Weird event in Philadelphia suburbs, maybe treasure related?

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Jeff how is this for proof. What I saw with my, own two eyes, and the photos I have of it. One monk, three Bedouins, almost a dozen dark age warriors. Torches, swords, spears, magnesium. Fire, and smoke. These were not flim flam costumes make no mistake, professional work. They buried incense and I have pictures. Stories of them in Warrington go back fifty years. What I saw matches a computer rendering, of the same thing, someone saw the year before. Now Tugrad explains in plain language what is happening, making sense of all, the years of sightings and whispers here. Not evidence? Please bear with me. A former member and "the Scam he started," now by chance was that claim of scam a "legit conclusion" supported by "proof of how those conclusions have been reached?" With hope, we are all here held to the same standard. I am interested in that proof as I am interested in the proof, advanced the first time around. Was the proof deleted. Was it in the old discussion. I have not, raised the issue, you have. Tugrad if you were involved and still are by all means give us some proof of what it is you have concluded.

One monk, three Bedouins, almost a dozen dark age warriors. Torches, swords, spears, magnesium. Fire, and smoke.

supposedly on a regular bases in the area
and no police, interviews or news coverage ? ever :icon_scratch:

Interesting at best.

Not accusation, Just confusion.

Oh & for the record, nothing Legit has been removed from TreasureNet

Nitric I think some things were found, I think some things were turned up. I think there was plenty of proof but it, looks like, it was deleted.

Ok, I was headed down a whole different path with all this. I may have been looking too deep! :dontknow: I'm looking so deep, I'm checking out the writing on the pen that is sitting on the note!

We are blinded by everything else and only look for gold! While, true treasure is overlooked and buried type of thing! That's the path I was on!:icon_scratch:

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Very well fellows, I do not typically get this agitated. But now that doubt, has been cast on what I saw, and what my friends saw and have been seeing for years. And what, my wife saw. Boy howdy that gets me fuming. You might as well be, calling me a liar. Calling the little lady a liar! My darling dearest. I will not stand for it make no mistake. Since people with information maybe evidence are shut out, silenced and the original proof was deleted, by God I will get it myself. These old bones still have some life in them. Let an old man show you, how it is done.

no body has called you a liar. :tongue3:
all I am saying is Someone knows what you's saw.
ask at the library if you haven't
if it's common Knowledge in the area, There should be stories about who they are.
Once you know who they are, Translation of that paper should come easy. Right ?

you said
Stories of them in Warrington go back fifty years.

Don't be so defensive :unhappysmiley:

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Very well fellows, I do not typically get this agitated. But now that doubt, has been cast on what I saw, and what my friends saw and have been seeing for years. And what, my wife saw. Boy howdy that gets me fuming. You might as well be, calling me a liar. Calling the little lady a liar! My darling dearest. I will not stand for it make no mistake. Since people with information maybe evidence are shut out, silenced and the original proof was deleted, by God I will get it myself. These old bones still have some life in them. Let an old man show you, how it is done.

Wasn't meant to be offensive or calling you anything! I may have just misunderstood your very first post! I read into it different than what you intended! No ones fault! No one to blame! I just misunderstood!

I'm still curious either way! Still very curious about the note!

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Nitric the Water Club, Borgata is my top hotel and casino. I admit, I am a gambling man. Jeff now my complaint is not whether I can find, someone here in Warrington with information, there are plenty. I said so already It is that the information was once all here and now poof, gone, hidden. All the, proof of it like the proof you ask for, vanished. And no proof of it being a "scam" either. Like I said there is something about information that people try to hide, makes me want to know what, was so dangerous about it. What Tugrad knows is dangerous or else he could speak openly about it, friends and family have died to give others that freedom! Though I, wonder if the forum would suddenly implode if he spoke his mind, based on the warnings received. Ah well that is the way she goes. We defend when we are attacked do we not? I was attacked, the moment, I arrived. And asking help too, good grief.

Nitric the Water Club, Borgata is my top hotel and casino. I admit, I am a gambling man. Jeff now my complaint is not whether I can find, someone here in Warrington with information, there are plenty. I said so already It is that the information was once all here and now poof, gone, hidden. All the, proof of it like the proof you ask for, vanished. And no proof of it being a "scam" either. Like I said there is something about information that people try to hide, makes me want to know what, was so dangerous about it. What Tugrad knows is dangerous or else he could speak openly about it, friends and family have died to give others that freedom! Though I, wonder if the forum would suddenly implode if he spoke his mind, based on the warnings received. Ah well that is the way she goes. We defend when we are attacked do we not? I was attacked, the moment, I arrived. And asking help too, good grief.

My reference to the pen meant nothing other than that is how close I was looking at the pictures. I meant nothing by what was actually written on the pen.

Fellows I am off, to the woods. Sit on your laurels now, this old man will do the work. I will not be pushed around, like others in the past, were. Call me a liar will you? We, shall see. All this over reenactors, good heavens gentlemen see the world outside the square foot of earth where you are digging.

I didn't call you a liar! I just have to go through and reread and look at it different than what I thought!


