Oak Island the Strange, the Bizarre, and Maybe the "Truth!

Well, this is a form of treasure....

Sure. And thus someone can come on an md'ing forum, and ........ with a straight face say: "I found treasure". And you can't question them to unravel their semantics.

Welcome to the Show...dmg!

Robot, your Smith Cove theory is similar to the one proposed by George T. Bates back in the 1970s (1973 Interview with Bates). He thought Smith’s Cove had been a shipyard with dry docks at some point in the past.

I do not believe I am familiar with George T. Bates...He seems very elusive as most of his post are not available.

Could you send me some links pertaining to him?

He may be very interesting to my Theory!

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Robot, I think the link above is the best I have found on his theory. Specifically, if you go through most of the interview folder within the George T. Bates’ folder (The site can be a pain to navigate at times). In his 1973 interview, Bates layouts out the survey work he did on the island along with his theory on island previously being a shipyard with dry docks.

Below is another link from Blockhouse (Oak Island Compendium):

I believe the one thing the Blockhouse blog posts fail to mention is that Bates actually believed a capstan was probably used for power not a windmill.

Oh!...They're Putting...The Little Tea Pot...Back Together...Again!...Piece By Piece!

“Parts from My Handle...Pieces from My Spout”


The pieces of Pottery found during Season 5's Episodes and Season 6's Episode 18, appear to be from a Mid-18[SUP]th[/SUP] Century Salt Glazed Tea Pot, dedicated to the British's 1739 Victory over Porto Bello Panama.

Object Description: The stoneware teapot and its lid with a lion finial are slip-cast. The spout is molded, and the handle rolled with a pinched lower terminal, notches, and incised narrow lines. Colored decoration, in pseudo scratch-blue , includes: on one side, "THE TAK / ING OF / PORTO / BELLO"[N reversed] near a harbor scene with houses, war ships, and a fortified island; and on the other side "BY AD / VERNO / N"[Ns reversed] "FORT / CHAGRE" near Admiral Vernon, buildings, and a water scene with a warship and a sea monster. Birds, foliage, and flowers form the remaining ornament.

Admiral Edward Vernon (1684-1757), the son of William III's Secretary of State, was born in Westminster to an old Stafford shire family, which may explain the great number of stoneware and earthenware commemorative made in that county. Vernon served throughout the world, but is best known for his November 22, 1739, victory over the Spanish at Portobello, Panama. From the Burford, Vernon supervised the actions of his six ships, attacking and overwhelming the fortifications at the harbor entrance, before taking the town. Vernon lost only seven men during the battle. The victory came at a time of public dissatisfaction with the English government, and those in power were overjoyed at Vernon's success. Early in 1740, Vernon took Charges, also in Panama, and his birthday was celebrated in London with public illuminations. Well over a hundred medals were struck in Vernon's honor.

It is of note that President George Washington’s brother Lawrence sailed under Admiral Vernon and was so impressed that he named his Estate…Mount Vernon... in his honor.

This thread has been pretty quiet as of late, so I will put forth my next reckless theory. There maybe a set of maps and other documents from the 17th century that hold the answers to solving the Oak Island Mystery.

  • Charles D. Archibald was referred to as Mr. A in the Liverpool Transcript article from 1862. Archibald attempted buying the island after receiving information from James Pitblado, but he was unsuccessful in his attempt. Pitblado had been part of the Truro Company in 1849; however, he quit under somewhat mysterious circumstances. Apparently Pitblado quit right after retrieving something of interest from the money pit. This information is what led Archibald to attempt to buy the island and apply for the necessary treasure hunting permits. A few years later, Archibald moved back to England (See Rusland Hall). It should also be noted that Charles Archibald is related to Col. Robert Archibald and Capt. David Archibald, who were both supposedly members of the Truro Company that retrieved the 90 foot stone from the money pit in 1804.
  • Josephine Freda never disclosed the identity of Mr. A, however, she did state that Mr. A was still in possession of the maps at the time of the breakout of World War I.
  • The maps and documents are somewhat similar to the ones in Hubert Palmer’s Capt. Kidd collection from the 1930s (maps & will). Palmer lived in Eastbourne, England, which is a port city. Based on research, these documents are most likely not the same set of documents, but an interesting coincidence nonetheless.
  • Sesambre Island is now known as Sambro Island. The name Sesambre was used between 1600-1730 (mostly from 1630s-1670s).
  • This article is a follow up article to Josephine Freda’s Collier Magazine article that appear in 1905 (September 23, 1905 — Collier’s Magazine - The Lure of Pirate’s Gold

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The Presumption…Of Man!

