Ley Lines in Nova Scotia found in New Ross at Castle site

Just wanna say one thing about Science and its methodology ... it sure as hell isn't religion, mysticism, or psychic studies that are credited with the invention of penicillin or the radio.

PM sent.

I don't want to see random people playing with dowsing rods. I want to see more self-professed dowsers taking part in double blind tests. I already know how those tests normally end up, but my desire is to see a dowser do significantly better than randomly under controlled conditions. What I'd really like to see is a whole group of dowsers do this. If this could be achieved, it would interest the scientists and perhaps we could figure out how this actually works. The big stumbling block is doing significantly better than randomly. No one was able to do it for $1,000,000, so I'm not sure that anyone will be able (or willing) to do it for free.

Why would you want to see if there are 32 ley lines at that site? Why not 31? And what does "vortex" mean in this context?

Will descriptions of ley lines and vortices make your argument with the Canadian government stronger or weaker, taken from the point of view of the typical Canadian bureaucrat? Would artifacts and documents be more or less helpful? Will the presence of dowsers on your crew be helpful? Would historians and/or archaeologists on your crew assist or impede your progress with the government, in your opinion?

I'm reminded of your radiation guy from a few years back. I could have saved you some money there, and I would have done so for free. You knew so little about the topic that you didn't know what to ask. Do you know enough about what you're doing to ask questions now? And are you asking those questions? This is not intended as an insult. It's tough love. You're deeply invested in this. I want you to get something back from it.

I'm helping you again, but I'm not sure that you know this. I hope that you do. It's not a Canadian conspiracy.
We want every day people and experts at this site so we can show them how the dowsing rods work. We need to prove that the Vortex on the old map attached in this post is the Vortex at New Ross. The Vortex in the map has 32 ley lines in it and if we have 32 lines then we have the proof we need. The site is just 800' from the castle site and on the same ground. The land owner plans to open it to tours next year. We hope to clear the site and set things up for this to happen. Now the Templars DID follow and build on ley lines and a Vortex would be a major find for them in the new world. I am sure in time we will prove the Mimic Indians did know about this Vortex and maybe the Vikings to. This Vortex would be the main reason the Templars built a castle on this mountain. By proving a Vortex it will be easier to prove the Templars were here. Once we go public the experts will come and voice their thoughts. The archaeologist crew from Halifax believed in the dowsing rods more than the readings from my GPL.

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Why is dowsing considered as a black science and so downgraded It uses the same forces for identification as visual, or audible, one or ones of electro magnetic forces, It is now an atrophied ability but may have been critical in the past or even a new developing talent.

It is just another way to harness the natural, infinitesimal, frequencies, harmonics, subharmonics, of nature for our beifit.

Why is dowsing considered as a black science and so downgraded It uses the same forces for identification as visual, or audible, one or ones of electro magnetic forces, It is now an atrophied ability but may have been critical in the past or even a new developing talent.

It is just another way to harness the natural, infinitesimal, frequencies, harmonics, subharmonics, of nature for our beifit.

Dowsing isn't considered a science at all ... black or otherwise. It is in the same realm as astrology and numerology. It's nonsense.

And who is to say so??? They all use the same electro ma forces to draw their information from, each in their own way., each in their own manner. I am not a competent dowser, but once when I was starting to investigate the paranormal, I had my wife hide my wedding ring in the kitchen while I was out of the room. I was successful 9 times but utterly failed on the 10 th. when I confessed my failure, she smiled and reached into her pocket and produced the ring. I had been following her around while she was busy baking a cake. Now to me that was sufficient evidence that it existed, you would too, it involved the same set of frequences, just in a different way. the brain still lacks quite a bit to be deciphered, although they are daily gaining ground, so there legitimately exists a tremendously broad field of energies which play a potential part in dowsing,

If dowsing really is detecting energies using some so far unidentified brain-powered ability, then how does "remote dowsing" (dowsing a location on a map) work ? Given that the person doing the remote dowsing isn't on location - how are these "energies" detected by someone on the other side of the world ?

the same way Ryano. what's the possible difference between dowsing in the immediate vicinity, a frew ft over that a way or to continue that trend of thought, any place in the universe. I believe that some tracked our original Astronauts energy levels.

