Historic Jesse James photograph with killer Robert Ford proven authentic | Daily Mail Online
I have sincere doubts that this is accurate. I do not believe these two are the same man (JWJ) at all.
That is the photo to which I was referring.
Did any other expert confirm it was a genuine JJ photo?
I myself don't see the resemblances to JJ when he was killed.It does somewhat look like him when he was younger but Ford would also have been much younger himself.
JJ stories about people knowing or helping that gang are not rare.My Great Grandfather told stories about helping JJ and his gang.They were fun to listen to but even at my young age.I knew they were BS.
Us kids would sit on the floor while he smoked a pipe and told all kind of lies......another I remember is him chasing down a black bear and grabbing it by the tail.The tail pulled off and that is why black bears don't have tails.
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