The Lagina’s ideal of following the Drain Tunnel on a direct course back from Smith’s Cove to the Money Pit… may be the Wrong Presumption.

My Theory…has the Oak Island Money Pit’s Drain Tunnel…Running on a direct line from the large granite drilled hole, Stone 2 located near Smiths Cove…My Star Chart (Star Dubhe)…and…Stopping at the large granite drilled hole, Stone 1…My Star Chart ( Star Kochab)…The highest location on Oak Island.

Oak Island - Stone 1 and 2 drawing.webp

Oak Island - Stone 1.webpOak Island - Stone 2.webp
There the Drain Tunnel makes a 45 degree Transit Line connecting to the Money Pit…My Star Chart (Star Pherkad ) and connecting within the Money Pit's Shaft with the Flood Tunnel running to South Shore.

The Freemasons Depositors never left anything…To be found…Using Presumption!

Freemason's Celestial Map March 2019.webp

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I believe the Laginas want to follow the drain tunnel path what ever it is back to the money pit. If it goes else where first they will just stay inside the tunnel boundaries as they progress. They do not know what the path is. I still think some off it was a trench first and then filed in from the top. One diagram I saw online showed it at shallow depth until it dropped quickly to the bottom of the money pit.

Also I think the treasure is a lot smaller than people assume. Gold of great wealth does not take up much space.

Also I think they should be checking the dirt they pull out for small gold flakes from past or present drilling. I don't think they do.


... answers to solving the Oak Island Mystery. ....

What's the "mystery" ? Maybe there's no "mystery" at all . :dontknow: That all the conjectures is merely : Relying on legends-to-prove-legends. And "uncanny things" and "salacious details" can be found ANYWHERE on planet earth . If you let your imagination roam long enough. That mean absolutely nothing. I can walk a mile from my house and find all sorts of conspiracy theory uncanny symbols, markers, depressions, squiggles, a gold link, a fiber, etc.....

.... The Freemasons Depositors never left anything…To be found…Using Presumption! ....

Yup. Durned those Freemasons after all. The dry holes is all-the-more-proof of treasure after all. The perpetual finding of "nothing", is all-the-more proof of treasure. Because of course; We all know those crafty suspicious clever Freemasons would set out decoy clues. Anticipating those future would-be TH'rs.

Thus: A little more to the right. A little more to the left. A little deeper. It's NEVER that there's no treasure . Right ?

Presumption...Can Lead...To Conclusion!

Thus: A little more to the right. A little more to the left. A little deeper. It's NEVER that there's no treasure . Right ?

Wrong...Give me a shovel...and permission...and I will show you...Where the Treasure...Was Located...Now That Is Presumption!

"A presumption differs from an inference, which is a conclusion that a judge or jury may draw from the proof of certain facts if such facts would lead a reasonable person of average intelligence to reach the same conclusion."

X Marks...The Spot...With My Conclusion!

Freemason's Celestial Map March 2019.webp

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...Give me a shovel...and permission...and I will show you...Where the Treasure...Was Located...Now That Is Presumption! ....

Wow ! So the only thing you lack is: 1) A shovel (durned that hardware store that won't sell you a shovel), and 2) "permission". Durned that big bad government that won't grant you permission.

Regarding #2 : This has been the oft-cited predicament that many big-ticket searchers have had. Eg.: Yamashita, Lost Dutchman, Dents Run, etc.... Someone knows "EXACTLY WHERE THE TREASURE IS". Right ? But .... durned that government red tape. That keeps them from going and simply digging it up. Right ?

It's not that they don't know exactly where the treasure is. It's merely a matter of govt. red tape, finding a detector that goes 6 meters deep, and heavy equipment to drain a pesky swamp. Right ? And details like where to smelt 20 tons of gold, eh ? But rest assured: The treasure is "right there". Eh ?

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Patience...And All Will Be Revealed!

Wow ! So the only thing you lack is: 1) A shovel (durned that hardware store that won't sell you a shovel), and 2) "permission". Durned that big bad government that won't grant you permission.

Regarding #2 : This has been the oft-cited predicament that many big-ticket searchers have had. Eg.: Yamashita, Lost Dutchman, Dents Run, etc.... Someone knows "EXACTLY WHERE THE TREASURE IS". Right ? But .... durned that government red tape. That keeps them from going and simply digging it up. Right ?

It's not that they don't know exactly where the treasure is. It's merely a matter of govt. red tape, finding a detector that goes 6 meters deep, and heavy equipment to drain a pesky swamp. Right ? And details like where to smelt 20 tons of gold, eh ? But rest assured: The treasure is "right there". Eh ?

Patience 1.webp

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