Rebel - KGC
Platinum Member
HH! Good Luck! Alberta Clipper up there... Brrrrrrrrrr!
Hi Crosse. Have just read this entire thread and would like to make some comments. I'll start with the story my Grandad told to me, given to him by his Grandad.
"It was Threshing Time but wet so the old men were at the Shawnee Mound,MO. store sitting around the stove and tellin lies. They knew something was wrong when 2 men rode up, one on a black and one on a Grey. When they dismounted they just threw the reins over the hitching post, they didn't tie off. The second man through the door pulled 2 pistols and told everyone to just stay seated. The first man went behind the counter to the cash box (a cigar box) and after looking inside said "Hell, nothin here but chicken feed" and put it back under the counter. He then went to the twist tobacco that came in 3 foot lengths and cut a couple of chunks off. He then went to the door and said "All we wanted was some tobacco. You count to 100 before you get up". They then rode north. They sat there a long time before anyone even said anything and that was "I'll bet that was the James Boys.""
My point is if you got robbed in those days it made the story better if it was "The James Boys". I'm not sure that I'd rather have what was stolen in their names than what they ever took themselves.
My next door neighbor rode the train between Kearney and Carney, MO. when she was a little girl and Jesse's Mother was on it. When the Conductor came through collecting tickets she said "I don't have a ticket. Don't you know who I am? I'm Jesse James Mother, I don't buy tickets". My neighbor didn't know if she rode for free or if the Conductor paid the fare. Zelda sold rocks off Jesse's grave, then went to the creek to get more and put on the grave for later sale. Frank and Cole Younger traveled in a Wild West Show near the end of their lives. If they had great wealth buried why did they work or Zelda sell rocks?
I did Land Survey work on a Corp. of Engineer Lake in mid 70's. We had to relocate the Section Corners on 156 Sections. (Land here is layed out in "sections" each 1 mile by 1 mile). The original Survey was done 1835-1845. Most corners were marked with a stone. A "Blaze" or "Branded" (Witness Tree) tree was also at these corners. A tree near the section corner had the bark carefully removed in a large (perhaps a foot by foot ) area facing the corner and a measurement taken to the tree. The "blazed" area was also "branded" (like livestock). This was done to help locate the corner at a later date. Of nearly 1000 corners either recovered (we found about 2% of the org. stones) or replaced, we only found one Witness Tree and 2 depressions in the ground at the proper distance where a tree might have grown/died/rotted. Most of the Witness Trees were Oak. The one we found was Oak. The blaze had grown over and left a knot or scar and when the tree was cut down to examine the blaze area (the tree would have been covered by the lake) the new bark was removed to show the blaze underneath. I don't know growth rate of tree's but take a grain of salt with any "signs" on trees being 130 yr's old.
The stone markings with the J J or the back to back facing away markings might date to that era. They might also be John Johnson. Or kids playing Jesse James and doing the marks like "Kilroy was here" or "Who is John Gault" of different era's.
I think the "Traveling Banks" are probably real and may be more of them.
Cole Younger didn't ride in the Partisan Rangers with Jesse. He did with Frank but was gone doing other things by the time Jesse showed up.
It cost a lot to be in their business. They ALWAYS had the BEST horses. They had lots of help, lots of family,lots of friends. Some kin were fair to do.
Have enjoyed this thread and wish luck to any who are looking. Hope ya find a big one, one coin at a time.
In Lynchburg, Va., 1882... Frank James was here with his family; HE was known as James Ed Warren. Even the L'burg Sheriff knew who he was...
James Frank Dalton was JJ's cousin, AND! ONE of his "doubles"... THAT is why, he KNEW so much!
Hi Kace. I don't know about the Carney,MO. Never looked at map until you brought it up. I took the tale at face value and Mrs. Ham has been gone for 25 yrs. but I've always remembered it as Carney. She traveled between the towns as a small girl on the train and it always seemed to me to be a short distance,10-12 miles. Might have been a local name like North,MO. that was on the RR between Clinton and Deepwater,MO. You'll have a hard time finding that too.
Yes to Shawnee Mound in Henry Co. and yes to the COE work on Truman Lake.
IDK how we can have so many things named the same. There is a Mount Zion in Henry CO. and another in south central MO. and a Ladue in Henry CO. and another near St. Louis.