Ley Lines in Nova Scotia found in New Ross at Castle site

We've gone from "Templar Vault Found" to ley lines. Why the change in focus from guaranteeing a find featuring actual Templar graves and artifacts to this? Has an actual, athenticated Templar Vault been found or not?

And what is that? What do the highlighted characters mean? Do they look the same without highlighting? What do the other characters mean, and why are they sort of scattered all over the place? Why carve all of this stuff in a rock which may be dislodged or stolen, rather than on a larger object, such as a wall? (Such an inscription could be defaced, but it would at least take more work to do so.)

I do appreciate the picture though.


These were recovered from a Templar site in western Washington - not the battery or the log splitter, but the axe heads were. Prove that they weren't if you can.

Do you see how that game can be played? And this isn't even the truly weird stuff that I've found. It was simply the first thing that I thought of when I read this, and as the pictures were already hosted here, I knew that I wouldn't have to go looking for them. (For the record, I know exactly what these are and I even know the name of the guy that most likely left at least one of them there. It's simply a mental exercise.)

80lb Gold Nugget dipped in Galena to disguise it for Transport to Templar Vault .

Symbols are from Various Cultures ,
The Nugget was inscribed as a Legend .

directly , each symbol was used to mark deposit sites , the nugget reveals what to watch for in seeking the Vaults .

hold and I'll show you

Ask finders where he first heard of Knights Templar Vaults , Vortex's and the use of Golden ( sacred Geometry ) being
used to secrete the Templar Vaults .

Claims make me giggle .

and to inform
That Vault is an actual Vault , there is indeed Treasure there , and as you see in the picture , it has not
been disturbed as of May 27th 2015 .

Finders , tell em where you got your info .

bet he won't .

I can post the threads I started to show where he got it , with time stamps on the threads .

Prior to 2003 , Finders never mentioned anything about Templars being attached to Treasure Vaults here .

go on ahead and tell em the truth Finders .

Reveal your Favorite Source .

ah heck , I'll just tell em for ya

Dave , I'm the Man ,,, as Kanabite calls me .

As descendant of Grand Masters , I knew the formulas .
Began posting the formulas on Forums , where Loki and Finders both were members .
I already posted those old comments in this forum .

Both grabbed onto my material and ran amok with it .


Later , I laughed as I watched them both post here .

you see , these secrets of the Templars , well ,,, There is a Trap attached .

outside the Bloodline , interlopers end in a spiral of confusion .

and never ever retrieve or recover Treasure .

ok , I am not being mean here . Just revealing .

To the POINT , I am not kidding , that huge boulder with the Turtle on it , is actually a Treasure Vault Icon .

The Treasure actually is there , that is TRUTH .

I don't bother it , I know better .

Hi Roger, how about showing us a close up of these inscriptions on top of the boulders, not google earth stuff.

You also posted - As descendant of Grand Masters - I rather think there are many, since they were rather, err, horny in those days.

Treasureminder2, There you go off again , putting words in that I know nothing about, what the hexx you are talking about. Everything you said about me was wrong so why in the HEXX should I believe any thing you say. You did not help me any way ever, thank god:BangHead: . I did not know of you until maybe 5 years back at best. I can tell you this , I do not agree with any thing you said on Oak Island and I find it hard for me to post back any thing to you. You need medical help :tongue3: that is the best info I can give you. I DO NOT BELIEVE YOUR STORY , I think you made all of this up so you can play with the big boys. Keep my name out of you post or I will check out your true back ground and post the truth here , If you want to Play this game , try me out, please :occasion14:

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C'mon you guys, lets try to get it correct, they do have a right to be referred to properly. Its Mi'kmaq or Mi'kmaw, in Canada these so-called Indians are "First Nations", while in the U.S. they are called "Native Americans". Has anyone here read John Bear "MacNeil's Basket Stories".
Cheers, Loki
OK you have a spelling some think is right , Mi'kmaq or Mi'kmaw but I was told its spelled many ways and Joan Hope spelled it Micmacs, I spell it Micmac . So if we get it close and the reader knows what we are talking about that's enough for me.

As descendant of Grand Masters , I knew the formulas .
Began posting the formulas on Forums , where Loki and Finders both were members .
I already posted those old comments in this forum .

There are no descendants of the Grand Masters, you are mistaken. And btw, I never received any of my information from any of your aliases.

Cheers, Loki

OK Raparee you accepted the challenge now its time for you to reply to the message I sent you with time and date. I will work with you at any time during day light. Its time to show up or shut up :notworthy:. I will post what happens on this post and other post so I better do my part right. I need a reply from you and a time for you to show up on the date we sent you.
Now the fun begins :hello2:.

OK Raparee you accepted the challenge now its time for you to reply to the message I sent you with time and date. I will work with you at any time during day light. Its time to show up or shut up :notworthy:. I will post what happens on this post and other post so I better do my part right. I need a reply from you and a time for you to show up on the date we sent you.
Now the fun begins :hello2:.

PM sent.

FFS. I typed up a reply here and it went off into the wild blue yonder. I'll try again tomorrow.

The "too long didn't read" version is that double bitted axes have been around since forever, and their evolutioon is not well documented. I have a good idea of when these bits wound up in the dirt, but I can't prove that it wasn't earlier. Neither can anyone else.

