Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!
Hmm.... Does a judge(Gypsyheart) like romance novels?
Anne's ring - A TRUE romance story by bakergeol
On that fatefull day so many years ago I had no idea that it would be such a special day for me. In fact I almost didn't make the trip to the beach that day with my Excalibur. After all rain showers were predicted for the afternoon and it would only be a brief detecting session. However, something in the back of my mind made me pack my Excalibur, sand scoop and my pouch in my SUV and head out to the beach.
Yes the teenager was correct. I saw several beautiful models there posing for the camera. Then something happened that I can not really explain. One of the models looked in my direction and just for a split second our eyes met. My heart pounded as she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. I stood there and couldn't move totally mesmerized by her beauty. However, I was quickly brought back down to reality as a gruff voice behind me barked "Hey buddy you need to move. You are blocking the shot".
So sadly I gathered my gear and moved further down the beach to do what I had come here for. I turned on my Excalibur, ground balanced it and proceeded to do some beeping. Well luck was not with me that day as I only turned up about 20 pulltabs in about 1 hour. To tell you the truth my heart wasn't into that day and I was about to leave. As I was packing my gear up I heard a familiar gruff voice " Say buddy - can that thing find a gold ring?". It was the photo shoot director
standing behind me. Anne one of his models had apparently lost a ring at the shoot and he wondered if I could do him a favor and try to find it.
Well I was happy to help and immediately when back to the photo shoot. As fate would have it, Anne was that same beauty who had briefly stopped my heart about an hour previously. She was in tears and said " the ring belonged to my mother. She passed away last year." "Can you help". Looking into her moist brown eyes what man could refuse her. Like an arkward schoolboy I stammered "Yes Yes Yes".
So I went about my task. It was small ring close to the surface so I ignored high conductors and deep targets. But after several hours of searching that small ring proved elusive as all I had to show for my efforts were an assortment of pull tabs. It was now early afternoon and dark clouds were now threatening their predicted rain showers.
With the prospect of imminent rain showers most of the beach goers had left. By the time the first rain showers came all of the photo shoot party had retired to their gigantic RV in the parking lot. All except me. Yes- I was not leaving. I HAD to find Anne's ring. The rain soaked me to the bone but I refused to give up. I slipped several times until my clothes were a soaked, sandy mess but I would not give up. I HAD to find Anne's ring. Finally after 2 hours in the rain I heard a sweet low conductor signal close to the surface. Expecting a beaver tail I was shocked to slowly uncover a small woman's ring. It was Anne's ring.
The rain had stopped by now and I raced to Anne's RV to present her with the ring. I was surprised to see her standing by the RV waiting for me. I quickly uncapped my hand to reveal the ring and she broke out in tears. She said "How can I thank..." but she stopped in mid sentence and looked at me closely. I looked like a drowned rat with wet sand and mud caked to my clothing. She realized then that this more than just about returning a lost ring. She then looked into my eyes and knew the answer. The eyes do not lie.
Well all of this occurred two years ago. Here is a picture of Anne
We were married last year in Barbados during one of her photo shoots. We honeymooned at the old Governors mansion. The owner was delighted that we were going to metal detect his property(I taught Anne how to detect). You should have seen Anne's face when she detected her first Spanish gold escudo(We found three that day).
So we transverse the globe- detecting Spanish castles one week and Carribean beaches the next depending on where they send her for her photo shoot. People are delighted to have a supermodel metal detect their property.
Live is sweet