Hi Alberta clipper,
Yeah, seems they rode pretty hard, maybe were driven with insight.
Might have been they were very methodical, oops, until Northfield.
Maybe even Jesse may have been set up. They certainly had their
good and bad days. But finding out what all they did, would be like
luckily finding out some well kept secrets, that they took with them...
A small few thousand dollar cache too small to mark?
Not when it's possibly key to travelin' monies later on.
You could buy a lot for a dollar back then. They likely
also used what they needed, left some near trading places,
and gave some to help those who helped them out, when
they were out, moving about and doing what they did.
I think Jesse took great pleasure in his art work, rock
and tree carvings, with WHO ever else may have
helped him, he was a spiritually minded man,
and undoubtedly considered himself to be
doing the right thing, as he was known to
have said "My Father In Heaven" at least
once. He believed he was directed, and
apparently was committed when a decision
was made... I too, like everyone, hope that Frank
or whoever, didn't recover everything that they planted.
That one day some one will uncover some new hard evidence.
That would really be too cool.
Thanks for your comments,