Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

This is gonna be a bit off our current topic but take a look at it for future reference.

The Missouri River Starts in Montana and Runs Through:

North Dakota
South Dakota

Before flowing into the Mississippi River

I want to hit this part later after everyone reads it.

Steamship Arabia, Kansas City. Sunk September 5th 1856. It was lost for 132yrs. Found in 1988.

This ship was found in a Cornfield with 200 tons of supplies. It's a museum in Kansas City Now. VERY COOL! It was found with Metal Detectors and an old Map 45ft Down Buried In A Cornfield 6 miles west of KC Proper. I'll try and post a link but if you want to read it before I get the story on here just google it.

There is a reason I'm bringing this up...The Rivers. The Missouri and Mississippi and ALL TRIBUTARIES...

400 Steam Boats Sank With Cargo Over A 2,500 mile Trek Down The Missouri. Due to erosion the Missouri Changed Course Over Time. A Tree Snag Sunk This One.

The Missouri Runs Through St Joe, Kansas City and Very Close To Kearney, MO.

Think About This As Far As The James Gang and Others Traveling. Starts in the Black Hills AND It hits the Mississippi. These and other Smaller Rivers were Used Covertly Pre-Civil War, Civil War and Post Civil War.

I'm going to come back to the Ships and Smaller Boats in reference to JJ but read the article if you have time soon.


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I'm Not Sure What Happened To Cause All Of That And I'm Sorry For My Part. I Didn't Realize Asking About Him/Her Reasons For Believing April 3rd, 1882 Would Cause Any Issue. I Thought Sharing Information Would Be A Good Thing.

Would You Guys Like To Move or Stay?

If you all want to move to a new neighborhood there is No Reason to keep posting things here we will have to move.

It looks like this thread will be staying open, so as long as we all get along and do what we've been doing we will be fine. I personally don't see a problem with that. We've all gotten along so far sharing things.

You guys tell me...I am the Newest Member of Tnet Here I Think. I'll Follow Your Lead.


See, we're "chatting" about LITTLE "Mason Jar-Road Banks" of Silver/Gold Coins... AND! Big old KGC stuff, HARDER to find. MY "sense" is KGC stuff eventually were "taken" by the OAK guys (Order of American Knights). I think JJ & gangs HATED 'em!

This is gonna be a bit off our current topic but take a look at it for future reference.

The Missouri River Starts in Montana and Runs Through:

North Dakota
South Dakota

Before flowing into the Mississippi River

I want to hit this part later after everyone reads it.

Steamship Arabia, Kansas City. Sunk September 5th 1856. It was lost for 132yrs. Found in 1988.

This ship was found in a Cornfield with 200 tons of supplies. It's a museum in Kansas City Now. VERY COOL! It was found with Metal Detectors and an old Map 45ft Down Buried In A Cornfield 6 miles west of KC Proper. I'll try and post a link but if you want to read it before I get the story on here just google it.

There is a reason I'm bringing this up...The Rivers. The Missouri and Mississippi and ALL TRIBUTARIES...

400 Steam Boats Sank With Cargo Over A 2,500 mile Trek Down The Missouri. Due to erosion the Missouri Changed Course Over Time. A Tree Snag Sunk This One.

The Missouri Runs Through St Joe, Kansas City and Very Close To Kearney, MO.

Think About This As Far As The James Gang and Others Traveling. Starts in the Black Hills AND It hits the Mississippi. These and other Smaller Rivers were Used Covertly Pre-Civil War, Civil War and Post Civil War.

I'm going to come back to the Ships and Smaller Boats in reference to JJ but read the article if you have time soon.

OAK guys would have used 'em...


But, Remember 400 Boats SANK

That isn't how many didn't their make destinations with their Cargo. Many, Many More.

Pre-Civil War they were used to carry Supplies to settlements.


Civil War they were 'Commissioned' or 'Ported' as we say now to carry Troops and supplies to the troops. Guns, Ammo, Cannons, Clothing, Food, PAYROLL!

Much of the Payroll was Gold Coin.

From the North they had Steel Plants Heading South With Everything Imaginable For Warfare.

I am easy to get along with.

lol!! I know that Samuel. I've read some of your posts and replies to people. You are a Good Guy! I'm Glad You Are Here!

Jump In With Anything You Want. We're Not Debating Anything Really,We Are NOT FIGHTING, lol, Just Sharing Info, Asking Questions And Trying To Narrow Things Down A Bit Concerning Jesse W James and All Known Aliases. It's an interesting thread and good respectful members participating in Different Locations.

