Ley Lines in Nova Scotia found in New Ross at Castle site

Dave, the gal comes squarely under Libra, and on the cusp of Pieces and Aries, meaniing that she can come under that profile, if it is patently wrong, then the paragraph immediately preceding or following.

As for you, since you don't know the hour it is presumed that you are a Gemini, with a Aries split with Tauras.

As I mentioned, I would give a ''generalized' horoscope reading. To give a specific one would require much more detailed data.

remember the Celestial bodies influences vary from minute to minute, why I said that I would give a generalized reading. Example the tidal flow caused by the moon, it varies throughout the rotation of the earth, showing the effect at any one hour or minute. It is not static as the B _ Meyers tests show. We are constantly modifying our profiles as we experience or learn.

Your psychological profie is based upon what you have given me

I do not trust the Jung ( Bristol Meyers) test since it gives a limited choice of answers. Many answer based upon their perception of what society prefers, not necessarily what they Mentally precieve truly. That is not what we were born with, which as I have suggested is modified by our contact with the world.

They break us into only 18 types, we are muc hmore diverse than that.

At one time I was associated with Mensa, I found that their test questionnaire was similar, it was weighted, but still useful..

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OK , Lets get back to Vortex and Ley Lines. Finders Keepers will be on site soon to make sure we have a Vortex and 32 Ley Lines at the New Ross site. Then we will post our results no matter what the out come is. If anyone wants to be on site to check out this historical event drop me a email. if we do prove a Vortex at this site this will prove why the Templars came here to build. This site would be a new find for the Mimic Indians as they would of been at this site long before white man. The Ley Lines will help locate many new Templar sites in Nova Scotia.
Have a good day :hello:

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Ok F-Keepers
This is looking down on an actual Knights Templar Vortex Site .
I know that for a Fact . I actually recovered some Templar artifacts while in the Vortex there .

Can I prove it ?

Can anyone prove it isn't a Vortex ?

Conundrum is it not ?

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Same site as above , from the path into the Vortex .

see the interesting Flame looking formation on the face of the Rock ?

The Flame ( Light ) showing the way .

Understand ?
as you already found out , These are secrets , they are not for self promotion on T.V. Shows .

The Vortex only open to the proper consciousness . T.V. shows are not that .

am I making that up ?

OK I am not sure if you do believe in Vortex and Ley lines so could you answer this question. Your dad had to know of them if he did find treasure.
Can I prove Ley Lines are real , EASY :icon_thumleft: we have the tools to track them. I can train anyone in a few minutes to run the tools and track them. To prove a Vortex, EASY :laughing7: Just track and flag mark all of the lines , they should go to a point.
On our last trip to New Ross we tracked 6 ley lines that came to a point like on the map attached at the start of this post. We did not have time to track down all 32 lines that are shown on the map to prove the vortex on the map is the one in New Ross. Who ever made the map knew they were there, and who ever laid out the town of New Ross knew they were there, but the land owners family was never told. They owned the land for over 160 yrs.8-)

If this vortex is real it will start one of the biggest hunts for Templar camp sites and other areas they were at. Just walk the ley lines from this point and go one day trip at a time and look for markings they left. Why am I giving out this info , it would take me years to walk all the lines.

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Christ on a Crumb

Ley lines are straight forward .

to define

Hermetically sealed in an earthen jar , Wrapped around a Chrystal ,, is the End of a Ley line .

You have to walk a path that is laid out to the shape of the Golden Spiral , to get to the door ,
then you must command the door to open , ( wear the Ring or it won't work )

Now , once open , follow the steps down as they spiral to the left .

At the landing ( end of steps ) Take the doorway to your right .

Go to the Left side of the Cave , open the Ark ( trunk looking type deal-e-bob )

OK , before you grab the Earthen Jar and mess everything up ,,, including your cloths ,,,

Make sure you take the Golden Urim and place it around you .

Now , lift the Lid of the Trunk ( do not have any open flames near it )
Inside , see the Golden Bowl of Manna ?

