New site?...with different clue versions?

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Thank you Jim, this is info that I did not have in my notes
just one observation which goes against your premise, no offense intended but carving in stone can hardly be compared to writing and grammar, for instance, making the number eight with two circles is much easier than making an infinity symbol in stone plus there is lees chance of a slip or mistake which would cause one to start as a mistake cannot be erased. This of coarse is predicated on the notion that the stones actually lead to some location and were created for a purpose other than a hoax.

No offense taken, Pard. Which info are you referring to? Was it Bob Garmin's story abt Bob Tumlinson's view of the Peralta treasures? If so, it's in his book from 1975, Mystery Gold of the Superstitions, lots of good snippets about Herman Petrasch and the Tumlinsons.

Ditto looking forward to SH's postings on this. I wanted to go back and look at "where he's a moderator" and study up, but haven't had the time yet. Time for me to shut up and listen:laughing7:

No offense taken, Pard. Which info are you referring to? Was it Bob Garmin's story abt Bob Tumlinson's view of the Peralta treasures? If so, it's in his book from 1975, Mystery Gold of the Superstitions, lots of good snippets about Herman Petrasch and the Tumlinsons.

Ditto looking forward to SH's postings on this. I wanted to go back and look at "where he's a moderator" and study up, but haven't had the time yet. Time for me to shut up and listen:laughing7:
I was referring to DAI’s conclusions only.

I was referring to DAI’s conclusions only.


One other thing, then I will shut up: The Don and Cross stones have iconography that is similar to the purported Julia Thomas maps. The river up north, and how the mts are drawn in a zig-zag shape. And, as I said before, the Miguel, Pedro, and 1847 markings seem to be taken from Barry Storm.

The thing is, when RG posted pics of the stuff he found that belonged to Travis on the other channel, there were several copies of Julia Thomas' maps in there, and an early edition of Higham/Barnard that repeated the Barry Storm story about the Peraltas, almost word for word. Seems Travis was a map buyer?

there are many red flags that pop up on those silly alan pointed out..the jim pointed out ..the big capitol letters...and many others but just those 2 alone seal the deal...i have a friend who is an engraver...he is also a Spaniard (his ancestors were)....he specializes in engraving watches but he does knives and rocks for me sometimes..i asked him years ago what he thought about the stones from an engravers point of view...he laughed and said no way a spaniard engraved those stones...first thing he picked apart were the big squared off capitol letters ...i agree with him and jim.. neither a spaniard or jesuit or a mexican engraved those stones...they were done by a white man

Dave: Everything Travis carved or "found"...the lobo stone, treasure ship, etc...were all done in ALL CAPS block letters...coincidence? OK, really shutting up this time!


One other thing, then I will shut up: The Don and Cross stones have iconography that is similar to the purported Julia Thomas maps. The river up north, and how the mts are drawn in a zig-zag shape. And, as I said before, the Miguel, Pedro, and 1847 markings seem to be taken from Barry Storm.

The thing is, when RG posted pics of the stuff he found that belonged to Travis on the other channel, there were several copies of Julia Thomas' maps in there, and an early edition of Higham/Barnard that repeated the Barry Storm story about the Peraltas, almost word for word. Seems Travis was a map buyer?
There is a lot of info worth some deeper digging, I think there were some heavy players who knew about the stones way before Mitchell released information to Life magazine, Bob Sikorsky, ( I hope I got the name right, working from memory here) stated in his book that Celeste Jones had a wealthy backer, someone who lived in Scottsdale a the time, big house meant big money.


One other thing, then I will shut up: The Don and Cross stones have iconography that is similar to the purported Julia Thomas maps. The river up north, and how the mts are drawn in a zig-zag shape. And, as I said before, the Miguel, Pedro, and 1847 markings seem to be taken from Barry Storm.

The thing is, when RG posted pics of the stuff he found that belonged to Travis on the other channel, there were several copies of Julia Thomas' maps in there, and an early edition of Higham/Barnard that repeated the Barry Storm story about the Peraltas, almost word for word. Seems Travis was a map buyer?
according to rg.. travis's uncle (or whoever he was ) peg leg was a map collector ..he like to collect and trade old treasure maps:dontknow:


One other thing, then I will shut up: The Don and Cross stones have iconography that is similar to the purported Julia Thomas maps. The river up north, and how the mts are drawn in a zig-zag shape. And, as I said before, the Miguel, Pedro, and 1847 markings seem to be taken from Barry Storm.

