Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

You told me, Hahaha. :laughing7: I DID ask for it to be closed. I even asked for
more than that, but was refused... Slanderous, tell me what might that be?
Isn't a disguise, pretty much the same as having a disguised user name?

Well you can do what you want to, unless this thread is locked.
Maybe doubtful, since it's getting views, but this is not a negotiation.
You will do what you will, just like everyone else, making their decisions.
It would suit me, for it to get locked & let them ghosts rest, like Jesse James.

You know now, so why not just be nice, & let it go.
I have talked to you, asked you but show me an attack.
I will ask for it to be locked, & we'll see what happens. 8-)

I Don't Have A Disguised User Name. What you just wrote is slanderous. What else do you want to know about me since you haven't read my posts. I have nothing to hide. I said I would ask the mods how to do what you want which is get rid of any fighting I guess. I don't know. What do you want? Some of these folks actually PM me like people do when they want to communicate and not take up forum space with this Horse Ship.


I Don't Have A Disguised User Name. What you just wrote is slanderous. What else do you want to know about me since you haven't read my posts. I have nothing to hide. I said I would ask the mods how to do what you want which is get rid of any fighting I guess. I don't know. What do you want? Some of these folks actually PM me like people do when they want to communicate and not take up forum space with this Horse Ship.


Nothing slanderous about a user name being a sort of disguise.
Most all of us have a username, that's not our real, full name.
It's a sort of mask, or disguise. Funny you supposedly being
a fairly new member, pulling up this thread and acting like
this, reminds me of someone else on here, that said they
were gone...

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Nothing slanderous about a user name being a sort of disguise,
most all of us have a username, that's not our real name, so
it's a sort of mask, or disguise. Funny you supposedly being
a fairly new member, pulling up this thread and acting like
this, reminds me of someone else on here, that said they
were gone...

Crosse De Sign, I don't know what your issue is.

If you use Google many Old threads can Pop up.
And if the Person is a Newbie they have every right to post in the Thread.

TreasureNet is not responsible for removing or editing any post. Information you post WILL NOT be considered copyrighted or otherwise protected from use by anyone else. We make no guarantees or warrantees as to the length of time posted information will remain online. We reserve the right to delete or modify any post, avatar or image, at any time, and for any reason. We reserve the right to limit any users' access to any feature, including the ability to search, post, browse, upload avatars, etc.. We reserve the right to ban any user, and/or delete any user account (including all posts) at any time, for any reason. Bans are not subject to member review, approval, protest, or appeal.

Your certainly welcome here. The same as Everyone else.
At least till we feel Different.

As for if you don't want certain people to post, Don't give them a reason to respond

Nothing slanderous about a user name being a sort of disguise.
Most all of us have a username, that's not our real, full name.
It's a sort of mask, or disguise. Funny you supposedly being
a fairly new member, pulling up this thread and acting like
this, reminds me of someone else on here, that said they
were gone...

Well there is an exemption to every rule Crosse... Kace is My Name. Now, since this is so offensive to you, go read something else.


Hey Reb,
Do you recommend all of that material for research or is there a couple you really like? Thanks For Posting That Info!

I screen shot it.
I like ALL of Dr. Roush's books; has LOTS of OLD "news"/info. BEST is the book by Pastore/Woods, since it is a "modern day" review, etc.

Crosse De Sign, I don't know what your issue is.

If you use Google many Old threads can Pop up.
And if the Person is a Newbie they have every right to post in the Thread.

TreasureNet is not responsible for removing or editing any post. Information you post WILL NOT be considered copyrighted or otherwise protected from use by anyone else. We make no guarantees or warrantees as to the length of time posted information will remain online. We reserve the right to delete or modify any post, avatar or image, at any time, and for any reason. We reserve the right to limit any users' access to any feature, including the ability to search, post, browse, upload avatars, etc.. We reserve the right to ban any user, and/or delete any user account (including all posts) at any time, for any reason. Bans are not subject to member review, approval, protest, or appeal.

TreasureNet - Rules

Your certainly welcome here. The same as Everyone else.
At least till we feel Different.

As for if you don't want certain people to post, Don't give them a reason to respond

I understand, my question is, what about simply just locking the thread?

