Weird event in Philadelphia suburbs, maybe treasure related?

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The star of the Magi was actually the star of Bethlehem. Scientist believe that the star of Bethlehem was Haleys comet which arrived here back in 1986 and it returns every 76 years.
Star of the Magi 52 image-1614685073.webp Didn't the Grand Pooh Bah disappear in 1985? Legend has it.

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I swore off of this thread but I can't let it continue unchecked. It's a reboot of the SePa thread dadgummit. If you follow.

BC1969 I am personally wondering why you can't find the information that an old man, with no internet experience, was able to unearth. Ok. I am not wondering at all. There isn't a lot out there. The OP seems to have intimate knowledge of the previous thread, beyond what anyone could possibly glean from anything you can google on the subject. The first 77 pages are available via the wayback machine. I didn't bother to re-read them but I don't think they got as far as the Magi fantasy.

I have asked to have my account removed because this thread is nothing more than a reboot of the SePa thread. I was told I need to wait 30 days. I could probably get myself banned with a rant, (possibly for life, like SePa) but I love this site.

My request to have my account deleted didn't come lightly. But having the SePa thread resurrected and given any credence boils my blood.

Even if the note (oddly missing a vertical crease in the first posting) holds a message, it will likely perpetuate the stupidity that was the SePa thread.

Jeff , I guess I am grateful you allowed my account to stay for now, but I have to ask you this. How do you not see this as the resurrection of the discredited SePa thread? Even if the."note" gets deciphered it doesn't lend any credence to the silliness that occurred in the deleted thread. Let me know what I am missing.

John - I won't pretend to have read the entire thread. When did your wife see this stuff? Why did you call her a liar?

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Good to see an astronomical explanation, but do we have to believe that the story of the star and its journey is true? And what part does Uranus play in all of this? Isn't the Grand Poobah the boss of all the Buffaloes ... or was it the Masons?

Good to see an astronomical explanation, but do we have to believe that the story of the star and its journey is true? And what part does Uranus play in all of this? Isn't the Grand Poobah the boss of all the Buffaloes ... or was it the masons?

Heh, heh. You said Uranus.

the Grand Poobah was on the flintstones, But don't see how it fits here


The Grand Poobah I was referring to was Grandpa from the ghost thread, he disappeared around 1985 from Warrington.

If you follow. Are you with me? Dadgummit. To be sure. By thunder.

Nitric my anger is not, directed towards you. But instead at the roadblocks thrown up*in front of*frank open discourse about what is happening in Warrington. These Bedouins, these reenactors, something about them frightens people. I cannot put my finger on it. May be it is because, we fear what we, do not understand. If you follow me. Now do not, hide your light under a bushel, tell us how you managed that. In what language was the message written, and, what do you make of the nonsensical lines? Manbat you could be right it is enough to know, that there was once a source of information about a million or what have you*dollars in treasure, that was taken away from us the little people. Who it seems did not deserve to read it. That is, more than enough explanation, for what happened. And how! Flyadive tugrad gave me the email of the original investigator but I do not want help.*I can go it alone.*My time spent in the woods last night was, not in vain, but neither was it fruitful. In that I did not see them. I aim to seize a Bedouin by the turban and ask him his business here. Good Maker I will drag him in front of a camera, then you will see, no one calls me a liar.

If you follow. Are you with me? Dadgummit. To be sure. By thunder.
I hear you Doubter, I know you joined TNET because of the Ghost thread and that's why you picked that avatar name.

I'm only still here because of the weirdness of it.
The thread and I have something in common!
There's got to be something wrong with me for following this dagnabbit for Petes sake thread!

Jeff we are discussing the old thread because, you keep bringing it up. Good gracious. I am trying to figure what is going on here but, it seems no matter what is posted, you harp on about the thread. If you follow me. You might want to separate the old thread, and its subject, in your head may be. They are not the same thing! I am not interested in, the deleted conversation, about the Bedouins. I am interested in the Bedouins. Different topics make no mistake. Permit me an anecdote. A debate between two, presidential candidates, about campaign finance reform is, not the same as actual campaign finance reform. And how! No matter how much, bad blood was stirred in the debate, we can still move forward. Discuss the subject as men. Doubter I suspect you have the identical, problem as Jeff. We are talking about the happenings, in Warrington, while you are talking about the thread. Even so, the thread is gone for a long time, but you still debate it without any proofs to back up your claim, about it. Now good heavens man may be you can at least, stop insulting my writing. Let us speak like men.

I've actually NOT searched for the info, reason being is because I'm enjoying the mystery of this thread, and if some older deleted thread proves this thread is bogus, that would ruin my reading pleasure. Sure eventually I'll dig up the old one and read it, but I have to figure out the actors first. I already know who the OP is, and a couple others who are just clones under different screen names. That's my game and joy is figuring out who is who...not sure why, but I love a challenge. I left clues in a earlier reply, if anybody had read it, and figured out the clues I left, you would find the purpose of this thread...its pure genius.


I'm not going to go through the posts to point out who is bringing what up first.

I state my conditions for this thread to conttinue

i expect them to be followed

I'd like to suggest the creation of a new forum sub section called "totally useless nonsense completely unrelated to treasure hunting".


