I wish I had you on site for a day to see what we go through. No we tried to show the government and museums artifacts but they turn down everything we find and have done so for the last 40 yrs at this site. We have found enough to prove who was here and why but everything we find can be bought on Ebay.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. What sort of artifacts are you presenting them with? I'm immediately reminded (not to say that this applies to you specifically, but it's a relevant example) of the Spanish coin turning up on that History Channel show. A number of people here thought that it might have been planted. I don't have an opinion on whether it was planted or not, as there are at least two ways to easily explain how that sort of coin could have turned up where it did. A theory was advanced that it proved that the Spanish were there. Another theory - one proven numerous times - is that enough Spanish coins have been lost in the Atlantic Ocean that they have turned up on beaches from Florida to Canada. Yet another theory - again, proven numerous times - is that Spanish coins circulated as currency during the colonial era in the New World. Thus, finding a common Spanish coin near the water, in that region, proves nothing by itself. That's the context part of the equation. A pirate could have dropped it there, or a farmer, or it could have just washed up during a storm, or a kid could have swiped it from a coin collection and lost it there. We can't know which it was, so it can't be used to prove any particular theory. Now, if it was recovered in a suitably degraded chest that could be dated, along with similar coins in the same location...well, now we have something to work with, although that's not bullet proof either. What about if that coin is recovered from a trove of similar coins in a shipwreck of the era? I can't
prove that someone didn't throw that off a boat last year and it just happened to land there, but the evidence at that point is starting to strongly suggest a certain providence.
This is why I mention getting archies involved. They're not popular on this forum, but they offer legitimacy and proper recovery techniques, and the two go hand in hand. If I dig up a Roman grot at the city park, it might warrant a half-joking notice in the local paper, but academia wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole, even if I explained how the depth it was recovered at and the degree of oxidation suggested that it had probably been dropped 2000 years ago. If I had Dr. Arglebargle of UW with me, it would at least get looked at.
But yes, I wish that you had me on site for a day. As I've said before, if you could convince me, you could convince anyone.
Look at what happens on Oak Island with the sword and coins.
Which sword and coins? I'm aware of some, but I hope that they're not the ones that you're referring to here.
The Vortex and Ley Lines are solid proof of energy at this site and are not faked

Take a moment and forget whether or not a vortex and ley lines can be faked. Instead, think about whether or not a discussion of these things will convince a government employee that you're on to something. To use an earlier example of mine, consider calling the police and telling them that your neighbor is disturbing a ley line. What response would you expect from this?
I'm not saying whether or not I believe in this stuff. Actually, I will, just so you know where I stand - I don't believe in any of it. What I believe doesn't matter though. What they believe matters very much, and I expect that their beliefs aren't too different from mine. I'm explaining the mindset of the people that you're attempting to work with. Skip the metaphysical stuff. Not only does it not help, but it pegs you as a crazy on their radar, meaning that you'll have that much more trouble the next time that you talk with them. They deal with known factors and the easily explained.
You're on the right track with bodies and tunnels and such, but those may not prove what you think that they prove. Just be ready for that, and for God's sake, don't discuss the fringe material with them. Talk about it all you want here, but not with them.
The Vortex has proven to us were things are under ground so now we can start digging for the truth

This is exactly the kind of thing that I'm talking about. A significant part of your argument is that there's a vortex and ley lines, so there is something there. You know that there are ley lines there because you dowsed for them. What you're not accepting is that a lot of people don't believe in dowsing, ley lines, or (possibly, because I'm still not quite sure what you're talking about) this vortex. Some of those people are the government employees that you're trying to deal with. Imagine if I said that I knew where a cache of gold was because God told me. Well, you might believe me or you might not. That would serve as evidence for some people, surely. Hell, some important parts of Christian history have been written on just that - someone was convinced that God told them so, so they did it or wrote it down. However, this would absolutely not serve as reasonable evidence in a court of law, nor in any logical discussion. The Bremerton city council would not allow me to block my road because God told me that I had to, and it doesn't really matter at that point what voices I'm hearing - I have to work with them if I'm going to legally block the road, and they'll require difference justification than that.
I will continue to do this my way because I tried it your way for 14 yrs and it does not work. For years governments have been passing laws to put a stop on treasure hunters and they have blocked us from doing so. So after 14yrs years of this xxxx I have found ways to work with them and around them to get things done my way.
And has this been working? You haven't been hitting this area for 14 years, but it's been a couple of years now and the Canadian government is still an impediment. I'm not saying that you haven't managed to make an end run on them, but have they been helpful at all?
An old saying goes like this: if the first person that I meet today is an a-hole, then I may have met an a-hole. If
everybody that I meet today is an a-hole, then I might be the a-hole. I'm not saying that you're an a-hole. What I'm saying is that you seem to show a consistent pattern when dealing with government officials. You're convinced that they're out to stop all treasure hunting. I'm saying that you may be approaching them the wrong way.
It's just something to think about.
The people I work for control everything we do, so even if we had more money things move at their speed and when its time for the find we will know. We been chosen to locate these treasures because we are honest and everything we locate will be returned to its owners. NO GREED ON THIS CREW. Greed is something we will not stand for. anyone that shows greed like Scott Wolters , Steve Sinclair, and a few land owners are out of the picture now. Many have paid the price to get nothing in return but they left us their work to finish this site when the time is right.
I have not accused you of greed and I will not make any such accusations at this time. I don't think that you're in this for the money. I think that you truly believe in what you're looking for. Whether or not I believe in it doesn't make you a dishonest person. I don't recall you ever asking for money here, which speaks highly of your motives, particularly when the history of this particular treasure tale is considered.
I know you are trying to help us Dave its just I get pissed off a lot when people say things that I know the answer to but I can not tell what I know. I would like to just come out and tell everything I know about this site and I will some day, but this is not the time

Fair enough. One of these days you may very well make a complete fool out of me with this. Until then, I'm going to keep pinging on the problem areas until the answers shake loose, or until I'm convinced that they never will. I'm not here to make your life difficult, even if it appears so.