New Contest...........TNs Best Liar!!!

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Well the thing is AP...I don't need to lie about my finds. That has been clearly shown by my many posts of wonderful rusty junk. This of course is just a cover to keep the IRS at bay. ****** See below
As most of the elite treasures hunters know, my claim to fame began 1927 ,shortly after I discovered the Fountain of Youth. I was a mere 17 yrs old when I traveled to Lubaantun, in British Honduras, now Belize.The temple had only just been opened that day when I volunteered to go down and "explore". It was there that I found my first crystal skull.The skull was made from a single block of clear quartz.
Without doubt the most famous and enigmatic of them all, it is commonly referred to as the Skull of Doom.
This led me on a life long mission to find more of them.Traveling to all regions of the universe I now have in my possession, 13 of them. One was even found in Texas of all places. :)

*******Note to IRS...Please read title of this contest before you waste time driving to my humble cabin in the woods.


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Re: Help already this ones bigger than I thought could be a 1860s cat house !

Sounds like a great place you found there. One suggestion that has been made on here from others is use the snow to help uncover trails that might be overgrown during the warmer mths, with the underbrush and trees barren trails seem to stand out.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

A few gifts for Gyspy. Please accept them in the spirit in which they are given--BRIBES. Choosing each and every one of my posts for the Final 5 will result in even more

For Gypsyheart



Oh yes, forgot to mention that Becky from the TV show "Best Places to Find Cash & Treasures" and I dug up all these gifts. Enjoy.

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

TreasureTales said:
A few gifts for Gyspy. Please accept them in the spirit in which they are given--BRIBES. Choosing each and every one of my posts for the Final 5 will result in even more

For Gypsyheart



Oh yes, forgot to mention that Becky from the TV show "Best Places to Find Cash & Treasures" and I dug up all these gifts. Enjoy.

Hey Now...since you know Becky Personally....If you can get me her job....I will get you in the finals ;) ;) ;) just dont mention this to anyone else....

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Gypsy, just got off the phone with Becky and she's willing to hand over her job to you...she said she's found all the treasure anyone could use in a lifetime. All you have to do to get her job, she said, was to chose ME as a finalist. That's pretty simple, huh?

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Well you might know Becky but I know her boss. . well. . . I know a guy who's wife's sister's husband's stepmom's sister's 3rd cousin's boyfiend's Dad's neighbor's brother in law lives just a mile away from the guy who washes his girlfiends pomeranian. And I know for a fact that he won't hire you without my ok. . . . ok??

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

>:(You'de better be smilin when you say. . . oh. . . uh. . you were ;D

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Thats right folks...Keep those Lies and Bribes coming!!!

Its time to add another fantastic PRIZE!!!!

[size=10pt]A Box of Diamond Matches! [/size] Yes siree ....

You never know when Diamond Matches will come in handy. They are an essential household and outdoor item."

Diamond's extensive assortment of Wood Matches assures you'll be prepared for any challenge in or out of your home

And while you are admiring your potential can be singing this little song

Liar, liar, pants on fire
Your nose is longer
Than a telephone wire


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Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I really should not be posting. Because, I cannot tell a lie. I have never ever lied. I am an Eagle Scout, God fearing man. I just could not tell a lie. That would just not be right. I always say " Honest is the best policy!". I live, eat breath, and sleep honesty. To lie would turn my stomach. I do not like liars and never will. I do not believe in little white lies or a gray area between right and wrong. I truly believe that I am related to the Honorable George Washington. Just look at my mug. Do I not exude honesty? I am going to stop now, I am starting to glow (Aura) and I thought I saw and heard Thunder & Lightning! Good day to all.

Ed D.


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Looks like i was found out


Sorry to anyone that might been offended or still hasent learned, My viking trasure horde story was a Lie for the Best TN liar contest:(

But i love you all ;D

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

Well my viking treasure was discovered an removed after only 2 days

But you have to say 2 days an then was ut in to the best of treasurenet do I win?

Re: Looks like i was found out

You b#$@ard!


Hook - Line & Sinker man... ;)

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

I am really hurt by this contest and the insinuations that any member of Tnet would tell a lie. I for one have never falsified anything I have ever written on Tnet and everything I have written was true to a fault except of course for the parts I make up. Oops! Did anyone see that? That's a Fruedian slip I think? Ok, although it is against everything from within my being and hurts me to the depths of my bowels....or is that methane? Anyway, I will try to conjure up a story even though it is completely out of character for me. I'll be out of town this weekend but will think on it and try to come up with some yarn early next week. How long is the contest to run? Don't want to miss the deadline. ;) Monty

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

You got plenty of time Monty, I think we'll let it run til next weekend. I cant wait to see what you come up with, I know its gonna be good! ;)

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

WARNING !!!!!!



Any Posts for it Outside this Thread Will be Deleted & The Poster



IF you have already Done So, Please Delete it Or have Me Delete it Before it is TOO LATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Warning Starts With the Time Below in my Last Edit

Re: New Contest...........TN's Best Liar!!!

OK, this will be my last post on this thread. But I must say one thing before I go...

Since the very first day of my membership, I have been portraying myself as a man. The FACT is...drum roll please...I am a WOMAN!! Yessiree, I'm a babe and proud of it. I've been keeping my identity secret because of my extreme fame. You may have seen me doing all kinds of things in my attempt to recover treasure. Does the term "tomb raider" mean anything to you? I'm the best and most famous tomb raider around...

That's right, I'm Lara Croft aka Angelina Jolie and I'm kicking butts and taking names in this contest. I'm the winner, no others need try.

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