Thanks for the link Dave. When I get time I'll look over all the photos. One of the clues I believe is in the one photo I have seen is a small "hoot owl tree" almost behind the track hoe. It's too well made to be accidental, but it's too close for a cache to be there, if there is something, its a clue.
Thank you for responding Rennes. Yes, I have spotted the same tree and speculated this may be what the FindersKeepers group has also just referenced in a recent Wall Street Journal article. I respect your opinion of the bend and what it might suggest. However, the tree in question appears to be only slightly larger than a sapling. Maybe 5, 7 or 10 years old at best in comparison to what I have witnessed growing near me in Pennsylvania. It is highly unlikely to have been in existence when the alleged cache was deposited. How would one account for such a young tree being formed as a marker or sign for something allegedly buried 155 years before? Are you suggesting that there are sentinels descendants or appointees who are still guarding some KGC cache sites today? If so, would they not have known with some certainty that the treasure hunter had been there probing the site for all those years?

Freeman, I may live in the boondocks and be a hillbilly, but I am researching full time. I once worked as a librarian where I could order any book I wanted. Also spent thousands of hours in University archives since 1958. My office library is quite extensive and contains a section on the type of research you are into.
Still, I have yet to talk to anyone who said the "NAME" !
Yes........ the KGC is only one of a many smokescreens used to conceal the parent organization. I use the term KGC because this forum created a contest to see who could brag or lie the most about what they know about KGC. Most posts on the KGC don't mention treasure. I'll say here, the "black book,"" "Jesse James was one of his names," reveals far more than appears to 99 % of it's readers. The code therein is difficult to see if you haven't done a lot of "homework."In time as my eyes and care giving chores allow, maybe I can fill in the blanks left by my 2003 book "Shadow of the Sentinel." Simon & Schuster, NY, NY. Is more than just a pseudo biography. I wrote it to see how many readers know this arcane treasure lore. So far, nobody has come forward with anything but questions. My co-author claims the book is his but the research and gathering of material was mosty done years before we met. He is a Princeton Univ. wordsmith which is why he was involved. His name on my book is now his badge for treasure hunter. We cut ties with him when we opened a underground concrete vault and found the LUE map. Because it was what, for want of a better word,, we call a "Piecemeal" map made from various objects including bottles, farm implement and train parts, stones, horse bones etc. He called it trash, the same mistake was made by Floyd Mann and John Purpora, forum name cosmowolf, After I put two spots on their map to the "treasure of the tall tombstones" at the Devil's Promenade near Miami, OK. , they found an underground steel vault, as i was told, opened it and found a bunch of "JUNK" they threw most of it away and somethings were taken home by the crew as souvenirs. I've been there since and the redundant clues to the treasure they didn't find.. I may include that depository in a future post. I worked with a client on that site, but he has since died.
Eyes are gone fornow.
I'm late to this thread but hope you are still watching it.
I have learned a lot since I started researching an old trail, about 15 years ago.
I've read your book and I believe you've mentioned the "parent organization" as being very old. I have guessed that this group started out as one or more commercial organizations with the goal of expanding trade and creating financial and political power. My attention was drawn to ancient Egypt and the many cities who had their favorite Gods and Goddesses and who celebrated these Gods with annual ceremonies that drew thousands of people. Pilgrims needed many things and there would have been many ways to make money. with the right kind of organized effort. This seemed to be a common theme throughout the centuries, create a religion, build a central place of worship and pull in the sheep to be fleeced. The same is true of government administrators. Have a centralized place where taxes are collected, regulations are made and lobbyists are shaken down. This has been a common theme from ancient times to the present.
Also, have you ever noticed anything that stands out as far as short and long distance mapping goes? It seems to me that great circle mapping was, and still is, used to create geographical patterns and landmarks. Great circle navigation, the shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere, would be very useful to ancient and modern traders. Also, I have found that the heading of 85 degrees comes up very often, over short and long distances. Sdcfia mentioned this heading, in his book and I have run across it many times, especially when associated with treasure legend landmarks.
Also, what do you know about the Order of Santiago? I've found members of this order that were charged with the task of transporting treasure and setting up military installations to protect the treasure as it is being moved from one place to another. I wonder if this order might be responsible for creating the monuments on the Spanish treasure trails.
Seems like the more I study the more questions I have.
Thank you very much for sharing your information and I have enjoyed your book and the articles that you have written over the years.