LEAVE IT ALONE ! ( trust me , you don't want to be afflicted with what will come into you )

To the right side will be a Golden Rod that Budded , touch that and such a shock you'll get
leave that alone too

to the left center , and on a small Toadstool made of Silver ,,, is the Earthen Jar with the end of the Ley Line wrapped around the Chrystal .

Peel back the Hide skin lid , reach inside and lightly stroke the Chrystal while whispering " I am not afraid "

do it three times ( remember , NO open Flames )

Now , lift the ley line with Chrystal out of the Earthen Jar ,,
do not put it in your mouth . it must remain dry to work .

It's at this juncture that you must be either Very Spiritually Forged , or in the Presence of Michael The Arc Angel
to continue ,,, for if neither ,,, you will regret to the Morrow of your Soul , what repercussions will follow .

Take the tip of the Ley line , stuff it up your left Nostril and let it stick to your mucous ,,,

walk outside the cave with the Chrystal dangling from your Snoz ,,,

Once outside , look for the predominate Rock outcropping ,,, grab the Chrystal in your right hand
and toss it at the Rock .


When the end of the ley line comes completely off the Chrystal and attaches itself to the Pillar of Stone

you can wake up , the dream is over .

A Figment is as real as any Ley Line , a Ley Line is as real as any Figment .

Enjoy the Trials .

Not if you show authentic / verified photos Rog

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Quote " Dog the Treasurehunter " from VP thread : Thanks treasminder2 for that Rascione name,Its in the area that i believe is a Templar site. It has helped me to see what some of there signs are.Hopefully i can get inside one,and back out. Those guys got around,thats for sure. If those signs that i have found are Templars, I cant say for sure yet., but iam sure treasminder2 would know. Iam sadden again on his loss of being able to post.

read into it as you will
that came out of a KT Vault in N.M.

Prove it didn't if you can .
Tee Hee

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See if you can spot any of the Symbols on the Nugget in this photo .

you can exercise your baby blues looking for them .

all symbols are in the Photo , look close
I outlined a few spots to get you going .

Fun Game ,,, eh ?

And what is that? What do the highlighted characters mean? Do they look the same without highlighting? What do the other characters mean, and why are they sort of scattered all over the place? Why carve all of this stuff in a rock which may be dislodged or stolen, rather than on a larger object, such as a wall? (Such an inscription could be defaced, but it would at least take more work to do so.)

I do appreciate the picture though.

Prove it didn't if you can .


These were recovered from a Templar site in western Washington - not the battery or the log splitter, but the axe heads were. Prove that they weren't if you can.

Do you see how that game can be played? And this isn't even the truly weird stuff that I've found. It was simply the first thing that I thought of when I read this, and as the pictures were already hosted here, I knew that I wouldn't have to go looking for them. (For the record, I know exactly what these are and I even know the name of the guy that most likely left at least one of them there. It's simply a mental exercise.)

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FFS. I typed up a reply here and it went off into the wild blue yonder. I'll try again tomorrow.

The "too long didn't read" version is that double bitted axes have been around since forever, and their evolutioon is not well documented. I have a good idea of when these bits wound up in the dirt, but I can't prove that it wasn't earlier. Neither can anyone else.

True Dave, but that shape ?? The others are battle axes, differet shapes. Coffee:coffee2::coffee2:

OK , Lets get back to Vortex and Ley Lines. Finders Keepers will be on site soon to make sure we have a Vortex and 32 Ley Lines at the New Ross site. Then we will post our results no matter what the out come is. If anyone wants to be on site to check out this historical event drop me a email. if we do prove a Vortex at this site this will prove why the Templars came here to build. This site would be a new find for the Mimic Indians as they would of been at this site long before white man. The Ley Lines will help locate many new Templar sites in Nova Scotia.
Have a good day :hello:
I would review the old legends of the Mic Mac Nation (native Canadians aka "Indians)...

I would review the old legends of the Mic Mac Nation (native Canadians aka "Indians)...

C'mon you guys, lets try to get it correct, they do have a right to be referred to properly. Its Mi'kmaq or Mi'kmaw, in Canada these so-called Indians are "First Nations", while in the U.S. they are called "Native Americans". Has anyone here read John Bear "MacNeil's Basket Stories".
Cheers, Loki

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