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Dowsing is a hard subject to sell to someone. Map dowsing is even harder. Do I believe in Map Dowsing NO :laughing7:. BUT we have used it at this site and I thought the person was nuts :dontknow: until the 4 locations he picked out are now on 4 of the Vortex Ley Lines, NOW I am eating crow. Do I know how it works :BangHead: NO, but it does, some people just have the GIFT from god to be able to do things we only dream about and do not understand. Do I know how dowsing rods works :icon_scratch: NO but we use them to find things . Dowsing has taken over as our #1 tool to use on site. This site in New Ross will make a lot of people eat CROW:notworthy:

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Dave, I have had your profle ready for some days, but in deference to your wishes I have hesitated in posting it in PM, perhaps in internet, e mail Better yet, give me another that you will not identify so as to keep it incognito, someone one that you know intimately, not identified, just mention if it is in the ball park.

Dave, I have had your profle ready for some days, but in deference to your wishes I have hesitated in posting it in PM, perhaps in internet, e mail Better yet, give me another that you will not identify so as to keep it incognito, someone one that you know intimately, not identified, just mention if it is in the ball park.

We may have been talking past one another again. I merely wanted the time of my birth to remain confidential, not my profile. You can drop my profile right here. I chose to put myself on exhibit. I can live with the fallout of that decision. If this isn't the place for it, the mods will put it where it belongs. Don't worry about my feelings. I'm not delicate.

I will not respond to every minutiae, but I'm perfectly willing to provide a general overview of the accuracy of such a profile. However, as a biased party, I'm not to be trusted in such an overview, and that's why I'll provide my Myers-Briggs personality profile, as promised earlier. I'm not good at explaining myself but Jung apparently had me booked. Also, I understand that the Myers-Briggs system is not the best and is notorious for lacking in reliability, but I do retest myself once or twice a year (and have for some years) and I end up with the same profile around 75% of the time, so if it's not exact, it's probably close. The first time that I tested, I slapped my head and said, "THAT'S why I'm an *******!" It was an eye-opener for me, and my life changed for the better after that. I wasn't any more likeable, but I understood why I was not likeable, and how to leverage that for the better.

But is it as close as a less accepted system is? With only one example, our experiment will not be stastically significant, but we shall see in any event. (In case you haven't already noticed, Don Jose, I'm more or less rigging this thing in your favor. If you're even partially correct, you've proven your point. You'd have to be completely wrong hundreds of times to prove mine. But I'm not trying to prove my point here - I'm merely learning, and I'm allowing the other forumites here to potentially get to know me a little bit better, as that may help us to communicate more efficiently in the future. I only gamble when I know that I'll win - or at least draw, but only if the game is fun.)

We want every day people and experts at this site so we can show them how the dowsing rods work. We need to prove that the Vortex on the old map attached in this post is the Vortex at New Ross. The Vortex in the map has 32 ley lines in it and if we have 32 lines then we have the proof we need. The site is just 800' from the castle site and on the same ground. The land owner plans to open it to tours next year. We hope to clear the site and set things up for this to happen. Now the Templars DID follow and build on ley lines and a Vortex would be a major find for them in the new world. I am sure in time we will prove the Mimic Indians did know about this Vortex and maybe the Vikings to. This Vortex would be the main reason the Templars built a castle on this mountain. By proving a Vortex it will be easier to prove the Templars were here. Once we go public the experts will come and voice their thoughts. The archaeologist crew from Halifax believed in the dowsing rods more than the readings from my GPL.

Randoms in a random environment don't prove that things work. Experts in controlled environments prove that things work. Letting randoms play with coat hangers proves nothing other than to you, and the randoms. Having experts astonish the proctors in scientifically controlled experiments proves everything to the world. Unfortunately, there's little interest in the latter, but there's no shortage of experts in the field. I find it difficult to reconcile these two things.