GroundHogg since you asked for something from Tennessee, I'll start with what has been talked about a lot on the forum. That is the Nashville Pike site, that is not at Brentwood. It is instead farther east. I'm going to post the treasure chart for that one and PM you the exact location. John and I have found the entrance to the old mine where that is hidden. You may comment on what I tell you if you want to have company when you go there. Our family reunion is today and I' have to leave right now. Will post that chart now orView attachment 2089411 later today.

If anyone else would like to see something in there area, ask and if we have something in that region I'll try to post it next.
Do you have anything in Bradley County

Sorry GH, I don't know where Bradley County is at. I may have something listed as a landmark or city. I don't have time to look up the county. I know some here are waiting for me to post again. Truthfully, I just don't have time to spare. Still caring for my wife and now working with my editor and publisher on a new book. Sorry but the book is not about treasure, instead it's a true story about one of my 2nd cousins who worked with Charles Arthur (Pretty Boy)Floyd in the 1930s. He really fouled up and was hanged for a crime which normally would have been a 5-10 year prison sentence. Title still in limbo. Watch for it your favorite book store in about 4 months..

Hey Rennes ( BB) How are you doing? Currently my research is centred more toward Clariborne, Campbell, Hancock counties in Tennessee as well as Whirley, Knox and Harlan counties in Kentucky. The area would be within 50 mile radius around the Cumberland gap. I am aware of the lost payroll in the Cumberland gap. That is not my focus. Wondering if you have any stories, legends, or clues / maps from that area? I have worked every tip I can find. My next move is boots on the ground. Problem of course is that is a Very large area . I am trying to narrow it down , but very few stories. Thank you for any help or insight

Last edited:
Wanderer just a real quick for now. Cumberland Gap and surrounding region is full of treasure legends, treasure lies and some real treasure sites. I've been there several times on the Jonathan Swift treasures. Lots of clues but no guarantee that is not a hoax, However,back in 1994 or 95. I was given a map for the Kentucky area by Michael Paul Henson, he and I were friends so he asked me to see if the map was legit. Turned out it was and after a few days I told him where it indicated to possible cache sites. Paul was in the last throws of smoker's throat and lung cancer so he sent two other friends of ours to check out the place. The last letter I got from him said the others had dug two caches of gold and that he would see that I got a share. The two other guys I'd worked with in NM and here is ARK were supposed to be at the treasure show in Longview, TX to deliver my payment for solving the map. (several of our team knew about it) Meanwhile Paul passed away. I contacted Mary, his wife, over his book collection she needed to sell quickly. I also asked if she got any of the gold. She didn't and I lost contact with the others. (naturally) They didn't show up at the TS either. Since then I know one has died, no word on the other,
I am used to that happening in my business. If you tell anyone where gold is buried they will beat you to it every time. So John and I only kept the ones of our own secret and made our clients pay in advance before they knew where to find the stuff.
I have several more experiences like that I will tell later. Some involving some world famous THers and even one big treasure hunting company you all know of.
work, work, work. New book close to finishing.

Like I said, show me the gold! You say you have fifty years of research, and you speak the truth, yet you have never found even one of the treasures you speak of. Some people make the same mistake for forty years and call it "experience". Sorry, nothing about KGC gold has ever been proven true. Nothing. You wanna yarn, yarn all you like, but they are just yarns.
I think Dent's Run would be a large vast amount of K.G.C. Vault/Cache
The K.G.C. was more the Phoniex rising from the ashes of the Civil War.
President Lincoln reconstruction plan accomplished little and peace was never declaired after the war.
The research shows:
the K.G.C exsisted
Dent's run is an example of a possible large cache site of the K.G.C.
Anyone who still shares your knowledge is very much appreciated. Thanks

My pappy's uncle was a treasure dowser of some renown, then later became a preacher. He travelled from town to city to countryside dowsing lost gold, missing heirlooms, stolen property, wayward persons etc.. He would always take the money up-front and often was not welcome back by the people who did business with him. When he came back through he carried the good book instead of divining rods, and took everyone's money a second time!