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Fellows I am off, to the woods. Sit on your laurels now, this old man will do the work. All this over reenactors, .

Johnny, can you elaborate a little on Tugrad's private message?
Looks like you will have to join them in their reenactments to find the answers you are looking for?
As your last post suggested ... Your off to the woods. Perhaps to join them now!

Welcome John288717. tugrad "clued us in" to your predicament. It's the same reason I stopped posting on TreasureNet myself. Don't lose heart! You are not alone, many have seen what you have seen. I believe you, and your wife, and your friends. I know you are not a liar. Speaking for myself, you have answered your own question. Why did "they" delete the thread that contained all the evidence in one place? Because it contained all the evidence in one place! "They" won't prove that the OP was "pulling a scam" because they can't, "they" won't prove that the OP "confessed" because they can't. There's no evidence of either but there WAS evidence that the OP was telling the truth, which "they" deleted. I think you've made the best point yet - people hide what they don't want others to know. Who "stood to benefit" from hiding the OP's investigation?

Welcome John288717. tugrad "clued us in" to your predicament. It's the same reason I stopped posting on TreasureNet myself. Don't lose heart! You are not alone, many have seen what you have seen. I believe you, and your wife, and your friends. I know you are not a liar. Speaking for myself, you have answered your own question. Why did "they" delete the thread that contained all the evidence in one place? Because it contained all the evidence in one place! "They" won't prove that the OP was "pulling a scam" because they can't, "they" won't prove that the OP "confessed" because they can't. There's no evidence of either but there WAS evidence that the OP was telling the truth, which "they" deleted. I think you've made the best point yet - people hide what they don't want others to know. Who "stood to benefit" from hiding the OP's investigation?

Hi Manbat, welcome back.
That ghost thread was deleted because of the sock puppets on the "other" forum claiming to be the OP, witch was not the OP of the TNET thread of Pa! If the mods read through the other thread it would have been obvious.
The ones whom worked very hard to get the thread removed are the ones who will benefit.

Professor Plum, in the library, with the candle stick ? Wut? I really have no idea what this thread is about or the previous one talked about, but it sure is the most interesting thing I've read anywhere on the web in quite some time..Thanks, literary genius..
I love it.


“Strange Truth” may be “Mistaken” as “Fiction”

“Strange Truth” may be “Mistaken” as “Fiction”

What you witnessed “May Possibly” have been a “Christian Procession”.

"January 6th" is celebrated by many orthodox religious organizations as “Holy Epiphany” or “Three Kings Day”.

The procession may have consisted of a representation for “Jesus” followed by the “Three Kings” followed by “The Eleven Apostles with Judas not represented”.

The “Burial” may represent the “Gifts” given by the “Three Kings”.

The “Note” enclosed may be a “Prayer Request” which could be written in “Ancient Georgian Script”.

A “Monastery” located in your area (Our Lady of Czestochowa) derives its line from these writings.

I would suggest inquiring, if this ritual could pertain to them.

Georgian Script.webp

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I believe the last line in the note says "we the wise men three" or first line! Depending on how you work it!

There are other combinations of letters that could change things throughout. This thing is made to be difficult!:thumbsup:

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My brain is cooked this is what the note says.









I have the lines reversed! The bottom is supposed to be the top! I think? Anyhow close enough! lol
I have some letters not working out here and there. That could be in my translation of the symbols or a mistake on my swapping the symbols. It was written backwards. Brain fried, going to bed!

It's a start!

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Nitric the Water Club, Borgata is my top hotel and casino. I admit, I am a gambling man. Jeff now my complaint is not whether I can find, someone here in Warrington with information, there are plenty. I said so already It is that the information was once all here and now poof, gone, hidden. All the, proof of it like the proof you ask for, vanished. And no proof of it being a "scam" either. Like I said there is something about information that people try to hide, makes me want to know what, was so dangerous about it. What Tugrad knows is dangerous or else he could speak openly about it, friends and family have died to give others that freedom! Though I, wonder if the forum would suddenly implode if he spoke his mind, based on the warnings received. Ah well that is the way she goes. We defend when we are attacked do we not? I was attacked, the moment, I arrived. And asking help too, good grief.

and as I said the former thread would only serve to spread disinformation & confusion.

Please leave that alone.
it just makes members think you are that banned member trying to get it reinstated.

the quickest way to get this thread deleted is for the members who want

this thread here, to
keep harping on a thread that has no basis in reality

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My brain is cooked this is what the note says. FIFTYFOURTHYEARSTARIOUND ANDTHELORDOFLORDS TOTHEKINGOFKINGS ANDOFFERTHESELONDOFTHREEGIFTS COMEHERETOJOURNEYSEND INFOLLOWINGTHESTAR CALLEDTHEMAGI WETHEWISEMENTHREE I have the lines reversed! The bottom is supposed to be the top! I think? Anyhow close enough! lol I have some letters not working out here and there. That could be in my translation of the symbols or a mistake on my swapping the symbols. It was written backwards. Brain fried, going to bed! It's a start!

Great Job Nitric! That's it, job well done!
Now we can all sleep!

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