Howdy Rebel,
Just wondering, with all of your research and observation,
what do you think about he supposed assassination of JJ ?
I realize it Is hard to make a decisive determination, because
it seems, the testing and evidence, may not have all had full
The fact that R-S TB have been reported to have been found,
makes me ask, If JJ and associates were barely getting by on
the money they got in robberies. Wouldn't they have most likely
come back to all of their little banks first, to get their monies,
that would have even been a fair little grub stake back then?
The suspicions, that the evidence and testing, had been
controlled, or held back some, is what in part, lends to
the myth of the Legend, the possibility of something
still being left out there in the ground somewhere.
Why, or why not, the possibilities are many, and
with the very different potential outcomes. If JJ
were killed in 1882, the potential of a cache still
existing, would obviously be greater. Especially,
if Jesse himself had indeed largely controlled
the hiding, and knowledge of such of the
exact locations of anything deposited,
with the short, or long term intentions,
being known most specifically, to him.
Then, as the Sentinels were supposedly passed
on the responsibility of guarding such secret buried
treasures, to the next generation(s) they may have
needed to utilize the little jar banks. But does that
mean if they used it, they necessarily knew how
to obtain any cache they may have had been
watching over. After all, who would they
even ask?
I think, the fact that people have been
known to leave things behind when they
pass on, without ever telling someone about
it, is the greatest possibility, something may
still be out there somewhere. Unknown, and
yet to be undiscovered, though I don't know
that anyone would have necessarily marked
the locations signs, to indicate such a secret
withdrawal. Unless they were instructed to
do so, but by who? If it was a secret then,
who would know to be looking for it later?
It seems to all be part of the side effects,
of the nature, in the business of Secrecy...