Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

It WILL be interesting...

Yes, it Will Be Interesting...

Charles (Charlie) Bigelow (sp) is who J. Frank Dalton said Robert Ford Shot In 1882. JFD said CB could of been his twin and that's when he decided to take off right then on Horseback. I'll post that story soon too. JFD ALLEGEDLY told Robert FORD to tell HIS MOTHER what happened, and to go along with the story, and for Ford to Take Care of That Bigelow Woman.

Not sure what ' TAKE CARE OF THAT WOMAN' Means??. MONEY?? WACKED?? The death indexes or notifications for Mrs. B will have to be searched. She probably would of noticed her husband was propped up on a board...DEAD. JMO

JFD said the Bigelow's were living in his home on Lafayette St. in St Joeseph, MO.

JFD claimed he told Ford to Tell His Mother To Go Along with the Story and To ID Bigelow as her Son, JWJ. That part I could see but what about ZERELDA (Zee) His Wife and His Young Son and Daughter? Zee would have noticed if Jesse NEVER Came Home. JFD Never Mentions Zee.

Apparently in the late 1800's according to JFD's Stories It was typically the Women who didn't pay much attention to what was going on around them or In Their Own Homes or Beds. JMO

Since JJ's Mother and Wife were Both Named ZERELDA, Im Going To Use His Wife's Nickname of Zee to Distinguish between the two. Mother was originally ZERELDA COLE and Wife was originally ZERELDA (Zee) MIMMS.

Ill post the story FROM JFD on his Wife JULIA ELLEN ?? who he said died in childbirth. Julia...Is that an alias for Zee? JFD Could/Would Never Address This. At that point with Both Women Or Zee aka Julia, Dead, why would it matter if JFD wanted to Set The Record Straight?

I'd like to look at JAMES L. COURTNEY's (aka JWJ) out of Texas Wife who also used the name Ellen. Then check Zee's lineage to see if their was anyone in that family named Ellen. We have two, Can we get three?

Looking at All the alias names JWJ ALLEGEDLY used.
There is Always Part of The Name That Is;


Did Zee Have an Ellen Somewhere In Her Family? IDK...YET

OKAY... Back to Lafayette St, St Joe, MO....April 1882

I'm Not Discounting James L. Courtney of Texas Yet, we just haven't caught up to him on our trip. We haven't decided and Can't Yet on Who Died on April 3rd 1882 in St Joe and Who Is Buried In James' Grave. Hmmmm

One Problem we will have is that JFD AND JLC were BOTH Allegedly in Texas at the same time. They Clearly Were Not One In The Same Person.

FACT: Prior To Social Security ANYONE could just wake up one day and decide to be someone else...without any paper trail. Back in the day, you didn't even pay some taxes that we do today. It was That easy to be some other name. Some people instead of choosing an Unknown Alias Name Chose to be a Legend and Use THAT Name, Which is why we have so many AKA: Jesse Woodson James originally from Missouri running around.

Jump In Anyone With Opinions or Information. I still would like anyone with information to post how JWJ's FEET Got Burned and When He Was Allegedly Hung, please.


FACT; Civil War Vets on BOTH SIDES were eligible for a pension, there were a lot of Confederate Soldiers Who Did Not Apply For or Ever Receive The Pension. They didn't for fear of retaliation from the North or because they were involved in KGC orrr They were the Original Founders of "The South Will Rise Again" and wanted to remain under the Radar. It's Impossible to Trace EVERYONE From The CW.... Unless of course your name is Lincoln, Grant, Lee or James.

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Hi Crosse,
Why do you think he was murdered on 04.03.1882?

You are more than welcome to share Any Info or Insights on your thoughts or documentation!

Where Do You Live?


Thanks for the VEVO link on Kansas' Wayward Son... They were better in person!

I think you started this thread back in 2014...Not Sure.

Anyway, I'm confused on not only the 1980's Kansas Band VEVO WAYWARD SON LINK, But also on your comments you posted after you said you believed he was killed April 3, 1882.

I like Kansas, Missouri, REO, Bob Segar, Journey etc and although a Vintage T-Shirt, Band Photo or Ticket Stub Thread would be cool, I'm Not getting the connection to Jesse W James at all. I think we all have access to YouTube to see old concert footage, courtesy of VEVO. Please let me know the connection.

Where Do You Live?

I RE-read your post and I'm not quite sure what you said....Except you believe he died 04-1882. What did the other stuff mean? I'm sorry, I could not decipher that. Please Explain.


