New Contest...........TNs Best Liar!!!


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

ahhhhh........nothing personal but, if Gypsy's willing to get rid of it, I don't want it. :D :D

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I can't enter this contest. I have never lied. Here's the pic:


Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Gypsy, that shipment of gold with no card....did it smell of monkey poo? I'm actually quite surprised you got it. When I took the package into the UPS store, everything was fine, but before I left, the whole place was a madhouse. The monkeys were in full form, throwing poo at each other by the time I left. I figured you'd never get the package. I guess if the card is all they lost, then things went better than expected.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

In my former life, I was the operator of a Barnhart log loader along about 1893. The only time I left the cab was to answer the call of nature. Well one day as I was squating, answering, I looked over and saw something glistening in the sun. I walked over and kicked some brush away and find some gold bars. There were too many to haul out by hand so I talked it over with the engineer of the log train. We decided to come back that night afer dark and load up with the gold.
That night we must have loaded a thousand bars of gold and as we sat in the engine we happened to see another train engine coming over the hill, it's light shining in our eyes. My engineer backed up his engine, only to have the other train lights glowing larger all the time. We got going so fast that we jumped the tracks, ran head on into a tree, dumped all the gold in a raging river, and sadly met our demise that night.
To this day as I sit up here in heaven, I look down and that gold is still where it fell in the river, no one has found it.
Oh, that other train that was coming towards us was not a train after all. Only the full moon rising in the sky.


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

cheese said:
Gypsy, that shipment of gold with no card....did it smell of monkey poo? I'm actually quite surprised you got it. When I took the package into the UPS store, everything was fine, but before I left, the whole place was a madhouse. The monkeys were in full form, throwing poo at each other by the time I left. I figured you'd never get the package. I guess if the card is all they lost, then things went better than expected.

Well now....that explains the stalk of bananas ::)....Have duly recorded your bribe....carry on....

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

February--being Black History Month & Presidents' Day month--I decided to hunt the White House lawn. My adventure began tomorrow. I hoped to find something from our two most famous black Presidents: George Washington Carver and William Jefferson Clinton. Knocking on the front door of the White House to ask permission, I was surprised to see President George W. Bush himself answer the door. I had half expected Laura Bush to open the door since she knows that many doors are opened when reading is emphasized in schools. (Picture #1)

Once "The Decider" granted permission (the word "granted" was created in honor of U.S. Grant, another dead President), I was off to dig for loot. My digging tool was in the shop so I asked around and found a fellow who seemed unemployed, but willing to help. He set to work digging each target while muttering something under his breath. It sounded like he was saying "I'm in Shock & Awe." I presumed he was talking about my good looks. (Picture #2)

The first few targets were pulltabs, undoubtedly left over from the Carter years--when his brother, Billy, would hang out at the WH on weekends. (Picture #3)

The last target of the day was something I am quite sure was discarded by William Jefferson Clinton. See if you don't agree. I think it could be worth millions, if I can find the right buyer. It's solid gold and weighs 2,000 lbs. I took all day tomorrow to lift it out of the lawn and into my private jet. (Pictures #4 & #5)

It's currently on display at the Smithsonian, and the archaeologists there were so helpful to me. They even waived the paperwork and told me I could have my treasure back any time I wanted it. (Picture #6)

In the backyard I found something left by President George Washington Carver--it's something never before seen on TreasureNet! (I stand by that statement.) As we all know, President Carver created Acorn Butter--a tasty treat when spread on bread and jelly. (Picture #7)

All-in-all, tomorrow wasn't a bad day--but not my best by a long shot. I swear on all I hold deer that this story will be true. And I took all the photos myself using my brand new Kodak Brownie.

Picture #1:

Picture #2:

Picture #3:

Picture #4:

Picture #5:

Picture #6:

Picture #7:

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I was out of town a few weeks ago on an archaeological dig in an area if interest to the local Southern Sympathizers of the Confederacy.On our way to the dig site I saw an airplane flying a little low so I took a quick picture.A few minutes later I saw a large plume of smoke in the distance.I quickly pulled the car over and took another photo.


