Forget it Dave , This is one subject you can not win at, DON' T EVEN TRY, you will lose.
I didn't know that this was a contest, or that there would be a winner and a loser. I did mention a desire not to get started on dowsing, but if that's the desired discussion...well, shucks, I'm your huckleberry.
You are so negative on everything I just wonder if you are working for the Government of Canada to put all post about treasure hunting DOWN .
Ow. That one was below the belt.
I shouldn't even bother with this one, but what the heck - I don't want to leave you hanging. No, I do not work for the Canadian government. Arguing on an internet forum that deals with (and let's be honest here) a fairly niche subject doesn't strike me as a particularly effective way for a governing body to shut down treasure hunting, not when legislation is so much easier and far more final; that having been said, if you truly believe in something that silly, rest assured that I'm not part of it. I'm not paid to be here. My profession doesn't involve the internet, or what goes on on it, or what goes on in Canada for that matter. Given that I post under my real name (inadvisable as that is), you could probably find out what I do for a living fairly easily.
NO ONE can be as negative as you are and get through life .
Yet here I am.
I'm not particularly negative, and I'm sorry that you see me like that. I'm critical. I'm analytical. I'm skeptical. I ask difficult questions. This is not the same as being negative. I'm actually being remarkably helpful to you, but I'm not sure that you realize it. This is unfortunate. If you take nothing else away from our discussions, consider this: if you had the proof to convince me, you'd have the proof to convince anyone - even Canadian bureaucrats.
Well this is one post you have been wrong on from day one and the other post I been doing. You did your best at stopping me from telling what I know and what the Government would like to keep quiet from the people.
If I recall correctly (and I won't be bothered to search out my recent posts, but others are free to), I was actually encouraging you to dig more and report at one point. With the amount of time, money, and effort that you've invested in this, you probably could have built your own castle by now. I wanted to see you report some real, valid, concrete evidence that would necessitate a major historical rewrite, but after all of these years, we're not there yet.
In case there is any misunderstanding here though, I'm not here to silence you. I personally wouldn't be too bothered by some rando on an internet forum silencing me, but if that's a concern of yours, don't make me part of that concern.
...and a lot more we will not talk about at this time no matter how hard you come back on my post.
There you go. We've been going around on this for a while now, but it always comes to this: you have the smoking gun, but you can't talk about it yet. I understand the need for secrecy in some matters more than you probably know, but you must understand that when one makes an incredible claim, is asked for proof, and replies with, "I can't tell you yet!"...well, this probably wouldn't hold up in a court of law.
They travel the world and do books and talk shows about the subject
so don't get me started
So does Scott Wolter, but I wouldn't consider him to be an authority on history, the scientific process, or critical thinking.
Dave, dowsing works, but not equally for everyone. Go to the dowsing forum and look at their results on Tayopa, the resulse of which I was able to verify since I own it.
Presumably this was not one of the (many) posts over there where the answers were all over the place and contradictory, or the thread where I posed the challenge of finding MH370. That latter one was particularly telling. I was one of the only people who took a shot at it. I even got a repeatable result (which was unfortunately probably incorrect), but where were the regulars on that one?
This is about as far as I want to stray into this topic. I'm not afraid of a spirited discussion, but this is probably not the thread for it. I'm only bringing it up here because it was brought up to me.
Now, to get this crazy train back onto the rails: how about my earlier analogy before dowsing, my employment, and my personality came into it? There are all these maps of ley lines. How do I know which one is correct?