I posted two different recent scientific studies which proved that coconuts did not exist in the Atlantic or Caribbean before being introduced by Portuguese sailors in 1499. One of these (the most revealing), is "Coconuts in the Americas", published 2013, authors; Charles Clement, Daniel Zizumbo-Villarreal, Cecil Brown, Alessandro alves-Pereira and Hugh Harries.
Their conclusion, a quote; "It has been clearly established that the Portuguese introduced coconuts to the Cape Verde Islands in 1499, and these supplied the Atlantic Coast and the Caribbean in the 1500s."
The second study was from "Independent Origin of Cultivated Coconuts in the Old World Tropics", published 2011 by Par K. Ingvarsson.
conclusion from section describing Atlantic source, quote; "Historical records indicate that coconut was unknown in the Caribbean and Atlantic Basins until after European Colonization." followed by several references.
Cheers, Loki