Also, what about the rule of not having more than one user name,
or to be exact, someone that you have banned for life? Not
arguing, just asking questions, since you addressed me.

JESSE JAMES'S SECRET: Codes, Cover-ups, & Hidden Treasure by Pastore/Woods is an easy "read"; got it from 1/2 Price Books in Dallas, TX.

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I like ALL of Dr. Roush's books; has LOTS of OLD "news"/info. BEST is the book by Pastore/Woods, since it is a "modern day" review, etc.

Great, I'll see if I can find a copy of those!!

I understand, my question is, what about simply just locking the thread?

Also, what about the rule of not having more than one user name,
or to be exact, someone that you have banned for life? Not
arguing, just asking questions, since you addressed me.

it makes no sense to lock Threads . Especially threads that are active.
When I lock an active thread it is Very rare, and just till I can clean it up.
I prefer to remove the offending party.

If there is a Post with an attack.
Report it & I will remove it.

Don't report posts that you think may be an attack.
if I can't see it as one, I'm going to ignore it.

Banned for life members are Banned for Life.
I'm not into playing Guessing Games .
If someone re-sneaks in under another Name,
imo they are a new Member till they give me reason to ban them.

it makes no sense to lock Threads . Especially threads that are active.
When I lock an active thread it is Very rare, and just till I can clean it up.
I prefer to remove the offending party.

If there is a Post with an attack.
Report it & I will remove it.

Don't report posts that you think may be an attack.
if I can't see it as one, I'm going to ignore it.

Banned for life members are Banned for Life.
I'm not into playing Guessing Games .
If someone re-sneaks in under another Name,
imo they are a new Member till they give me reason to ban them.

Mostly what I figured...

I'm Not Sure What Happened To Cause All Of That And I'm Sorry For My Part. I Didn't Realize Asking About Him/Her Reasons For Believing April 3rd, 1882 Would Cause Any Issue. I Thought Sharing Information Would Be A Good Thing.

Would You Guys Like To Move or Stay?

If you all want to move to a new neighborhood there is No Reason to keep posting things here we will have to move.

It looks like this thread will be staying open, so as long as we all get along and do what we've been doing we will be fine. I personally don't see a problem with that. We've all gotten along so far sharing things.

You guys tell me...I am the Newest Member of Tnet Here I Think. I'll Follow Your Lead.


I see he asked for Treasure Tales.
Doesn't say whether they need to be Pre Proven,
or can add ones that are Speculation.
after all these pages, Doesn't Matter.

My biggest problem is Nay sayers who feel they have to go on, and on, and on
that the stories are fake & then start making accusations of Lying or
exaggerating for alternate reasons.

I say as long as you's are willing to be adults, all is good :icon_thumright:

Again, my apologies Kace. For the most part that was all directed towards me. I hope we have that all ironed out and behind us now, and that we can continue on in good terms from this point forward. Please do continue, no need to have to move everything and lose ground, Imho. We are all enjoying the fresh infusion of info and new discussion of what's already been posted. :icon_thumright:

I see he asked for Treasure Tales.
Doesn't say whether they need to be Pre Proven,
or can add ones that are Speculation.
after all these pages, Doesn't Matter.

My biggest problem is Nay sayers who feel they have to go on, and on, and on
that the stories are fake & then start making accusations of Lying or
exaggerating for alternate reasons.

I say as long as you's are willing to be adults, all is good :icon_thumright:

Thank You Jeff....We All Have Been Getting Along Great and I Was Happy To See You Add That News Clipping! Sharing Information!!


This is a fantastic and interesting read! Please continue!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Again, my apologies Kace. For the most part that was all directed towards me. I hope we have that all ironed out and behind us now, and that we can continue on in good terms from this point forward. Please do continue, no need to have to move everything and lose ground, Imho. We are all enjoying the fresh infusion of info and new discussion of what's already been posted. :icon_thumright:

Thank You Dit,
I'm Having A Great Time With You Guys On This Topic! I'd Rather Stay Too.

I Really Believe You Have To Start As Close To The Beginning Of Anything As You Can And Get As Much Information From As Many People As Possible In Every Area That's Known. That Way You Can Kinda See How Someone Thinks And What They Might Do. JMO


This is a fantastic and interesting read! Please continue!

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