OK I already know what a lot of you will have to say , O

NO Ley Lines , Vortex , Stonehenge , and dowsing rods whats next

. Well if you do not understand or believe how they work go to another site and bash someone.
Last year we located a Vortex at the New Ross site and tracked down 31 ley lines that helped us discover new finds. Now just 2 days ago we found out this is not just a vortex site it is laid out 100% like Stonehenge in Europe. All the lines fit, all the angles fit , and the number's are right on. Who ever laid out this site knew a lot about Stonehenge. We now know why they built the Castle at that site and why it is turned to face the way it is. Now we have the proof to show why they built the first church in the New World at the spot it is at . I am sure there will be many more new finds this summer . This week History Channel is sending a person to look at our info and soon we should be digging. Soon I hope to post pictures .
OK, now you members that want to bash this post , go a head

its OK . Bashing my post is how we found out about the Stonehenge connection.
Thank You New Age