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

diggummup said:
I was out of town a few weeks ago on an archaeological dig in an area if interest to the local Southern Sympathizers of the Confederacy.On our way to the dig site I saw an airplane flying a little low so I took a quick picture.A few minutes later I saw a large plume of smoke in the distance.I quickly pulled the car over and took another photo.
Here's a photo of me and my partner in crime doing a little sifting at the site.Along with a picture of some of the finds.


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

diggummup said:
diggummup said:
I was out of town a few weeks ago on an archaeological dig in an area if interest to the local Southern Sympathizers of the Confederacy.On our way to the dig site I saw an airplane flying a little low so I took a quick picture.A few minutes later I saw a large plume of smoke in the distance.I quickly pulled the car over and took another photo.
Here's a photo of me and my partner in crime doing a little sifting at the site.Along with a picture of some of the finds.
A few more of the finds-


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

diggummup said:
diggummup said:
diggummup said:
I was out of town a few weeks ago on an archaeological dig in an area if interest to the local Southern Sympathizers of the Confederacy.On our way to the dig site I saw an airplane flying a little low so I took a quick picture.A few minutes later I saw a large plume of smoke in the distance.I quickly pulled the car over and took another photo.
Here's a photo of me and my partner in crime doing a little sifting at the site.Along with a picture of some of the finds.
A few more of the finds-
It turns out the plane went down after it flew through this microburst and lost all power to it's engine.


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

diggummup said:
diggummup said:
diggummup said:
diggummup said:
I was out of town a few weeks ago on an archaeological dig in an area if interest to the local Southern Sympathizers of the Confederacy.On our way to the dig site I saw an airplane flying a little low so I took a quick picture.A few minutes later I saw a large plume of smoke in the distance.I quickly pulled the car over and took another photo.
Here's a photo of me and my partner in crime doing a little sifting at the site.Along with a picture of some of the finds.
A few more of the finds-
It turns out the plane went down after it flew through this microburst and lost all power to it's engine.
Luckily for the pilot he was able to parachute to safety.We didn't find too much while digging/sifting.But we did find a pilot falling from the sky,so that was a pretty good find!


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Hmm.... Does a judge(Gypsyheart) like romance novels?

Anne's ring - A TRUE romance story by bakergeol

On that fatefull day so many years ago I had no idea that it would be such a special day for me. In fact I almost didn't make the trip to the beach that day with my Excalibur. After all rain showers were predicted for the afternoon and it would only be a brief detecting session. However, something in the back of my mind made me pack my Excalibur, sand scoop and my pouch in my SUV and head out to the beach.
Yes the teenager was correct. I saw several beautiful models there posing for the camera. Then something happened that I can not really explain. One of the models looked in my direction and just for a split second our eyes met. My heart pounded as she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I stood there and couldn't move totally mesmerized by her beauty. However, I was quickly brought back down to reality as a gruff voice behind me barked "Hey buddy you need to move. You are blocking the shot".

So sadly I gathered my gear and moved further down the beach to do what I had come here for. I turned on my Excalibur, ground balanced it and proceeded to do some beeping. Well luck was not with me that day as I only turned up about 20 pulltabs in about 1 hour. To tell you the truth my heart wasn't into that day and I was about to leave. As I was packing my gear up I heard a familiar gruff voice " Say buddy - can that thing find a gold ring?". It was the photo shoot director
standing behind me. Anne one of his models had apparently lost a ring at the shoot and he wondered if I could do him a favor and try to find it.

Well I was happy to help and immediately when back to the photo shoot. As fate would have it, Anne was that same beauty who had briefly stopped my heart about an hour previously. She was in tears and said " the ring belonged to my mother. She passed away last year." "Can you help". Looking into her moist brown eyes what man could refuse her. Like an arkward schoolboy I stammered "Yes Yes Yes".