Think back to what I said earlier about convincing me, and convincing anyone. Think forward now to your talk about dowsing rods, vortices (old map or new), ley lines, Vikings (wrong term here, but you probably know what I mean), and how a vortex would make it easier to prove that Templars were somewhere. Then reverse to the part about convincing me, convincing anyone, and convincing a Canadian bureaucrat. Now stop. Full stop. Pour yourself a glass of whatever you like to drink while you're doing deep thinking (I can provide recommendations if you'd like, but it's a very subjective field) and roll back to what I said a few posts earlier about convincing me and those damned bureaucrats that are causing you so much trouble. Now roll forward again and imagine that you have a problem of some sort that requires police attention, and imagine explaining your problem to them in terms of dowsing rods, vortices, ley lines, and Vikings (again, wrong term but we're sticking with it). Repeat these thought experiments a few times. Now imagine that you're visiting your doctor because your shoulder hurts, and again, bring up the dowsing rods, vortices, ley lines, Vikings, and Templars. Now imagine that you're at a court hearing regarding the treasure that you've recovered; others are trying to steal it from you, but you've won it fair and square, the law is in your favor, and you have nothing to fear but yourself. When you explain to the judge why it belongs to you, will you bring up dowsing rods, vortices, ley lines, Vikings, and Templars?

I'm trying to help you in the best way that I know now. This probably should have been a PM, but the comment was public so the response shall be as well. You have your perception of life and I cannot (and will not) change that, but I can present you with another perception of life that is closer to the mainstream. What I'm telling you is what the Canadian bureaucrat, the policeman, and the judge are all probably thinking, more or less. Phrase your argument in terms that we understand and embrace. If you cannot do that, expect resistance, and understand (as you already do) that governmental resistance is a serious pain in the ass. Also understand that at the end of the day, the stuff that's going to change the history books is the stuff that's dug out of the ground in proper context - no vortices, not ley lines, and not any of that crap. Artifacts in context get attention. Focus on this if you want to change the world. Focus on mysticism if you want to keep butting heads with a bureaucrat.

This is tough love, FK. I don't believe that what you're looking for exists, but I want you to suceed against all odds, so here I am helping you anyway, and I'm giving you the cold, hard logic that no one else will to boot. Get mad or laugh about it, I don't care. I'm still here to help, even when you can't see it. Keep digging, dude. You wouldn't believe me if I told you that I want you to prove me wrong, but I do. (The Templars are a non-issue as far as I'm concerned, but there's GOT to be some Icelander stuff there. Find that at least, okay?) :icon_thumright:

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the stuff that's dug out of the ground in proper context - no vortices, not ley lines, and not any of that crap. Artifacts in context get attention. Focus on this if you want to change the world.( by Dave)

I wish I had you on site for a day to see what we go through. No we tried to show the government and museums artifacts but they turn down everything we find and have done so for the last 40 yrs at this site. We have found enough to prove who was here and why but everything we find can be bought on Ebay. Look at what happens on Oak Island with the sword and coins. The government wants to see something that can't be planted or bought :BangHead: . A man made tunnel will work. A vault chamber will work. A treasure will work. Dead bodies will work. but we had no solid proof that any of this was at the site until NOW. The Vortex and Ley Lines are solid proof of energy at this site and are not faked:occasion14: . The Vortex has proven to us were things are under ground so now we can start digging for the truth :occasion14:. I will continue to do this my way because I tried it your way for 14 yrs and it does not work. For years governments have been passing laws to put a stop on treasure hunters and they have blocked us from doing so. So after 14yrs years of this xxxx I have found ways to work with them and around them to get things done my way. The people I work for control everything we do, so even if we had more money things move at their speed and when its time for the find we will know. We been chosen to locate these treasures because we are honest and everything we locate will be returned to its owners. NO GREED ON THIS CREW. Greed is something we will not stand for. anyone that shows greed like Scott Wolters , Steve Sinclair, and a few land owners are out of the picture now. Many have paid the price to get nothing in return but they left us their work to finish this site when the time is right.
I know you are trying to help us Dave its just I get pissed off a lot when people say things that I know the answer to but I can not tell what I know. I would like to just come out and tell everything I know about this site and I will some day, but this is not the time :BangHead:.