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Never mind, you seem to have your minds made up,
and that's ok. Have fun, I'm done talking about it.

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Never mind, you seem to have your minds made up,
and that's ok. Have fun, I'm done talking about it.

Noooo, that's Not what we are doing here... Everyone Is Giving Input! There are too many stories for everyone to know all of them. I'm Not Coming In and Saying....I KNOW! Neither has anyone else that's participating.

I'd like to know YOUR REASON for being so Certain JWJ Died in St Joe On April 3rd, 1882.

Crosse, I glanced over at your avatar and short profile under that. Am I correct in Assuming you are of Native American Indian Decent?

If That's Correct...I'm Gonna Throw My Gray Hat In The Ring and Say That My Ancestors Fought and Died (not all) For The Confederacy. That Fact Though Has No Bearing On This Topic....We can play Blue, Gray and Red and Black later on in this thread.

It's Not Beyond The Realm Of Thought That During The Height Of The James/Younger Gang They Traveled Through or Possibly Hid Out In Areas That Were Sacred To or Inhabited By Indians, Just as it's Not Beyond The Realm of Thought That They Traveled Through and Hid Out With Southern Sympathizers...OR They Traveled Through and Robbed Northern Sympathizers either for themselves or to further the Southern Cause.

Let me get my Gray Hat back on for about TWO MINUTES! There were Huge Atrocities committed by Jim Lane (Union) Pinkerton Agents (Union) etal. Against Civilians In Southern Areas.. Thats why a lot of the Confederate Soldiers Did Not Apply For A Pension. They Were Not ALL Riding With Jesse James, Quantrill or Anderson. Unfortunately, the James Farm, Their Neighbors, Friends and Family were targeted by Pinkerton Agents and JWJ MOTHER was so severely hurt she had to have part of her arm amputated and his Half Brother, 9yr old Archie Samuels was Killed. Wouldn't that make ANYONE MAD! Call me cold but it would me!

Look at Modern Times...We send soldiers to the Middle East AFTER 911. How many have been killed or permanently wounded physically or mentally?....How Many Lost Their Lives Due To 911, Not Just That Day either...THEN...The USA goes over and Re-Builds The Countries That Attacked US!....Back To after the Civil War...Reconstruction Did Not Happen For The South By The North in Any Timely Fashion IF AT ALL! Look at the Alleged Robberies Allegedly(jeez) Committed By The James Gang in local to them areas...$12.00! Really?? There was No Work, NO Money. A lot of Southerners Bartered amongst themselves just to Survive. They Also Did Not and Do Not Trust Banks. They Did and Do Bury Valuables.

I Just Took Off My Gray Hat...

That's what This Discussion is About....We can't all take our balls and go home if someone posts information that isn't something we've heard of before. This is just to peel back the layers of the Onion, so to speak, to nail some things down...Not to throw the Baby Out With The Bathwater.

What State Does Your Spirit Live? What Areas Did Your Ancestors Inhabit?

Just say if it is Tribe or Family Documents or Lore or White World Documents or Lore. That's All.

Clearly You Are Interested In This Topic. I Think You started it...And you are posting Cryptic statements. My reason to jump on Now is to get it going as an Up To Date Discussion For Anyone To Contribute To. Communication with each other and to get otherwise unavailable information from people pertaining to their Specific Areas. I'm in MO-KS...Chances are I'm Not Going to be in Virginia or Brazil Tracking Jesse James. But thanks to these forums and people being willing to share info, I don't need to go to far off places to research. If someone asks me to check something or get a photo that I'm close to, I WILL.

Please Keep An Open Mind On This...We Have Just Started and I For One Am Not Going To Discount Anything or Anyone On This Topic Anytime Soon. So far Everyone Is Playing Nice and Is Enjoying Other Members Input. We Can All Keep It That Way.


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Why didn't you just start your own thread,
instead of dragging this old dead one up?

You revisit enough info and followers to start
a new thread. Though not really addressing on
original topic of this thread, dragging up every
thing else, but not the topic yet at all. Most of
this info is likely found on the internet, so it's
not really anything that's new, is it? Old Hash.

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Noooo, that's Not what we are doing here... Everyone Is Giving Input! There are too many stories for everyone to know all of them. I'm Not Coming In and Saying....I KNOW! Neither has anyone else that's participating.

I'd like to know YOUR REASON for being so Certain JWJ Died in St Joe On April 3rd, 1882.