So I went about my task. It was small ring close to the surface so I ignored high conductors and deep targets. But after several hours of searching that small ring proved elusive as all I had to show for my efforts were an assortment of pull tabs. It was now early afternoon and dark clouds were now threatening their predicted rain showers.

With the prospect of imminent rain showers most of the beach goers had left. By the time the first rain showers came all of the photo shoot party had retired to their gigantic RV in the parking lot. All except me. Yes- I was not leaving. I HAD to find Anne's ring. The rain soaked me to the bone but I refused to give up. I slipped several times until my clothes were a soaked, sandy mess but I would not give up. I HAD to find Anne's ring. Finally after 2 hours in the rain I heard a sweet low conductor signal close to the surface. Expecting a beaver tail I was shocked to slowly uncover a small woman's ring. It was Anne's ring.

The rain had stopped by now and I raced to Anne's RV to present her with the ring. I was surprised to see her standing by the RV waiting for me. I quickly uncapped my hand to reveal the ring and she broke out in tears. She said "How can I thank..." but she stopped in mid sentence and looked at me closely. I looked like a drowned rat with wet sand and mud caked to my clothing. She realized then that this more than just about returning a lost ring. She then looked into my eyes and knew the answer. The eyes do not lie.

Well all of this occurred two years ago. Here is a picture of Anne

We were married last year in Barbados during one of her photo shoots. We honeymooned at the old Governors mansion. The owner was delighted that we were going to metal detect his property(I taught Anne how to detect). You should have seen Anne's face when she detected her first Spanish gold escudo(We found three that day).

So we transverse the globe- detecting Spanish castles one week and Carribean beaches the next depending on where they send her for her photo shoot. People are delighted to have a supermodel metal detect their property.

Live is sweet

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

:o :o YIKES! George, can I borrow your wife? I've got some metal detecting to do and I need a temporary partner. I promise I'll return her unharmed...honest! ;) :o :o :o

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I, Shermanville, would never tell a lie. :-X


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all have a good un.....................................


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!



CAPE TOWN, CA – An ancient artifact has been dug up on a building site in Lost Coast Cape Town village - California King Range Conservation Area on the California north coast and rescued by local architect A. Stefen.

Experts said the round clay “HAIR POT MASK” was the oldest and best-preserved example of its type ever found in the Lost Coast Region. It indicates the existence of a 2000-year-old culture based on fishing, crops and cattle, which thrived in the Lost Coast area at the time when the Roman Empire collapsed.

The significance of the find will have far-reaching implications regarding plans to mine the gold deposits as close to Cape Town as the law permits.

Acting Head of the Humboldt County History Department at the University of The Redwoods, Lars Scheibekopf, an expert on the local pottery of Early Iron Age (AD 420 and before), says the find left him “dumbfounded”.
“I immediately contacted the authorities about the pot-mask, and it will have to go to them as a national treasure. “ It is from the ancient Hupa period, designed with an inverted neck rim with incised designs – unlike the later evolved Hupa tribe that is now the Yurok, Karuk, Wiyot, Chilula and Whilkut (the later evolved from the Hupa tribe) Indian tribe pottery – and has only a single band of decoration around the neck,” said Lars Scheibekopf, who confirms it was baked in the era when Christ walked the earth.

Lars Scheibekopf said the find “must cause a radical rethink about mining this whole area”. The Coastal Commission has ordered a full Environmental Impact Report of the Cape Town Mine, which may delay improvements a minimum of two years.

Historically, Cape Town originated as a stage coach station and provided support for Cape Mendocino Lighthouse. Cape Mendocino has the distinction of being the westernmost point in California, as well as one of the highest lighthouse sites in the US. A 43-foot tower (similar in design to Point Reyes) was constructed on a cliff which placed it 422 feet above sea level. The first-order Fresnel lens was first lit in 1868. The light was the highest in the lighthouse service after the original light at Point Loma was moved.