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I wish I had you on site for a day to see what we go through. No we tried to show the government and museums artifacts but they turn down everything we find and have done so for the last 40 yrs at this site. We have found enough to prove who was here and why but everything we find can be bought on Ebay.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. What sort of artifacts are you presenting them with? I'm immediately reminded (not to say that this applies to you specifically, but it's a relevant example) of the Spanish coin turning up on that History Channel show. A number of people here thought that it might have been planted. I don't have an opinion on whether it was planted or not, as there are at least two ways to easily explain how that sort of coin could have turned up where it did. A theory was advanced that it proved that the Spanish were there. Another theory - one proven numerous times - is that enough Spanish coins have been lost in the Atlantic Ocean that they have turned up on beaches from Florida to Canada. Yet another theory - again, proven numerous times - is that Spanish coins circulated as currency during the colonial era in the New World. Thus, finding a common Spanish coin near the water, in that region, proves nothing by itself. That's the context part of the equation. A pirate could have dropped it there, or a farmer, or it could have just washed up during a storm, or a kid could have swiped it from a coin collection and lost it there. We can't know which it was, so it can't be used to prove any particular theory. Now, if it was recovered in a suitably degraded chest that could be dated, along with similar coins in the same location...well, now we have something to work with, although that's not bullet proof either. What about if that coin is recovered from a trove of similar coins in a shipwreck of the era? I can't prove that someone didn't throw that off a boat last year and it just happened to land there, but the evidence at that point is starting to strongly suggest a certain providence.

This is why I mention getting archies involved. They're not popular on this forum, but they offer legitimacy and proper recovery techniques, and the two go hand in hand. If I dig up a Roman grot at the city park, it might warrant a half-joking notice in the local paper, but academia wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole, even if I explained how the depth it was recovered at and the degree of oxidation suggested that it had probably been dropped 2000 years ago. If I had Dr. Arglebargle of UW with me, it would at least get looked at.

But yes, I wish that you had me on site for a day. As I've said before, if you could convince me, you could convince anyone.

Look at what happens on Oak Island with the sword and coins.

Which sword and coins? I'm aware of some, but I hope that they're not the ones that you're referring to here.
The Vortex and Ley Lines are solid proof of energy at this site and are not faked:occasion14: .

Take a moment and forget whether or not a vortex and ley lines can be faked. Instead, think about whether or not a discussion of these things will convince a government employee that you're on to something. To use an earlier example of mine, consider calling the police and telling them that your neighbor is disturbing a ley line. What response would you expect from this?

I'm not saying whether or not I believe in this stuff. Actually, I will, just so you know where I stand - I don't believe in any of it. What I believe doesn't matter though. What they believe matters very much, and I expect that their beliefs aren't too different from mine. I'm explaining the mindset of the people that you're attempting to work with. Skip the metaphysical stuff. Not only does it not help, but it pegs you as a crazy on their radar, meaning that you'll have that much more trouble the next time that you talk with them. They deal with known factors and the easily explained.

You're on the right track with bodies and tunnels and such, but those may not prove what you think that they prove. Just be ready for that, and for God's sake, don't discuss the fringe material with them. Talk about it all you want here, but not with them.
The Vortex has proven to us were things are under ground so now we can start digging for the truth :occasion14:.

This is exactly the kind of thing that I'm talking about. A significant part of your argument is that there's a vortex and ley lines, so there is something there. You know that there are ley lines there because you dowsed for them. What you're not accepting is that a lot of people don't believe in dowsing, ley lines, or (possibly, because I'm still not quite sure what you're talking about) this vortex. Some of those people are the government employees that you're trying to deal with. Imagine if I said that I knew where a cache of gold was because God told me. Well, you might believe me or you might not. That would serve as evidence for some people, surely. Hell, some important parts of Christian history have been written on just that - someone was convinced that God told them so, so they did it or wrote it down. However, this would absolutely not serve as reasonable evidence in a court of law, nor in any logical discussion. The Bremerton city council would not allow me to block my road because God told me that I had to, and it doesn't really matter at that point what voices I'm hearing - I have to work with them if I'm going to legally block the road, and they'll require difference justification than that.

I will continue to do this my way because I tried it your way for 14 yrs and it does not work. For years governments have been passing laws to put a stop on treasure hunters and they have blocked us from doing so. So after 14yrs years of this xxxx I have found ways to work with them and around them to get things done my way.

And has this been working? You haven't been hitting this area for 14 years, but it's been a couple of years now and the Canadian government is still an impediment. I'm not saying that you haven't managed to make an end run on them, but have they been helpful at all?

