Jesse James Treasures: Do They Likely Still Exist?

JJ lost half of his finger, as a boy; MAY be why hand was covered up... dunno.

EXACTLY REB!! Look at the pic of Young Jesse and Frank...You can kinda see that he is missing part of his finger on his left hand. I'll post some more pics later and take a look at them.

Also, look at his Hairline in Known, Undisputed Photos...Then Look At The Allleged Death Photo. I Highly Doubt Hair Plugs or Weaves Were All The Rage at that time!

Also, Look At The Eye Spacing and Eye Brows in Both Photos.

Look At Build..Of Course People Gain Weight or Lose Weight But Note Ears, Shoulder Slanting, Nose etc. The Man Was Supposedly Propped Up and Tied To A Board In The Standind Position For The Death Photo Very Soon After Being Shot. NO Embalming, So No Manual or Post-Mortem Positioning. By All accounts JJ projected a business type persona in the months leading up to the shooting...That's a pretty thick and Eye Catching Beard he is Sporting for a Missouri April. Disguise?? Harder to Recongnize with it? Good Chance. That Beard has been growing awhile. AFJ grew a long beard in his later life...when I say later, I mean Much Later. I'll post a pic of him soon.

What I remember reading about JJ; he was missing the top half of his index finger on his LEFT hand...

What I remember reading about JJ; he was missing the top half of his index finger on his LEFT hand...

Reb...That's Perfect....I Always "Thought I Read" that it was From the Knuckle Up on His MIDDLE Finger... LEFT HAND. So you and I are in agreement on LEFT HAND. FINGER IS IN QUESTION?? ANYONE ELSE Have Pictures or Memories of something different? Thinking the same as either Reb or I? Doesn't matter who.

There are photos in a book I know showing his left hand. I could of remembered wrong. The specific book I'm referring to I checked out several times for school from the LSMO library as a kid-teenager about Outlaws of the South or Something like that. It showed a lot of pictures of Dead Outlaws in situ and Caskets. (Pine Boxes) Along with the Bio of Each. I'll try and find it again at the library for reference.

Thanks Reb!

Yeah... I have several book on him, too. "The finger" is indeed the question; "JJ" could simply hide his left hand, or others, who "posed" him in death... AND! As far as I know, Frank Dalton had ALL his digits...

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You are correct; per "Post" # 256, young Jesse has FULL index finger of left hand; a "STUMP" above the knuckle of middle finger of LEFT hand... GREAT "catch"! :icon_thumleft: THAT is the REAL JJ; all others are FAKES!

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Okay, It Did.
On The Pictures I Post Please Keep An Eye On The Spelling Of JESSE.

I'll also point out what I THINK are DISCREPANCIES on the Pics and Documents I POST! PLEASE FEEL FREE TO COMMENT EITHER WAY. This is a discussion and maybe a way to nail some things down. All Information Is Welcome. Please State If It's Family Stories, Locale Info, Documents That Are Authenticated etc. Anyway that you have obtained them please post. We have Tneter's that are active on this thread from TEXAS-VIRGINIA-WEST VIRGINIA-NEBRASKA and I'm Holding Down MISSOURI and KANSAS! Anyone else joining this thread with pertinent info, Please Post Your Location. Thanks.

Jesse Woodson James and Alexander Franklin James. Jesse is on the Left. Please Note His Facial Structure and Hairline.

View attachment 1493591

I have a question. Frank and Jesse, did they part their hair on their right side? Most men part their hair on the left side. I believe those photographs are reverse negatives just like Billy the Kids that sold for over a million dollars. Everyone thought Billy was left handed until someone pointed out about his rifle being reversed then they realized that he was left handed.

In that photo of Frank and Jesse James they were giving the KGC salute with their left hand towards or over the heart. Or is that their right hand and their hair is just parted on the wrong side?

Also if you notice their shirts are buttoned on the wrong side. A negative and that is a fact. Jesse and Frank James were KGC and this photograph proves it.

I sure wish I had the original of that photograph. There should be something written on their hands. Telling something of the KGC and maybe where a large treasure is buried.

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With all the treasure hunter seeking all Jesse treasures, most if not all I am sure had found it. Keep looking.

Please keep the pictures and commentary going.
I am enjoying it.

Thanks W and SS, Jump in Anytime...Both of You, With Any Pictures, Information, Observation Or Memories You Have. I have Plenty of Pictures. lol! And some information that I'd like to bounce off you guys. I'm Very Open Minded and Curious About Jesse and Frank James, The Younger Brothers and their History, Civil War, KGC etc. Just because I post something doesn't necessarily mean that I believe everything about what I post on this thread without a doubt. I'm putting stuff out there for discussion and information. I'm going to say what it is FOR SURE, NEVER CONTESTED BY ANYONE or ALLEGEDLY. Then we can all chime in and pool our Information.

Does Anyone Care If Cole Younger and Family Are Discussed Here?

Does Anyone Care if KGC/OAK Is Discussed Here?

Does Anyone Care If the Civil War Is Discussed Here?

Does Anyone Care If Possible Markers, Hideouts or Casches are Discussed Here?