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Jeff I agree. As I said I am no longer interested, in the old thread, I am interested in the Bedouins and what have you. What is happening in Warrington. A disclaimer may be? Gentlemen this conversation is not about the old thread, the only thing they have in common, is the subject. That being who is burying treasure here and why. Though it seems, animosity will follow these reenactors, wherever they go. Good heavens there is no need for it! I do not think, they are a danger. Certainly not to most on the forums, who come from afar, but are agitated by their doings. You are safe I warrant.

Good God Robot I apologize, I skipped over your post, entirely. What you are saying, the locals here have been saying, for years. A reenactment. By thunder you know of them! Here in Warrington they have been going on, for decades. And not just Bedouins I am told, they are only, a part of it. The alphabet you have there is Ancient Georgian Script? Where is the key.

Fly, you're right. I chose my name while googling metal detecting sites near me and I found the SePa thread on this site. I read the entire thread and commented on the incredibility (read that as unbelievability) of the fairy tale that was being told.

That the insanity was trying to be portrayed as fact upset me.

I haven't told anyone up to this point but my wife and I went to Warrington on on January 5th and 6th of 2013 and this year as well. I believe I knew where to go thanks to the dead thread. We stays in the area from 6:30 PM until 4:00 AM by thunder. If you follow. We saw absolutely NOTHING. if you follow.

I can't say what John saw but may wife and I certainly didn't see it.

Doubter I feel your pain make no mistake. I have lived in Warrington for, ten years and change, and heard the stories with regularity. But saw what I saw, only this year. So may be, I have had it worse than you, a decade's worth of tall tales with my home on the edge of the woods, before a sighting finally. Imagine that! You looked for ten hours and, were frustrated, by thunder I looked for ten years! So I know, how you feel more than you realize. May be I had it easier though, than it could have been. What with all the stories floating around from so many people, that I trust, preparing me. If you follow. Now perhaps I can be of some assistance, here. Where did you and the little lady go, to watch for the Bedouins? Myself I was in the woods northwest of Phillips Avenue. There is a community, at the bottom, called Lamplighter Village. Had I a map and pencil I could may be trace out the route taken. And I was not, the only one, watching. The arrogant youth and his ilk have been hanging over the woods, like a cloud, since the summer of 2012 with cameras binoculars and goodness knows what else. Finding these reenactors, demonstrators is not easy as bird watching. Wanting to be found, or not, must be a part of it may be. Now as to what you think incredible, unbelievable, or insane, why are you of that mind. Perhaps though, Robot wrote sagely and rightly with "strange truth may be mistaken as fiction." I like that, I think he, hit the nail on the head. I neglect to consider that I and others have seen these things personally, know them true, an advantage, most do not have.

Nitric my anger is not, directed towards you. But instead at the roadblocks thrown up*in front of*frank open discourse about what is happening in Warrington. These Bedouins, these reenactors, something about them frightens people. I cannot put my finger on it. May be it is because, we fear what we, do not understand. If you follow me. Now do not, hide your light under a bushel, tell us how you managed that. In what language was the message written, and, what do you make of the nonsensical lines? Manbat you could be right it is enough to know, that there was once a source of information about a million or what have you*dollars in treasure, that was taken away from us the little people. Who it seems did not deserve to read it. That is, more than enough explanation, for what happened. And how! Flyadive tugrad gave me the email of the original investigator but I do not want help.*I can go it alone.*My time spent in the woods last night was, not in vain, but neither was it fruitful. In that I did not see them. I aim to seize a Bedouin by the turban and ask him his business here. Good Maker I will drag him in front of a camera, then you will see, no one calls me a liar.

What do I make of the nonsensical lines?

Didn't really think about it. I just thought I either got things switched around in my deciphering, or the way I was deciphering. But, now I'm thinking it may have been done for a reason.

1. They don't fit to make it harder to decipher?
2. It was meant to not fit for a "message inside a message"?
3. it was the error of the person that wrote it? Which I doubt.

I'll look at my mess of scratch papers and try to better organize the "information". I'll post the note with the letters that didn't work out. As far as what I did to decipher? A combination of things. Looked up a few symbols, made a few guess's,used a little math,and a lot of luck.

I have a few theories on the whole thing, I'll keep those to myself at this point. For my own curiosity. I don't want to sway anyone's thoughts with added confusion.

I will say, I think this is more elaborate than it appears! There is a lot of information within the thread. Like an "archaeologist" you have to dig!:thumbsup: Tugrat did have useful information!

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Ancient Georgia Writing

Good God Robot I apologize, I skipped over your post, entirely. What you are saying, the locals here have been saying, for years. A reenactment. By thunder you know of them! Here in Warrington they have been going on, for decades. And not just Bedouins I am told, they are only, a part of it. The alphabet you have there is Ancient Georgian Script? Where is the key.

Here is the key:

Georgian language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Remember writing was and is read and written from "Left" to "Right".

"By The Way" I really enjoy your "Style of Writing".

I believe you "Missed Your Calling" but it is "Never Too Late"!

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After looking at everything again. There are a few things that didn't fit. or that were changed to throw things off.
this is what I have as it is in the picture.









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