Wanderer just a real quick for now. Cumberland Gap and surrounding region is full of treasure legends, treasure lies and some real treasure sites. I've been there several times on the Jonathan Swift treasures. Lots of clues but no guarantee that is not a hoax, However,back in 1994 or 95. I was given a map for the Kentucky area by Michael Paul Henson, he and I were friends so he asked me to see if the map was legit. Turned out it was and after a few days I told him where it indicated to possible cache sites. Paul was in the last throws of smoker's throat and lung cancer so he sent two other friends of ours to check out the place. The last letter I got from him said the others had dug two caches of gold and that he would see that I got a share. The two other guys I'd worked with in NM and here is ARK were supposed to be at the treasure show in Longview, TX to deliver my payment for solving the map. (several of our team knew about it) Meanwhile Paul passed away. I contacted Mary, his wife, over his book collection she needed to sell quickly. I also asked if she got any of the gold. She didn't and I lost contact with the others. (naturally) They didn't show up at the TS either. Since then I know one has died, no word on the other,
I am used to that happening in my business. If you tell anyone where gold is buried they will beat you to it every time. So John and I only kept the ones of our own secret and made our clients pay in advance before they knew where to find the stuff.
I have several more experiences like that I will tell later. Some involving some world famous THers and even one big treasure hunting company you all know of.
work, work, work. New book close to finishing.

Wanderer just a real quick for now. Cumberland Gap and surrounding region is full of treasure legends, treasure lies and some real treasure sites. I've been there several times on the Jonathan Swift treasures. Lots of clues but no guarantee that is not a hoax, However,back in 1994 or 95. I was given a map for the Kentucky area by Michael Paul Henson, he and I were friends so he asked me to see if the map was legit. Turned out it was and after a few days I told him where it indicated to possible cache sites. Paul was in the last throws of smoker's throat and lung cancer so he sent two other friends of ours to check out the place. The last letter I got from him said the others had dug two caches of gold and that he would see that I got a share. The two other guys I'd worked with in NM and here is ARK were supposed to be at the treasure show in Longview, TX to deliver my payment for solving the map. (several of our team knew about it) Meanwhile Paul passed away. I contacted Mary, his wife, over his book collection she needed to sell quickly. I also asked if she got any of the gold. She didn't and I lost contact with the others. (naturally) They didn't show up at the TS either. Since then I know one has died, no word on the other,
I am used to that happening in my business. If you tell anyone where gold is buried they will beat you to it every time. So John and I only kept the ones of our own secret and made our clients pay in advance before they knew where to find the stuff.
I have several more experiences like that I will tell later. Some involving some world famous THers and even one big treasure hunting company you all know of.
work, work, work. New book close to finishing.
Thanks Bob for replying. I would be more then happy to have an in depth conversation about my believes on whom hid treasure within 50 mile radius of the Gap. with you . I am interested in any maps or stories you can or are willing to share with me. I would prefer we did it privately. I believe the one I am chasing is likely in northern Tn. or southern KY. It was hidden / moved there by a particular group or individual well known as a kgc members and some you have discussed. I am not looking for locations but trails / bread crumbs to investigate or follow. I understand that people's word lessens with gold.and treasure. I dont have a research team its me and only me. No matter what if I do find anything worth sharing or showing I plan to visit you in Ark. Why? well because I have been chasing this for more then 10 years and you set me down this trail ( yep its your fault). As an enlisted fleet sailor (me) we always blamed the officers (you). I appreciate that you are at least willing to share your experience chasing the treasure. I dont agree with all your locations for kgc treasure. I believe at least 1 is not where you think it is. I am retired as of this month. I am finishing restoring my camper and plan to hit road as soon as it gets warm enough. I hope to spend spring and summer working on this. Email me if you would like to discuss this further. Thanks again for all you do in trying to help

