Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

He is saying that the founding fathers(that's the guys in 1776 that signed The Declaration), were free masons, who were connected to the knights Templar and that they retrieved the treasure on OI in 1783 and used it to form the bank which he is referring to.
Need Petter Amundson to decode the cipher contained in the text of the Declaration of Independence that will reveal the location of the Templar treasure that the Founding Fathers removed from Oak Island and temporally secreted in Williamsburg, Virginia.

No good treasure legend would be complete, if it didn't involve a sinister conspiratorial plot, involving masons, templars, and sneaky government people.

Our Founding Fathers were "sneaky government people"-Oh the Humanity, say it ain't so!

Wow. Ok. It's all there in black and white but if you need me to walk you through it, so be it.

He is saying that the founding fathers(that's the guys in 1776 that signed The Declaration), were free masons, who were connected to the knights Templar and that they retrieved the treasure on OI in 1783 and used it to form the bank which he is referring to.

The Ben Franklin that is referenced with a different name is one and the same as the one who is on the one hundred dollar bill.

I'm sickened that I had to explain that.

I'm sickened that I have to explain to you that YOU need to read it again. The Ben Franklin on the money was not even living in America when that bank was founded, nor was he living here for years after it was founded so he could NOT have been a founder of that bank, nor a stock holder. This is what I have asked about Robot explaining his theory, which he did not, and then, since you claimed to understand it it, I asked you to explain it and...now we all see that you can't either. I know you said you do not agree with his theory so, I get that. But I guess you can't explain how old Ben could found a bank and be an original stock holder when he was living in Europe at that time?

This was my question asked many times now and still it is not answered.


And yet there is so little evidence that anything like that ever happened on Oak Island. Somewhere between none and non-non-existant.

And so insulting to suggest that the hard work and drive of our Founding Fathers was somehow simply their ability to sneak treasure in to fund the Federal Bank.

Franklin was in France groveling for them to donate aid in the form of arms and their eventual Naval Blockade. He didn't simply go over and write them a Templer Checque.

[FONT=&quot]“[/FONT]You will never know how much it has cost my generation to preserve YOUR freedom. I hope you will make a good use of it.”
John Adams

History is important. Lets get it correct.

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And yet there is so little evidence that anything like that ever happened on Oak Island. ...

But Charlie, You're forgetting the principle of "evidence", when it comes to Oak Island :

It's not up to the proponent/believer to "prove" it happened. They only need to propose some conspiratorial sinister scheme like this. And then it's up to YOU to prove it DIDN'T happen. And ... if you can't ..... then presto: It happened.

You've got to get with the show here, and get the right order of proofs & evidences. :icon_thumleft:

If At First... You...Do Not Understand...Re-Read!...Then Ask Questions!

The (Untold) Story of The Oak Island Money Pit

The Oak Island Money Pit was constructed by the “Powers That Be” who were and still to this day, The Secret Force that controls the course of mankind on earth.

This organization is known as - The Freemasons.

The Story of The Oak Island Money Pit begins in the 1760’s

It was conceived by a number of Britains’ high ranking Naval Officers, who were Masonic Degree Members of the Freemasons and belonging to the Premier Grand Lodge of England.

These members were:

Washington Shirley, 5[SUP]th[/SUP] Earl Ferrers — Vice Admiral - Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge — Premier Grand Lodge of England

George Anson, Baron Anson — Admiral of the Fleet

George Keppel, 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Earl of Albemarle - Commander-In-Chief

Augustus Keppel, 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Viscount Keppel — Rear Admiral — Brother to George Keppel

William Keppel — Lieutenant-General — Brother to George Keppel

George Pocock — Admiral — Commander of the Invasion of Havana


Benjamin Franklin — First Grand Master of Pennsylvania who met in 1760 with the Grand Master of England to discuss their plan.

These Masons were members of the Whig Party opposed to the next successor to the throne, the unstable King George III.

Their plot originated after King George III’s continued destruction of their Whig’s political power and his redirection of this power to the Tory Party.

These Freemason feared for the continuance of their organization during the Seven Years’ War, with the imminent invasion of England by the joint forces of France and Spain.

Spain outlawed all forms of secret organizations, including the Freemasons.

The Masons planned redirecting all their fortunes to the “New World” (North America), to enable the transfer of the Masonic organization, if and when these fears materialized.

Their military plan entailed the capture of Havana in 1762.

Havana’s Morro Castle and the Jesuit's Cathedral were the Fort Knox of Spain, holding the plunder of South and Central America’s treasure prior to its shipping to Spain.

The invasion of Havana was under the command of George Keppel, with Admiral George Pocock and Keppel’s two brothers Augustus and William Keppel, commanding the actual attack.

They were successful with the capture of Havana and Fort Morro and its unprecedented amount of treasure.

