Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

... As you remember I have always said I got my knowledge from the Troy movie and don't have a dog in this date fight. My dog is the Referee trying to keep you honest and you apparently didn't really know much about Homer or were hoping no one would look into him and just take your word for it that he is ALL KNOWING...
This is getting ridiculous, n2mini my friend.
I have read both the "Iliad" and the "Odyssey" and know all about Homer.
It is you, my friend that has constantly claimed that Homer was ALL KNOWING, not I.
At least you have gained a Wikipedia education on Homer, increasing you knowledge beyond the movie.
Now you need to figure out how Homer could write about about the War that was 100 years in his future according to the 650 BCE date of Wilson & Blackett, AND why Homer never mentioned the Welsh, Romans, and Israelites that Wilson & Blackett claimed fought in that War?
If you can answer those questions, then you can claim to be ALL KNOWING. :laughing7:

See your assuming that Homer's dates are correct and as I have shown pretty much no ones dates are correct. How does Homer know who fought in the war. His account is all hearsay from someone else. He wasn't in it, didn't watch it or read about it, or hear about it on the nightly news.... but yet, knows all about it enough to have atleast you convinced of it... and I'll save you from claiming he read braille..
Braille wasn't created until 1824 AD or as some use CE

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N2mini my friend, why do you continue to embarrass yourself by posting absolute nonsense?
Homer was the ORIGINAL source of the Trojan War story and the date attributed to his writing of the "ILIAD" was established by various academic disciplines, including historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, and such.
As for Homer's account being "hearsay", NO ONE, nor I have ever claimed it was an accurate account, unless of course, you believe that the Greek gods and goddesses chose sides in the battle.
Using your same flawed logic, Wilson & Blackett with their 650BCE date with the Welsh, Romans, and Israelites taken part in the Trojan War, they weren't in it, didn't watch it, debatable if they actually read about it, and concluding with you nonsense, didn't hear about it on the BBC nightly news.
As for the Braille remark, clown time is over, but if you want to continue to embarrass yourself with utterly farcical derisive nonsense, I 'm not one to stop you. Carry on.

I never said any of those folks or anyone for that matter are accurate in their dates. So you now admit that Homer's dates might not be correct? SO all this ranting and raving over his "works" was for nothing. You just said within the same post that his "works" ----- was established by various academic disciplines, including historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, and such. BUT THEN SAID ---- As for Homer's account being "hearsay", NO ONE, nor I have ever claimed it was an accurate account-- What the heck. You just contradicted yourself. If no ones know when or if the War happened how the heck do they know who all was in it... I'm done here on this topic so come on back and rant and rave some more on ole Homer and his Poems, and the such that even you aren't sure if they are accurate...an apparently no one is... Good day. Once our ship gets back to OI, I'll join back in, maybe....

if any one is embarrassed it should probably be you. You contradicted yourself in post above and a day or two ago you liked a posted that goes 100% against everything you have been ranting and raving on about the Trojan War... ( I have already mentioned that to you but you didn't bother to try to explain )

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... I'm done here on this topic so come on back and rant and rave some more ...
For someone who stated that they were done on Post# 3664, it rook only 36 minutes for you to return spinning out of control to add additional rants and raves of your embarrassing nonsense "full of sound and fury that signify nothing" *. :sign10:
*From Shakespeare's "MACBETH"

:BangHead::BangHead::hello2: yeah you got me. You win please move along...

The bottom line is that there is an exponential amount of hyperbole being tossed around about everything but the fact that not one iota of factual evidence has ever been produced to support any of the fictional fairy tales surrounding hoax island....

Everything is BS to the unlearned.
...and some can not tell the difference between real documented history from the alternative fabricated fantasy pseudo history peddled for profit by non historian quacks and hacks to the gullible unlearned.

Do not forget that Homer was NOT an historian - he was a writer, a poet, a playwright. Claiming his STORIES are "historical" is no different than claiming Margaret Mitchell "recorded history" when she wrote "Gone With The Wind".

I never claimed Homer was a historian, only that he was the first to mention and write about the Trojan War, and that was 100 years before the Wilson & Blackett claimed date of 650BCE for the Trojan War.
A very simple concept that some find confusing.

You have to remember that History of a Secret Society is SECRET.
What is written down in History Books or what historians may or may not know is of very little interest to me.
The best facts are hidden and have to be sought after with a ton of work.
Sorry but in my research I do not pay much attention to what others print on the Internet or in their books...
Unless of course the internet sites or books are by Petter Amundsen, Zena Halpern, Diana Jean Muir, and that charlatan tag team of Wilson & Blackett, that are NOT so secret, that you pass this claimed "research" on as fact, which it is not.

"Men, it has been said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one"- Charles Mackay, "EXTRAORDINARY DELUSIONS AND THE MADNESS OF CROWDS", 1841

"You must howl with the wolves, when you are with the wolves"-Anna Degraff

ECS, you must be bored to freaking death. You went back 2-1/2 years to quote Franklin.. and he hasn't even made a post anywhere on this site in 10 days, yet here you are trying to drag him into an argument..
The people he wants to believe are no different then you wanting to believe ole Homer...

P.S.- I'm not talking about the Trojan War here, so not going against my word of not talking about that any more...

ECS, you must be bored to freaking death. You went back 2-1/2 years to quote Franklin.. and he hasn't even made a post anywhere on this site in 10 days, yet here you are trying to drag him into an argument..
The people he wants to believe are no different then you wanting to believe ole Homer...

P.S.- I'm not talking about the Trojan War here, so not going against my word of not talking about that any more...
Less than 24 hours from your last post on this thread, reckon in your own words, I win again. :laughing7:
Thinking in herds or howling with the wolves?
'NUFF SAID! :thumbsup:

PS: At least Franklin's not so suppressed secret hidden information posts are entertaining.

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ECS: It’s easier to just use the ignore feature.....why waste time trying to school those who continue to post nonsense just for the sake of arguing and attempting to be relevant......

I never said I wasn't going to post in here again. Only that I wasn't going to talk about the Trojan War dates after I proved my point and apparently some of your "Like" fan boys agreed with me as they PM-d me to say as much. Did you happen to notice that ya'll usually like everything each and every post ya'll make. You even liked a post that went 100% against what you had been saying..Yet none of them liked any of your posts in your arguement with me on dates...Then you drag up OLD posts just to have something to argue about with someone else who so far hasn't taken the bait...

They're always fixated on how Samuel Ball acquired his wealth from being a lowly cabbage farmer. Maybe he took his life savings and put it all on '15' on the roulette wheel at the local Indian Casino and got lucky.

... I proved my point and apparently some of your "Like" fan boys agreed with me as they PM-d me to say as much.
Did you happen to notice that ya'll usually like everything each and every post ya'll make.
You even liked a post that went 100% against what you had been saying..
Yet none of them liked any of your posts in your arguement with me on dates...
What point did you actually think you made and review the POST# 3647 you claim I liked that you somehow think was 100% against what I been saying.
You do seem to be concerned with "likes"-you whined about that once before.
Do you feel that you are NOT getting your fair share of likes?
Please understand that is NOT my problem, nor is it my fault that you continue to embarrass yourself with these nonsense posts that reveal your shortcomings.
I should follow Singlestack Wonders' advice on POST#3676, but I do find your innocuous ineffectual rants and raves totally uninspired but amusing nonetheless.

"Shall we their fond pageant see?
Lord, what fools these these mortals be!" -Shakespeare, "MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM"

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