Cactusjumper wrote
Personally, I am convinced this is the location of the LDM.
Well without a sample of the ore to compare with the specimens from Waltz, I remain un-convinced - sorry amigo but this is not the only catch on this site. The mines of that district are pretty much more silver producers than gold, and of a different type deposit than what Waltz's ore appears to be. Isn't this the same mine Feldman "fictionally" discovered and indicates as the LDM? Personally, it wouldn't make a big difference whether a rich gold mine is called the LDM or the black hole of Calcutta, and suspect that Mr Feldman feels very much the same. However until that elusive ore sample can be compared by a geologist - no cigar yet. You have indicated previously that an ore sample is not forthcoming, but it should be possible to find a piece either in the mine itself or on the waste dump nearby.
Santa Fe NM wrote
Fingerprints of the Gods GEOGLYPHS
Are you saying that Jacob Waltz carved gigantic geoglyphs on the Earth, to mark his mine? That just doesn't make any sense.
Think about it.
Ashton Page wrote
All - Holmes is a puzzler. There many problems with the manuscript, not the least of which is the length and amount of detail contained in the death bed confession. I don’t see how anyone could remember that many details, having only heard it once and considering the charged atmosphere in which it was received (hope that makes sense).
The question is whether we have the “real” Holmes account or not. It gets deeper than that because if you read the “death bed confession” …….. well, it kinda sounds like Old Jake is having a bit of fun with Dick Holmes. Things like “there’s no one I’d rather see find it than you” just smacks of a con-line if I ever heard one. But that could have been inserted after the fact to justify accusations of Dick ending up with the ore from under Jake’s bed. Or it might have been put in there to justify a sense of entitlement by a later DH’er.
But the kicker that makes me want to look at Holmes despite all the issues with his manuscript is that Dick spent his entire life searching, as did his son, and now a friend of his son. Holmes must have known something beyond the local gossip which caused them to search for so long.
There is reason to doubt the Holmes manuscript wholesale - for
Brownie Holmes himself disowned it. It appears that the manuscript did not even originate with anyone in the Holmes family. There are falsehoods in it as well, that are demonstrable. I put
no trust in it at all.
Blindbowman wrote
CJ ted had no idea what was coded in the tayopa letter . so how could he have made the stones ,, ..?
Did Jacob Waltz ever state that he made or used any stone maps to find or return to his mine? There are other threads focused on the Peralta Stones, but as far as I know Jacob Waltz nor his partner Weiser ever mentioned any kind of stone maps at all. In fact Weiser's map was on hide, not stone.
Santa Fe NM wrote
"rock hounding" How Bout Rock Poaching
How do you "poach" a rock? Do you drop it in boiling water? Learn the language of prospecting if you are going to hunt for lost mines amigo - terms like claim jumping, highgrading, sniping (and I don't mean firing a rifle at someone from concealment) etc; "poaching" really relates to HUNTING GAME or a method of cooking eggs, not rockhounding or gold mining.
Santa Fe NM also wrote
Scott Wood Was The second Person Notified After My Best friend Jim Hatt was notified July 4th of 2009 last year. So thanks, but it was covered in the early begining which is really cool. If gold profits, or profits, of any type are gained, by "anyone" from my discovery, that is and would be fantastic, however that has obviously never been important to me, and has really not been my agenda, rather, as I have stated many times. John V. Kemm Quoted:
"This Is Not Just About Gold." This is not just about gold. This is about solving the lost dutchman and the peralta maps The gold would be great but solving the puzzle is the real treasure And even greater Sharing that Treasure with the entire world.
Thanks for your Advise "it is" in good intention. Sincerely John V. Kemm
I see that Jim Hatt you list as your best friend? Does he feel the same way about you? I have to respectfully disagree on part of what you said also,
this topic is not about the Peralta stones, as mentioned above, there are other threads focused on them. Try this one;,41448.0.html
Waltz never mentioned any stone maps, and I see no evidence that he even knew they existed. Therefore, he was able to locate the mine and go to it, and return from it, without ever expending a single moment of time with any kind of stone map. They are NOT necessary to find the Lost Dutchman amigo, sorry!
Ashton Page also wrote
To be honest, I wouldn’t expect anybody who actually found the LDM to tell me where it is. But they might be willing to drop clues from time to time……. Now that’s interesting, isn’t it?
Well several people here have claimed to have found the LDM, though without a single flake of gold it appears which is pretty odd since it was a gold mine after all. I keep hoping that someone will come up with a matching specimen of that gold ore, but so far despite numerous claims,
NO GOLD. I don't know why that is, but there we have it.