They also captured a number of the Spanish Fleet, which were needed to accomplish their plan.

Accordingly, Admiral Pocock returned to England with the main English fleet carrying a portion of the treasure, while Augustus and William Keppel along with their crew and Masonic engineers all sworn to secrecy, manned the Spanish Galleons and the British Man of War Vessels.

This treasure was diverted to a small island off the coast of New England and Nova Scotia, now called Oak Island.

At Oak Island, the treasure was buried based on the Masonic “Royal Arch” (Enoch’s Temple) doctrine, consisting of nine arches going down nine levels by way of the main shaft (The Money Pit) which was then dug further down to the bedrock.

From the ninth level another circular tunnel was constructed which ran back up to a point above the known water level, roughly 20 feet underground and then towards the North/West end of the island.

This tunnel stopped roughly 50 feet out under the ocean where an enormous cavern was built to hold the treasure.

The treasure was carted down the main shaft and placed up into this cavern.

To conceal their plot they had the Spanish ships and some of the British ships dismantled with all the wooden parts not used in the construction of the shaft, tunnels, and cavern, burnt and all the metal parts, canons, anchors, and bolts placed at the bottom of the main shaft.

A Flood Tunnel was built out to the ocean to booby trap any treasure seekers attempts to follow down the main shaft.

A large stone was placed above the air lock (8[SUP]th[/SUP] level) as bait to activate the flooding.
This stone had strange engravings on it to entice any unworthy treasure seekers to pause and take the bait (stone) away for deciphering, thus allowing time for the tunnels and main shaft to fill with water and be destroyed forever.

The Masons could access the Treasure Cavern under the ocean by digging down to its entrance from where they triangulated a set Marker on the shore to be.

Once the treasure was secured in the cavern and all the evidence was hidden from the island, it was documented that the Keppels sailed back to England with a few ships and a small portion of the treasure.
They claimed that the remainder of the fleet had sunk in a hurricane on route.

The Masons left several Marker Stones on the island to relocate the treasure.
1 large triangle or more precisely a crude Sextant
Many drilled holed Marker Stones
1 large Marker Stone Cross
These combined Marker Stones from the Freemason’s Star Map are used to cross triangulate to locate the entrances to where the Treasure Cavern and Sir Francis Bacon’s Tomb are located.

Is the treasure still in this cavern?

I believe it was removed shortly after the American Revolution.

One of the three original discoverers of the Money Pit was Daniel McGinnis, who stated he was drawn to the island when he noticed strange lights appearing on the island just prior to his discovery.

These lights were made by the Freemasons when they returned for their treasure.

This Masonic party was headed up by George Washington, President of the United States — acting Grand Master of the Washington DC Masons.

The Treasure’s vast fortune was used to further the power of the Freemasons in their New World and accomplishing Bacon’s dream of a New Acadia.

Sir Francis Bacon, along with his original and unpublished Manuscripts, are resting in his Tomb, located between Nolan’s Cross and the Money Pit, watched over by a statue of the Knights Templar.

Freemason's Celestial Map March 2019.webp

Robot ....... please tell me you're not serious . Surely you don't believe all of that stuff, do you ? It almost sounds like the plot of an Indian Jones "Raiders of the Lost Ark" type plot :icon_scratch:

I'm sickened that I had to explain that.

To be fair, there are people on this forum that carefully read complete insanity here, day after day, for a number of years before finally throwing up their hands in frustration. If they're merely skimming for comprehension at this point, consider giving them a pass on it.

They don't do that for just anyone, and it takes a lot of sustained crazy to earn this honor.

Thanks Charlie...For Reminding Forum Members...About This Post!

Heck, I was the fifth poster on this thread back when it was Irish Giants. It STILL makes zero sense to me.

But I do have a take-away after review . . .

"A point in every direction is the same as no point at all." - - Harry Nilsson

Hidden Wharf 2.webp

Charles Bynes.webp

Royal Navy Charles Byrne (1761–1783) or "The Irish Giant", lived in an area of Northern Ireland that scientists consider a hot spot for pituitary adenomas.

In a study published in today's New England Journal of Medicine, scientists in the United Kingdom looked at four modern-day Northern Ireland families, and noticed the same genetic mutation in these families as they found in the 18th-century Irish Giant.

Using DNA extracted from Charles Byrne's teeth, the researchers speculate that they could trace the roots of the Irish study participants and the Irish Giant's inherited gene mutation for gigantism to a common ancestor who lived an estimated 1425 to 1650 years earlier -- or 57 to 66 generations ago.

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The (Untold) Story of The Oak Island Money Pit

The Oak Island Money Pit was constructed by the “Powers That Be” who were and still to this day, The Secret Force that controls the course of mankind on earth.

This organization is known as - The Freemasons.

