Ley Lines in Nova Scotia found in New Ross at Castle site

Rog, you mentioned that you could find nothing in my file, OK

I am 93, born Oct 3 1923, served the entire WWII,no medals for heroism, Ed consisted up to pre med, spent 10 plus years on the study of the paranormal.USAF pilot trained, US border patrol for a while, then into Narcotic investigation. Years spent exploring different parts of the planet. adventures in pre communist 0ld China 1947, the Gobi, then on to Mexico for which I was voted a member by the elite Explorers club, My IQ runs between 140 and 160 Binet, depending on how I slept, was associated with Mensa for a while.

Presently weigh only 140, have most of my hair and teeth, Blue/grey eyes. etc, What else do you want to know ??

Heh heh

as stated , it's a forum , a child may take it serious , a Man does not .

Where did I ever state that all I write is FACT

I forewarned years ago , I write , it's what I do , sometimes I even write a fact or two .

and ,,,,
Sometimes ,,,
I wouldn't know a Fact from a Gossip

and still , other times ,,, I get so bored , I even read some material posted by people I don't even care to know

and ,,,
even more rare
is for me to care what people say or write .

Fruitless endeavor to muster Care about much in a World where the choice for leaders is between a Witch and a Goon

Logic ?
yeah , I have too much for this Mortal Mess of a World .

Best Federal Profilers on the Ticket , stated I was too complex for them to understand , That I was to sane for this world

or ,,,
I knew coming in , that it was a bad scripted Movie to begin with , and I'm just
Hanging out acting in it .

And So ,,,,

as we've been able to see , I wrote the fiction of Ley Lines years ago in an open forum .
That the Knights Templar using Sacred Geometry ( Golden Mean ) to lay out their fictitious Vaults

was pure and simple

a Fiction, figment , of my Talented Imagination .

and here we are today years later

Reading post based on that Fictional Crap I wrote back then .

well , it's been fun man .

Hope ya'all get out of it what ya wish .

I wouldn't spend too much time and money chasing those Vaults though .

I made em up myself , they don't exist .

But , I do have a Nice Vortex you can bid on .

visit my Ebay Page

bid starts at zero .
which is what you'll get if you win the bid ,,, Zero

And So ,,,,

as we've been able to see , I wrote the fiction of Ley Lines years ago in an open forum .
That the Knights Templar using Sacred Geometry ( Golden Mean ) to lay out their fictitious Vaults

was pure and simple

a Fiction, figment , of my Talented Imagination .

and here we are today years later

Reading post based on that Fictional Crap I wrote back then .

well , it's been fun man .

Hope ya'all get out of it what ya wish .

I wouldn't spend too much time and money chasing those Vaults though .

I made em up myself , they don't exist .

But , I do have a Nice Vortex you can bid on .

visit my Ebay Page

bid starts at zero .
which is what you'll get if you win the bid ,,, Zero

You seem to be admitting to a published lie, is that true? And how do forum moderators deal with that I wonder? You claim I for one received my own premises through the published lies you seem to admit to which include vaults and ley lines covering Oak Island (Btw,Mr. Moderator I am not myself calling this person a liar).
The problem you have with this is that I have always maintained there was nothing on Oak Island except perhaps evidence of a Knights Templar temporary port. Joan Hope, who lived up the road from Oak Island wrote a book in 1988 that considered an ancient city in New Ross. She talked of a 14th century construction there. I also have discovered several clues, IMHO, one being the coordinates on the Shugborough Monument that clearly point to Nova Scotia, along with many many others. There also was another Nova Scotia woman (I will not name so that you cannot drag her name through your mud) that helped me with my final conclusions. I also know that Templar ships left LaRochelle, France sometime in September of 1307 and were never found. My own conclusions were arrived at with no help whatsoever from you or "hiple" or "hipper" or whatever you called yourself on the old Oak Island Forum. As I have also been on many forums, I think you probably received your ideas from my posts and not the other way around. Also, the name you posted on the Oak Island Forum was not me.

Cheers, Loki

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It didn't take me long to find out that 90% of what this mental case is talking about is FAKE. His story about his dad and being held by the army and the treasure is all fake. People from his past just laugh when I talked to them about him. Ya go ahead and tell your story and you need new info to make it look real so you put me in your post so you had something to yell about. LOOSER GET A LIFE :occasion14:

Are those attacks and insults directed at me ?

I believe forum rules state a time out or ban is in order when a member ,,, hmmm ?

quote loki

" I also know that Templar ships left LaRochelle, France sometime in September of 1307 and were never found."

~~~~~~~~ End Quote ~~~~~~~~

Interested in that myself .
Mind if I ask where I might review a paper on that .

Reason being , I as well have heard/read/thought that story myself

but in attempt to chase the source , came up with nothing as for an accredited Academic Research Paper
stating this .

As fiction , yes , I did discover a fictional account that told of ships laden with Knights Templar Treasure
left LaRochelle after looting the Vaults in the Catacombs beneath the Vatican .

and I myself added that fiction into a Fictional Story I wrote on the Knights Templar .

As for an accredited Academic account , nope , I found nothing .

May I ask for your reference material on the event ?

I would indeed like to read it .

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quote loki

" I also know that Templar ships left LaRochelle, France sometime in September of 1307 and were never found."