Wanderer just a real quick for now. Cumberland Gap and surrounding region is full of treasure legends, treasure lies and some real treasure sites. I've been there several times on the Jonathan Swift treasures. Lots of clues but no guarantee that is not a hoax, However,back in 1994 or 95. I was given a map for the Kentucky area by Michael Paul Henson, he and I were friends so he asked me to see if the map was legit. Turned out it was and after a few days I told him where it indicated to possible cache sites. Paul was in the last throws of smoker's throat and lung cancer so he sent two other friends of ours to check out the place. The last letter I got from him said the others had dug two caches of gold and that he would see that I got a share. The two other guys I'd worked with in NM and here is ARK were supposed to be at the treasure show in Longview, TX to deliver my payment for solving the map. (several of our team knew about it) Meanwhile Paul passed away. I contacted Mary, his wife, over his book collection she needed to sell quickly. I also asked if she got any of the gold. She didn't and I lost contact with the others. (naturally) They didn't show up at the TS either. Since then I know one has died, no word on the other,
I am used to that happening in my business. If you tell anyone where gold is buried they will beat you to it every time. So John and I only kept the ones of our own secret and made our clients pay in advance before they knew where to find the stuff.
I have several more experiences like that I will tell later. Some involving some world famous THers and even one big treasure hunting company you all know of.
work, work, work. New book close to finishing.
Thanks bob, That led me to a couple of his books. I don't believe its swift treasure I am chasing but Henson gave me a couple leads To your knowledge Did JJ use the kgc matrix for hiding treasure? If he did would he have put his home base ( I guess you would call it) at the center.? members. This is Bob Brewer. You may not recognize the name, but my partner, John London, and I were the first to post information concerning the Knights of the Golden Circle after Marc first started TreasureNet. For thirty-five years, I wrote using the pen name Hillbilly Bob. Some of the older folks will recall the KGC seminars John and I conducted at treasure shows in Texas, Tennessee, Nebraska, and Arkansas. We avoided TreasureNet for about 25 years, because of harassment by the rogue members here. Now that we have retired from our treasure consulting business, I will again post frequently. My posts are under the name RENNES. I urge all of you wishing to learn the truth, concerning famous treasure tales and real buried treasure, to read my future posts.
Warning: what I am about to do will cause the “Naysayers” to attack again, telling you, I know nothing about treasure. They are the same members who, for years, have fished the forum for information. We will get a good laugh when I prove they are the know-nothings. They regularly post here and pretend to be experts on these treasures. They know me and make derogatory statements about me and others. If you read their old posts, you will see they are ate up with jealousy because John and I never gave them the time of day. John recently passed away and left me the sole survivor of our eleven member Gold Circle Research and treasure hunting team. Now I hope to share, with TreasureNet, secrets learned during John’s and my combined 114 year careers of addiction to treasure hunting.
WELCOME BACK..... Ignore the naysayers.

Luke you are getting close, so far I have found triangles and turtles as clues at every cache site worked, which is a bunch. Although those are pretty common, the three I'm looking for are some far more important. I am asking this question to find anyone out there who has actually worked one of the ???'s depositories
Thanks for the reply

Rabbit , a-frame,steps that is carved in bluff

I am familiar with the Dent's Run treasure hunt you mention. In fact the person working with the father and son, is not the true author of "Rebel Gold," I am. All the treasure sites, photos and documents are from my files. I allowed the man you call the author to be the primary author because the book is all about me and it was hard for me to write the book without it appearing I was tooting my own horn. Just be sure he did not help them find the suspected cache, he only called the FBI in on the deal. Now you see why you don't talk about a treasure or particular site. He is a novice when it comes to treasure hunting. I spoke to the son working on the Dent's Run treasure and I do believe they were screwed out of the gold. Again, let me explain KGC treasure. The KGC was a smoke screen, it became the Knights of Honor in 1873. The KOH are also another layer of camouflage the "organization" used to conceal it's true name. A dedicated researcher can find that name if he looks long enough. The KOH I suspect is still around. In my book Shadow of the Sentinel, I wrote about members of the KOH that I grew up living with 9 years. Some of them lived within a short distance of several treasure depositories in AR, OK and AZ. I have proof of this and in time will tell more. Chuck Kenworthy and I had several conversations on who was really responsible for the ARIZONA DESERT TREASURE. He and I bumped heads several times in the desert. In fact I watched his crew dig three deep holes near Elephant Butte. My partner and I watched knowing full well he was in the wrong spot. We had already stood on the real treasure spot. Kenworthy's father working here where I live with members of the KOH. I am not saying he was a member but I have proof of what I said.
As time allows I'm working on a presentation for my YouTube Channel where for the first time ever or anywhere, I will prove the real treasure in Danville, VA is a done deal. That's the reason I am asking questions about "Clues" always found in, call it what you want, treasure depositories. If you don't know these clues you are SOL.
I do know that most of what I say here is new to all of you, it appears, but don't look in gift horse's mouth.
BTW: I have about 30 new first printing hardback copies of SHADOW OF THE SENTINEL. PM me if you can. I so far have not learned how to PM someone.
mistakes here due to bad eyes and Dragon.
i would be interested in getting a copy - just let me know how to go about purchasing it.

WELCOME BACK..... Ignore the naysayers.
were you in a "documentary" on tv? I rememnber you telling a landowner of gold on their property and he ended up delaying you and dug it up for himself. Pretty sure also mentioned was there were sentinals in your family generations back. if you can confirm this, that would be great. TBH, I know not what to look for as far as carvings, etc, I just love the history and the mystery of that whole period.

Look forward to your reply.


