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Good to see an astronomical explanation, but do we have to believe that the story of the star and its journey is true? And what part does Uranus play in all of this? Isn't the Grand Poobah the boss of all the Buffaloes ... or was it the masons?
I hear you Doubter, I know you joined TNET because of the Ghost thread and that's why you picked that avatar name.If you follow. Are you with me? Dadgummit. To be sure. By thunder.
Nitric my anger is not, directed towards you. But instead at the roadblocks thrown up*in front of*frank open discourse about what is happening in Warrington. These Bedouins, these reenactors, something about them frightens people. I cannot put my finger on it. May be it is because, we fear what we, do not understand. If you follow me. Now do not, hide your light under a bushel, tell us how you managed that. In what language was the message written, and, what do you make of the nonsensical lines? Manbat you could be right it is enough to know, that there was once a source of information about a million or what have you*dollars in treasure, that was taken away from us the little people. Who it seems did not deserve to read it. That is, more than enough explanation, for what happened. And how! Flyadive tugrad gave me the email of the original investigator but I do not want help.*I can go it alone.*My time spent in the woods last night was, not in vain, but neither was it fruitful. In that I did not see them. I aim to seize a Bedouin by the turban and ask him his business here. Good Maker I will drag him in front of a camera, then you will see, no one calls me a liar.
Good God Robot I apologize, I skipped over your post, entirely. What you are saying, the locals here have been saying, for years. A reenactment. By thunder you know of them! Here in Warrington they have been going on, for decades. And not just Bedouins I am told, they are only, a part of it. The alphabet you have there is Ancient Georgian Script? Where is the key.