is not the same as being Charged, Found Guilty and Fined for Contempt of Court http://legaltimes.typepad.com/files/odyssey.pdf

And we all know from Wikileaks the gross injustice of this case. http://www.wired.com/2011/01/wikileaks-sunken-treasure/

You are also wrong on many of your other points and are trying to twist events and facts to support your warped agenda, so from my point of view its not worth debating with you further on this matter.


AuvNav Statement:

MMO. Charged and found guilty of working the Victory site without a permit. Deferred sentencing.


After a careful review of this evidence, I am satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction for the offences listed above and the facts of this case have now been considered and recorded. In this instance, however, it has been decided not to prosecute you for the offences and instead to mark these offences with an Official Written Warning for the offences, in accordance with the MMO’s compliance and enforcement strategy.”

In the UK we have a legal system where you have to be taken to court and "Found Guilty" before you can be regarded as guilty or sentenced.

Government departments often lose their cases when both sides present their cases, there is not any indication whatsoever that the MMO would have won any case against OMEX even if they did try and prosecute, as they are an organisation in total
disarray and you can drive coach and horses through their legislation and procedures e.g.http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/2015-01-21/whitsand-bay-dump-permit-was-illegally-issued/ , and OMEX would have had a very good defence case.

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It appears that the only thing accomplished with all the talk of Odyssey is...
Odyssey stock value rise. heh

Seems people like Odyssey and are buying into them... even as the market struggles.
And I do not think this will change.
People here and abroad seem to love Odyssey Marine.

I hope they dominate the recovery biz and make extreme fortunes... and even more extreme finds.
And I hope that they get a green light to recover ANY and ALL major significant remaining shipwrecks Worldwide...
And without interference from anyone or anything.

At least they know how to work.
And are actually "getting it done".
Instead of all the talk and dragging of feet and red tape from the envious and greedy control mongers.

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ARRC, I have a suggestion. Quit posting replies to people that just come on Tnet to TROLL treasure hunters and maybe they will just go away.

ARRC, I have a suggestion. Quit posting replies to people that just come on Tnet to TROLL treasure hunters and maybe they will just go away.

No they wont. They will just keep posting their garbage and it will go unchallenged and they will tell themselves that they must be even more right because nobody is opposing their comments.

Jason, why do you care what they think?
Ignore them, even if they don't go away. Why feed into their nonsense and give them posts to respond too?
Do what you want, if you like being trolled. My father told me never to argue with someone whose elevator didn't go to the top floor. ( I'm not talking about your elevator)

ARRC, I have a suggestion. Quit posting replies to people that just come on Tnet to TROLL treasure hunters and maybe they will just go away.

Don't worry... It seems that no one in this "forum" listens to me anyway...
And most prolly don't even read what I have to say...
let alone care about what I say.

Sheesh.. I am lucky to even get a response or an acknowledgement that something was even said.

Maybe they just don't like me... or I am just a clown to them.
I quit thinking about it...
This is something I have long ago... here on Tnet... grown to accept.
It's ok with me...
I like it that way... Simplifies things...

AS this IS... as you may already know...

A 2 way street. :)

Jason, why do you care what they think?
Ignore them, even if they don't go away. Why feed into their nonsense and give them posts to respond too?
Do what you want, if you like being trolled. My father told me never to argue with someone whose elevator didn't go to the top floor. ( I'm not talking about your elevator)

Because there are 10s of thousands people who see these posts through google searches. If all they are finding are unopposed attacks, they will also assume that the attacks are therefore truth. Therefore there must be some counter to their lies and insults.

Its very sad when people carry out personal vendettas against a company that has acted legally (never to my knowledge been charged or prosecuted for a criminal offence, including the Mercedes).

(never to my knowledge been charged or prosecuted for a criminal offence,..") ?

The information I provided was to help you in your quest for knowledge, as it appears you had no idea that Odyssey has been CHARGED and PROSECUTED and CONVICTED (successfully) many, many times, and there are still several investigations pending. Were you aware that the permit to recover the Garisoppa has been rescinded?

It appears that the only thing accomplished with all the talk of Odyssey is...
Odyssey stock value rise. heh Seems people like Odyssey and are buying into them... even as the market struggles.
Not certain which cave you are currently dwelling, but the shareprice is at a 15 year low and dropping daily. They only people buying Odyssey are the creditors taking possession of the assets for pennies on the dollar. You are aware that Odyssey just sold off its shipwreck business to cover loans they were unable to pay?

they will also assume that the attacks are therefore truth. Therefore there must be some counter to their lies and insults.

Note which posts are insulting, and which posts are counterpoint to the ludicrous pumping of Odyssey Marine...so yes, there will be a counterpoint to the lies.


"The information I provided was to help you in your quest for knowledge"

The only knowledge I have ever gained from any of your post is confirmation that you don't have a clue about what you talk about and that you spin untruths for your own agenda.

I will leave you in peace in your own little world, as I don't want to make you look any more foolish than you are, and especially as your doing such a good job of that yourself.

Have a great week especially watching AIS.



Ahh, there you go...when confronted with facts, you pull a cowardly retreat and surrender. (with your middle finger held high, of course)

Good luck.


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Repeating rubbish from anti-OMEX blogs does not make them facts, thats only in your mind. I showed you where you were wrong on the MMO and Mercedes case, and the SEC case you listed was Seahawk and not OMEX and where they were also latter cleared on appeal, all the other cases you listed said under investigation but still years latter no charges.

Not one scrap of evidence from you that Odyssey has been CHARGED and PROSECUTED and CONVICTED (successfully)

Unfortunately you are so mixed up, bitter and twisted I have decided to retreat as it's cruel of me and all of us to keep making you look so foolish all the time.

At least you will not forgotten https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6Hlw_9ldThs (listen to the words carefully and think of your position)

Good bye and good luck to you :-)

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I don't care what is said about Odyssey Marine...
I do not even know them...
But if they needed help here in Tampa...
I would work for them for free...
just to have another chance to be a part of something out there in the recovery biz...
Because I believe in them... The Company as a whole... And its people.

It kills me to watch this company we all really inside wish we were part of... get "attacked" here ... Un provoked.
It seems so senseless.
And IMO...
There has to be a "hidden agenda" that propels this.

I am still a younger energetic dreamer... and that is something no one can or will ever take from me.
Not here...
Not anywhere.

And on that note...
I will also wish you all the best of luck in your ventures in life.
And hope that your contempt for Odyssey can somehow turn into a peaceful handshake with them.
For it seems it is getting you nowhere anyway.

Like I said... People like them... including me.

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