In my business I deal with more than a few Psychiatrists and most need one.
My last Pdoc was so traumatized by me...she had to be involuntarily committed.
What's that say about me ?

In my business I deal with more than a few Psychiatrists and most need one.
My last Pdoc was so traumatized by me...she had to be involuntarily committed.
What's that say about me ?
It says that she clearly had serious issues prior to meeting you.
Why do I say it's "playing with fire"?
Simply because all the mental/emotional psychobabble involving (and
leading to) a questionably existent deity can/does leave an unprepared individual
with emotional scars for life.
You're messing about in peoples heads..and you have no business being there.
Again, my well experienced, and not so humble opinion.
Simply because all the mental/emotional psychobabble involving (and
leading to) a questionably existent deity can/does leave an unprepared individual
with emotional scars for life.
Wow..you left me floored here!
What you said about being unprepared.!
One of my own things that I have been labeled with is OCD that manifests as unwanted thought.
The sheer amount of torment that still goes through my mind because of the lack of faith response of burning in a lake of fire!
You don't want to know what that does with this type of OCD.
I wouldn't wish this on Satan!
What it says about my faith..not good I guess.
I wish I didn't have that threat hanging over my head.
That doesn't feel like love to me.
That sounds like a dictator, like my mother.
I'll love you, but you have to do this first.
My dog...I don't have to do anything and he loves me unconditionally.
So yeah, I appreciate what you said, because I needed to say that, but cannot ever find the right words to say.
Unwanted thoughts you say,did you create those thoughts
or just think them,that is satan's entrance Mike..through the mind.
Nope..they just pop in there.
Often they pop out of my mouth.
Anyone who knows me personally would describe me as someone "Who says a bunch of crap that doesn't make any sense"
Well, yeah, when you are verbalizing thoughts without being aware of doing so.
Chris, having commented on many other topics with you over the years,
I do have much respect for you. Please, don't think that I don't.
This is not a discussion you want to have with me. It will not
end well, for either of us.
Note: Again, you postulate a question to create doubt in the
mind "...did you create those thoughts or just think them..."
And then go on to tell me that yet another questionably existent
deity (the bad guy) is putting thoughts in my head.
My head is just fine, thank you.
Respectfully, if you're good with what you believe, then that's
peachy...I'm glad you're happy.
Just keep it to yourself, please. Jeremiah 14:14/Matthew 7:15
I didn't realize I was speaking to you I was answering Mike.
You do not have to agree with me nor is it a reason to be upset with me because you don't.
Chris, I'm not upset with you in the least. You are following
what you believe to be to be the right path, and sharing
your faith is a major part of that. (Matt 28:16-20)
The references: Jeremiah 14:14/Matthew 7:15 were not directed
towards you, but to those you follow. This world is currently full
of wolves acting like sheep, and once one of those "wolves" gets
ahold of your mind it can take years, if ever, to get them out of
I know where you're coming from...been there myself.
It's also why the site discourages these kinds of discussions. They
just don't end well. View attachment 1752288
Roy nor I are trying to convince anyone you either SEE it or you don't. I see that I am thinking and I surely did not create those thoughts,tell me that the crazy azz thoughts you have are OK..do not tell me you don't have them either.