Your top axe looks to be a well used Puget Sound pattern, and the lower one a California pattern. Double bit axes have been around for a long time, yes, but their use as a logging tool dates from the middle of the 1800's. What is the logging history in that area?

quote : Keep my name out of you post or I will check out your true back ground and post the truth here , If you want to Play this game , try me out, please

Threat ?
do it .

Like anyone
I love reading about myself .

True Backgrounds are awesome .

however , break the law ,, and you may not be so awesome .

tee hee .
Folks , that Vault in the Organ Mountains of New Mexico is far more real then 10,000's post of " We found Knights Templar Stuff "
with years and years of countless " Nothing to see here , move along "

Did I ever say , " Hey watch my T.V. show , buy my Book ,,, watch my Movie ,,, ?

Nope .

Did I ever ask for investors ?


I've turned all of that Down ,,, turned it down viciously .

Finders , You openly post in an Open Forum with Claims , as well in the Media ( note my post of old newspaper articles with your claims )

In doing so , you've taken on a Public persona , with that , one must expect the Public to call you on it .

Wolter , yourself , even myself , have all been called on the claims .

So far , I'm the only one who has produced when called on .

If what I state about that situation irritates you , Then that may be construed that you're not ready for prime time
Public attention .

If I call you on a claim you make , each time you Rant .

as I stated : " The moment you attempt to defend yourself , you've already lost "

Knights Templar adage , we of the Order understand through Wisdom , not react through childish Emotional Outburst .

Understand this : " You are in a Public Arena now , due to your seeking through Public media attention , as such , you are a public figure ,
You will be contested as any of us who have chosen to go public , The heat rises with each public announcement you make , if
you cannot stand the Heat , avoid the fire of Public Persona "

stay calm and read , you'll learn much from my writings , you already have , Temper gains nothing .

There are no descendants of the Grand Masters, you are mistaken. And btw, I never received any of my information from any of your aliases.

Cheers, Loki

Loki , you're fun ,

None , right ?

Prove it .

got a Video of Grand Masters neutering themselves ?

Never received from my postings ?

ahem ,,
really ?

Prove it .

what was your Handle on the old : Oakislandtreasure.UK ????????????

oh that's right , I already have that , and your emails to me .

hang on
got one for you .

Ooops , forum rules , no posting of Private emails to threads .



your handle on OIT forum was Haywire , right ?

here ya are

Straight from the archives

" by Haywire on Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:55 pm What ever happened to that "Hippie" person? I DO think it's possible to be so intelligent you're clinically insane!

Anyway, stumbled across this site surfing the net. Don't know anything about "The Money Pit" other than what I've seen on a couple Unsolved Mysteries episodes years back.

So, I'm here to enjoy the ride and gather some information. I just like to learn about that which I have no knowledge of.
Haywire  Digging for Coal Posts: 12Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:50 pm

How did you say it ?
To Gather some information ,,, that you have NO KNOWLEDGE of ????
from whom ?
oh , that's right , you stated from whom ,,,from Hippie . well , that would be Me , Treasminder2 on this forum

Yes , treasminder/roger snow/ hippie ,,,,,, Yepper , those avatars are all mine

I have a reply to your post

hang on

wait ,,,, NO KNOWLEDGE OF ? what'd ya mean by that ? that, you had no knowledge of Knights Templar Treasure ?

time stamp is 2003
you've learned a bit since then , haven't you .

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Here ya go Loki , this is your reply from Bonnie on Oak Island

welcome haywire,

i knew hippie long before i came on this forum or started trying to sort out what is really going on with oak island treasure.

i can tell you that he is completely sane, in my opinion, and that everything he wrote was his truth. and that he didnt even share the half of it.

go to the oak island search, above, and put into the search ........hippie..........

and you can probably read more of his postings.

i dont know what happened to him. i havent heard from him in months.

hope he will stop in here some day and say hello. ~~~~~~~~~~~ end copy pasted 2005 post from OIT

~~~~~~~~~~~ End of OIT Post by Bonnie ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

did Bonnie say : " i can tell you that he is completely sane, in my opinion, and that everything he wrote was his truth. and that he didnt even share the half of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

my my ,,,,

Not the Half of it ?

PFFFFffftttt ,,

evidently not .

Kinda revealing , those old post .

don't ya think?

Never learned anything from my post ?

really ?

well there's more , but ,,,


2003 I posted as " Hippie " on that forum .

funny , my material was so rich , the scammers who ran that forum ( Tank , Cerris ) Thought it best
to ban me and delete my post ,,
then use the Material to Scam investors .

yepper , it's dead forum now .

scams have short life spans

and never produce anything

check it out
I was called Crazy when I posted in 2003 , that Oak Island was Knights Templar

2 years later , Haywire ( Loki on this Forum ) receives a reply to her query of my whereabouts .
Just 2 years later
everyone on that forum is claiming it's Knights Templar and they are experts

check it out , copy pasted direct from the forum ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

by acdonah on Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:02 am
Haywire wrote:
So, I'm here to enjoy the ride and gather some information. I just like to learn about that which I have no knowledge of.

Ditto with the welcome...
If it is knowledge you seek then you have come to the right place. If you like historical facts, researching theories, learning about pirates and the Knights Templar you will surely love it here. Everyone here are experts and are very helpful.

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