Loki , as Haywire , when you were a member of Oakislandtreasure.Uk
you recall this fiction I wrote and posted there ,,, don't ya ?
It's fiction , I wrote it .
here it is
" by
hippie on Fri Dec 05, 2003 12:24 am Hi Tank, Not to worry, It is hard to rattle me.
This is my first visit to this site.
On my formulas and where they come from, or as you state it, " how do I know this ?
I am the descendant of the Grand Master Ruxillias of the Knights Templar, circa 1651, as well, My linage is that of Huges duPayen.
Huges, was from the Monastery where Dagobert the II was exiled to after his overthrow by the Carolingians, Dag, was what is known as the last Merovingian King of Middle Europe.
This linage is said to be that of the Saan Grael, known as the Holy Grail, or better stated, Translated loosly from the Latin, Holy blood (Saan Graael)
The Esoteric Knowledge is handed Down through the Linage of the Holy Blood line of King David through to the first Merovingian King and unto the first Grand master of the Knights Templar, which was Huges Du Payan,
The Sacred Geometry outlined above in my prior post, is the Key to many ancient sites and structures of the Ancients.
Much is Laid out to the Geometric design Pythagoras Attributed to Element #47 out of Euclids book #1 of the 13 books of Euclids elements.
This Geometry is relative to all sites within the Ancient Esoteric and Arcane arena. It is the foundation by which The Pyramids at Giza are set and as well as that of other sites inclusive in these is the Cities of Atlantis.
Yeah, Atlantis is real.
As is appearent unto all who have attempted to discover the Mystery of the design implemented in the Construction of the Oak Island Vaults and channels (tunnels) The designers were above the mainstream populace in their Knowledge of constructing such a baffeling maze of stumbling blocks and shafts to protect this one site, as well, even today, with the Technology extent, We struggle greatly to unravel this site.
This is evident in and of it's self that the construction and design is "NOT" that of the simple Pirate,
Simply, the site is one that was very cleverly planned, and replacates those vaults of the Ancients that have yet to be discovered.
A simple demonstration of the Knowledge that the Grand Masters of the Knights Templar were the inhieritors of is the Fact that they were able to enter King Tuts tomb nearly 900 years ago and remove objects more precious then Gold, without the burden of removing the Mass of stones covering the tomb as did Carter and Canarvon had to remove.
This was done, and articles removed, then the 4 doors resealed, and the few stones blocking the channel under the rest of the stones replaced without causing a cave-in. The knowledge of this construction, may have been retrived in Constantinople during the Crusades, where it had been taken by the Zealots who had Sacked the Great Library at Alexandria back in the 4th century, As well, Huges and the other 8 Knights, may have recovered from the Holy land the Documents with the information within them a century before the invasion of Constantinople.
Either way, it was somewhat mind boggeling to Carter that someone had opened the Tomb of Tut, and did not Bother to take ALL the treasure from within, and they were not in a rush, for they took the time to reseal the doors with plaster, and as Carter thought, Heave all the stones back in place, so it is not as though they did not have the time to take all the treasure , nor is it a matter of them being caught, for the items they took, were not placed back in the tomb as they would ahve been if the looters ahd been caught, simply, what was removed meant more to the retrievers then the gold and jewels of Tut, and as well, the Knights Templar already had more Gold and Jewels at their disposal then they ever needed, so why burden themselves further ? ( must be nice to have that much, don't ya' think ?)
The Drag marks of trunks being removed from the Tomb and drug OUT the doors on a prior raid of the tomb, were still in extent upon Carters opening the Tomb some 7 hundred years later.
Carter must have went to his Grave Bothered Greatly by that Mystery.
I can well imagine he did.
On a futher note,,,,,
One may find within the seals of Solomon, and in the Ancient Hebraic Alchemy, all the symbols for such Geometry and the increments of measure, as well as many other features pertaining to Matters of the spirit.
The Ancient Kabbalah, is a set of symbols, each with a mathmatical equivalent, for instance : Pythagoras attached the letter "Y" to element #47, this Geometric design, per his Theorem, was the Key to the Transmigration of the soul from one being or body unto a higher one.
Well,,,, Thats what his theory states. so don't bug me about it MAN
On the Hippie conotations. I would like to point out that Hippism is not a drug based paradigmn,( no matter how the media attempted to portray it)
It is about consciousness, one closely aligned with the teachings of Both Jesus Christ and Pythagoras, whereas , PEACE AND UNCONDITIONAL LOVE WERE THE PARAMOUNT ELEMENTS OF THAT CONSCIOUSNESS.
Funny, but I notice as I reviewed the community of Pythagoras, how it appeared to me that this Community surely must have been the contemporary HIPPIE COMMUNE of Greece at the time.
well, just a cute observation to add here in the midst of all the esoteric dialog.
Lets see, I guess I shall at this point throw out a theory as to where exactly the Oak Island Articles came from and why they were deposited there at the island. ( please, keep in mind that i have for the most part read a hugh amount of other theories, and I do not discount them, and this should not be taken as an opurtunity to open a debate with myself by others, I allow them their theories, without attcking such, and in a fair exchange, May they allow me mine, without attack )
As I hav'nt the time to look back on the exact date of this event, I am going to just use for the momment a supposed date, this being done without refering to notes. so please, do not pick the time-stamp apart, geeees-its ! Thank you.

? 1602, "ROUGHLY", and in answer to the Church once again targeting the knights Templar in yet another inquitition, by which to frame them for heresy and thereby obtain the Knights land holdings and wealth. The Knights found that perhaps it was time for a little retribution to be paid back to the Church, They brought their combined ships and Harbored them, then, paying off the sentinels, entered the Vaults within the Catacombs beneath the Vatican, They raided and looted these vaults, loaded the loot upon their ships and set sail for the New World.
The deposit at Oak Island, is but a small portion of that loot taken from the Vaults, Some of this loot comprised some of the Templar Treasure that the Church had unjustly taken control of in the 14th century during King Phillipes frame job of the Knights, of Friday the 13th 1307.
This looting of the Vatican Vaults was retailiation for the unjust lynchings of the Knights to gain control of their wealth, and as well, was simply taking back from thieves what was originally stolen from the Knights. The looting was kept hushed by a Vatican which felt secrecy about it would best serve the purpose of trying to retrieve the goods.
Interesting to note, it was The Knights Templar who had found the Gold of King Solomon, and it is as well interesting to note that Huges du Payan was a direct descendant of King Solomon, so you might say, Huges was recieving his rightful legacy after almost 2000 years, It was this gold that was part of the loot the Knights took back from the Vatican which the Church had Tortured and killed for 300 years earlier.
Something to ponder, What did Saunier find in Rennes, that substantiated the Claims of this Bloodline, That caused the vatican to allow Saunier pretty much a free lincense. It was not so much gold he found, yes, he did find wealth, but it was Documents and evidence he found that was more devastating to the Church. Documents that told of the Bloodline of Christ, the holy blood. The real divine right to rule bloodline. uh,,, debate it all you wish, never the less, it is true. but hey, I ain't sellin' no books on it. so sheeesh-its already.
Anyway, that is a side note.
hippie Digging for Coal
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Joined: Thu Dec 04, 2003 4:41 pm
Location: New Mexico U.S.