Odyssey Explorer seized in Limassol

I have Claudio's book, I purchased it as soon as he released it through Signum Ops. I purchase anything Signum Ops publishes, and this was certainly no exception.

Claudio's book is uniformly excellent from cover to cover, and represents a deep level of understanding as it relates to shipwrecks and their history.

One doesn't have to actually recover shipwreck treasure themselves if they choose not to, but probably shouldn't post here begrudging other treasure hunters who choose to do just that, either for profit or enjoyment.

I certainly don't think one has to surreptitiously work wrecks in National Parks to be considered a treasure hunter, and I certainly don't believe that every treasure hunter has to be a "pirate" at heart ... but when one seemingly wallows in, and indeed seems to enjoy the misery of other treasure hunters you have to wonder where the fellow is coming from, and why he posts to a treasure hunting forum with what are quite obviously anti-treasure hunting posts.

Just wondering why folks with absolutely no apparent interest in the joy of treasure hunting and recovery bother to post here?

Vox Veritas...I have to ask why you continue to endlessly troll this forum with your anti-treasure hunting agenda?

There is a huge difference between being anti-treasure hunting and anti-OMEX. It is my understanding that VV is the latter due to some unresolved conflicts in the past. If there are other posts apart from railing against OMEX, I am ignorant of those postings.

Sometimes personal agendas can be difficult to interpret, which is why they're best left someplace other than online forums.

I don't really see the difference between hundreds of posts disparaging OMEX, and hundreds of posts disparaging any other fellow treasure hunter ... but I do see now that most of VV's anti-treasure hunting posts are aimed squarely at OMEX.

Perhaps others enjoy reading attacks directed at OMEX, and I'm completely out of step ... but I find such attacks a bit out of place in a forum which encourages the hope that ALL treasure hunters achieve their definition of success.

I don't disagree at all, silverking. I just stated what I've read as a long-term observer on this forum. I don't have a dog in the fight either way. But as an avid poster/reader of many forums, your position is an ideal. It certainly isn't the reality of many public discussions. I wish it were.

There is a huge difference between being anti-treasure hunting and anti-OMEX. It is my understanding that VV is the latter due to some unresolved conflicts in the past. If there are other posts apart from railing against OMEX, I am ignorant of those postings.

Claudio has had some personal dealings with OMEX, and his name was also used by Odyssey in their court case with Spain .
The Spanish Police investigated Claudio over the negotiations.
Jeff K, god rest his soul , had more information.

I personally am not against recover treasures. But yes, legally. Since 1982, I got my first authorization, I always acted legally.
Now, with regard to Odyssey, there are a host of chances. Too many coincidences not to be suspicious.
In 2005, before my arrest, I was negotiating with the Ministry of Culture of Spain and the Portuguese Navy to recovery the Mercedes, yes, the same who recovered 17 tons of coins Odyssey in 2007 (so they say).
I had the approval of Culture of Spain. So is expressed in the documents drafted by the Spanish police.
Another coincidence. The Spanish archaeologist that triggered the legal process where I was accused, had (or has) the tax address: 5215 West Laurel St. Tampa, Fla 33607 and corresponds to the address of Odyssey Marine. This was revealed by the investigation of a private detective paid by me. Chance? No, I do not believe in them.
There are many more dark spots, but time will take care of them known.
As is my custom, all my arguments are properly documented.

The biggest problem OMEX has is: succsess at what they do.

They are currently the worlds best at deep water wreck location, artefact and cargo recovery as well as deep water archaeology, and they should alway be applauded for that.

Their business model is much more difficult, as they have to sell a dream to some and a financial gamble to others, to support and fund what we all know is an expensive high risk operation.

Financially I am sure they would be in a much better place if they were allowed to just get on and do what they have always done legally within the laws without the left leaning archaeological brigade having a crusade against them and interrupting their operations at every oppourtunity.

I believe companies like this are paving the way for future generations and they will win the argument in the end.

Good job Risdon Beazely and Sorima did not have all these pretend do-gooders on their backs.

I personally am not against recover treasures. But yes, legally. Since 1982, I got my first authorization, I always acted legally.
Now, with regard to Odyssey, there are a host of chances. Too many coincidences not to be suspicious.
In 2005, before my arrest, I was negotiating with the Ministry of Culture of Spain and the Portuguese Navy to recovery the Mercedes, yes, the same who recovered 17 tons of coins Odyssey in 2007 (so they say).
I had the approval of Culture of Spain. So is expressed in the documents drafted by the Spanish police.
Another coincidence. The Spanish archaeologist that triggered the legal process where I was accused, had (or has) the tax address: 5215 West Laurel St. Tampa, Fla 33607 and corresponds to the address of Odyssey Marine. This was revealed by the investigation of a private detective paid by me. Chance? No, I do not believe in them.
There are many more dark spots, but time will take care of them known.
As is my custom, all my arguments are properly documented.


Internet forums are terrible places to try and execute a "judge and jury" courtroom scenario, or to try and present ones case with an intent to influence readers by the content of ones posts.

Those who attempt such things most often wind up inviting only accusations of slander from their presumed opponent.

I'm not sure if there's anything to be gained by continued OMEX bashing, and I doubt such efforts are going to change anybodies established opinion of the company.

So good luck to Odyssey and their hunt for treasure - and good luck to Vox Veritas and his hunt for treasure.

Internet forums are terrible places to try and execute a "judge and jury" courtroom scenario, or to try and present ones case with an intent to influence readers by the content of ones posts.

Those who attempt such things most often wind up inviting only accusations of slander from their presumed opponent.

I'm not sure if there's anything to be gained by continued OMEX bashing, and I doubt such efforts are going to change anybodies established opinion of the company.

So good luck to Odyssey and their hunt for treasure - and good luck to Vox Veritas and his hunt for treasure.

Silverking, for now I can prove what I say. The rest will come. Time to time.

Silverking, please take the time to reread our rules....


So I'm crystal clear, archeologists whose sole purpose is to mock, disparage, vilify, and otherwise insult treasure hunters are not to be called out on their anti-treasure hunting agenda?

It's a serious question, I'll gladly abide by your instructions.


So I'm crystal clear, archeologists whose sole purpose is to mock, disparage, vilify, and otherwise insult treasure hunters are not to be called out on their anti-treasure hunting agenda?

It's a serious question, I'll gladly abide by your instructions.

Please abide by our rules....

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