Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

I was just trying to get back into my search for JJ treasure. I have all kind of info on one that I have been to lazy or busy to go look for. It is from the wv bank. For 5 years I traced his trail from know places and family stories. I had the trail all the way to va but most people claim he wasn't in wv long but I say he was 5 to 6 months of my memory is correct( would have to look back in my notes) all this was started after I heard a tale from my grand father that started showing some truth. I have question for jj followers. Was he related to stonewall Jackson. If so where is stonewall from. Oh and ps I am related to stonewall.

GREAT to see someone from Stonewall's family... my REBEL HERO! Just "google" Stonewall Jackson... ALL kinds of info, on the "net". Far as I remember, he was from the Shenandoah Valley of VIRGINIA, probably near Lexington, Va. where he taught at VMI (Virginia Military Institute), etc. I was a re-enactor for Stonewall's "Foot Cavalry, CSA" back in the early 1970's, "fought" many battles... Harpers Ferry, New Market, several in Maryland, Gettysburg. Ex-wife (dark-skinned, black hair) looked like "Indian wife" of REBEL Mountain Man (me); I was a sniper, with bright red flannel shirt, leather leggings pants & long "Indian leggings/boots"... BIG old knife, and my company issued musket... Co. I, 10th Va. Cavalry, from Conrad Store (Elkton), Virginia. YEE HAW!

BTW, NO "direct" kinship has been found for JJ & "Stonewall"... SORRY!

Expedition Unknown

This seems to be a good subject: To exchange ideas and theories, as to whether there may still be any Jesse James treasure(s) out there undiscovered somewhere? If So, Do the known maps have yet to lead someone to their discovery, are they even real, and what is the likelihood either way? What is really known, or supposed about their traveling and activities between hold-ups, supposedly attributed to them? It should be interesting to look at perspectives of these legendary James Gang treasure tales...
Thursday, January the 29th at 8:00 central on the travel channel is a series called expedition unknown. The topic will be Jesse James in S.W. Oklahoma should be interesting. Host will interview Comamche Indians and listening their family stories concerning J.J..

Thursday, January the 29th at 8:00 central on the travel channel is a series called expedition unknown. The topic will be Jesse James in S.W. Oklahoma should be interesting. Host will interview Comamche Indians and listening their family stories concerning J.J..

THANKS, "OK"! WILL watch it!

I talked with his great Granddaughter and she said he lived in Blevins Tex till the 1940's and died of old age She wrote 3 books about him Her name was Betty Duke and she passed away a few months ago

I talked with his great Granddaughter and she said he lived in Blevins Tex till the 1940's and died of old age She wrote 3 books about him Her name was Betty Duke and she passed away a few months ago
Sorry to hear of Betty's passing; she did her research; PROBLEMS is... JJ had many "doubles", who were trained to "be HIM"; courtesy of the OLD GUARD of CSA Patriots, the KGC!

There are several people in this area say they are kin to him. My wife uncle and his brother had the land he suppose to lived on I also found his grave site in Blevins. There was a box of something found close by I was told by some ole timers

I don't know anything for sure but after talking to Betty sure made me wonder His wifes grave is there also . They would not let her dig the grave up in Blevins account it had a different last name

This could be him ?????

I'm not firing this thread back up, to debate that or anything else.
Where's the smoking gun, because no one seems to have it.

Thought I'd share some pics, but just seeing Rebel around,
spoils my generous mood, sorry, his backstabbings left a bad taste... :sunny: :fish:

"Back-stabbings"...? WHERE...?

They would not let her dig the one up in Blevins since it had a different name on it While also I had a renter that had Courtney for his last name and he said he was kin to JJ and I ask him how he knew that .He said he look at a pic of JJ wife an his Great Grand Ma and they look alike. So there just might be something to it but its fun just thinking about it

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Rebel,

You should know, lol.
You are very funny, on top
of everything else. Why not
leave me be, and find somewhere
else, to play yer mischeviousness?

I was just wanting to share some pics,
not get jacked around with your contention again.

So why not be a good Southern Gentleman, umm if ye are,
and drop yer petty little games here? It would be highly appreciated,
and I will get on, with something that is actually interesting... :sunny: :fish:

LOL! NOT leaving... YOU have NOTHING on ME! I am interested in the TOPIC (JJ Treasures) and interested in what OTHERS have to "say", like Sallysue... CARRY ON, S.s. as it IS of interest.

They would not let her dig the one up in Blevins since it had a different name on it While also I had a renter that had Courtney for his last name and he said he was kin to JJ and I ask him how he knew that .He said he look at a pic of JJ wife an his Great Grand Ma and they look alike. So there just might be something to it but its fun just thinking about it
You may well be correct...

When I talked with Betty about a year ago she asked me where I lived and I told her on Belton Lake She said she had a map on a creek that feeds Belton [cow house creek] where he hide some stash. But there wasnt a lake here back than so it would be under water now.

R & I: "Googled" Jesse James in Blevins, TX... WEALTH of info! ALSO, JJ's brother, Frank James & family were living here in Lynchburg, Va. (1882), when JJ was killed (NOT). FJ & family were living in a house, near 5th Street & Arlington Hotel; FJ was "James Warren". The boys had kin in SW Bedford County, Va. and came up often as kids; LOTS of James & Dalton Kin in Stewartsville, Va. area. They played in SE Roanoke County, Va. in the mountains and today, there are local legends of KGC buried caches on Mill Mountain or near-by. BACK to JJ... I DO believe he WAS alive... we have ALL kinds of "stories".

When I talked with Betty about a year ago she asked me where I lived and I told her on Belton Lake She said she had a map on a creek that feeds Belton [cow house creek] where he hide some stash. But there wasnt a lake here back than so it would be under water now.
That's an old KGC "trick"; damn a creek, put "Stash" under Creek Rocks... then open her up, into a lake. Several lakes in North Carolina has the same type of legends for CSA Treasury GOLD; remember... CSA Patriots = KGC; HARD CORE REBELS! They DID NOT accept OAK...

I guess will never know

Sadly, Betty Duke never got the DNA samples... OTHERS will have to "carry on with her mission"...

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