Hola amigos,
Now that we know for certain that Always Lost is in fact the real Blindbowman (unless some impostor is also a good motorcycle mechanic, which seems unlikely) I am going to use his original ID rather than the new one, unless you mind amigo in which case I will use the new one.
Blindbowman wrote
<Oroblanco wrote>
So you accept the version which has Waltz (perhaps with his partner Weiser or nephew) murdering Peralta men to steal the mine. Okay then how did the Peraltas find the mine? Every metal mine known was found in some way, originally. They didn't just always exist, someone had to find them in the first place or they never become mines. So I would like to know how and WHEN the Peraltas found the mine. Thank you in advance;
yes i do . for good reasons , every location is not just dot on a map, there are clues that where created when the mine was and anyone that comes in contact with it ..
waltz tells one story the Peralta tell theirs .. but find the common folcrum point between them and fiocus on what they share in common ..in this case
the Peralta find the map in the sanata ana church . when they are their checking up
their land claim the church kept almost all the records in those day much like a town hall or cort house ...
but i do not beleive they found the mine with it . they took it alright .. but
the Peralta found the mine why mending feance
the map was never used by them and was locked away and forgotten ..till it or a copy was given to ruth or we would never have seen it at all..we know that the land claim was filled around the time don got his land grant 1609 is the best date i found for this .. the Tayopa was active in these days and the land claim was not as big as it would be after , and the peralta would focus near home in the days of indain raids , we can not find any direct link between the Peralta and the spainish or jesuits , thats what scott was says .. i feel he may be right in that case .. finding a common link would be a psoable dead end that would take a lot of hard work and time if it still exits ..
the main focus is the Peralta do get the map and pass it on ..i beleive the map had nothing to do with them finding the mine ..
walta took the mine .. from what i know about the mine and its location waltz could not have found it on his own .. imposable ..
The Peralta Land Grant? Are you referring to the very same Peralta Land Grant that Reavis used in his gigantic fraud? The grant was found to be invalid (false) by a US court. Or are you talking about a different Peralta land grant? thanks in advance;
BB: i found a story about don Peralta buying land around 1609
Next - you say that Peralta found the mine while mending fence?
What sort of fence were they building/fixing? <Barbed wire was not invented until
1873> Do you mean a split rail fence, a stone wall, or what? Thank you in advance;
Are you also saying that a church map had the mine (or mines, plural) marked on it? If you are saying that the church map showed the location(s) of the mine(s) then how did the church discover the mine (or mines) in the first place? Thank you in advance;
Sorry for so many questions, but this Peralta legend mine(s) had to be discovered in the first place by SOMEONE, and I would like to know who or whom found it, how it was found, and as close to WHEN (what year or a close guess will do) the mine(s) were first discovered.
Roy ~ Oroblanco