Rennes, since Morgan was captured in OH and never reached Pittsburgh, PA or points north. I don’t believe the suspected cache in Dents Run or this reported new one allegedly nearby there could have been deposited by him.
I have been reading and studying the various KGC markings and it seems the turtle marking is very significant when getting close to a cache. I understand some KOH guards may still be around and might replace the signs when the older versions have failed over time. But how do you know these markings are relevant or not? We must put these “KGC marker signs” to an early test since this is the most current story reporting any KGC gold supposedly recovered.
Do you really think those Finder Keepers really were “screwed out” of a cache that was based on a few circumstantial observations but without any solid documented KGC signs? Forget any technology or science involved since we know that one must dig to really prove any signals or test results.
For instance, your co-author who was helping the Finders Keepers group described the rock above their suspected Dents Run site and said it resembled a turtle but there were no pictures portraying anything of a turtle shaped rock or reports of any turtle carving or anything else found on the rock. Any exposed rock or odd shaped natural item could appear to look like anything you can imagine. I thought the turtle rock would have a 7 on it or a circle with a dot in the center indicating gold was buried below. Also, wouldn’t there be several other figures or markers appearing nearby?
The father of Finder Keepers said years ago, he was told by someone else on TNet, who never saw it, that a turtle carving in a rock existed near Dents Run but there was never any proof or pictures of that carving either. He told the FBI about this turtle carving and they included it in their affidavit to dig up the site, also without corroborating existence of the carving. So no “real proof” of these signs.
As I recall, Finder Keeper also questioned the person on TNet and was told about the turtle carving, only days after the FBI dug up the Dents Run site (I guess desperate for info to back-up their story) and
that person replied, "I've seen this, and that... Unfortunately, the carving was just some really cool rock graffiti, and the property owners said it wasn’t there when they purchased the property. This seems like some shoddy investigative work by all parties involved in Dents Run in proving out what is supposed to be solid evidence of KGC markers.
Now as for your co-author, besides indicating the rock over the Dents Run site resembled a turtle, it seems the only relevant information he provided was general historic info about the KGC and Copperheads motives and methods (probably your very own research material). I read the FBI affidavit which states your co-author claimed a fictional story “The Lost Gold Ingot Treasure” written 100 years after the Civil War, was some kind of “waybill” written in code as a map to the cache. But none of this nonsense was definitive fact. For example, the story says "at the time Connors left, the party was camped on the ridge running north and south just west of the east branch of Hicks Run." Anyone could look at a map in 1961 and include it in a story as fact. This hardly seems like code for a treasure map.
I got to ask you, as one of the foremost experts on KGC cache location and recovery, do you really believe these guys did their due diligence in proving a KGC cache or any cache existed in Dents Run?
How do you know “real” KGC markers from everyday common place things or modern-day graffiti?
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