Do you have any information on JWJ? It can be documented or Family Stories.

Much of the Payroll was Gold Coin...
These tales of Confederate paymasters carrying all that gold coin is not quite true, as the largest amount was about $20,000 for the officers, most of the time less, the enlisted were paid in paper currency or script.

These tales of Confederate paymasters carrying all that gold coin is not quite true, as the largest amount was about $20,000 for the officers, most of the time less, the enlisted were paid in paper currency or script.

ECS- You are correct about the payroll. I wasn't clear on my post and I'm glad you brought that up! I wasn't meaning to imply Confederate Only. Sorry About Not Being More Concise!

There was a lot of paper currency as well. The larger amounts of Gold Coin were for Incidentals due to the fact that a Civil War meant that there was No Certainty that anything other than Gold would be recognized for Value. You wouldn't want to get paid for Anything with Paper for fear it would not be accepted or have any value at all.

Before things got Really Ugly, one of my ggUncles being a Blacksmith, would get Union Soldiers coming to his farm wanting their Horses Shod. They paid him in Gold. He didn't want to shoe Union Horses, but he didn't want to die either. Later After It Got Really Ugly...They didn't pay at all and would even take his stock. He Hid Many Horseshoe's on the farm. He was killed by Union Militia along with three others one day...he had never told anyone about hiding the horseshoes. His gGrandson still lived on the family farm... he raised hogs.... they got out one day and when he saw that he went to get them back in. He found stacks of horseshoes that the hogs had rooted up. We All Got One!!

How many folks ended up with Confederate Paper which they ended up using to light their pipes....I know some of my family did.

History really does repeat itself...look at all of us here....CRH, MDing, Watching Gold and Silver Prices... Wondering wether to sell it or keep it for either a higher price or hang on to it for barter if needed...

Thanks For Catching That ECS!


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Of Course if you had Cole Younger's Business Card, You Got In Free! lol

Thanks W and SS, Jump in Anytime...Both of You, With Any Pictures, Information, Observation Or Memories You Have. I have Plenty of Pictures. lol! And some information that I'd like to bounce off you guys. I'm Very Open Minded and Curious About Jesse and Frank James, The Younger Brothers and their History, Civil War, KGC etc. Just because I post something doesn't necessarily mean that I believe everything about what I post on this thread without a doubt. I'm putting stuff out there for discussion and information. I'm going to say what it is FOR SURE, NEVER CONTESTED BY ANYONE or ALLEGEDLY. Then we can all chime in and pool our Information.

Does Anyone Care If Cole Younger and Family Are Discussed Here?

Does Anyone Care if KGC/OAK Is Discussed Here?

Does Anyone Care If the Civil War Is Discussed Here?

Does Anyone Care If Possible Markers, Hideouts or Casches are Discussed Here?

I know it's all been discussed previously but it's so spread out that it's difficult to go back and check every post. I think it's a good idea to do it again now. I have stuff to add Now I'm Sure Others Do Too and I know I don't want to go back to post 15 from 2014 or whatever and reply to that.

I was at the Missouri exhumations of JWJ at the James Farm and Mt Olivet Cemetery in '78 and '95 as were others.
Several were there claiming to be Descendants of JWJ and/or the James Family. The way it was said was that All Parties Claiming To Be Descendants of JESSE WOODSON JAMES HAD AGREED TO THE EXHUMATION and ALL PARTIES WERE REPRESENTED THAT DAY. Now, that didn't necessarily mean that All claiming to be descendants were there personally only that either they or someone representing them were there. I will say, as everyone knows, there have been MANY PEOPLE Either Claiming To Be Jesse W. James or Claiming to be Descendants of JWJ And these claims have been Very Hotly and Aggressively Debated To The Point Of Hatred And Trying To Discredit Anyone Who Has An Opposing Claim.

IMHO, this "thread" is about JJ's Treasures; KGC/OAK is OK, as JJ was "involved"; Civil War is OK, as JJ was "involved"; Markers, Hideouts, Caches are OK, as JJ was "involved". Younger family may need a different "Thread"; just MHO. AM interested in CARVINGS on cave walls; such as a PISTOL, ALSO used by the KGC; it points to the direction that one should go for the TREASURE... OR! The NEXT "clue", which COULD BE miles away... HA!

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Question of "INTEREST"; was "JJ" buried "face-down"...? Hmmm... WHO was buried in JJ's grave in 1882...?

