New Contest...........TNs Best Liar!!!

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

YOU fell for it? Hell, I recommended it for "Best of TNet"..... ::)

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Does anybody see SUCKER written on my forehead?......Oh, never mind....Does somebody know how to get a hook out of my lip? I fell for it toooooooooooo!!!

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Yeah, I fell for it too. I think we all did 'cause it was over in the forum where we are supposed to believe the finds, not in the liar competition. I almost had to radio back to the states and get a plane over here to New Guinea to pick me up and take me to the swamps of Texas. Oh well, back to hamster hunting for me now.

Oh...and Gypsy...I wouldn't eat those banannas if I were you. I'll spare you the details...just throw them away.

then wash your hands.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

jasonbo said:
sorry jeff :'(

It's OK jason, No harm Done if Yours was the First & only one.

It was actually a Wake-Up Call for me
to make sure TOdays finds and the rest of the forum
dosn't get saturated with posts for the contest ;)

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Well I didn't fall for the Viking post, not at all, I was just being polite!

Yesterday was a beautiful New England day, no snow, and the temps were in the 70's. So my digging partner and I decided to head out to find the mother load of nails. I don't bring Wanda often, she is a little pigish about the fiinds, she tends to keep everything for herself. Today was a diffrent story I knew the digging would be tough and this girl can dig, she get her nose right into it.

We hit this huge iron signal (my favorite) I think we have hit the ultimate cache of nails. We procede to dig our tails off, 15' x 5' hole abut two feet down, the sweat is just pouring off of us. Wanda is famished and heads off to the blackberry bushes, she eats like a hg and has to take a nap under the old oak tree. I'm so tired I'm ready to join her, when off in the distance I hear a rumble, then the snapping of branches, mud and dirt flying. I look and to my surprise here comes my Knight in Shining Armor! He procedes to help me dig, we get it done in no time at all. Wanda finally gets up to see what we have pulled out of this massive hole.

I was a little dissapointed, not a nail in the hole, but we drag her on home to clean her up and see just what we have found. I need to know if we should have cleaned her up or left her in original condition. What do you think?

This is my story and I'm sticking to it!


P.S. I never have wanted one of AP's digging tools, or Gypsy's silver!


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Re: Help already this ones bigger than I thought could be a 1860s cat house !

Thanks sleeper, think i might have already found road way. Probably standing in it for photo. I've come back with seriuos tools, Rented a bobcat from a freind for the week hopefully snow will melt by then. also brought a chainsaw and most importantly my DFX. Picture dosen't do the place justice bigger addition in the back thats all caved in. but i'm trying not to get too close because of snow cover I don't wanna take an indiana jonesesque fall into a basment or anything. will get back with more photos as soon as possible.


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Re: Help already this ones bigger than I thought could be a 1860s cat house !

Sorry meant to post picture yesterday evening, but I spent the whole day out in the cold and got home worn out. I was cutting down dead as well as living trees trying to get into the back area. I used the bobcat to pull trees out and then idea struck me to use bucket on the front to clear some of the snow. Hard to see it in the picture but some areas have drifts six to eight ft. deep. I still couldn't get to the back cause the tree stumps are still in the way and the ground is frozen solid little bobcat don't have enough power to dig them out yet. but I did get to MD for a little while and used bobcat and picks for finds below. Just wondering if I should move this thread to todays finds, maybe get more help and responses ?


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Re: Help already this ones bigger than I thought could be a 1860s cat house !

You've got a great place there to hunt and great finds!! Todays finds seems appropriate for your finds and then you can tell your story. Look forward to more pictures as you have them.


Re: Help already this ones bigger than I thought could be a 1860s cat house !

Thank you Cheryl do you or any one else know how I can repost this in the todays finds area ? ???

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I almost commented on the viking treasure, saying it should be moved to liars.....but I didn't want to be Rude and hurt anyones feelings.....too funny that it was a trick after all.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I can't believe it! Went back to the same bank yesterday and found a second silver dollar just like the first! When I got it home I compared it with the first one I found a few days earlier. . . I couldn't believe my eyes, the motto by the date on this second silver was COMPLETELY different! Here are the pic's of each.



I'm thinking I'll head back to the bank tomorrow. . .


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Re: Help already this ones bigger than I thought could be a 1860s cat house !

Thank you Charlene you did it for me practically. I'm sure you can tell I'm not very computer savy, took my kids untill last year to convince me I could do this or even wanted to. I'm kinda a backwoods guy, dont like cities, technology, cept my MD heheheh :D , wish I had known about all this stuff on the internet twenty years ago. Well i'm off subject as usual, again thanks Charlene,figured out from your clues and help how to repost to todays finds. Now hopefully I'll get more helpful Ideas. Not that there hasn't already been alot of help, I just mean stuff like once inside where to look as well as out side. I have been getting alot of PMs tellin me to be carefull not to reveal too much, and that does help but you know I need Ideas about finding loot. I know it's here I can as they say feel in me bones.. ;D

Re: Help already this ones bigger than I thought could be a 1860s cat house !

Nice finds. Once you locate the dump the bobcat may come in handy to clear off the top layer of soil so you don't have to dig so much. Good luck...


Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Ok so someone gonna have to take the blame fer fergetten to post the rule saying that all lie posts had to be in this thread. I did it too, my post in everything else concernin a certain 1860 cat house is a fake. sorry everyone, just trying to win and have a giggle. Jeff of Pa please deleate me and my post and if ya want to you can punnish me, I feel so ashamed of myself. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(Maybe no one will notice the new avatar and I can still get away :-\

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Underbear said:
Ok so someone gonna have to take the blame fer fergetten to post the rule saying that all lie posts had to be in this thread. I did it too, my post in everything else concernin a certain 1860 cat house is a fake. sorry everyone, just trying to win and have a giggle. Jeff of Pa please deleate me and my post and if ya want to you can punnish me, I feel so ashamed of myself. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(Maybe no one will notice the new avatar and I can still get away :-\

How's This ? I merged it to the Correct Thread.

THANK YOU For pointing it out.

I just don't want to find out their are fake posts everywhere 2 weeks from now.


Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Thank you Jeff fer not gettin really mad, glad to know someones wtching out fer the integrety of TN. Sorry fer the lapse in judgment shoulda asked I guess. :-[

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