The Story of The Oak Island Money Pit begins in the 1760’s

It was conceived by a number of Britains’ high ranking Naval Officers, who were Masonic Degree Members of the Freemasons and belonging to the Premier Grand Lodge of England.

These members were:

Washington Shirley, 5[SUP]th[/SUP] Earl Ferrers — Vice Admiral - Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge — Premier Grand Lodge of England

George Anson, Baron Anson — Admiral of the Fleet

George Keppel, 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] Earl of Albemarle - Commander-In-Chief

Augustus Keppel, 1[SUP]st[/SUP] Viscount Keppel — Rear Admiral — Brother to George Keppel

William Keppel — Lieutenant-General — Brother to George Keppel

George Pocock — Admiral — Commander of the Invasion of Havana


Benjamin Franklin — First Grand Master of Pennsylvania who met in 1760 with the Grand Master of England to discuss their plan.

These Masons were members of the Whig Party opposed to the next successor to the throne, the unstable King George III.

Their plot originated after King George III’s continued destruction of their Whig’s political power and his redirection of this power to the Tory Party.

These Freemason feared for the continuance of their organization during the Seven Years’ War, with the imminent invasion of England by the joint forces of France and Spain.

Spain outlawed all forms of secret organizations, including the Freemasons.

The Masons planned redirecting all their fortunes to the “New World” (North America), to enable the transfer of the Masonic organization, if and when these fears materialized.

Their military plan entailed the capture of Havana in 1762.

Havana’s Morro Castle and the Jesuit's Cathedral were the Fort Knox of Spain, holding the plunder of South and Central America’s treasure prior to its shipping to Spain.

The invasion of Havana was under the command of George Keppel, with Admiral George Pocock and Keppel’s two brothers Augustus and William Keppel, commanding the actual attack.

They were successful with the capture of Havana and Fort Morro and its unprecedented amount of treasure.

They also captured a number of the Spanish Fleet, which were needed to accomplish their plan.

Accordingly, Admiral Pocock returned to England with the main English fleet carrying a portion of the treasure, while Augustus and William Keppel along with their crew and Masonic engineers all sworn to secrecy, manned the Spanish Galleons and the British Man of War Vessels.

This treasure was diverted to a small island off the coast of New England and Nova Scotia, now called Oak Island.

At Oak Island, the treasure was buried based on the Masonic “Royal Arch” (Enoch’s Temple) doctrine, consisting of nine arches going down nine levels by way of the main shaft (The Money Pit) which was then dug further down to the bedrock.

From the ninth level another circular tunnel was constructed which ran back up to a point above the known water level, roughly 20 feet underground and then towards the North/West end of the island.

This tunnel stopped roughly 50 feet out under the ocean where an enormous cavern was built to hold the treasure.

The treasure was carted down the main shaft and placed up into this cavern.

To conceal their plot they had the Spanish ships and some of the British ships dismantled with all the wooden parts not used in the construction of the shaft, tunnels, and cavern, burnt and all the metal parts, canons, anchors, and bolts placed at the bottom of the main shaft.

A Flood Tunnel was built out to the ocean to booby trap any treasure seekers attempts to follow down the main shaft.

A large stone was placed above the air lock (8[SUP]th[/SUP] level) as bait to activate the flooding.
This stone had strange engravings on it to entice any unworthy treasure seekers to pause and take the bait (stone) away for deciphering, thus allowing time for the tunnels and main shaft to fill with water and be destroyed forever.

The Masons could access the Treasure Cavern under the ocean by digging down to its entrance from where they triangulated a set Marker on the shore to be.

Once the treasure was secured in the cavern and all the evidence was hidden from the island, it was documented that the Keppels sailed back to England with a few ships and a small portion of the treasure.
They claimed that the remainder of the fleet had sunk in a hurricane on route.

The Masons left several Marker Stones on the island to relocate the treasure.
1 large triangle or more precisely a crude Sextant
Many drilled holed Marker Stones
1 large Marker Stone Cross
These combined Marker Stones from the Freemason’s Star Map are used to cross triangulate to locate the entrances to where the Treasure Cavern and Sir Francis Bacon’s Tomb are located.

Is the treasure still in this cavern?

I believe it was removed shortly after the American Revolution.

One of the three original discoverers of the Money Pit was Daniel McGinnis, who stated he was drawn to the island when he noticed strange lights appearing on the island just prior to his discovery.

These lights were made by the Freemasons when they returned for their treasure.

This Masonic party was headed up by George Washington, President of the United States — acting Grand Master of the Washington DC Masons.

The Treasure’s vast fortune was used to further the power of the Freemasons in their New World and accomplishing Bacon’s dream of a New Acadia.

Sir Francis Bacon, along with his original and unpublished Manuscripts, are resting in his Tomb, located between Nolan’s Cross and the Money Pit, watched over by a statue of the Knights Templar.