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

This is possibly a lie but the feller that told it swears it's the factual truth.
It was this time of the year over in the Flathead valley in Montana and the Winter had been terribly long and cold. The snow was near 6 feet on the level and this rancher had run out of hay for his herd. He managed to buy a half stack of bales from a neighbor about 5 miles up the road and being the snow was crusted he harnessed up the team of belgians, hooked her to wagon with winter runners and went for the hay. He had about a quarter of a load on when all of sudden he felt the wind startin' to blow down the valley from the South. He knew about Montana Chinook winds and this was to be a bad one! The temprature jumped 50 degrees and the wind picked up to near hurricane force in 20 minutes. He said he got on top of the bales and slapped those reigns across the butts of those Belgians and headed for home but it was futile. Before they had covered a hundred yards the horses were breaking through and running chin deep in the snow. The sled was running bunk deep in solid mud and the dog that had followed him was kicking up dust behind! And that friends is a Montana Chinook wind.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

This happened several years ago so my recolection may not be what it use to be.

I was huntin for nuggets in a streambed just outside of Flagstaff, the weather was warming from a early morning chill as the sun steadily rose above the edge of the the hill off to my right. I'de been in this part of the country before and knew it quite well as I spent some time here after my 2 year expedition in the jungles of Borneo searching for the lost tribe of the zingatingowa. This stream bed had produced before but not in the volumes that I was almost certain it would. You know as a treasure hunter, you just get that feeling something is about turn for you so you just have to keep moving along.
I had traveled about 5 klicks from my HQ (this is GI talk for campsite) when a came apon some fallen trees, it looked as though something had knocked them over in a rush to head up the side of the steep canyon that loomed before me. As I looke around, I saw what looked like large footprints of something that had been moving at a quick pace from one side of the stream bed to the other. At first I thought, "what is some knuckle head doing out here without his shoes on?" but as I examined the prints further, I came to realize that there was no shoe I had ever seen that would fit a foot like that. I think the part that worried me the most is that the prints were very fresh, the water in the streambed was still filling the prints that had be cast on the edge of that water and the suet from the bottom of the water was still swirling in a print in the middle of the stream. It wasn't long before the smell of rotting flesh permeated the surrounding area. If any of you have ever hunted you know what a week old deer carcus smells like; that's the smell. Anyway, about this time I began to get that sinking feeling that I was being watched, you know, when you can't see anyone but you know they can see you. I figured it was about time for me to turn and head back to HQ (again, GI talk for campsite), I wasn't going to stick around and wait for what ever it was in the woods to show itself and eat me in the process. No sooner did I get turned around did I hear the sound of something heavy flying through the air and hit me on the back of the head. I gotta tell you, I've been in some scraps but those weren't nothin compared to how hard I was hit, it knocked me right to the ground and dazed me. as Iwas trying to gather my senses I could hear the loud footsteps of what ever it was coming right for me, I couldn't see what it was but I did notice a fallen tree just infront of me that was propped up by a bolder so I crawled as fast as I could to get under the tree. I could still hear this large thing moving around . I could smell his breath which almost made me gag. At this point I remember seeing my detector and my digger about 20 feet away and I wondered if I was going to have an opportunity to get it before I hightaled it out of there.
No sooner than that thought crossed my mind did my thoughts turn to terror, thats when I remembered my camera, it was in my back pack, I got to my knees just as this mighty beast was heading away, I was able to snap this picture. I have also included a closeup.


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I was sitting at McDonald's the other day having coffee with some friends.
I decided to ask some home owners I had seen in the area once before
if I could hunt the reunion site on their land.
fire pit.webp
They said as long as I didn't wake the baby
it would be fine. After about 4 hours of digging pull tabs and beer caps I was ready to call it a day. Just then, the owner's son
big kid.webp
walked up and said he lost the pocket knife his grandpa gave him over by the out house
while feeding the little dog and would I please help look for it.
It only took a few minutes to find the knife for the kid.

Man what a day.

HH to all


Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Mighty AP and Gypsyheart, this contest is never gonna work. TNetters are honest folks and are NEVER liars.

I give you this for evidence of my truthful statement:

This little bobble was found and returned all in the same day by one TNetter who wishes to remain anonymous because s/he doesn't like to brag.

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