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There has always been speculation as to whether Jesse James and Frank James were KGC. No documented proof has ever been found. I think the photograph Kace posted of JJ and FJ proves that they both were KGC. I stated my reasons on the post of the photograph. Another reason, I found a carving on a photograph of a beech tree. Not my photograph nor my beech tree. But anyways, the carving tells of church artifacts or either a treasure buried at or under a church. It has JJ and FJ's names with KGC out from it. They only carved "James" one time and had both of their names with a capital letter and smaller letters on angles to the name "James" It also gives directions with compass readings and distance to the cache. The amount and what it is contained in and how deep it is buried. Should I travel and dig this cache up just to prove that Jesse James and Frank James were KGC. The treasure today would be worth over $2 Million Dollars.

"Invalid"; didn't work...

On it...

I wasn't sure if anyone would want to go a little bit into Cole Younger and Brothers. Being where I am and his ties to Jesse James and AFJ they were definitely around them. No Doubt.. However, there is a handwritten letter JWJ wrote saying HE wasn't Friends with Cole Younger. I'm not sure if they were not "friends" due to the age difference, CY was more AFJ friend or if they had a falling out. Orrr they just "worked" together.

There is going to be One thing I post including/regarding them (I can't help myself). "I think" it's relevant to hidden gains and the KGC and not just about the Youngers. You are well versed in the KGC as is franklin.... I Do want both of your thoughts on it after I post... I think we All Do. The incident is documented and very close to me at the farm so if you thought it was worth checking out, you could Remotely Guide ME in Real Time, so to speak. Technology being what it is, You could be in MO Hunting KGC markers, JJ hideouts and Possibly Stash Without ever leaving the comfort of Home! FALL Turkey Season is 10-1 thru 10-31 in MO. Fall in MO is the Perfect time to Hunt anything like that.

I'll make you a deal Reb...Or franklin...In the Spirit of You Sharing Your KGC/JJ Knowledge with me And Me sharing Information and Access to an otherwise Unobtainable Location with you....Working Together....In SWMO...
If MY Boots on the Ground and YOUR Knowledge Finds Anything ...we can split it!! Does that sound fair? Ahhhh, The Beauty of Sharing Knowledge AND Access. Let me know if that proposition interests you.

Personally, I don't think the Younger Brothers would of ever had as much notoriety as they did if they were not associated with JWJ/AFJ. I don't have the interest to have a thread specific to them. If anyone else does I will contribute what I can. They just didn't have stand alone exploits that interest me. So if they are mentioned it's just in passing for me...Except the One Story.

I'll get that pic posted again.


**PS**. I just got a PM from a Tnet member and participant in these discussions with a Great Story On Cole Younger. He had read my post where I said I didn't think that they had many exploits etc without being associated with the James Boys. I Did encourage him to post this Super Exciting Documented Story with Family Lore Included on This Thread. I don't know if he will or not, but for me I just wanted to say. I WAS WRONG TO POST THAT! I either forgot the story or didn't know it. It is local to me and Noted Local CW Battles so I probably just plain forgot! Kace

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There has always been speculation as to whether Jesse James and Frank James were KGC. No documented proof has ever been found. I think the photograph Kace posted of JJ and FJ proves that they both were KGC. I stated my reasons on the post of the photograph. Another reason, I found a carving on a photograph of a beech tree. Not my photograph nor my beech tree. But anyways, the carving tells of church artifacts or either a treasure buried at or under a church. It has JJ and FJ's names with KGC out from it. They only carved "James" one time and had both of their names with a capital letter and smaller letters on angles to the name "James" It also gives directions with compass readings and distance to the cache. The amount and what it is contained in and how deep it is buried. Should I travel and dig this cache up just to prove that Jesse James and Frank James were KGC. The treasure today would be worth over $2 Million Dollars.

Uhhh...Heck Yea! What time do you want me to pick you up? I'll bring shovels and people to Operate Them.

Question of "INTEREST"; was "JJ" buried "face-down"...? Hmmm... WHO was buried in JJ's grave in 1882...?

In the Missouri '78 exhumation the skull was Face Up.

How Did JJ FEET get burned?

When and Where was he Supposedly Hung?

Doing More JFD research of course that came up. I either don't know or remember the original JWJ story about the burns or hanging.

Try This. AFJ at James Farm...Get Out Your Cole Younger Free Pass...


Let me know if you can get this. The first one did pop up for me..I'm not sure what happened. Hope this one stays put!

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