An old saying goes like this: if the first person that I meet today is an a-hole, then I may have met an a-hole. If everybody that I meet today is an a-hole, then I might be the a-hole. I'm not saying that you're an a-hole. What I'm saying is that you seem to show a consistent pattern when dealing with government officials. You're convinced that they're out to stop all treasure hunting. I'm saying that you may be approaching them the wrong way.

It's just something to think about.

The people I work for control everything we do, so even if we had more money things move at their speed and when its time for the find we will know. We been chosen to locate these treasures because we are honest and everything we locate will be returned to its owners. NO GREED ON THIS CREW. Greed is something we will not stand for. anyone that shows greed like Scott Wolters , Steve Sinclair, and a few land owners are out of the picture now. Many have paid the price to get nothing in return but they left us their work to finish this site when the time is right.

I have not accused you of greed and I will not make any such accusations at this time. I don't think that you're in this for the money. I think that you truly believe in what you're looking for. Whether or not I believe in it doesn't make you a dishonest person. I don't recall you ever asking for money here, which speaks highly of your motives, particularly when the history of this particular treasure tale is considered.

I know you are trying to help us Dave its just I get pissed off a lot when people say things that I know the answer to but I can not tell what I know. I would like to just come out and tell everything I know about this site and I will some day, but this is not the time :BangHead:.

Fair enough. One of these days you may very well make a complete fool out of me with this. Until then, I'm going to keep pinging on the problem areas until the answers shake loose, or until I'm convinced that they never will. I'm not here to make your life difficult, even if it appears so.

Dave, I repeat my challenge, give me te birth date, and hour and of someone that you know intimately,I will give you a psychological proflie,......At the worst it will be in the ball park, at it.s best a hole in one.

I have another volunteer for this experiment. She's expressed an interest in "her horoscope." I know her intimately. She expressed a concern about time zones, as she was not born in the continental US. I don't think that this will be a problem.

Dave, it is no problem, we are relating to Celestial factors not man made. Incidentally I have to disconnect my desktop and connect my laptop,to the servce, something didn't load correctly to use my scanner, but will get on it this morning

Send the new birth date, the readers will never know which is which, that, only you and I will know. Okay ???

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Dave, it is no problem, we are relating to Celestial factors not man made. Incidentally I have to disconnect my desktop and connect my laptop,to the servce, something didn't load correctly to use my scanner, but will get on it this morning

Send the new birth date, the readers will never know which is which, that, only you and I will know. Okay ???

I'll send another PM with the volunteer's birthday. You still have mine from my earlier PM, correct? In the case of my birthday, my only request is that my birthday not be publically shared. The personality profile can and should be shared, as I can't be trusted to judge my own opinion of my personality. In order to help any interested forumites (as no one here knows me in RL, and thus are only familiar with one aspect of my personality), I'll provide my Myers-Briggs psychological profile for comparison.

I'll send another PM with the volunteer's birthday. You still have mine from my earlier PM, correct? In the case of my birthday, my only request is that my birthday not be publically shared. The personality profile can and should be shared, as I can't be trusted to judge my own opinion of my personality. In order to help any interested forumites (as no one here knows me in RL, and thus are only familiar with one aspect of my personality), I'll provide my Myers-Briggs psychological profile for comparison.

I sure hope you guys post the results of your so-called experiment.
Cheers, Loki

psy 1 a.webppsy  1 b.webpPsychological profile 2 a.webppsy 2 b.webp

Dave, you will know which is whom/ they are horizontal

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And here's what Jung (and by extension, Briggs and Myers) says about me:

[h=1]Portrait of an INTJ - Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging
(Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Thinking)[/h][h=1]The Scientist[/h]As an INTJ, your primary mode of living is focused internally, where you take things in primarily via your intuition. Your secondary mode is external, where you deal with things rationally and logically.
INTJs live in the world of ideas and strategic planning. They value intelligence, knowledge, and competence, and typically have high standards in these regards, which they continuously strive to fulfill. To a somewhat lesser extent, they have similar expectations of others.
With Introverted Intuition dominating their personality, INTJs focus their energy on observing the world, and generating ideas and possibilities. Their mind constantly gathers information and makes associations about it. They are tremendously insightful and usually are very quick to understand new ideas. However, their primary interest is not understanding a concept, but rather applying that concept in a useful way. Unlike the INTP, they do not follow an idea as far as they possibly can, seeking only to understand it fully. INTJs are driven to come to conclusions about ideas. Their need for closure and organization usually requires that they take some action.
INTJ's tremendous value and need for systems and organization, combined with their natural insightfulness, makes them excellent scientists. An INTJ scientist gives a gift to society by putting their ideas into a useful form for others to follow. It is not easy for the INTJ to express their internal images, insights, and abstractions. The internal form of the INTJ's thoughts and concepts is highly individualized, and is not readily translatable into a form that others will understand. However, the INTJ is driven to translate their ideas into a plan or system that is usually readily explainable, rather than to do a direct translation of their thoughts. They usually don't see the value of a direct transaction, and will also have difficulty expressing their ideas, which are non-linear. However, their extreme respect of knowledge and intelligence will motivate them to explain themselves to another person who they feel is deserving of the effort.
INTJs are natural leaders, although they usually choose to remain in the background until they see a real need to take over the lead. When they are in leadership roles, they are quite effective, because they are able to objectively see the reality of a situation, and are adaptable enough to change things which aren't working well. They are the supreme strategists - always scanning available ideas and concepts and weighing them against their current strategy, to plan for every conceivable contingency.
INTJs spend a lot of time inside their own minds, and may have little interest in the other people's thoughts or feelings. Unless their Feeling side is developed, they may have problems giving other people the level of intimacy that is needed. Unless their Sensing side is developed, they may have a tendency to ignore details which are necessary for implementing their ideas.
The INTJ's interest in dealing with the world is to make decisions, express judgments, and put everything that they encounter into an understandable and rational system. Consequently, they are quick to express judgments. Often they have very evolved intuitions, and are convinced that they are right about things. Unless they complement their intuitive understanding with a well-developed ability to express their insights, they may find themselves frequently misunderstood. In these cases, INTJs tend to blame misunderstandings on the limitations of the other party, rather than on their own difficulty in expressing themselves. This tendency may cause the INTJ to dismiss others input too quickly, and to become generally arrogant and elitist.
INTJs are ambitious, self-confident, deliberate, long-range thinkers. Many INTJs end up in engineering or scientific pursuits, although some find enough challenge within the business world in areas which involve organizing and strategic planning. They dislike messiness and inefficiency, and anything that is muddled or unclear. They value clarity and efficiency, and will put enormous amounts of energy and time into consolidating their insights into structured patterns.
Other people may have a difficult time understanding an INTJ. They may see them as aloof and reserved. Indeed, the INTJ is not overly demonstrative of their affections, and is likely to not give as much praise or positive support as others may need or desire. That doesn't mean that he or she doesn't truly have affection or regard for others, they simply do not typically feel the need to express it. Others may falsely perceive the INTJ as being rigid and set in their ways. Nothing could be further from the truth, because the INTJ is committed to always finding the objective best strategy to implement their ideas. The INTJ is usually quite open to hearing an alternative way of doing something.
When under a great deal of stress, the INTJ may become obsessed with mindless repetitive, Sensate activities, such as over-drinking. They may also tend to become absorbed with minutia and details that they would not normally consider important to their overall goal.
INTJs need to remember to express themselves sufficiently, so as to avoid difficulties with people misunderstandings. In the absence of properly developing their communication abilities, they may become abrupt and short with people, and isolationists.

I'll leave this to the forumites, but I'll ask that you read the two astrological profiles above, then read the INTJ profile below, and decide which one applies to me based merely on what you've seen here. Granted, there's more to me than what you see here, but I'm not sure how much more. In person, I'm very much like I am online. Others have opined that I'm bitter, unfriendly, or unpleasant, but I'm not. What I am is a person that relates to the world in very logical terms, and that makes me difficult to deal with sometimes. I make no apologies. The world needs more people like me. Many more, if you ask me.

BTW, I know which astrological profile above is supposed to apply to me, but I'm not going to address what's wrong with it just yet. I'm merely providing the third option. I'll let the readers make their own decisions on who I am - again, based on only the part of my personality that I reveal here. As a guy that posts under his real name though, consider how little that I don't reveal.

The volunteer has identified her profile and will comment on it in this thread. I will chime in as well after she gives her opinion. We've known each other for a bit. I found some problems with her profile, but I'll let her opine on those.

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