I will try to find it and will post it if I can.
Somehiker also wrote
I am not aware of any version of the LDM which has it as a rich silver mine with pockets of gold. My own theory is that this important detail became lost in the myth making by earlier treasure hunters and treasure writers, on hearing the older Peralta/silver tale, as a lost RICH mine, they just assumed that has to be the same mine of Jacob Waltz and proceeded to confabulate (Mixing) the unrelated story of the Peralta mine with the gold mine of Waltz. I don't think much research has been done on the Peralta/Ludi story in recent times.
Wrmickel1 wrote
I did not say what clue I think is most important. The gold ore itself however is among the most important clues we have. I don't know where you got your information about using "stock" mineral to fill in the creation of the famous match box, can you tell me where to find that statement? I have seen one other piece of ore from the mine which is apparently lost today (not really "lost" but I have no idea who owns it now) but at any rate it is not the clue I think is most important. In my opinion, the most important clue has apparently been overlooked by virtually everyone, so I am not going to mention it and bring attention to it!
Have to agree with Deducer on the episode with Holmes and Waltz, for the same reasons he already posted. It would not make sense to tell a story which reflected badly on himself. Also judging by Holmes actions, he clearly thought he was pretty close to the mine when he was confronted or he would not have gone searching there right after Waltz was dead.
Please do continue;