~~~~~~~~ End Quote ~~~~~~~~

Interested in that myself .
Mind if I ask where I might review a paper on that .

Reason being , I as well have heard/read/thought that story myself

but in attempt to chase the source , came up with nothing as for an accredited Academic Research Paper
stating this .

As fiction , yes , I did discover a fictional account that told of ships laden with Knights Templar Treasure
left LaRochelle after looting the Vaults in the Catacombs beneath the Vatican .

and I myself added that fiction into a Fictional Story I wrote on the Knights Templar .

As for an accredited Academic account , nope , I found nothing .

May I ask for your reference material on the event ?

I would indeed like to read it .

The "My Abbreviated Theory for the Knights Templar treasure in Nova Scotia" started Jan 31, 2015, by Lokiblossom on this Forum quotes some of the reference material!
Cheers, Loki

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any idea what page I may find the reference for the Ships leaving LaRochelle ?

Rather old eyes of mine , it'd save them some agony , owing to their dimness .
thanks in advanced .

any idea what page I may find the reference for the Ships leaving LaRochelle ?

Rather old eyes of mine , it'd save them some agony , owing to their dimness .
thanks in advanced .

Your eyes aren't that dim, read the whole thing you might just find it interesting. Btw, I know what you are trying to do.
Cheers, Loki

Simple question I asked

" Where and when , what material prior to 2001 , led you people to think the Knights Templar
came to this Hemisphere and Created Vaults ? "

Especially using Sacred Geometry by which to lay them out .

Again , I've produced for this thread my text from 2003 , I ask only for an answer ,
where can I find an Earlier Reference written by anyone other than myself .

I mean , if this is supposed to be material that's valid , where's the genesis ?

as well , much of the details posted here , seem to closely replicate details from my prior postings

and I Know for a Fact that my Prior Postings were fictional ,

I'm curious , Imagine if my musings were actually factual and I had no idea .

That would be coincidence ,, would it not ?

Can I please just get an answer , thanks in advance .

quote haywire ,,, um,, I mean Loki : " Btw, I know what you are trying to do."

Ambiguous statement , I'd ask what it means , but it doesn't answer my question .

in fair exchange , I'm pretty quick at answering questions on this forum ,,, Freely and pretty concise as well as succinct .

However , when I ask here in this thread , a very simple question that the answer should be simple to state ,

well , we see what reaction to my question has come forth .

Quote : So, I'm here to enjoy the ride and gather some information. I just like to learn about that which I have no knowledge of.
Haywire &nbsp
igging for Coal Posts: 12Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2005 11:50 pm

" I just like to learn about that which I have no knowledge of "

I'm like that as well , I'd like to learn where some folks got ideas about Knights Templar in the Western Hemisphere .

" no knowledge of "

hey , seems a knowledge base has been built since then .

anyway , jst a simple answer please .

Why do you keep bringiing up Lokie's past,? when you admit that all of your posts were fictional? Therefore worthless? To quote a certain infamous Celebrity ( At this time and place, what difference does it make )

Of course this applies to your self proclaimed connection to the Templars ?

Aw drink your coffee and let's start with a clean slate. Where is the treasure ?? I claim it is where a triggering of the water traps it can still be recoverable, a hidden, side tunnel above the high water level, since they were no more capable of de-watering the pit than we are. The dowsers point to a spot in the waist of the island,

a quote from a forum that at first denounced my Posting that Oak Island was a Knights Templar site

and two years later in 2005 , touted That they are " EXPERTS " on the subject of Knights Templar .

Their words are revealing

quote :

by acdonah on Mon Sep 05, 2005 1:02 am
Haywire wrote:
So, I'm here to enjoy the ride and gather some information. I just like to learn about that which I have no knowledge of.