Animosity is what sent this thread to the outhouse. Don't mind the smell, just keep on digging my new friend. The rest of us are enjoying the tour down memory lane. The best cold case solves were made by fresh detective work and new perspective. Looking forward to your insight. :icon_thumright:

And btw, I'm originally from the Cherokee Nation of OK, now the Cherokee Nation of NC. :hello:

:coffee2: Welcome to Tnet!

Why didn't you just start your own thread,
instead of dragging this old dead one up?

You revisit enough info and followers to start
a new thread. Though not really addressing on
original topic of this thread, dragging up every
thing else, but not the topic yet at all. Most of
this info is likely found on the internet, so it's
not really anything that's new, is it? Old Hash.

I'll tell you why I didn't start my own thread. You asked about JESSE JAMES TREASURES and Do They Exist. In order to get that answer you have to go back to the beginning. You have to listen to and get input from Many other people that are local to Specific areas that are otherwise not accessible online or to Outsiders. I don't know where you live but from where I come from NO STRANGER IS GONNA GET ANY CORRECT INFORMATION! PERIOD.

I read this thread you started in 2014 I Think...You started in the Middle. It's Not Even Agreed On Here Yet Who The REAL Jesse James was. What I have posted so far was Not On Here In Detail. I'm Not The Only One Who Has Information. I Haven't Even Started Yet With The Documentation. And I'll Bet You A Dollar To A Doughnut No One Else Here Has Either.

I Had My Opinion of JWJ UNTIL I read this thread. I was at Both Exhumations in MO. This has always facinated me. Later You will See Why.


A Member Here Contacted Me and Got Me Interested In It Again, Thanks To This Thread. It's That Simple.


There is information on this thread from members who as of yet have not joined in the recent conversations. If you go back and read a post I wrote...Sorry I can't remember the number, I say that I realize some of this has been posted but I'd like to pick up Now because I Don't Want To Have To Search Clear Back To 2014 For Information.

I Don't Want to Bring Back Bad Experiences For You. I wasn't participating in this back then.

I read it, posted about being at the exhumation and a member contacted me and peaked my interest again. I thought with all of the information and distances between All of us we could put All of our personal stories and documentation Here Now. It's Really That Simple Crosse. I would Greatly Appreciate You Deleting ALL OF YOUR SLANDEROUS COMMENTS ABOUT ME...NOW.

I don't know how the Moderators could weed out everything from 2014 and leave the pertinent Information. If They can I have No Problem Doing "A Back To The Future on Jesse James, PART ll" if the other posters agree. I'm Not The Only One Here.

Thanks In Advance For Deleting Your Comments About Me.


I don't think that JJ was murdered in 1882; I DO think that his "body doubles" faked being him (J. "Jesse" Frank Dalton was one) & HAD much INFO TO "SHARE" about KGC with some REAL "WHOPPERS". Read J. Frank Dalton's "book", and it DID "spur" my interest in JJ & KGC... It WAS "on-line" FREE, years ago. :icon_thumleft:
IMO, THAT book was full of information, misinformation, REAL "whoppers" (lies), misdirection, AND! Entertainment...
ANOTHER "body double" for JJ, was his cousin, Jeremiah "Jesse" Mason James (aka Tom Howard).

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Books that I have on JJ for R & I (Research & Investigation) are: THE COMPLETE & AUTHENTIC LIFE OF JESSE JAMES by Carl W. Breiban, JESSE JAMES' SECRET: CODES, COVER-UPS, & HIDDEN TREASURE by Pastore/Woods, JESSE JAMES & THE LOST TREASURES OF THE KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE and WHO KILLED JESSE JAMES BY Dr. Roy William Roush (Ph.D.); several OTHERS of Dr. Roush's books on the KGC, ALSO have chapters on JJ.

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There is information on this thread from members who as of yet have not joined in the recent conversations. If you go back and read a post I wrote...Sorry I can't remember the number, I say that I realize some of this has been posted but I'd like to pick up Now because I Don't Want To Have To Search Clear Back To 2014 For Information.

I Don't Want to Bring Back Bad Experiences For You. I wasn't participating in this back then.

I read it, posted about being at the exhumation and a member contacted me and peaked my interest again. I thought with all of the information and distances between All of us we could put All of our personal stories and documentation Here Now. It's Really That Simple Crosse. I would Greatly Appreciate You Deleting ALL OF YOUR SLANDEROUS COMMENTS ABOUT ME...NOW.

