PotBelly Jim
Hero Member
Thank you Jim, this is info that I did not have in my notes
just one observation which goes against your premise, no offense intended but carving in stone can hardly be compared to writing and grammar, for instance, making the number eight with two circles is much easier than making an infinity symbol in stone plus there is lees chance of a slip or mistake which would cause one to start as a mistake cannot be erased. This of coarse is predicated on the notion that the stones actually lead to some location and were created for a purpose other than a hoax.
No offense taken, Pard. Which info are you referring to? Was it Bob Garmin's story abt Bob Tumlinson's view of the Peralta treasures? If so, it's in his book from 1975, Mystery Gold of the Superstitions, lots of good snippets about Herman Petrasch and the Tumlinsons.
Ditto looking forward to SH's postings on this. I wanted to go back and look at "where he's a moderator" and study up, but haven't had the time yet. Time for me to shut up and listen