Ditto with the welcome...
If it is knowledge you seek then you have come to the right place. If you like historical facts, researching theories, learning about pirates and the Knights Templar you will surely love it here. Everyone here are experts and are very helpful. "!!!!!!!!!

~~~~~~~~ End quoted Text ~~~~~~~~~~

The owners of the Forum were promoting the Money Pit as Capt. Kids treasure deposit .

selling tickets for tours
seeking as we see " Contributions " for a Dig by Triton Alliance .

Based on their Brag that it was Pirate loot .

2 years later , after they saw where Labeling it Knights Templar was far more commercially viable , for the
Fact that the Knights Templar theory is more intriguing and bound to gather more money for them ,,,

They jump at promoting it as Knights Templar .

After , they met my initial competing theory of it being Knights Templar with Hostility .

Switch Horses , did they not ?

Today , we see Wolter , Lagina's ,,, ahem ,,,, and finderskeepers here ,,, braying pretty much a replication of my early
fictional material .

Clear it is from those post with " Time Stamp " on them , the statements in the postings , and the bashing turned promotional .

There is indeed a case to be made .

excuse my memory a bit , but did I read a post directed at me with a threat to sue me , posted in this Thread ?

and a statement commanding me to bring it on ?

a Challenge of my person to evidence ?

Did I accept that challenge ? ,,, I can't recall exactly ,,, I suffer Reagan syndrome ,,,

but no worries , I can do that ,

shall I continue to copy paste links ?

I'd like a simple answer to a simple question .

Owing to the fact that Finderskeepers Posted material in this thread , so closely replicates my own material
that pre-dates his .

I could be wrong , maybe all those members who have for years , read my material , and have noticed
that it was being closely replicated by others and Touted as factual ,,,

I could be wrong , if so , it'd certainly would be fair to correct them and myself .

can that be managed I wonder .

At that forum I linked , there is still stored there a slew of Private messages sent to me .

some revealing PM's .

last few weeks , I've been reviewing those ,,, sure has got me thinking of late .

enjoy the ride folks
enjoy the ride
sure has been a long one indeed .

I said it before, you are one sick dude. You need help . I do not know you and I do not want to know you. Get a life.

quote haywire ,,, um,, I mean Loki : " Btw, I know what you are trying to do."

Ambiguous statement , I'd ask what it means , but it doesn't answer my question .

in fair exchange , I'm pretty quick at answering questions on this forum ,,, Freely and pretty concise as well as succinct .

However , when I ask here in this thread , a very simple question that the answer should be simple to state ,

well , we see what reaction to my question has come forth .

I don't know who your friend haywire is but its certainly not me!

80lb Gold Nugget dipped in Galena to disguise it for Transport to Templar Vault .

Symbols are from Various Cultures ,
The Nugget was inscribed as a Legend .

directly , each symbol was used to mark deposit sites , the nugget reveals what to watch for in seeking the Vaults .

Why galena?

More importantly, why dip gold in galena to make it look less suspicious, and then go through the trouble of carving suspicious looking symbols into it? Or were the carvings applied afterward?

I'm not familiar with the working qualities of galena. It will melt well before gold does, so that part certainly checks out. Does it adhere well to gold? Can multiple coats be built up? How many dips does it take to provide a coating thick enough to accept engravings without exposing the gold core? These are honest questions here.

Ask finders where he first heard of Knights Templar Vaults , Vortex's and the use of Golden ( sacred Geometry ) being
used to secrete the Templar Vaults .

I've never asked him that because I honestly have no interest in it. I don't believe in any of it, and I don't think that it makes any sense. You'll find that this constitutes basically all of my posting in this forum. I stick around to provide newcomers with the opposing view when necessary, to monitor developments (as they are, anyway), and to test my own logic against new and/or modified theories. I'm more interested in the theories themselves, and specifically what I believe to be wrong with them. The origins of those theories never interested me much, except when they uncovered more inconsistencies in the theories themselves.

He's welcome to discuss this as he likes. Again, it makes little difference to me.

and to inform
That Vault is an actual Vault , there is indeed Treasure there , and as you see in the picture , it has not
been disturbed as of May 27th 2015 .

Google Earth can be very helpful sometimes, but sometimes it just tells you what you want to hear. I saw a feature there, but I'm not sure what it is. Could it be a vault? Sure. Could it be a marker? Sure. Could it be a rock? Sure.

I was going to do a gag story of my own featuring the bow of ex-CGN 37 (which resides in the waterfront park in Bremerton now), and why it was positioned to face exactly east to point at a treasure of 37 gold bars. Then I realized that it was not worth the work, and that there are a few people on this forum crazy enough that one of them might try to tear up the parking lot that it points at. Maybe I'll do it at another time. It was going to be a good story, but be warned! There was a death trap involved. (In truth, the death trap was a decommissioned sewerage line that runs through the area.)

Templar treasures in downtown Bremerton? Why not? It's a fairly new city, and those parking lots were warehouses in the sixties and seventies. There's a bit of confusion even today about what they were for. Maybe they were just cover for something else. Perhaps the locals were enlisted to help. The natives in this area were usually very friendly with outsiders, and they did historically have a "fort" (what that means today is anyone's guess, but that's how the tribe described it) on the high ground just across the narrows from there, in an excellent position to observe that area. Did the Templars make it out here, teach the locals how to build a fort, and leave them to keep a watch on the treasure?

Dave , I'm the Man ,,, as Kanabite calls me .

You're an interesting character, I'll give you that. I don't know where we stand with one another, but I call horse apples where I see horse apples. That's all that anyone on this forum needs to know about me.

Well, that and my name, but I'm not convinced that everyone here thinks that it's actually my name. Whatever.

As descendant of Grand Masters , I knew the formulas .
Began posting the formulas on Forums , where Loki and Finders both were members .
I already posted those old comments in this forum .

If I got my ancestors into this, I could weave an even more incredible story. I'm not going to do this however. This subforum has already gotten pretty chaotic. I'm not going to push things.

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