Not sure where the statement is coming from that it was ever found face down, except innuendo from assorted stories. I was referring to the original exhumation in 1902, where it was removed to the cemetery. If the body was face up in the 1978 exhumation, then the rumors must originate with the 1995 exhumation, I'm assuming of course. I would also assume that by that late date, how could it even be determined HOW the body was facing, with that much deterioration.
Gruesome as it is, the bullet you mention is indeed an oddity. Especially in view of the original autopsy official who stated he removed the bullet from his brain where it had allegedly lodged. Then you have statements from the James family farm pointing to a hole in the wall from where the bullet allegedly exited. It's my understanding there was no exit wound on the body. Another oddity is the reports that the bullet found with the body was a different caliber from the weapon allegedly used by Ford. Lots of alleged here, lol.
"WHOEVER" was killed on Lafayette St, St Joseph,MO in 1882, exhumed and re buried in 1902 in Kearney...Even without embalming... Depending on Depth,Soil, Drainage etc...In a 20yr time span could have been in decent condition.
Im Not Talking about Flesh, Tendons, Muscle or Organs...Unless the Body was Salt Treated which it wasn't. I'm not going to mention Mummification because Very Doubtful anyone knew how and even if they did, the body was buried too soon.
In 1978, IN MY OPINION, That was the Original Casket, or at least one from that time period. If anyone is squeamish don't read this....
BODY:1978- The Larger Bones were Not Attached to each other, and deteriorating, the smaller bones found in the neck, hands, feet and even the forearms were pretty much gone. The smaller bones looked like Dirt Covered Twigs. The skull was deteriorating too but definitely was Face Up. Some of The teeth had fillings I think...I say fillings because some of the teeth looked like gold or silver with dirt on it and Some of the Teeth just looked like teeth that have been in the dirt. I didn't hold anything so that was my 16yr old comparison from MDing Vs. Finding Animal Teeth While Hunting. Far from Scientific.
CASKET:1978- You could tell that originally it had the Window Pane in the Facial area. The Bottom was nothing but soft looking splinters. The casket itself...wouldn't have been worth the trip to use as kindling if it was just wood in a yard.
FABRIC:1978--Those type of caskets from the late 1800's-early 1900 sometimes had a fabric kind of liner on the sides and bottom. Sometimes the body was wrapped in a sheet. I'm assuming Cotton. During the exhumation there were very small bits of fabric...I couldn't tell the color as everything was covered in dark dirt. CLAY COUNTY, MO...Does Not Mean Everything Is Clay! lol.
SLUG:1978-It was Not Damaged (or Shiney) due to dirt or original color I suppose.
BULLET HOLE:St Joseph,MO Home on Lafayette St,--There Is No Way That Could Of Been The ONLY Shot Fired That Day. Anyone who has seen your run of the mill bullet hole in a wall or car knows that either...A) IT MISSED THE TARGET or B) IT WENT THROUGH SOMETHING SOFT. It's Not going to Penetrate The Front And Back of a Skull and come out like that. That either Had to Of Been Staged, Already There, Or a Missed Shot. My guess is it was just another way to make .50¢ as a tourist attraction...Showing the JJ KILL SHOT. It's still there. Next time Im up there I'll go get some good detailed photos. So you guys can decide.
*St Joseph Home: Most Homes of that era and location either had Plaster Walls, with the wood slats behind the plaster (Very Hard Stuff---Don't Ever Hit One) or they were just wooden slat walls with Newspaper or Wallpaper over them. IF the Bullet Hole Wall Was Plaster The Impact of His Head Hitting It Would Without A Doubt have Broken His Nose or Cheekbone or at the Very least Cut His Face Somewhere. IF it was Just Wooden Slats the Force of the Bullet Impact would have Broken the wooden slats and Cut Him.
When Your Heart STOPS beating...You do not bruise deeply, there is not blood pumping. Also when your heart stops so does bleeding out. Meaning that blood will not PUMP out. Lividity (BLOOD SETTLING WHERE IT IS) sets in and the blood settles in the lowest part of the body position. Take a look at any death photo of someone before embalming. If they died in bed, on their back, rigor comes and goes, you will see Lividity at the sides and back of their arms, legs, neck etc... Blood drains from the face. It stretches the skin from pooling at the lowest point. I posted that for reference on Casket Photos.
ME:1978- I was 16yrs old. I had gotten a....(DONT TELL FRANK). KODAK 110 camera for my birthday that year. Anyone who remembers the 110's knows that they did Not take good photos. Square, Color Pictures is what you got back after having the film developed. No Adjustments...Point and Push the Button. I'll see if I have any pictures from that day. They won't tell anything really I doubt, but I'll look. I collect cameras so I still have that one! lol!
You are right with the Allegedly... What about a Key like
Something Easy.