WELCOME BACK..... Ignore the naysayers.
I believed just from seeing the news reports on the web that Dent's Run was a big takeover by the Feds and absolutely a 'HEIST' took place - how can you have a huge mag reading and then after the dust has cleared have none. Never looked for historical caches or treasure of any kind, but it just would bust me up inside to put all that effort and research into locating a find and to just have it taken away IN SECRET NO LESS?

I agree that gum flapping is bad for your wallet.


were you in a "documentary" on tv? I rememnber you telling a landowner of gold on their property and he ended up delaying you and dug it up for himself. Pretty sure also mentioned was there were sentinals in your family generations back. if you can confirm this, that would be great. TBH, I know not what to look for as far as carvings, etc, I just love the history and the mystery of that whole period.

Look forward to your reply.

Not me......

Wanderer just a real quick for now. Cumberland Gap and surrounding region is full of treasure legends, treasure lies and some real treasure sites. I've been there several times on the Jonathan Swift treasures. Lots of clues but no guarantee that is not a hoax, However,back in 1994 or 95. I was given a map for the Kentucky area by Michael Paul Henson, he and I were friends so he asked me to see if the map was legit. Turned out it was and after a few days I told him where it indicated to possible cache sites. Paul was in the last throws of smoker's throat and lung cancer so he sent two other friends of ours to check out the place. The last letter I got from him said the others had dug two caches of gold and that he would see that I got a share. The two other guys I'd worked with in NM and here is ARK were supposed to be at the treasure show in Longview, TX to deliver my payment for solving the map. (several of our team knew about it) Meanwhile Paul passed away. I contacted Mary, his wife, over his book collection she needed to sell quickly. I also asked if she got any of the gold. She didn't and I lost contact with the others. (naturally) They didn't show up at the TS either. Since then I know one has died, no word on the other,
I am used to that happening in my business. If you tell anyone where gold is buried they will beat you to it every time. So John and I only kept the ones of our own secret and made our clients pay in advance before they knew where to find the stuff.
I have several more experiences like that I will tell later. Some involving some world famous THers and even one big treasure hunting company you all know of.
work, work, work. New book close to finishing.
were you in a "documentary" on tv? I rememnber you telling a landowner of gold on their property and he ended up delaying you and dug it up for himself. Pretty sure also mentioned was there were sentinals in your family generations back. if you can confirm this, that would be great. TBH, I know not what to look for as far as carvings, etc, I just love the history and the mystery of that whole period.

Look forward to your reply.


Wanderer just a real quick for now. Cumberland Gap and surrounding region is full of treasure legends, treasure lies and some real treasure sites. I've been there several times on the Jonathan Swift treasures. Lots of clues but no guarantee that is not a hoax, However,back in 1994 or 95. I was given a map for the Kentucky area by Michael Paul Henson, he and I were friends so he asked me to see if the map was legit. Turned out it was and after a few days I told him where it indicated to possible cache sites. Paul was in the last throws of smoker's throat and lung cancer so he sent two other friends of ours to check out the place. The last letter I got from him said the others had dug two caches of gold and that he would see that I got a share. The two other guys I'd worked with in NM and here is ARK were supposed to be at the treasure show in Longview, TX to deliver my payment for solving the map. (several of our team knew about it) Meanwhile Paul passed away. I contacted Mary, his wife, over his book collection she needed to sell quickly. I also asked if she got any of the gold. She didn't and I lost contact with the others. (naturally) They didn't show up at the TS either. Since then I know one has died, no word on the other,
I am used to that happening in my business. If you tell anyone where gold is buried they will beat you to it every time. So John and I only kept the ones of our own secret and made our clients pay in advance before they knew where to find the stuff.
I have several more experiences like that I will tell later. Some involving some world famous THers and even one big treasure hunting company you all know of.
work, work, work. New book close to finishing.
I believed just from seeing the news reports on the web that Dent's Run was a big takeover by the Feds and absolutely a 'HEIST' took place - how can you have a huge mag reading and then after the dust has cleared have none. Never looked for historical caches or treasure of any kind, but it just would bust me up inside to put all that effort and research into locating a find and to just have it taken away IN SECRET NO LESS?

I agree that gum flapping is bad for your wallet.


Luke you are getting close, so far I have found triangles and turtles as clues at every cache site worked, which is a bunch. Although those are pretty common, the three I'm looking for are some far more important. I am asking this question to find anyone out there who has actually worked one of the ???'s depositories
Thanks for the reply

How about a diamond shaped rock and a small T shaped rock found underneath the diamond rock? Also found a 13 carved into the cliff side and a big 7 stone buried below the 13.

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