I know it's all been discussed previously but it's so spread out that it's difficult to go back and check every post. I think it's a good idea to do it again now. I have stuff to add Now I'm Sure Others Do Too and I know I don't want to go back to post 15 from 2014 or whatever and reply to that.

I was at the Missouri exhumations of JWJ at the James Farm and Mt Olivet Cemetery in '78 and '95 as were others.
Several were there claiming to be Descendants of JWJ and/or the James Family. The way it was said was that All Parties Claiming To Be Descendants of JESSE WOODSON JAMES HAD AGREED TO THE EXHUMATION and ALL PARTIES WERE REPRESENTED THAT DAY. Now, that didn't necessarily mean that All claiming to be descendants were there personally only that either they or someone representing them were there. I will say, as everyone knows, there have been MANY PEOPLE Either Claiming To Be Jesse W. James or Claiming to be Descendants of JWJ And these claims have been Very Hotly and Aggressively Debated To The Point Of Hatred And Trying To Discredit Anyone Who Has An Opposing Claim.


NOW! As to Frank Dalton, as JJ; FD's body was examined & here is what was found... "32 healed bullet wounds from Dalton's forehead to his knees, a rope burn scar on his neck, healed wounds on both feet, and A MISSING END TO HIS INDEX FINGER." It was concluded that it was Jesse Woodson James. "Google" Unsolved Mystery? Jesse James' Grave-site. HH! Good Luck!

Hi Crosse,
Why do you think he was murdered on 04.03.1882?

You are more than welcome to share Any Info or Insights on your thoughts or documentation!

Where Do You Live?


NOW! As to Frank Dalton, as JJ; FD's body was examined & here is what was found... "32 healed bullet wounds from Dalton's forehead to his knees, a rope burn scar on his neck, healed wounds on both feet, and A MISSING END TO HIS INDEX FINGER." It was concluded that it was Jesse Woodson James. "Google" Unsolved Mystery? Jesse James' Grave-site. HH! Good Luck!

Hey Reb, I'm reading the Reports on JFD now to refresh my memory.

I'm also researching to refresh my memory the mtDNA from '95. There was a man involved with the exhumation in Clay County, MO that supposedly said to two people including BETTY DORCETT DUKE that the Hair Sample Remains Taken from the exhumation were either his, his boss or a colleagues that were tested. I'll find out for sure what he said and post the report here. It was big news here at the time...However this guy waited until the statute of limitations had expired so HE could not be prosecuted and he had been in trouble with the county so "Believed By Most To Be A Case Of Retaliation Against Those Who He Believed Wronged Him". It's also believed that He was promised some form of payment from BDD. Ill post that on here too. You guys can read it and draw your own conclusions and post them here.

My problem with him is if he really wanted the truth, Why wait til HE was in the Clear? He could of Easily said his job was threatened and No Charges Filed. The Exhumation of Jesse James was Huge News. Everywhere. They would have retested and decided if it was indeed JWJ or Them. They were both alive and could of been compared. Didn't Happen. The James Farm Curators Did Not Oppose That.

Right off the bat, the problems that I've Always Had with JFD is WAY BEFORE he claimed to be JWJ is that He Claimed to Be John ? Dalton, The older brother lawman of the Outlaw Dalton Brothers Gang. As soon as it was proven he was lying he claimed to be Jesse Woodson James. Next is that in 1948-'49 I believe (I'll Check Dates and Post Reports) Lester B. Dill Founder/Owner of Meramac Caverns and his Son in law Rudy ?? Who was GM Of MC claimed that they had found an 'Unknown Room' in the Cave that was used by the James Gang.

For our discussion on this thread I am going to put this out of my mind and not be swayed by it. I am only going to say it because I want us to all have the same information and be on the same page.
Dill, first off was a World Class Promoter...Carnival Barker and Always had some Wild Claims About Something to attract visitors to MC. Located on Route 66 in MO. HIS WHOLE FAMILY LIVED THERE. He was one of-or the first-to put Bumper Stickers on Cars. His were Advertising MC. Rudy who was from NYC decided to bring JFD to MC as Jesse James to attract Visitors. He was paid and given a home on that property. Rudy took him to have his name legally changed and the a Judge said, You Are Not Legally J. Frank Dalton So How Can You Change A Name You Never Legally Had. Dismissed. He Could Not Prove In Any Way He Was JWJ or JFD. These are just highlights. Once I post the records you guys read them and we can discuss them. Like I said, I'm going to put Lester and Rudy Out Of My Head for this discussion. Just because of what they had a track record of doing, I'm Not going to let it cloud my judgement on these discussions. Sounds like Jury Duty, huh? lol!

Question: Where Did The Burns On the Bottom of Jesse W James' FEET Supposedly Come From?

Where was he Supposedly Hung?

Do You Guys Want To Do A Vote On Who You Think The Real Jesse James Was After We Get All The Information On Here?

You Have To Say Why You Voted The Way You Did and What Piece of Information Convinced You.

We are Going Back 135yrs to the Night of April 3rd,! FUN!

More Pics and Reports To Follow.

Keep Them Coming Guys!

Just because I live in MO close to the James Family Farm doesn't mean I'm Swayed One Way or Another Yet. I'm still going to keep an open mind to all of the information that is posted here on the thread.


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