Hal Croves
Silver Member
Apparently, Waltz DIDN'T...if we're to believe the Holmes Manuscript deathbed directions, Waltz never told Holmes to go back to TC where he almost shot him...He tells Dick to go to first water, then second water...probably heavily modified from what Waltz actually said...but who knows...
It appears to be Brownie that relates the story of Waltz and Dick Holmes in TC...not Waltz...
My question was more about the location name.
Was the name TC being used when Waltz was alive?
The USGS states that it was a new name in 1917 but that's inaccurate.
Its found on the 1912 Roosevelt topo which is an amended 1907 survey.
I havn't been able to find the original 1906/7 topo. If TC is on that map, there is a decent chance that TC was a name familiar to Waltz.

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