View attachment 1691263

But what does this FICTION have to do with the real world and the ongoing hoax of oak island?

Mr. Wonder, you do realize that at least part of Robot's post is documented fact? Part is his theory, none of it should be called fiction.

Cheers, Loki

Mixing true events with fictional events = function. No different than fictional writers who utilize a reality based story such as that of Abraham Lincoln then mix it with zombies.....or worse, the fictional writings of peter amundson ....

The Oak Island Money Pit was constructed by the “Powers That Be” who were and still to this day, The Secret Force that controls the course of mankind on earth.

...... so the guys who wear the fez and drive those little cars making balloon animals in order to raise money for children's hospitals are secretly controlling the course of mankind on the planet. Makes sense, I suppose, that given the state of the world some clowns are making the decisions. Can't be much of a 'secret force' if you managed to figure it out, though.

The Best Kept Secrets...Happen Under Ones' Own Noses!

...... so the guys who wear the fez and drive those little cars making balloon animals in order to raise money for children's hospitals are secretly controlling the course of mankind on the planet. Makes sense, I suppose, that given the state of the world some clowns are making the decisions. Can't be much of a 'secret force' if you managed to figure it out, though.

Illuminati Symbol.webp

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Mr. Wonder, you do realize that at least part of Robot's post is documented fact? ....

And herein lies the problem:

Yes. "Part of it is fact". Heck, let's even grant that 99% of it is "fact" . After all, no good treasure legend ever started with "once upon a time" , right ? They all have real names, dates, events, blood types, fuel capacities, real estate transaction records, dental records, etc..... That ... yes ...... can all be researched and found to be 100% true. Right ?

But the problem is: What if there's no treasure ? (the "1%") ? Then what good does the rest of your legend get you, in the wack-a-mole game ? NOTHING AT ALL.

...... so the guys who wear the fez and drive those little cars making balloon animals in order to raise money for children's hospitals are secretly controlling the course of mankind on the planet. Makes sense, I suppose, ....

And the fact that you don't know this, or can't discern this by their behaviors and records, ONLY GOES TO SHOW how deep the conspiracy is. It is just ALL THE MORE PROOF of a "coverup" . After all, you don't know or can't figure this out through research. Which just goes to show that their efforts at "scrubbing the public records" and their "secret meetings" aren't known to mere peons like you .

Kind of like why fire hydrants exist: To keep the elephants away (elephant repellent). If you doubt me, all you have to do is look around any fire hydrant. And you will notice that there are no elephants present. Which simply goes to show : The hydrants must be working.

Logic and Reason...May Not Add Up To...Truth!

And the fact that you don't know this, or can't discern this by their behaviors and records, ONLY GOES TO SHOW how deep the conspiracy is. It is just ALL THE MORE PROOF of a "coverup" . After all, you don't know or can't figure this out through research. Which just goes to show that their efforts at "scrubbing the public records" and their "secret meetings" aren't known to mere peons like you .

Kind of like why fire hydrants exist: To keep the elephants away (elephant repellent). If you doubt me, all you have to do is look around any fire hydrant. And you will notice that there are no elephants present. Which simply goes to show : The hydrants must be working.

Reason is the capacity for consciously making sense of things, applying logic, establishing and verifying facts, and changing or justifying practices, institutions, and beliefs based on new or existing information. This does not always...Produce Truth!


I'm sickened that I have to explain to you that YOU need to read it again. The Ben Franklin on the money was not even living in America when that bank was founded, nor was he living here for years after it was founded so he could NOT have been a founder of that bank, nor a stock holder. This is what I have asked about Robot explaining his theory, which he did not, and then, since you claimed to understand it it, I asked you to explain it and...now we all see that you can't either. I know you said you do not agree with his theory so, I get that. But I guess you can't explain how old Ben could found a bank and be an original stock holder when he was living in Europe at that time?

This was my question asked many times now and still it is not answered.


You are 100% correct I can't explain that because, if you were paying attention, I DON"T SUBSCRIBE TO THAT THEORY! That means I have no interest in it, I have no desire to look into it, I am not associated with it, nor do I even care about it. People asked me to regurgitate his theory, because they weren't paying attention, so I did.

I have no need to defend someone else's theory. So take you questions and point them elsewhere.

"To be fair, there are people on this forum that carefully read complete insanity here, day after day, for a number of years before finally throwing up their hands in frustration. If they're merely skimming for comprehension at this point, consider giving them a pass on it.

They don't do that for just anyone, and it takes a lot of sustained crazy to earn this honor."

Fair enough Dave. But when you have someone challenging someone's theory, at least have the decency to read it.

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But what does this FICTION have to do with the real world and the ongoing hoax of oak island?
The same FICTION that allows Petter Amundson to promote his "solved" Shakespeare ciphers, hidden in his works by Bacon that "prove" the Templar treasure was buried on Oak Island.

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