The thing is, when RG posted pics of the stuff he found that belonged to Travis on the other channel, there were several copies of Julia Thomas' maps in there, and an early edition of Higham/Barnard that repeated the Barry Storm story about the Peraltas, almost word for word. Seems Travis was a map buyer?
One other thing, I have found a solution to part of the tablets, something that could not have been a coincidence, and Travis seems to have known nothing of it. If Travis did carve the stones, he would have used the information I discovered to support his hoax, and if the stones were not carved by Travis, then he would have used the same information in an attempt to solve them, so either way, Travis knew nothing of this discovery, which has me convinced that the stones have a real solution.

There is a lot of info worth some deeper digging, I think there were some heavy players who knew about the stones way before Mitchell released information to Life magazine, Bob Sikorsky, ( I hope I got the name right, working from memory here) stated in his book that Celeste Jones had a wealthy backer, someone who lived in Scottsdale a the time, big house meant big money.

OK, looks like I can't force myself to keep my mouth shut on this.

Alan, GREAT post. I personally think the Don and Cross stones were made from the same info Celeste Jones had. Yes, you got his name right. I think the H/P map was made by Travis, and I think he added the dagger, the coordinates, and a few other markings to the Don and Cross maps.

Every significant landmark has an elevation greater 1847, regardless of the units selected

If an elevation, it would have to be the same for the "inside" of the heart and the base of the priest, so not likely the "peak" elevation of any significant landmark.

I happen to also wholeheartedly agree with DAI, that the ALL CAPS lettering on the stones was not how anyone wrote back then. That style came into being when technical documents such as blueprints and mechanical drawings were being taught in schools, back when you had to actually draw them on a drafting table ;) Anybody that has been graded in high school or college on their lettering in such documents will recognize the style. In fact, among people my age, I can tell who has had mechanical drawing, drafting, or such classes, just by looking at their handwriting. We all write in all caps, specifically the WAY we were taught to make them, and the way the "8" is written in 1847 is a dead give-away...only draftsmen and the like are trained to write an "8" with two circles one over the other. How people are being trained to write today, I have no idea. But the Spanish never wrote an eight that way, (EDIT: Same thing with the 1, the 4, and the 7) and they didn't write in all caps. At best, they are a modern interpretation of old treasure symbology, which is entirely possible.

there are many red flags that pop up on those silly alan pointed out..the jim pointed out ..the big capitol letters...and many others but just those 2 alone seal the deal...i have a friend who is an engraver...he is also a Spaniard (his ancestors were)....he specializes in engraving watches but he does knives and rocks for me sometimes..i asked him years ago what he thought about the stones from an engravers point of view...he laughed and said no way a spaniard engraved those stones...first thing he picked apart were the big squared off capitol letters ...i agree with him and jim.. neither a spaniard or jesuit or a mexican engraved those stones...they were done by a white man

This is an actual gravestone that exists in Arizpe, Mexico. One of quite a handful. Similar block carving style. Photo by Azmula.


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If you look at genuine Spanish inscriptions for the 1700s and 1800s, they do not resemble the inscriptions on the Peralta stone maps. Here is one example from El Morro


What about the use of two types of sandstone, which did not come from the Superstitions? Why would anyone haul slabs of stone from many miles away to carve into treasure maps unless for a hoax? It just doesn't make sense to me. DAI identified the two types of sandstone and neither came from the Superstitions.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:

If you look at genuine Spanish inscriptions for the 1700s and 1800s, they do not resemble the inscriptions on the Peralta stone maps. Here is one example from El Morro

View attachment 1739303

What about the use of two types of sandstone, which did not come from the Superstitions? Why would anyone haul slabs of stone from many miles away to carve into treasure maps unless for a hoax? It just doesn't make sense to me. DAI identified the two types of sandstone and neither came from the Superstitions.

:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2: :coffee2:
.....every year there is an award ceremony for treasure hunter of the year held at the goldfield ghost town...i donate the sandstone they make the award with because i'm the only one around here with any sand stone..i get it from northern arizona where it is in far as i know there is no sandstone anywhere near the supers...

Note the date. This was not created in the 1870s.

It nevertheless clearly demonstrates that the idea that neither a Mexican or Spaniard could have carved block style, or even an 8 that way, is patently false.

And this is only one of more than a handful of gravestones in Arizpe.

Surely you could not miss the similarity to what is on the Stone Maps, particularly the rectangle style of the O's, and that the middle leg of all the E's are shorter than the outer legs.

It nevertheless clearly demonstrates that the idea that neither a Mexican or Spaniard could have carved block style, or even an 8 that way, is patently false.

And this is only one of more than a handful of gravestones in Arizpe.

Surely you could not miss the similarity to what is on the Stone Maps, particularly the rectangle style of the O's, and that the middle leg of all the E's are shorter than the outer legs.
a white undertaker in mexico carved the stone maps?:laughing7:

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