I don't know how the Moderators could weed out everything from 2014 and leave the pertinent Information. If They can I have No Problem Doing "A Back To The Future on Jesse James, PART ll" if the other posters agree. I'm Not The Only One Here.

Thanks In Advance For Deleting Your Comments About Me.


There have been some that did come on here,
with good info, & a positive attitude, & it was
enjoyable back while it was...Then there also
are some that are only too happy to try and
be offensive, with blatant disregards. You've
been recently contacted on this thread by 2
those antagonists, who seems enjoy trying
be causing strife, for their own pleasures.

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Kace, Let it die and start your own thread, ok?
What good is there in resurrecting an old ghost,
that has been willfully dead an gone long enough.
Who would do this, and who are you really? Surely
no one even knows. A master of disguises, maybe.

You Better Delete That About ME and Quit Slandering ME. NOW!

I Told You IF THE MODS Can figure out how to get rid of whatever bothered you and keep the pertinent Info...I'll Do That, IF the other participants in this Thread Agree. IF I would of had any idea this would be an issue I would of started a New Thread...I didn't know that.

Why didn't you ask them to close it to new posts Waaaay Back When and then I would of Never Posted On It? I do want you to know that No One Has Even Mentioned Your Name, since I've started posting things...No one is hurting you here.

Go back through EVERYTHING That You Have Said About Me That's Accusing or Slanderous And Delete It NOW.


There have been some that did come on here,
with good info, & a positive attitude, & it was
enjoyable back while it was...Then there also
are some that are only too happy to try and
be offensive, with blatant disregards. You've
been recently contacted on this thread by 2
those antagonists, who seems enjoy trying
be causing strife, for their own pleasures.

The Weird Thing Is Crosse...YOU are the Only Person Who Has Attacked ME. These other people that are participating have been great to me and to each other.

You Don't Know Anything About Me, We Have Never Crossed Paths Here And Yet You Come Back Mad. If you were so hurt why are you following this thread? Or Taking Shots At Me? Find One Thing I've Ever Said To You Before Today....Today it was replies to your comments but I for sure didn't slander you.

Again, Please Delete Anything That Has My Name Attached To It...Even Your Innuendos. NOW


Books that I have on JJ for R & I (Research & Investigation) are: THE COMPLETE & AUTHENTIC LIFE OF JESSE JAMES by Carl W. Breiban, JESSE JAMES' SECRET: CODES, COVER-UPS, & HIDDEN TREASURE by Pastore/Woods, JESSE JAMES & THE LOST TREASURES OF THE KNIGHTS OF THE GOLDEN CIRCLE and WHO KILLED JESSE JAMES BY Dr. Roy William Roush (Ph.D.); several OTHERS of Dr. Roush's books on the KGC, ALSO have chapters on JJ.

Hey Reb,
Do you recommend all of that material for research or is there a couple you really like? Thanks For Posting That Info!

I screen shot it.

You Better Delete That About ME and Quit Slandering ME. NOW!

I Told You IF THE MODS Can figure out how to get rid of whatever bothered you and keep the pertinent Info...I'll Do That, IF the other participants in this Thread Agree. IF I would of had any idea this would be an issue I would of started a New Thread...I didn't know that.

Why didn't you ask them to close it to new posts Waaaay Back When and then I would of Never Posted On It? I do want you to know that No One Has Even Mentioned Your Name, since I've started posting things...No one is hurting you here.

Go back through EVERYTHING That You Have Said About Me That's Accusing or Slanderous And Delete It NOW.


You told me, Hahaha. :laughing7: I DID ask for it to be closed. I even asked for
more than that, but was refused... Slanderous, tell me what might that be?
Isn't a disguise, pretty much the same as having a disguised user name?

Well you can do what you want to, unless this thread is locked.
Maybe doubtful, since it's getting views, but this is not a negotiation.
You will do what you will, just like everyone else, making their decisions.
It would suit me, for it to get locked & let them ghosts rest, like Jesse James.

You know now, so why not just be nice, & let it go.
I have talked to you, asked you but show me an attack.
I will ask for it to be locked, & we'll see what happens. 8-)

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Pierre weekly free press. (Pierre, S.D.), 18 June 1908.


Pierre weekly free press. (Pierre, S.D.) 1889-19??, June 18, 1908, Image 7 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress

I take that as a NO! lol. :tongue3:
Looks like more good material for a new thread.
Well, I asked... But politics rule I reckon, Or?
Maybe Revenge...

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